NFL kneelers

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Actually my wife has family in the Houston area that benefited directly from JJ Watt's work. The media reports on about 5% of what he does, if that.

Nice. Through what program or charity ?

I never asked for the specifics, but will next time we talk to them, I just know they gave him and his charity credit.

Here is his charity on TMZ with Miley and Ellen....I am not certain that he does 95% of his charity under the radar.

J.J. Watt Harvey Fund Breaks $10 Million as Ellen & Miley Donate BIG
Actually my wife has family in the Houston area that benefited directly from JJ Watt's work. The media reports on about 5% of what he does, if that.

Nice. Through what program or charity ?

I never asked for the specifics, but will next time we talk to them, I just know they gave him and his charity credit.

Here is his charity on TMZ with Miley and Ellen....I am not certain that he does 95% of his charity under the radar.

J.J. Watt Harvey Fund Breaks $10 Million as Ellen & Miley Donate BIG

Go to the website and read about all that they do and tell me how much of it is in the media? not very much.

JJWatt Foundation

But hey, be a hater, that is your shtick after all.
Tell it to Merrick Garland.

Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
Garland was put up for a vote? Are you really this fucking stupid?

There wasn't enough support for him to actually have a formal vote. Garland was too much of an extremist, and would have ruined the ideological balance on the court, possibly destroying our democracy forever.

The Senate didn’t “reject him”. They refused to even begin the confirmation process, interview him, or to consider his nomination on the grounds that it was an election year.

Yes, it is called the Biden rule. Guess who it was named after?

There is no rule.

Biden said in a speech in late June of an election year that any vote should be delayed until AFTER THE ELECTION. Not until the next year. Not to be thrown in the fucking trash.

Not until the next President.

You keep lying or being stupid. Which is it?

Why do you assholes put your stupid, ant-America party ahead of this country?
It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using

What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.
Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using

What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

A punk jumped a man and got his ass shot, and the President of the United States sided with the criminal.

Trump was right to bring attention to the vile actions of the kneelers and the League that supports them.

No one is getting hurt? FUCK THAT SHIT. They are Americans shitting on Americans. They need to be called out and shunned by society for their vile behavior.

Because a teammate advised him that by doing that he could make more clear that he wasn't disrespecting the flag. Prior to that he had simply been sitting on the bench and declining to stand.

Ironical innit? The rhetoro-fascists insist that the opposite is what's going on. Kneeling --- a universal sign of supplication, used before God in prayer, before kings in kingdoms, before a maiden while begging for her hand..... even used by quarterbacks conceding a down to run out the clock, i.e. a completely submissive posture --- and they want to pretend it means the opposite of itself. Doublethink has arrived.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.

So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.
Racism is a problem with everyone, not just white people. What an idiotic racist post.
I'm gonna miss NFL football on Sundays.
Oh well, at least my garage will finally be clean and organized.

NFL could care less
I wouldn't expect the NFL to care about my garage.
And you can be assured that millions of others will join me in protesting the NFL.
Thats a lot of dollars. The ownership will take notice. The sponsers will take notice. I am pretty sure the NFL will care about losing millions of dollars.
Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
Garland was put up for a vote? Are you really this fucking stupid?

There wasn't enough support for him to actually have a formal vote. Garland was too much of an extremist, and would have ruined the ideological balance on the court, possibly destroying our democracy forever.

The Senate didn’t “reject him”. They refused to even begin the confirmation process, interview him, or to consider his nomination on the grounds that it was an election year.

Yes, it is called the Biden rule. Guess who it was named after?

There is no rule.

Biden said in a speech in late June of an election year that any vote should be delayed until AFTER THE ELECTION. Not until the next year. Not to be thrown in the fucking trash.

Not until the next President.

You keep lying or being stupid. Which is it?

Why do you assholes put your stupid, ant-America party ahead of this country?

If President Obama had nominated Eugene Scalia to the seat after Scalia's dad was whacked, I think that McConnell's position would have been entirely different. Such a move would allow the young Scalia to get back at the perps for his father's death. I think both parties could agree on that.

But the reality is that if the Democrats seize the Senate in November, President Trump might as well forget about any appointments. The Democrats are hypocrites, they won't go by the standards they set for others.
I'm gonna miss NFL football on Sundays.
Oh well, at least my garage will finally be clean and organized.

NFL could care less

Unfortunately, the NFL isn't being open about this. If Mr. Goodall would call for a Press Conference and just announce that the NFL isn't going to change its Anthem Policy, and if patriotic Americans don't like being disrespected, they should just find something else to do, I'd respect Goodall's point of view. But the NFL continues to try and attract conservative fans. That's duplicitous.
Garland was put up for a vote? Are you really this fucking stupid?

There wasn't enough support for him to actually have a formal vote. Garland was too much of an extremist, and would have ruined the ideological balance on the court, possibly destroying our democracy forever.

The Senate didn’t “reject him”. They refused to even begin the confirmation process, interview him, or to consider his nomination on the grounds that it was an election year.

Yes, it is called the Biden rule. Guess who it was named after?

There is no rule.

Biden said in a speech in late June of an election year that any vote should be delayed until AFTER THE ELECTION. Not until the next year. Not to be thrown in the fucking trash.

Not until the next President.

You keep lying or being stupid. Which is it?

Why do you assholes put your stupid, ant-America party ahead of this country?

If President Obama had nominated Eugene Scalia to the seat after Scalia's dad was whacked, I think that McConnell's position would have been entirely different. Such a move would allow the young Scalia to get back at the perps for his father's death. I think both parties could agree on that.

But the reality is that if the Democrats seize the Senate in November, President Trump might as well forget about any appointments. The Democrats are hypocrites, they won't go by the standards they set for others.

What this hell does this garbage have to do with the thread?
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

That's the other thing, this isn't about race either. The problem is you puppets dance to the tune of the MSM. If you or these big dumb jocks did any research, you'd find that white people (including unarmed white people) get shot and killed more often by police than blacks every year. But the MSM seldom reports that; only locally of course. That's because if they only advertise a white cop killing a black suspect, you think it's some sort of an anomaly. This doesn't happen to white people, only blacks. Why? Because the MSM would certainly tell me about it.

It's amazing how these people are able brainwash you leftists because you think the MSM isn't worried about advertising bucks. You think they are here to keep you completely informed. But what they are really doing is keeping you totally uninformed.
So actually, Kaeperdick is the one that started this. Isn't that right?

"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Still...not a single LefTard with the balls to refute or acknowledge my point. Let’s try again.
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using

What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

George Zimmerman was jumped and badly beaten by that lowlife. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, a laceration on the back of his head, not to mention back injuries and various scrapes. The autopsy of Trayvon Martin revealed the only injuries he suffered were two scraped knuckles consistent with hitting somebody or something. That's it. He never gave Zimmerman a chance.

Zimmerman in desperation took his gun and shot Martin when he was able to break free from his head being pounded into the cement sidewalk. At that point you have no idea if this guy is going to kill you or not. He was younger, taller, and stronger than Zimmerman.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault when he was shot. He was breaking the law, and Zimmerman had every legal right to protect himself with deadly force. The only reason DumBama stuck up for him is because he was a fellow brother.
JJ Watt is a pro athlete and he has given millions and raised million more for charities and 95% of it was done off the camera.

So, yeah it was a fucking stupid comment, just like every comment that paints with such a broad brush.

How do you know about what JJ Watt did......ah yes the media.

So ‘the media’ are in a conspiracy to make professional football players ‘heroes.’

Rightwing idiocy at its most ridiculous.
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