NFL kneelers

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Still...not a single LefTard with the balls to refute or acknowledge my point. Let’s try again.
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
They're waiting for CNN and MSNBC to inform them on what to say.
Notice you cut Ray's quote where he accurately said dirty cops are held accountable. Koons went to prison
You're right. Koons did do 30 months after the federal trial. The Simi Valley trial acquitted him.

Out of 11 cops that were present during the beating, only 2 went to jail.

That's why they kneel.

11 were "present?" The ones who did the beating went to jail. You were wrong. How do you think you won that one even in that warped little brain of yours?

Ray was right, you were wrong. Repeat ...
Still...not a single LefTard with the balls to refute or acknowledge my point. Let’s try again.
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”
They're waiting for CNN and MSNBC to inform them on what to say.

The simple logic has their warped little brains in overload.
They certainly started the anthem. But nice try once AGAIN trying to morph somebody else's statement from what it is into what you wish it had been. Verbal history-revisionism. Again, rhetorical fascism and again, fumble.

Upon further review I am forced to amend. I should have added the adjective "desperate" to "Verbal history-revisionism".

NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

You've pounded into the ground that you don't know how to punctuate the English language. Thank you for eliminating any doubt. Takes you back to when you were in fake news, huh?
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

Think that might be because what they're doing is not "protesting" but resisting?

Lemme guess --- I lost you at the word "think"....

How are they resisting anything? Rosa Parks resisted by refusing to obey an unjust law. The people doing sit ins at lunch counters were resisting unjust laws. These guys are resisting nothing.

Looks like you just hit the nail right on the head. Thanks for the analogy.

There are no laws regarding kneeling during the anthem. I admire how fast the ability to write fake news comes right back to you

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.
The NFL has an amazing double standard that changes at the whim of the players union.
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Of course it's about the anthem. That's why they pick that moment to stage a political protest while at work
They're not protesting the anthem, they are protesting police brutality.

Fuck you assholes who are trying to change the narrative! And fuck your racist views!

If they are protesting police brutality, then why don't they go to a police station and protest?

The flag and the Anthem are what represents our country, so the protest is against our country and it's people.

Yes, that they specifically chose to protest DURING the national anthem proves to any critical thinker that it's what the anthem represents that they are protesting. Bimbo really is an idiot
Notice you cut Ray's quote where he accurately said dirty cops are held accountable. Koons went to prison
You're right. Koons did do 30 months after the federal trial. The Simi Valley trial acquitted him.

Out of 11 cops that were present during the beating, only 2 went to jail.

That's why they kneel.
So the guilty cops were punished. Therefore, there is nothing to "protest". When are the thugs.....uh athletes going to "protest" the shooting gallery in Chicago of blacks shooting blacks?

Cops beat a teen

They went to jail

Bimbo: OMG, that's what they're protesting!

To Bimbo: Notice we're all glad the cops who beat the kid went to jail. Notice also unlike you, we don't care what color the kid was
Man, can we move on from this tired stale meme? We know who's doing the kneeling. They're entitled Democrat Snowflake assholes. Everything's gotta be about them and their whining. They don't care about the fans. For me it's real simple. Do your 'protesting' on your own time. When you're on the clock, you're an Employee.

So, organize all the whiny protests you want, after the game. Most American Workers don't get to clock in and then protest their whole shift. No Employer is gonna put up with that. And NFL Employers shouldn't have to either. They aren't 'Special' because they're Sports athletes. Clock in, and do your job. Period, end of story.
Still...not a single LefTard with the balls to refute or acknowledge my point. Let’s try again.
“What’s your thoughts on good, positive contributing, law abiding folks staging an annual protest against criminality and welfare dependency on Martin Luther King Day each and every year?”

Leftists contend that there is no problem
Garland was rejected by the Senate, I did contact my senators about him and asked them to oppose bringing his name up for consideration
You can't be rejected by the Senate without a hearing, which he never got because of that piece of shit McConnell.

Elections have consequences, Billo. The people installed a Republican majority in the Senate in 2016- and they decided not to consider Garland.

The people also installed a Republican majority in the Senate in 2018, and they decided to consider Kavanaugh.

If you want to control the Senate's calendar, you have to win the body first.

BTW, if the Democrat Party wins the Senate this November, President Trump won't have to bother sending any names over for confirmation. He'll have more time for tweeting.
Every tweet Trump makes is an official statement from the US government

Err, interesting claim. and so what? We have an official statement about what the president thinks about an issue?

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

It is not a claim, it is a fact.

The DOJ stated that Trump's tweets are "official statements of the President of the United States,”

The Press Sec of the POTUS said ""The President is the President of the United States, so they're considered official statements by the President of the United States,"

Who gives a fuck? If I were a NFL player, as long as the League was letting me do my thing, I could give a shit what the President says.

And it seems they are.

