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Next Year in Jerusalem!

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

What is the meaning of, "Next year in Jerusalem?" Have you ever thought about it? A dear friend of mine who is a 95 year old published author recently sent me this letter. With his permission, I have decided to use it as the centerpiece of my Op-ed.

Here is his story:

When I was a little boy, about 11 years old and 50 pounds, I took mandolin lessons from a Mr. Crabtree who lived on uptown King Street, Charleston, S.C., more than a mile from our home downtown at various places but all south of Market street. For pocket change in those days I sold newspapers and sometimes magazine subscriptions. I could buy newspapers hot off the press on Queen Street east of Meeting, two for a nickel and sell them for five cents each. After a while, the press went up on the price to me, a straight three cents each, and that cut into my profit, but I survived the inflation.

Dad paid for the mandolin lessons, but it was up to me to make my way to Mr. Crabtree's house, more than a mile from home - at various places but all on King Street, south of Market Street. I could take a Belt Line trolley for 3 cents, but I preferred to trudge my way with my mandolin in a case up King Street and save the six cents, coming and going.

I don't recall exactly how it happened, but I made friends with a Mr. Pyrtownsky, who operated a retail establishment - no, not a pawn shop - on upper King Street. Every day I would stop in to talk with Mr. Prytownsky, and every day, when I left his shop he would say "next year in Jerusalem." Imagine that! That was the year 1932, 16 years before the re-founding of the State of Israel in 1948, a little even before the beginning of the rise of Adolph Hitler.

Imagine that! For 2,000 years the Jews had been removed from Jerusalem, and at that time, 1932, there was no realistic hope that they would ever return to Jerusalem, but it remained there for the 2,000 years in their hearts: "Next year in Jerusalem.”

For 2,000 years, although the Jews were physically driven from Jerusalem, it remained in their hearts and they vowed to return: "Next year in Jerusalem."

Israel was re-founded upon its ancient lands in 1948, and the Jews took no nonsense in their language, "Jerusalem, the eternal, undivided capitol of Israel." All of Jerusalem is part of Israel; others may live there in safety and freedom, but no other people may claim it as part of their homeland.

If the so-called "Palestinians" want to found a nation, they will have to look elsewhere for their capitol. What is it they wish for? Only this - a base from which to wage their war upon the Jews for the land.

This is the meaning of, "Next Year in Jerusalem."

My mentor and friend once told me, "Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz." There can be no price, too high to pay, to hold onto her.

How true!

The Jews living in Israel do not take for granted the prayers, the tears, the incomprehensible suffering and genocide of their ancestors, which paved the way for the ground upon which they stand today.

To the Jews living in America, Europe and throughout the world, Do not forget to remind your children:

"Next Year in Jerusalem!”
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Why location of U.S. embassy in Israel matters...

Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? What’s at stake in the decision to move the U.S. Embassy
February 14, 2017 – Amid conflicting signals from the Trump administration about plans to relocate the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Palestinian officials warn that the move could doom peace talks and end hope for a two-state solution in the region. But the Israeli government, which considers Jerusalem the united capital of the Jewish state, is pushing for the move.
The embassy in Tel Aviv, approximately 45 miles from Jerusalem, is the only American embassy not located in a nation-state’s declared capital city. The United States does not officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Changing that policy would complicate relations with Arab nations and with Palestinians, who still hope to move their future capital to East Jerusalem.

Jerusalem also holds significance for the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Palestinians, who include both Muslims and Christians, believe they have both religious and historical claims on the city. If the Trump administration breaks with long-standing American policy and moves the embassy — as Trump promised to do during the campaign — Palestinians believe there will have no hope of being recognized as a nation-state.


The front of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv​

After the United States and the United Nations recognized Israel as a nation-state in May 1948, the United Nations made Jerusalem an international city, recognizing its cultural and religious importance to Muslims, Jews and Christians alike. From 1949 to 1967, the eastern, primarily Palestinian part of the city was under Jordanian control, while Israel held the western part. In the Six-Day War that year, Israel captured and annexed the eastern half, subsequently proclaiming the united city as its undivided capital.

