NFL kneelers

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Elections have consequences, Billo. The people installed a Republican majority in the Senate in 2016- and they decided not to consider Garland.

The people also installed a Republican majority in the Senate in 2018, and they decided to consider Kavanaugh.

If you want to control the Senate's calendar, you have to win the body first.

BTW, if the Democrat Party wins the Senate this November, President Trump won't have to bother sending any names over for confirmation. He'll have more time for tweeting.
That was Mitch McConnell's decision. And the "people" you are referring to, are the top 1% in this country. Your people and my people had nothing to do with it.
You keep ignoring the reality of blacks shooting blacks in far greater numbers than cops in this country.
What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?
If you're referring to corporate welfare, then I have a lot of thoughts.

Nope, I’m talking about ShaQuita welfare dependency and DaShawn criminality being protested on MLK Day. Would that be appropriate?
Remember, First Amendment, peaceful protest and all.
Your thoughts?
Nope, I’m talking about ShaQuita welfare dependency and DaShawn criminality being protested on MLK Day. Would that be appropriate?
Remember, First Amendment, peaceful protest and all.
Your thoughts?
You need to be a little more specific as to what your point is. I should not have to be Sherlock Holmes just to figure out what you are saying. If you got a point, then fucking make it.
Nope, I’m talking about ShaQuita welfare dependency and DaShawn criminality being protested on MLK Day. Would that be appropriate?
Remember, First Amendment, peaceful protest and all.
Your thoughts?
You need to be a little more specific as to what your point is. I should not have to be Sherlock Holmes just to figure out what you are saying. If you got a point, then fucking make it.

Haha..the old LefTard avoidance technique huh? Play stupid and pretend you don’t understand...does that ever work? How many ways can one interpret the following....
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
Would the timing for such a protest be appropriate?
Blacks are shooting blacks all over the country in far greater numbers than cops are. You're ignoring reality.
Stop trying to change the subject.

BTW, according to the FBI, the alt-right are responsible for the majority of violence in the country today.

You're full of crap. The FBI doesn't keep political affiliation statistics in crime. They keep race, gender, age, and that sort of thing, but they could care less about a criminals politics. The alt-right as you call them usually live in virtually crime free suburbs while the Democrats live in the ghetto where most of the crime is.
And Bimbo goes down hard! He admits he's getting his ass handed by going to ... you're a racist! The ender of any discussion. Where leftists go when they know they're losing and have to make their escape.

I accept your concession that you have nothing. And no one is talking about race except you, dick
It's the truth. You're a racist. If you walk like a racist and talk like a racist, do the math!

Bimbo: OMG, they're black, they're fucking black, fuck you they're black, black they are fucking black, black black fucking black, fuck you they're fucking black black black fuck you they're black!!!!

You're a sick fuck, dick head
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.
11 were "present?" The ones who did the beating went to jail. You were wrong. How do you think you won that one even in that warped little brain of yours?

Ray was right, you were wrong. Repeat ...
Only 2 went to jail. The others were complicit in the crime. All 11 should be in prison.

So who let them go, the police department?

All Bimbo cares about is their skin color

It's been a long time so I'm not as familiar with the case as I used to be. However I believe they were all acquitted using that very same tape as evidence.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.
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