NFL kneelers

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So ‘the media’ are in a conspiracy to make professional football players ‘heroes.’

Rightwing idiocy at its most ridiculous.

Conspiracy is not mentioned.

Celebrities, including professional athletes, use the media to virtue signal their philanthropy.

Absent that media attention the motivation wanes.
JJ Watt is a pro athlete and he has given millions and raised million more for charities and 95% of it was done off the camera.

So, yeah it was a fucking stupid comment, just like every comment that paints with such a broad brush.

How do you know about what JJ Watt did......ah yes the media.

So ‘the media’ are in a conspiracy to make professional football players ‘heroes.’

Rightwing idiocy at its most ridiculous.

It is exactly what blacks and libs used to complain about when blacks were portrayed badly in pop culture.

NOt a conspiracy, but an industry wide bias, that constantly reinforced a message over and over again, constantly.

If such a concern was not ridiculous for them, it is not ridiculous for us.


you have different rules for different people based on skin color?

Is that it?

So ‘the media’ are in a conspiracy to make professional football players ‘heroes.’

Rightwing idiocy at its most ridiculous.

Conspiracy is not mentioned.

Celebrities, including professional athletes, use the media to virtue signal their philanthropy.

Absent that media attention the motivation wanes.

You are once again painting with a really broad brush that just makes you look like an idiot in the end.

Only the simple minded must lump everyone into the same group.
And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

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What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

George Zimmerman was jumped and badly beaten by that lowlife. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, a laceration on the back of his head, not to mention back injuries and various scrapes. The autopsy of Trayvon Martin revealed the only injuries he suffered were two scraped knuckles consistent with hitting somebody or something. That's it. He never gave Zimmerman a chance.

Zimmerman in desperation took his gun and shot Martin when he was able to break free from his head being pounded into the cement sidewalk. At that point you have no idea if this guy is going to kill you or not. He was younger, taller, and stronger than Zimmerman.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault when he was shot. He was breaking the law, and Zimmerman had every legal right to protect himself with deadly force. The only reason DumBama stuck up for him is because he was a fellow brother.

He did all that damage to Zimmerman and only had two small scrapes on his knuckles? That doesn’t make sense. That makes no logical sense. Especially considering her was DEAD!

Zimmerman was told by police not to follow Trayvon, and he ignored that. As a neighbourhood watch, he wasn’t supposed to be armed. But he was.

He stalked that boy for no reason then shot him when the frightened kid went after the unknown stalker.

Stand your ground laws have resulted increased deaths in states where enacted.

Fact-check: Do 'stand your ground' laws increase violence?
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

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What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

George Zimmerman was jumped and badly beaten by that lowlife. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, a laceration on the back of his head, not to mention back injuries and various scrapes. The autopsy of Trayvon Martin revealed the only injuries he suffered were two scraped knuckles consistent with hitting somebody or something. That's it. He never gave Zimmerman a chance.

Zimmerman in desperation took his gun and shot Martin when he was able to break free from his head being pounded into the cement sidewalk. At that point you have no idea if this guy is going to kill you or not. He was younger, taller, and stronger than Zimmerman.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault when he was shot. He was breaking the law, and Zimmerman had every legal right to protect himself with deadly force. The only reason DumBama stuck up for him is because he was a fellow brother.

He did all that damage to Zimmerman and only had two small scrapes on his knuckles? That doesn’t make sense. That makes no logical sense. Especially considering her was DEAD!

Zimmerman was told by police not to follow Trayvon, and he ignored that. As a neighbourhood watch, he wasn’t supposed to be armed. But he was.

He stalked that boy for no reason then shot him when the frightened kid went after the unknown stalker.

Stand your ground laws have resulted increased deaths in states where enacted.

Fact-check: Do 'stand your ground' laws increase violence?

The Martin boy was engaged in a Gay Bashing (or so he thought). He told his gf on the phone that Zimmerman was a "Creepy Ass-Cracker" , a clearly homophobic insult. I can see how that would rile up Señor Zimmerman's hot Latin blood and machismo. In any event, the jury determined Jorge was as innocent as a newborn babe.

So ‘the media’ are in a conspiracy to make professional football players ‘heroes.’

Rightwing idiocy at its most ridiculous.

Conspiracy is not mentioned.

Celebrities, including professional athletes, use the media to virtue signal their philanthropy.

Absent that media attention the motivation wanes.

You are once again painting with a really broad brush that just makes you look like an idiot in the end.

Only the simple minded must lump everyone into the same group.

The media is dominated by a single group, ie libs. This is well known.

Do you need a link to show it? I mean, really? Are you really claiming to be unaware of this fact?
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

It's what I've always said, and that is Democrats side with evil and conservatives side with the good.

Cops vs Criminals. Liberals choose criminals.
Terrorists vs military. Liberals choose terrorists.
Government control vs government freedom. Liberals choose government control.
Israel vs Palestinians. Liberals choose Palestinians.
Armed citizens vs defenseless citizens. Liberals choose defenseless citizens.

And I'm sure there are others I didn't think of off the top of my head.
I'm gonna miss NFL football on Sundays.
Oh well, at least my garage will finally be clean and organized.

Was in Ponte Verda for the last week, went to the Jags first preseason game! Tons of fun!

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The Jags play in Ponte Vedra now? Who knew?

No, they play in Jacksonville which is 20 miles north. Not real good at geography either I see. Is there any subject you are not totally ignorant on?

