NFL kneelers

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Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.

Yes this was all about race because of a "White" Hispanic and nothing else. When you act like a thug expect to be treated like a thug.

Now that Obama is out of office, the thug way of life will no longer be upheld as a good way of life..
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.

Here is the Zimmerman 911 call. Please tell me where the dispatcher said he should stay in his car. Also, tell me where Zimmerman refused to stop following Martin after being told to:

Yes, Trayvon was just your average everyday child in school:

Trayvon Martin case: He was suspended three times and caught with 'burglary tool' | Daily Mail Online
Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Okay, so he attacked a guy, held him to the ground while he beat the hell out of him, and WE try to cast him as a vicious criminal??????

Sorry, but he was a criminal. If Zimmerman hadn't shot him and a police officer pulled up, Travon would have been charged with felonious assault and likely faced trail as an adult. Yes, felonious assault is a criminal charge and a felony.

Also, in most states, holding somebody against their will is the legal definition of kidnapping, and that might have been an additional charge.
Kavanaugh isn't an extremist, it looks like he has a majority of the Senate behind him.
Kavanaugh thinks Nixon was innocent of all charges. Yeah, that's just what we need in this country, more bullshit like that!

President Nixon was exonerated of all charges by good old Jerry Ford. Unless 12 angry men vote unanimously to convict, yes indeed, Richard M Nixon was as innocent as a newborn babe
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Still against the 1st amendment I see, like 45.
Nothing about the first amendment learn about loyalty
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.
Trayvon attacked. It was self defense according to a JURY. Stop lying.
Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Okay, so he attacked a guy, held him to the ground while he beat the hell out of him, and WE try to cast him as a vicious criminal??????

Sorry, but he was a criminal. If Zimmerman hadn't shot him and a police officer pulled up, Travon would have been charged with felonious assault and likely faced trail as an adult. Yes, felonious assault is a criminal charge and a felony.

Also, in most states, holding somebody against their will is the legal definition of kidnapping, and that might have been an additional charge.
Maybe they can show us the seven year old travon again and say poor little kid
"Started" --- what?

It started with the NFL trotting out the national anthem at football games, an exercise that has absolute zero to do with the game. That went on for I don't know how long, then a few years ago they (the NFL) directed the players to be out on the field for the anthem, preferably standing.

THAT's where it starts.

If you want to take it back further it starts exactly 100 years ago when some playoff baseball games --- I believe Boston and Chicago without looking it up---- started having bands play the song (which was not yet the national anthem) on the field to rouse up the crowd, the equivalent of today's big dot-screen going "MAKE SOME NOISE".

They figured that would work as a crowd inciter because 1918 was a time of heavy jingoism, mob mentality and Big State. It was the same year a mob in Montana cornered a citizen named Earnest Starr and demanded he kiss the flag. When Starr resisted the mob HE --- Starr, not the mob --- was arrested, convicted and sentenced to hard labor in prison. That's an indication of the mob mentality jingoism of the time. The following year the Palmer Raids rounded up and deported people for their political beliefs. It was a time when the National Security League was agitating to ban the teaching of the German language and Dachshunds were ripped from their owners and stoned to death in the street for the 'crime' that we called them by a German name. German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" . Like "freedom fries".

THAT is your background, and that is the history one must learn so as not to repeat it.

You're welcome.

Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.


There is no disrespect.

You supported Trump. He trashed our vets. You didn't care. Fuck you.
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Angry, entitled orange man squeals because he hates anyone not sucking up to him, plays his robots like a two-dollar banjo and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him what with being handed an umpteen million dollar empire by his father who scammed it off the government in the first place.

Fixed it for ya. much as i hated that facist pig Obama,the one thing I give kudos to him on is he at LEAST recognized it that its the right of an individual to salute the flag or not.when the NFL came up with a reasonable solution,that the kneelers stay in the locker room,he then whines and says that is an even worse idea.I like a lot of stuff trump is doing domestic wise over that facist obama but this is not one of them,this is more in line with many of obamas policys. funny how in THIS case,Obama has been more like a president who believes in the constitution where Trump is just the opposite,closer to how Obama always was during his administration,a dictater. who would have thunk.LOL

When did Trump say that NFL players don't have the "right" to kneel again? I haven't seen that.