But the international community mostly refused to recognize those claims, and most foreign embassies, including that of the United States, remained in Tel Aviv. In 1995, Congress passed a bill requiring that the embassy move to Jerusalem, but the bill allowed for the move to be delayed through a national security waiver. Every U.S. president since, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, has invoked the waiver.

During negotiations with Palestinians, Israel and the United States, the status of Jerusalem has been a major stumbling block. Over time, the Israeli government has also expanded settlements in East Jerusalem. They are considered illegal under international law and illegitimate under current U.S. policy.

Who supports moving the embassy?
Islam isn't a religion, and 'Palestinians' aren't a people, so those are a non-issue and not relevant to anything. Pandering to these lies does nothing to promote peace, it only encourages even more violence and shakedowns from a vermin bandit culture that only exists via antisemitic UN policies and welfare handouts, extorted at that. the longer the lies are pandered to, the longer the violence and extortions last, it's that simple.
Islam IS a religion. I keep hearing that from conservatives. It does no good avoiding the reality of Satan's most visible religion on earth.

What is the meaning of, "Next year in Jerusalem?" Have you ever thought about it? A dear friend of mine who is a 95 year old published author recently sent me this letter. With his permission, I have decided to use it as the centerpiece of my Op-ed.

Here is his story:

When I was a little boy, about 11 years old and 50 pounds, I took mandolin lessons from a Mr. Crabtree who lived on uptown King Street, Charleston, S.C., more than a mile from our home downtown at various places but all south of Market street. For pocket change in those days I sold newspapers and sometimes magazine subscriptions. I could buy newspapers hot off the press on Queen Street east of Meeting, two for a nickel and sell them for five cents each. After a while, the press went up on the price to me, a straight three cents each, and that cut into my profit, but I survived the inflation.

Dad paid for the mandolin lessons, but it was up to me to make my way to Mr. Crabtree's house, more than a mile from home - at various places but all on King Street, south of Market Street. I could take a Belt Line trolley for 3 cents, but I preferred to trudge my way with my mandolin in a case up King Street and save the six cents, coming and going.

I don't recall exactly how it happened, but I made friends with a Mr. Pyrtownsky, who operated a retail establishment - no, not a pawn shop - on upper King Street. Every day I would stop in to talk with Mr. Prytownsky, and every day, when I left his shop he would say "next year in Jerusalem." Imagine that! That was the year 1932, 16 years before the re-founding of the State of Israel in 1948, a little even before the beginning of the rise of Adolph Hitler.

Imagine that! For 2,000 years the Jews had been removed from Jerusalem, and at that time, 1932, there was no realistic hope that they would ever return to Jerusalem, but it remained there for the 2,000 years in their hearts: "Next year in Jerusalem.”

For 2,000 years, although the Jews were physically driven from Jerusalem, it remained in their hearts and they vowed to return: "Next year in Jerusalem."

Israel was re-founded upon its ancient lands in 1948, and the Jews took no nonsense in their language, "Jerusalem, the eternal, undivided capitol of Israel." All of Jerusalem is part of Israel; others may live there in safety and freedom, but no other people may claim it as part of their homeland.

If the so-called "Palestinians" want to found a nation, they will have to look elsewhere for their capitol. What is it they wish for? Only this - a base from which to wage their war upon the Jews for the land.

This is the meaning of, "Next Year in Jerusalem."

My mentor and friend once told me, "Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz." There can be no price, too high to pay, to hold onto her.

How true!

The Jews living in Israel do not take for granted the prayers, the tears, the incomprehensible suffering and genocide of their ancestors, which paved the way for the ground upon which they stand today.

To the Jews living in America, Europe and throughout the world, Do not forget to remind your children:

"Next Year in Jerusalem!”
Most Jews aren't serious. It's a MEANINGLESS slogan. They find too much comfort living among the Gentiles (and the Lost Tribes of U.S. Britain and NW Europe).

So many problems would be solved for the Jews currently living there if more Jews living elsewhere took than slogan seriously.

