NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully.

Cry some more, why don't ya?

Funny, isn't it?

Now what I will roll on the ground laughing at are empty NFL stadiums around the country. Don't you think that will be funny as well?
wont be long before the colleges are doing it to.

What about the baseball players?

They must all be a bunch of racists or uncle toms.[/QUOTE]
All ready happened


A’s Bruce Maxwell first MLB player to kneel for anthem
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


That's a player inappropriately celebrating (read: trolling) a touchdown DURING A GAME, has nothing to do with a national anthem. He got fined for it.

Interesting that you have to completely make shit up to try to validate your bullshit position. Fucking liar.
Here is a quote from Ramon:
“I was kind of pissed at how people reacted to it,” said Foster. “In a sense, that we didn’t ask for that.

In every sense you DID ask for that. Your political actions on a football field caused the reaction. If you are too dumb to realize that fact, then you had better stick to sports. You are to stupid to do anything else but chase a ball around in the grass...
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


That's a player inappropriately celebrating (read: trolling) a touchdown DURING A GAME, has nothing to do with a national anthem. He got fined for it.

Interesting that you have to completely make shit up to try to validate your bullshit position. Fucking liar.

More like dog least, I think he was imitating a dog.

Had he put fingers on his head and charged one of the cheer leaders I would agree to the bullshit theory.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?

The timing. When in the game did this jerkoff pretend to pee on the field?
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. .
We Should Be Proud That This Is Why Americans Never Adopted Soccer

Soccer is a peasant game, as indicated by the fact that the serfs can't use their arms. It is also revealing that it is mostly boring and miserable except for a few seconds the few times a score is made. It is for slavish cowards who are satisfied with that while the pigs they enrich feast all day long.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?

The timing. When in the game did this jerkoff pretend to pee on the field?

During potty time?
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?

The timing. When in the game did this jerkoff pretend to pee on the field?

During potty time?

Still gonna pass on the lie?
Art Rooney II: Our players’ intent was to avoid making a political statement

So now the Steeler high ups are trying to weasel out of this whole fiasco by saying that they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance? Really? Is that why one of their players defied their decision by taking the field?

What a load of crap! What am I missing here?

The Steelers have taken sides with the leftist moon bats. Sorry Steeler conservatives, you know what you must now do. Do your duty no matter how painful it may be.

Enough is enough.

They had opened up a door that cannot be closed. A lot of fans had burned up their seasonal tickets and memorabilia. That was a wrong move that they had done. They should of had looked at what had happened to Colin K. Eventhough that I believed that Colin K. knelt because Soros probably had threaten to reopened his rape case that was probably was paid by the NFL to have it closed in the first place. A lot of ball players get set up so easily, because they all thinks with their peckers.

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Players, this has no place in the workforce. Twitter your political beliefs. When you are on the field, stick your views behind you and do the job you are being paid for. We don't turn out to see your opinion of our flag. Flagrant disregard for our anthem, wearing socks that disrespect our policemen will garner a reaction you aren't going to like, if you value your paychecks. < that you wouldn't be receiving anywhere else but this country.
You should be on your knees thanking this country for your opportunity to thrive here.
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Every day it becomes more evident that the left's version of reality is not only skewed and upside down but it is border line psychotic. What if the football players were down on one knee saying a prayer? They would be maligned and ridiculed and even hauled off the field in handcuffs but when they kneel to disrespect the Flag and the National Anthem and everything America stands for the crazy left applauds.
Players, this has no place in the workforce. Twitter your political beliefs. When you are on the field, stick your views behind you and do the job you are being paid for. We don't turn out in to see your opinion of our flag. Flagrant disregard for our anthem, wearing socks that disrespect our policemen will garner a reaction you aren't going to like, if you value your paychecks.

The point that politics doesn't belong in sports is well taken. Always has been.

So let's stop trotting out the national freaking anthem at events that have nothing to do with politics already. Not to mention the pom pom band forming an image of the flag at halftime because they were prostituted into it by the Pentagon.

Oh but we can't talk about that, right?

Having it both ways -- priceless.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?

Are you fucking illiterate?

Once again what was posted was and I quote:

"Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem."


It's beyond my comprehension that anyone is willing to go on the internets and pretend to be this degree of fuckin' stoopid.

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