So just to be clear. Any time you criticize someone for doing something you disagree with, you're saying they don't have the "right of an individual" to do that. That's your standard

You might want to head back to this post. Just click it and it will take you right there. From there you can watch a Dallas, Texas sports announcer's video and his take on all of this, plus a lot more.
NFL kneelers

Well if Trump would have just STFU--this wouldn't be going on right now, would it?


Yes it would, because the actions by the NFL had nothing to do with Trump. It had to do with losing audience and revenue.

The fucking national anthem isn't even part of the telecasts.

As we hashed out a year ago but apparently are going to cut and paste all over again because some wags weren't listening to any voice but their own, there's no evidence of "losing audience". The stadia stayed packed, and cherrypicking TV ratings where all sports and all programming of any kind is in decline in favor of streaming and phoning and tableting and the like, is just dishonest hackery.

Just as Alex John Brinkley Jones will see a spike in his own attention simply out of his wailing butthurt about having his YouTube toy taken away, so the NFL would have seen a spike in TV interest, however momentary, at least until the point viewers realized that what y'all are stomping your little feet about isn't even broadcast on TV.

So don't insult readers' intelligence with that bullshit.

If there was any truth to what you say the NFL would not be taking actions to prevent future events. When the NFL started to become sissified, they began to lose viewers. When the kneeling started, they lost even more.

And your causative evidence here is-----?

I'll give you a week so you can see your proctologist to help find it.

In your case, that's your primary care physician.

What difference does it make if the kneeling is televised or not? NFL customers are offended.

I was about to ask what makes you think you can stage political protests at work. Then I remembered you're fake news. Never mind ...

I don't buy that all NFL customers are offended. If Trump would have kept his mouth shut this wouldn't be going on today. Trump pulls this crap all of the time to distract you from what is really going on. And let's face it, a Trump supporter is easily distracted by anything Trump tweets or says. You bit into it again. What President in the past ever inserted a negative opinon into the most popular game in this country? Now you can't even enjoy your Sunday football. Trump is all about division, not unity and reconciliation. He'll do or say anything to keep his ANGRY base of support fired up and in lockstep with him.

If Trump thinks you're spending too much time and or it's taking too much attention away from him & his White House T.V. reality show--look the hell out. He's all about ratings. How many times have you heard him bring up T.V ratings in the last 2 years?--:auiqs.jpg: What past President ever talked about T.V. ratings on a Presidential platform? You might want to actually read this article.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Click this link on this thread for an explanation of it, along with a video from a sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas and his take on all of this, plus a lot more.
NFL kneelers

Last edited:
still waiting for an explanation of the context on the ORIGINAL PLAYER PROTESTS ...

Angry, entitled black man kneels because he hates America and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him or how much worse it is everywhere else

Angry, entitled orange man squeals because he hates anyone not sucking up to him, plays his robots like a two-dollar banjo and doesn't appreciate how great this country has been to him what with being handed an umpteen million dollar empire by his father who scammed it off the government in the first place.

Fixed it for ya. much as i hated that facist pig Obama,the one thing I give kudos to him on is he at LEAST recognized it that its the right of an individual to salute the flag or not.when the NFL came up with a reasonable solution,that the kneelers stay in the locker room,he then whines and says that is an even worse idea.I like a lot of stuff trump is doing domestic wise over that facist obama but this is not one of them,this is more in line with many of obamas policys. funny how in THIS case,Obama has been more like a president who believes in the constitution where Trump is just the opposite,closer to how Obama always was during his administration,a dictater. who would have thunk.LOL

When did Trump say that NFL players don't have the "right" to kneel again? I haven't seen that.

So just to be clear. Any time you criticize someone for doing something you disagree with, you're saying they don't have the "right of an individual" to do that. That's your standard

You might want to head back to this post. Just click it and it will take you right there. From there you can watch a Dallas, Texas sports announcer's video and his take on all of this, plus a lot more.
NFL kneelers


Why do I want to do that again?
Yes it would, because the actions by the NFL had nothing to do with Trump. It had to do with losing audience and revenue.

The fucking national anthem isn't even part of the telecasts.

