Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!


Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.

Look closely. Franken isn't actually making contact. Think about it. He didn't actually touch her, because he didn't want to wake her up. He had somebody take the photo making it look like he was touching her.

Why would he do that? Oh, did you know he made his living from comedy.
Anyone checking some interviews and "book" Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken did? What total garbage!
Here is total garbage the Supreme Court ...yes Clarence Thomas is Garbage all called her a "Tramp Slut" for speaking out...
Hey heterosexual guys and non cuckolds

Let's put the wife/girl friend/daughter test to it

Would it be staged, funny and thus OK for a guy to do that to your wife, girlfriend or daughter?

Maybe addled liberals will shut up now?
Spin and twist all you want, the photo speaks for itself and even Dem's have condemned perv Franken.
The photo does sp[eak for itself it just does not say what you are saying

This says it all though about Donald Trump:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.

there is no explanation. they keep saying it was a joke. what the fk is the joke?

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.
Pretty amazing isn't it ?
i once thought there'd be a way to forgive demolosers, now I know I can't. pure evil still stands.
Hey heterosexual guys and non cuckolds

Let's put the wife/girl friend/daughter test to it

Would it be staged, funny and thus OK for a guy to do that to your wife, girlfriend or daughter?

Maybe addled liberals will shut up now?
well shit these nutjobs were ok with a man entering a woman's restroom to relieve himself in front of little girls. so we know the answer and why they don't see anything wrong.
1. There aren't many politicians more hated by the left than Roy Moore.

2. Moore was elected times to elective office, and these reports about him never surfaced.

3. More took on the left while fighting to protect the 10 commandments in public places which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

4. More took on the left during the gay marriage debate which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

Prior to this, he wasn't on a national stage. this is a national stage. Before this, he was that fool who kept getting fired for trying to put the Ten Commandments in the Courts...

IOW, he was a national figure. Notice that you knew who he was and you don't live in Ala.

Lol, the 10 commandments and gay marriage were’nt national.........

What a stooge joe is.
Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.


The photo was staged. You can see from the shadow under his fingers, he wasn't even making contact.
No you cannot see that

Look closely, the vest isn't even wrinkled from pressure being applied to it.
still defending the indefensible. wow.
Franken gropes a woman's breasts while she sleeps, shoves his creepy tongue in her mouth, liberals defend him.


The photo was staged. You can see from the shadow under his fingers, he wasn't even making contact.
No you cannot see that

Look closely, the vest isn't even wrinkled from pressure being applied to it.

It’s a still photo dope. 1/2 a second later? maybe that photo was destroyed?

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.

Look closely. Franken isn't actually making contact. Think about it. He didn't actually touch her, because he didn't want to wake her up. He had somebody take the photo making it look like he was touching her.

Why would he do that? Oh, did you know he made his living from comedy.

Its not me you have to convince, its women voters, good luck with that.
Hey heterosexual guys and non cuckolds

Let's put the wife/girl friend/daughter test to it

Would it be staged, funny and thus OK for a guy to do that to your wife, girlfriend or daughter?

Maybe addled liberals will shut up now?

Let's see, somebody stages a photograph where it looks like (but he actually isn't) touching my wife. How do I take that? Like the joke it was intended.

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.

Look closely. Franken isn't actually making contact. Think about it. He didn't actually touch her, because he didn't want to wake her up. He had somebody take the photo making it look like he was touching her.

Why would he do that? Oh, did you know he made his living from comedy.

Its not me you have to convince, its women voters, good luck with that.
and feminsts are all about victimhood status for women. so they will see this and say ahhh isn't that funny. regular women will see him as a predator. that's what I see. they've convinced me.
Hey heterosexual guys and non cuckolds

Let's put the wife/girl friend/daughter test to it

Would it be staged, funny and thus OK for a guy to do that to your wife, girlfriend or daughter?

Maybe addled liberals will shut up now?

Let's see, somebody stages a photograph where it looks like (but he actually isn't) touching my wife. How do I take that? Like the joke it was intended.
what is the intended joke? why can't you let us in on the joke?
Hey heterosexual guys and non cuckolds

Let's put the wife/girl friend/daughter test to it

Would it be staged, funny and thus OK for a guy to do that to your wife, girlfriend or daughter?

Maybe addled liberals will shut up now?

Let's see, somebody stages a photograph where it looks like (but he actually isn't) touching my wife. How do I take that? Like the joke it was intended.
My criteria was that cuckolds need not respond and if you are telling me that a guy moved onto or within 0.5" of your wife's breast and you would merely find it funny I am emphatically stating that you are a liar, unmarried or all of the above

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.

Look closely. Franken isn't actually making contact. Think about it. He didn't actually touch her, because he didn't want to wake her up. He had somebody take the photo making it look like he was touching her.

Why would he do that? Oh, did you know he made his living from comedy.

Its not me you have to convince, its women voters, good luck with that.

The woman in the photo ( I assume she votes) says she forgives him, and doesn't want Franken to resign.
Look closely, the vest isn't even wrinkled from pressure being applied to it.

It’s a still photo dope. 1/2 a second later? maybe that photo was destroyed?

You're speculating about a staged photo? From a person who made his living staging funny actions.
what is funny about it? let us in on the joke.
Joking is s sentiment that matches to the liberal mantra of being feelings dominated
The facts are in the photo but Libs can't handle facts

Its okay to grope women's breasts if the man thinks its funny to grope women's breasts? I know liberals are retarded but come on.

Look closely. Franken isn't actually making contact. Think about it. He didn't actually touch her, because he didn't want to wake her up. He had somebody take the photo making it look like he was touching her.

Why would he do that? Oh, did you know he made his living from comedy.

Its not me you have to convince, its women voters, good luck with that.

The woman in the photo ( I assume she votes) says she forgives him, and doesn't want Franken to resign.
that isn't what she said at all. shit can't you fks get anything right?

She said she didn't see a reason for him to resign unless there is another woman that comes forward. fk I hate flat out lying.

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