NFL kneelers

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Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?
What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

who is Trump "inciting to riot"? I haven't seen any conservative riots yet

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.

Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

He's a self-entitled, angry black man who hates America and has no appreciation for how good he has it in this country

I disagree, I think Kaepernick saw taking a knee as a way to ingratiate himself to the San Francisco ultraliberal fan base, considering the fact that he was stinking out the joint each week

I always thought he resented his white half and needed to be more "down with the cause" to be more acceptable to his black peers.
Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.
Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using

What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade.

Gotcha, drama queen.

The anthem is just a moment to stop and think about how lucky we are to live in such a great country.

No one is asking for a vow of authenticity from the players. The NFL's customers just want them to not act like spoiled little selfish brats who don't appreciate what they have and insist on telling us all at that particular moment.

Would you let someone wear a "Make America Great Again" hat at work who works for you in your own business? I sure the fuck wouldn't. You know why? It's work, I don't want to offend half my customers
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Those players who protest are hero's. We need a lot of Change to happen in this country
Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

You can't answer a single one of my points, can you.

Just admit it and we can move on.

And why the fuck would "soldiers serving our country" --- who would have been in Europe at the time --- be looking to a frickin' baseball game for 'support'? If you misplace your car keys --- do you look for them in the river?
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It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using

What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

Yep, and now the people cheering on Trump were the ones bitching about Obama doing it. You wing nuts on both sides are hypocritical SOBs
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?
And there it is in all of its hateful glittering glory, the leftist hate of patriotism and respect.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!
Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!

"Simple" indeed. You have nothing but Appeal to Emotion. Which is a fallacy.

And that's exactly what Mob Mentality fuels on. It's what got Earnest Starr five to ten hard labor. It's what got people deported and organized lynch mobs. It's what got Dachshunds killed and populated the Klan. It's what drives North Korea and drove Nazi Germany.

Great navigating there, Hunior.
Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?
And there it is in all of its hateful glittering glory, the leftist hate of patriotism and respect.

And you can't answer the points/questions either.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!

"Simple" indeed. You have nothing but Appeal to Emotion. Which is a fallacy.

And that's exactly what Mob Mentality fuels on. It's what got Earnest Starr five to ten hard labor. It's what got people deported and organized lynch mobs. It's what got Dachshunds killed and populated the Klan. It's what drives North Korea and drove Nazi Germany.

Great navigating there, Hunior.

Damn you’re a smart mothafucker...just ask you huh?
Hold on a minute...aren’t you and all your whack-job buddies all about “emotion” know, “TOLERANCE”, “COMPASSION”, “NOBILITY”?
You know, “FUCK THE ECONOMICS” kinda shit...WTF happened?
"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!

"Simple" indeed. You have nothing but Appeal to Emotion. Which is a fallacy.

And that's exactly what Mob Mentality fuels on. It's what got Earnest Starr five to ten hard labor. It's what got people deported and organized lynch mobs. It's what got Dachshunds killed and populated the Klan. It's what drives North Korea and drove Nazi Germany.

Great navigating there, Hunior.

Damn you’re a smart mothafucker...just ask you huh?
Hold on a minute...aren’t you and all your whack-job buddies all about “emotion” know, “TOLERANCE”, “COMPASSION”, “NOBILITY”?
You know, “FUCK THE ECONOMICS” kinda shit...WTF happened?

aaaaand you still can't answer any of my points.

Wake me when you have something. Other fish to fry. Ciao.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?

You see, you’re not suppose to understand, it’s a thing for good, real Americans...unAmerican filth can’t wrap their little tiny minds around the simplicity.
Let me dumb it down for the ignorant and confused.
The national anthem and the flag are symbolic in nature, they serve to remind GOOD, REAL Americans of our history, our culture, our traditions and the awesome men and women who have served in our military.
See how simple this shit is....TA-DA!

"Simple" indeed. You have nothing but Appeal to Emotion. Which is a fallacy.

And that's exactly what Mob Mentality fuels on. It's what got Earnest Starr five to ten hard labor. It's what got people deported and organized lynch mobs. It's what got Dachshunds killed and populated the Klan. It's what drives North Korea and drove Nazi Germany.

Great navigating there, Hunior.

Damn you’re a smart mothafucker...just ask you huh?
Hold on a minute...aren’t you and all your whack-job buddies all about “emotion” know, “TOLERANCE”, “COMPASSION”, “NOBILITY”?
You know, “FUCK THE ECONOMICS” kinda shit...WTF happened?

aaaaand you still can't answer any of my points.

Wake me when you have something. Ciao.

I shut you the fuck down with simple logic didn’t I?
You hate when you’re trying to build in all the trivial bullshit and that happens don’t you?
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.
We are talking about who started the crap during the National Anthem. Trump didn't start the crap. Kaeperdick did.

Rump didn't start it, Kaepernick didn't start it. The NFL started it by trotting in a fucking national anthem at a fucking football game, a combination as logical as dolphins and forest fires. And they were incited and encouraged to parade that goofy shit with Pentagon Pimp money, from us taxpayers, which became a scandal when it was revealed, and the NFL actually sent money back contritely to the government where it was duly returned to the taxpayers. Except no it wasn't. And here are those taxpayers shilling for Big State skimming off their own money like a collective Fred Trump, crowing "yes Master may we submit some more". Boggles the mind.

Kaepernick, as I already laid out above in 501 and variously over the last year, didn't "start" shit. He simply declined to stand and said nothing about it. And when he was finally asked about it he made clear that it was in no way a disrespect of veterans or whatever cockamamie mental detritus the rhetorical-fascist jingo wags want to pin on people when they can't deal with what they actually say. Again the old "DON'T tell me what you think -- *I* will tell you what you think" arrogance.

Diga me Tonto --- why don't we stop and stand for the national anthem when we go to the grocery store? Or a theatrical play? Or a Tony Bennett concert? It would be just as relevant, would it not?

Let's put it another way --- what the fuck does a national anthem have to do with a football game? What happens if you play a game without an anthem? Does it not count?
And there it is in all of its hateful glittering glory, the leftist hate of patriotism and respect.

And you can't answer the points/questions either.
There's nothing to answer. Your post is nothing more than a hateful trashfest of America the beautiful.
If they want to address government, WTF are they doing it in a football stadium? Address government by contacting your Congress person, your Senator, the President. Write an opinion piece to your local paper.
Tell it to Merrick Garland.

Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
Garland was put up for a vote? Are you really this fucking stupid?

There wasn't enough support for him to actually have a formal vote. Garland was too much of an extremist, and would have ruined the ideological balance on the court, possibly destroying our democracy forever.

The Senate didn’t “reject him”. They refused to even begin the confirmation process, interview him, or to consider his nomination on the grounds that it was an election year.

Yes, it is called the Biden rule. Guess who it was named after?
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