As we hashed out a year ago but apparently are going to cut and paste all over again because some wags weren't listening to any voice but their own, there's no evidence of "losing audience". The stadia stayed packed, and cherrypicking TV ratings where all sports and all programming of any kind is in decline in favor of streaming and phoning and tableting and the like, is just dishonest hackery.

Just as Alex John Brinkley Jones will see a spike in his own attention simply out of his wailing butthurt about having his YouTube toy taken away, so the NFL would have seen a spike in TV interest, however momentary, at least until the point viewers realized that what y'all are stomping your little feet about isn't even broadcast on TV.

So don't insult readers' intelligence with that bullshit.

If there was any truth to what you say the NFL would not be taking actions to prevent future events. When the NFL started to become sissified, they began to lose viewers. When the kneeling started, they lost even more.

And your causative evidence here is-----?

I'll give you a week so you can see your proctologist to help find it.

In your case, that's your primary care physician.

What difference does it make if the kneeling is televised or not? NFL customers are offended.

I was about to ask what makes you think you can stage political protests at work. Then I remembered you're fake news. Never mind ...

I don't buy that all NFL customers are offended. If Trump would have kept his mouth shut this wouldn't be going on today. Trump pulls this crap all of the time to distract you from what is really going on. And let's face it, a Trump supporter is easily distracted by anything Trump tweets or says. You bit into it again. What President in the past ever inserted a negative opinon into the most popular game in this country? Now you can't even enjoy your Sunday football. Trump is all about division, not unity and reconciliation. He'll do or say anything to keep his ANGRY base of support fired up and in lockstep with him.

If Trump thinks you're spending too much time and or it's taking too much attention away from him & his White House T.V. reality show--look the hell out. He's all about ratings. How many times have you heard him bring up T.V ratings in the last 2 years?--:auiqs.jpg: What past President ever talked about T.V. ratings on a Presidential platform? You might want to actually read this article.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Click this link on this thread for an explanation of it, along with a video from a sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas and his take on all of this, plus a lot more.
NFL kneelers


Strawman. No one said "all" NFL customers are offended. It's the idiotic polar extreme that leftists constantly go to. It's a football game. Businesses don't want to offend any of their customers. You just like going to a football game and turning into a hate America moment. Of course you do, you're a leftist.

As for the rest, it's just more of your butt hurt hate Trump bull shit. This is about players disrespecting the country. But of course everything to you is about your agonizing butt hurt searing you hate Trump pain. Let it out, guy, let it out.

Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

And Zimmerman was following Martin because he matched the fit the description of a series of break ins and robberies that had been occurring.

It is rarely mentioned, but it is quite possible that Martin was the robber and was casing houses that night.
Democrats always defend low lifes, criminals and thugs. Make America great again.

Democrats didn’t defend Zimmerman. Conservatives did.

Since murdering Trayvon, Zimmerman has compiled quit the rap sheet. He’s a real prince among men, waving his guns around at his girlfriend’s (more than one), and in a road rage incident.

I love how Zimmerman got his truck shot up when he waved his gun at a fellow motorist. What a putz.

George Zimmerman's history with the law - CNN

Trayvon has no criminal record, had never been arrested and was most certainly not a thug. He was a 17 year old kid, walking home from the store, with an iced tea and a bag of Skittles, wearing a hoodie.

He was witnessed sitting on Zimmerman's torso, beating him "mma style" while Zimmerman screamed.

Trayvon, as a juvie, would have had any criminal record sealed.

Your knee jerk siding with the thug, does not look good on you.

The school found him with criminal tools and stolen jewelry, but they kept it away from the police, so the police never knew about it. He was suspended multiple times which is why his mother gave up on him and sent him to his fathers house in the complex.

Link to actual news reports because the New York Times says he was suspended because they found traces of marijuana in his back back.

Trayvon Martin Texts Are Released

No stolen, no burglary tools. The judge criticized the defense for attacking the victim’s character and attention to portray this high school kid as some sort of criminal, when the record showed he was a typical middle class high schooler.

My kid got suspended from school for similar behaviour when she was that age too. She was not and has never been a criminal and neither was Trayvon.

Every time an unarmed black kid is killed, you assholes try to publicly cast him as some vicious criminal who deserved it.