Another Holocaust is coming. I guess that's what it's gonna take to stir them/us (the other Tribes) up. Not just for the Jews, but for the other Tribes as well. Jesus called it "the time of the Gentiles." and "The Time of JACOB'S Trouble." It is the Great Tribulation. Satan will vent his wrath against ALL the Tribes -- not just the Jews.

We are entering that time NOW.
I've known what it meant since I was a child. The term displays the Jewish people's deep ties to the land from which they came.

What actually happened is that with the advent of Zionism in the latter part of the 19th century, Jewish entrepreneurs began purchasing land from the Ottomans and started to develop the land. As more and more economic development ensued, an immigration of Arabs followed that added to the existing population of nomadic Arabs that lived on, but did not own the land. As populations of both groups grew, so did tensions between Jews and Arabs, and this resulted in Arab terrorism directed at Jews in a series of "revolts" aimed at killing Jews.

By the time of the 1930s referenced in the op, the Mufti of Jerusalem, (who just happened to be the uncle of an Egyptian man who would later change his name to Yassar Arafat) was vowing to kill Jews until they hid behind rocks and trees, and later on became a Nazi collaborator, and active member of death squads in the Balkans. His leadership of the localized Arabs was later passed to his nephew, who really refined and defined the state of modern terrorism, but coupled that with a keen sense of the value of propaganda. He realized that the world saw the conflict as Arabs vs Jews, and so in order to gain support for his Nazi inspired agenda, he was instrumental in creating this entirely new people called "Palestinians", who were then cast as the eternal underdogs and sold to low functioning leftists everywhere as the poor, downtrodden indigenes persecuted by some Imperialistic European invaders.

Fast forward to today, and it is easy to understand why there is so much Arab terrorism world wide. IT WORKS! Arafat showed the world that Arab terrorism and desire for genocide could be a most lucrative business, indeed, as all it took to fool useful idiots in the west was the creation of a back story that appealed to all their tendencies. They imagine themselves as fighting the good fight for social justice even as they are carrying on various themes that resulted from the intermixing of Islamic supremacism and National Socialism.
I've known what it meant since I was a child. The term displays the Jewish people's deep ties to the land from which they came.

What actually happened is that with the advent of Zionism in the latter part of the 19th century, Jewish entrepreneurs began purchasing land from the Ottomans and started to develop the land. As more and more economic development ensued, an immigration of Arabs followed that added to the existing population of nomadic Arabs that lived on, but did not own the land. As populations of both groups grew, so did tensions between Jews and Arabs, and this resulted in Arab terrorism directed at Jews in a series of "revolts" aimed at killing Jews.

By the time of the 1930s referenced in the op, the Mufti of Jerusalem, (who just happened to be the uncle of an Egyptian man who would later change his name to Yassar Arafat) was vowing to kill Jews until they hid behind rocks and trees, and later on became a Nazi collaborator, and active member of death squads in the Balkans. His leadership of the localized Arabs was later passed to his nephew, who really refined and defined the state of modern terrorism, but coupled that with a keen sense of the value of propaganda. He realized that the world saw the conflict as Arabs vs Jews, and so in order to gain support for his Nazi inspired agenda, he was instrumental in creating this entirely new people called "Palestinians", who were then cast as the eternal underdogs and sold to low functioning leftists everywhere as the poor, downtrodden indigenes persecuted by some Imperialistic European invaders.

Fast forward to today, and it is easy to understand why there is so much Arab terrorism world wide. IT WORKS! Arafat showed the world that Arab terrorism and desire for genocide could be a most lucrative business, indeed, as all it took to fool useful idiots in the west was the creation of a back story that appealed to all their tendencies. They imagine themselves as fighting the good fight for social justice even as they are carrying on various themes that resulted from the intermixing of Islamic supremacism and National Socialism.
ah now I get it!

Thank you Dogmaphobe. That's the first time anyone has explained the situation in a reasonable way.

Some jews wanted to pioneer a place for themselves but they bought the land off the Turks who didn't really own it to sell it.

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