No, I was pointing out the fact that you cannot write. You said you were in Ponte Vedra and went to the Jags preseason game. You should have added "in Jacksonville" because there are a minimum of two other places in Florida that they could have been playing. I lived in Jacksonville off and on from 1979 until 2006. I know it like the back of my hand, which is more than I can say about your ability to write for clarity.
Because they do nothing if not for the camera.

What a stupid thing to say

You are just jealous that your comments don't measure up? I can assure you that you are much more stupid.

Ahhh,how cute a new puppy vying for my attention!

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Aww,, look! A new piss pad for me to use!

This is how I view you...


Why do you want to hump my leg?
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

Yes he was. And Zimmerman (a resident and neighborhood watch guy) took note that Trayvon didn't look familiar in the gated complex. Not only that, but he fit the description of thieves breaking into homes there, so Zimmerman called the police first thing.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

Better check your facts. He was expelled from school.
What a stupid thing to say

You are just jealous that your comments don't measure up? I can assure you that you are much more stupid.

Ahhh,how cute a new puppy vying for my attention!

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Aww,, look! A new piss pad for me to use!

This is how I view you...


Why do you want to hump my leg?

Luaghing animated .gif

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

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What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

George Zimmerman was jumped and badly beaten by that lowlife. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, a laceration on the back of his head, not to mention back injuries and various scrapes. The autopsy of Trayvon Martin revealed the only injuries he suffered were two scraped knuckles consistent with hitting somebody or something. That's it. He never gave Zimmerman a chance.

Zimmerman in desperation took his gun and shot Martin when he was able to break free from his head being pounded into the cement sidewalk. At that point you have no idea if this guy is going to kill you or not. He was younger, taller, and stronger than Zimmerman.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault when he was shot. He was breaking the law, and Zimmerman had every legal right to protect himself with deadly force. The only reason DumBama stuck up for him is because he was a fellow brother.

He did all that damage to Zimmerman and only had two small scrapes on his knuckles? That doesn’t make sense. That makes no logical sense. Especially considering her was DEAD!

Zimmerman was told by police not to follow Trayvon, and he ignored that. As a neighbourhood watch, he wasn’t supposed to be armed. But he was.

He stalked that boy for no reason then shot him when the frightened kid went after the unknown stalker.

Stand your ground laws have resulted increased deaths in states where enacted.

Fact-check: Do 'stand your ground' laws increase violence?

For one, he was not on duty at the time, he was simply going to the store, and nobody can tell a licensed citizen where he cannot take a gun unless it's a public business or government building.

The police didn't tell Zimmerman anything. The dispatcher (who is not a police officer) told Zimmerman the police didn't need him to follow Travon because the dispatcher could hear Zimmerman running. Regardless, at that point, you can hear Zimmerman stop running, slowly catching his breath, and return to normal breathing.

Zimmerman was not stalking anybody. When Martin took off, Zimmerman followed to keep an eye on him until the police arrived. Martin disappeared and Zimmerman was making his way back to his car when he was attacked. Martin waited for Zimmerman in the shadows.

I did make a mistake on the autopsy report, he had a scraped knuckle consistent with hitting somebody, and the bullet hole of course. From NBC news:


Florida teenager Trayvon Martin died from a single gunshot wound to the chest fired from “intermediate range,” according to an autopsy report reviewed Wednesday by NBC News.

The official report, prepared by the medical examiner in Volusia County, Fla., also found that the 17-year-old Martin had one other fresh injury – a small abrasion, no more than a quarter-inch in size – on his left ring finger below the knuckle.

Trayvon Martin killed by single gunshot fired from 'intermediate range,' autopsy shows
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

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What I am showing is how hypocritical some people are. Bitch about what Trump is doing but never said a word when DumBama did it; as if Trump was the only one.

A kid walking home from the store was killed by a security guard. The President has the job of maintaining justice & commented when local laew enforce did nothing except say "Oh well, abnother dead blscvk kid"

Trump lied about what the protests were about & commented on a private industry that he had a feud with. There were no laws being broken,. No one was getting hurt.

George Zimmerman was jumped and badly beaten by that lowlife. He had two black eyes, a broken nose, a laceration on the back of his head, not to mention back injuries and various scrapes. The autopsy of Trayvon Martin revealed the only injuries he suffered were two scraped knuckles consistent with hitting somebody or something. That's it. He never gave Zimmerman a chance.

Zimmerman in desperation took his gun and shot Martin when he was able to break free from his head being pounded into the cement sidewalk. At that point you have no idea if this guy is going to kill you or not. He was younger, taller, and stronger than Zimmerman.

Martin was in the process of felonious assault when he was shot. He was breaking the law, and Zimmerman had every legal right to protect himself with deadly force. The only reason DumBama stuck up for him is because he was a fellow brother.

He did all that damage to Zimmerman and only had two small scrapes on his knuckles? That doesn’t make sense. That makes no logical sense. Especially considering her was DEAD!

Zimmerman was told by police not to follow Trayvon, and he ignored that. As a neighbourhood watch, he wasn’t supposed to be armed. But he was.

He stalked that boy for no reason then shot him when the frightened kid went after the unknown stalker.

Stand your ground laws have resulted increased deaths in states where enacted.

Fact-check: Do 'stand your ground' laws increase violence?

You lefties always side with the low lifes, thugs, criminals and losers. Birds of a feather, etc, etc.

So, 27 arrest out of more than 1800 players. So, there is a bad 1% in the NFL.

There are 1696 (53 X 32 teams ) players in the NFL, not 1800. Facts are troublesome things and math is hard for someone like you.

That's also just ONE offseason.

Each team also has a practice squad of 5 players that are getting paid by the team..

One more thing you know nothing about.

At least you are consistently ignorant
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