Martin’s texts to his girlfriend just before he died show he was terrified that some weirdo “asscracker” was after him. Zimmerman should have stayed in his fucking car like he was told to do. He had no business following that boy.

I’d have convicted him just for that. He was told not to follow Trayvon and he disregarded that instruction.

Yeah, the quickness with which you libs would throw innocent men to the mob, is pretty terrifying.

Schools have been downplaying kids issues so they don't have to call the cops and cause a problem, ESPECIALLY for blacks, forever.

This "kid" was seen by an eyewitness sitting on Zimmerman and beating him while Zimmerman screamed, not even stopping when he was told the police were on the way.
Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.


There is no disrespect.

You supported Trump. He trashed our vets. You didn't care. Fuck you.

You give a pass to people that kneel, repeatedly, during a ritual that calls for people to stand to show respect and unity.

Yet hold Trump to a comment he made in the heat of the moment, and then IMMEDIATELY walked back.

You are a fucking asshole.
Well at the time, they assumed all Americans respected our country and flag. They didn't foresee that some people would (for whatever reason) be opposed to this country or her symbols years later.

What they assumed was that mob mentality could coerce people. What they assumed was that they could deport political dissidents while ignoring the Constitution. What they assumed was that institutional bigotry would go unpunished. And for a while........ it did.

I'll say this yet again until it sinks the fuck in ---- Patriotism isn't scripted. It isn't a robotic exercise that can be scheduled for 7:14 and set up in specific verses to specific music with a specific flag fetish that has to be folded a specific ways by people in specific dress-up garb while the masses stand robotically in a specific posture. That's not patriotism--- it's THEATER.

Real patriotism is spontaneous, it's genuine, it can happen any time, from any source, it doesn't need fucking body postures or scripts or masses of robots or scheduled times. THEATER only detracts, diminishes and demeans it by mashing it down to a meaningless charade. And when you make it a mandatory injection into some public event merely because you have a captive audience and an opportunity to sell jingoism --- you cheapen it even more.

It originally started to show support of our solders serving our country. It carried on as tradition from there. Again, what real American would be opposed to that?

Well, times have changed and we've become more divided; especially after eight years of Blame America First.

It's one thing when groups of people part because of different political ideologies, and another when one group wants to part with America all together.

So now it's a new game where when one side throws rocks, the other side is supposed to get hit with them and not throw any back. Because throwing rocks back means you're racist and overbearing.

Yep that must be it. White people NEVER EVER are racist Nope. Never

This is a protest about that. Not the anthem. Not the troops.

So quit your fucking lying about it & you & your orange buddy can go fuck yourselves.

Their chose form of protest is to disrespect a Symbol of our Nation.

That is what is they are being judged on, and rightfully so.

Everything else is you libs tying to hide the fact that you support Anti-Americanism.


There is no disrespect.

You supported Trump. He trashed our vets. You didn't care. Fuck you.

And another fake standard for real Dave who doesn't give a shit when Kerry, Obama or other Democrats trash and blame the troops and knee jerk believe every accusation against them
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
if these protestors also work in their communities with big brothers/big sisters, the local police and so on - then i have more tolerance for their kneeling. but if they're doing cause they're trying to send a message, i simply don't care. there are much better ways to ACTIVELY send your message than pissing off a lot of people by ONLY saying "something must be done" and then donning their helmet to go earn several hundred thousand dollars over the course of the afternoon.

i watch these things to get away from the hate and politics. they want to drag it in there, i'll go watch something else. whether they have a RIGHT to protest here or not i simply don't care. they have no right to make me put up with it.
i watch these things to get away from the hate and politics. they want to drag it in there, i'll go watch something else. whether they have a RIGHT to protest here or not i simply don't care. they have no right to make me put up with it.

Exactly the point. The NFL players can all kneel and show disrespect if they want.

But the people don't need to see it.

Mr. Goodall, their leader, just needs to get before the cameras and tell the people "tough shit this is the way its going to be, and if you don't want to see America disrespected turn something else on. TV sets can be tuned into movies, other sporting events, preachers sermonizing, etc. In fact, the NFL prefers you don't watch, if you are a racist or a conservative".
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