My point is that it is not the place of the President to be butting into such matters, to be taking sides on such things.

Yep, and was wrong also. Thanks again for showing how alike Trump and Obama are.

Sent from my iPhone using
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

does not matter one bit to me

i have already signed off on not spending a dime nor

a moment on the nfl

looks like i will have the extra cash for another firearm after all


last year nfl money bought me a nice a really nice ar-15 pistol with a binary trigger

Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.

does not matter one bit to me

i have already signed off on not spending a dime nor

a moment on the nfl

looks like i will have the extra cash for another firearm after all


last year nfl money bought me a nice a really nice ar-15 pistol with a binary trigger


Hopefully you didn’t make the mistake I made...make sure you have the right brake on that pistol...haha
NFL players: kneel

Non-leftists: Object

Pogo: Oh ... my ... God, non-leftists started this!!!!

You mentioned your hillbilly logic already

Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

who is Trump "inciting to riot"? I haven't seen any conservative riots yet

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.

Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

who is Trump "inciting to riot"? I haven't seen any conservative riots yet

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.

Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.

Nice defelction. Let me help you. No one is rioting ...
Feel free to show the class where the NFL players union, or any player or players, ever started insisting, "Look, I'm not gonna participate in this game unless we can first have a meaningless fake-patriotism charade on the field where we have a captive audience".

And when you've got that, show the class where those players then demanded "we're not happy being in the locker room when this fake patriotism charade goes on --- make us all trot out and stand there like marionettes!".

Happy huntin' Dumbass.

Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

who is Trump "inciting to riot"? I haven't seen any conservative riots yet

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.

Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?
Interesting. Pogo's getting really defensive and insecure. He needs to be speaking for a crowd of people to prop up his ego because he doesn't have the gonads to speak for himself.

As for your question, people who don't work in fake news like you do where you write political OP-EDs on the front page of the paper, have to follow their employer's requirements whether they like them or not. Or they need to find another job.

Didn't know that, huh hillbilly?

Another fun fact. Outside fake news, almost no one is allowed by their employer to stage political protests at work and for the same reason the NFL shouldn't allow it. All it does is piss off customers.

See how that works? No, huh?
Interesting how Kaz has described his hero, Trump. Needs to be speaking for a crowd to prop us his ego.

A really fun fact is this: It is up to the employer to allow things to go on. Not you. Not your fat assed orange buddy.

You & Trump do not get to decide what is being protested.
The only customers the NFL is pissing off are ignorant people who were duped by Trump. You should be having a fit about Trump as he actually did dishonor the military.

What Rump is doing with "fire the sumbitches" is not some official Presidential act or related to the Constitution. It's simply inciting a riot, using the visibility of his position to do so.

It's more of the same shit he laid down with "beat the crap out of 'em, I'll pay your legal fees, they'd be carried out on a stretcher". It's the same turd he plopped with "we should have a revolution in this country" ("we" of course meaning "you, leave me out of it"). It's the same pile of steaming dung he left on the street with suggesting his sheep should shoot Hillary Clinton. It's the same fetid waste product he dumped about suggesting "riots" if he didn't win. Always the same theme, a troll inciting somebody else to do his heavy lifting while he stands on the side going "who, me?" because, as with everything else, he's a social parasite who's never taken an iota of responsibility for anything in his worthless life.

It's not that he's "passing a law" or an EO and it's not that he's directly violating the Constitution. It's a case of Trollling Writ Large, inciting other people to division and contention and eventually violence, while he slips into the shadow until the carnage subsides at which point he pins his medals on his sheep with "very fine people" awards. This is not acting in some official or Presidential role, at which he's got little experience --- it's simply acting in a Scumbag role, in which he's got a lifetime's worth.

This is just more manifestation of the Narcissist who can never acqure "enough" attention, flexing that sickness into manipulating other people to do things they normally wouldn't. Like beat each other up at a rally, like beat a homeless man because he looks Latino, like start whining on message boards about "kneelers". It's all to feed the insatiable Giant Orange Ego.

SEE the manipulation.

who is Trump "inciting to riot"? I haven't seen any conservative riots yet

Both the NFL and the Players are full of BS.
The players are doing the kneeliing only because of a QB that got benched then let go.

Oh fucking BULLSHIT. Rump stirred this up last year with his "fire the sumbitches" bombast, and you know it. A dick-tater trying to dick-tate personal behavior is not something normal people are going to stand for.

Now y'all authoritarian-passives continually looking around for somebody to give you orders so you can drop to your knees and say "how high", y'all might get off on that "yes Master may I have another" crapola. The rest of us think you need psychiatric intervention for that obsequious shit.

Fer fuxsake GROW a pair.
Kaeperdick started this when he took a knee. Why did he take a knee?

He's a self-entitled, angry black man who hates America and has no appreciation for how good he has it in this country
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