NFL kneelers

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No you selectively took not just a quote, but part of one, changed it, and then posted it as my own words. That's why you are a piece of shit.

Trump is government and can't stop threatening the NFL.
"Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be Suspended Without Pay! [0832 EDT]" Big government wannabe dictator trump thinks he can control business.
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 10) - NFL players, Turkey, Tariffs

Trump stating his view is not government. Passing laws or prosecuting people is government. That isn't happening. What the hell is wrong with you?

Give me an example of when you ever held Obama or Hillary to that standard, that stating their view "is government." You're so full of shit it's seeping out of your ears

Every tweet Trump makes is an official statement from the US government

Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

No, you couldn't give a shit.

What you say means that you do care.


How do you know what the players do in their off time?

Because they do nothing if not for the camera.

What a stupid thing to say

You are just jealous that your comments don't measure up? I can assure you that you are much more stupid.

Ahhh,how cute a new puppy vying for my attention!

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Aww,, look! A new piss pad for me to use!
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
The authoritarian right is indeed tedious and moronic.

That they obsess over this non-issue is a manifestation of true rightwing idiocy.

Had conservatives simply ignored what the players were doing from the outset, the demonstrations would have likely ended by now.

And for far too many on the right this is solely about race and conservatives’ unwarranted hostility with regard to issues that black Americans are concerned about.

Yep - It's be over if Trump had kept his orange pie-hold shut and Roger Goodell hadn't stuck this finger in the pie.
Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!

"Simple" indeed. You have nothing but Appeal to Emotion. Which is a fallacy.

And that's exactly what Mob Mentality fuels on. It's what got Earnest Starr five to ten hard labor. It's what got people deported and organized lynch mobs. It's what got Dachshunds killed and populated the Klan. It's what drives North Korea and drove Nazi Germany.

Great navigating there, Hunior.

Damn you’re a smart mothafucker...just ask you huh?
Hold on a minute...aren’t you and all your whack-job buddies all about “emotion” know, “TOLERANCE”, “COMPASSION”, “NOBILITY”?
You know, “FUCK THE ECONOMICS” kinda shit...WTF happened?

aaaaand you still can't answer any of my points.

Wake me when you have something. Ciao.

I shut you the fuck down with simple logic didn’t I?
You hate when you’re trying to build in all the trivial bullshit and that happens don’t you?

I keep citing Appeal to Emotion and y'all keep proving me right.

We done here. Y'all bankrupt.
I'm gonna miss NFL football on Sundays.
Oh well, at least my garage will finally be clean and organized.

Was in Ponte Verda for the last week, went to the Jags first preseason game! Tons of fun!

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The Jags play in Ponte Vedra now? Who knew?

No, they play in Jacksonville which is 20 miles north. Not real good at geography either I see. Is there any subject you are not totally ignorant on?
How do you know what the players do in their off time?

Because they do nothing if not for the camera.

What a stupid thing to say

You are just jealous that your comments don't measure up? I can assure you that you are much more stupid.

Ahhh,how cute a new puppy vying for my attention!

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Aww,, look! A new piss pad for me to use!

This is how I view you...

You are just jealous that your comments don't measure up? I can assure you that you are much more stupid.

You know pro athletes and celebrities virtue signal for the camera. No camera = not so much.

You take the easy way and proclaim its stupid cause you have nothing

JJ Watt is a pro athlete and he has given millions and raised million more for charities and 95% of it was done off the camera.

So, yeah it was a fucking stupid comment, just like every comment that paints with such a broad brush.
Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

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What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

Yep, and now the people cheering on Trump were the ones bitching about Obama doing it. You wing nuts on both sides are hypocritical SOBs

Who's cheering Trump on, because we are saying he has the right to an opinion just like you leftists?
The Left talks about Kaepernick's alleged "patriotism" because he is dissenting against the President during the National Anthem, and about how he had that alleged "right".

But its notable how silent they were when Tebow was told not to how "john 316" under his eyes during games, even though the Great Tebow was only following his religious faith. Further, considering the fact that Tebow gave credit to Almighty God after his victories, it was more than appropriate. The league had no problem with God helping their star player, but they didn't want it pointed out.

Lastly, imagine if the Libs won an election, and we got Hillary Clinton as President a few years from now. If conservative players started bringing her picture to the game and defecated on the image of her face during the national anthem, would they stand by the actions of the conservatives
JJ Watt is a pro athlete and he has given millions and raised million more for charities and 95% of it was done off the camera.

So, yeah it was a fucking stupid comment, just like every comment that paints with such a broad brush.

How do you know about what JJ Watt did......ah yes the media.
JJ Watt is a pro athlete and he has given millions and raised million more for charities and 95% of it was done off the camera.

So, yeah it was a fucking stupid comment, just like every comment that paints with such a broad brush.

How do you know about what JJ Watt did......ah yes the media.

Actually my wife has family in the Houston area that benefited directly from JJ Watt's work. The media reports on about 5% of what he does, if that.
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