NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

Dissections within teams is starting up and this is when efforts to shut down the fakery will begin
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Huh? Trump is president. Repugs hold majorities in House and Senate. The USSC is majority repug. Talk radio is mostly Reich wing. Education system depends on where you are. If you don't like the protests, change the channel or do like I do and tune in after the game begins. Then you will avoid the unpleasantness without the need to rush to your nearest right wing empathy tent.

Americans elected Trump and the GOP for two things, a wall and repeal of Obamacare.

Neither will happen.

Conservatives are left with a Supreme court justice that will probably turn out like Roberts, a GOP activist judge that single handedly rewrites Obamacare to make it half way Constitutional so that it can remain a law.

Conservaitives also have a myriad of Executive orders struck down by the liberal courts. They are waiting to overrule him on other things.

No, conservatives are not welcome in government nor are they welcome at Steeler stadium.

Go screw yourselves conservatives.

At the end of the day, a single payer socialized health care system awaits you in 2020.
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Huh? Trump is president. Repugs hold majorities in House and Senate. The USSC is majority repug. Talk radio is mostly Reich wing. Education system depends on where you are. If you don't like the protests, change the channel or do like I do and tune in after the game begins. Then you will avoid the unpleasantness without the need to rush to your nearest right wing empathy tent.

Americans elected Trump and the GOP for two things, a wall and repeal of Obamacare.

Neither will happen.

Conservatives are left with a Supreme court justice that will probably turn out like Roberts, a GOP activist judge that single handedly rewrites Obamacare to make it half way Constitutional so that it can remain a law.

Conservaitives also have a myriad of Executive orders struck down by the liberal courts. They are waiting to overrule him on other things.

No, conservatives are not welcome in government nor are they welcome at Steeler stadium.

Go screw yourselves conservatives.

At the end of the day, a single payer socialized health care system awaits you in 2020.
There there... :itsok:

There's still NASCAR and hockey.
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Huh? Trump is president. Repugs hold majorities in House and Senate. The USSC is majority repug. Talk radio is mostly Reich wing. Education system depends on where you are. If you don't like the protests, change the channel or do like I do and tune in after the game begins. Then you will avoid the unpleasantness without the need to rush to your nearest right wing empathy tent.

Americans elected Trump and the GOP for two things, a wall and repeal of Obamacare.

Neither will happen.

Conservatives are left with a Supreme court justice that will probably turn out like Roberts, a GOP activist judge that single handedly rewrites Obamacare to make it half way Constitutional so that it can remain a law.

Conservaitives also have a myriad of Executive orders struck down by the liberal courts. They are waiting to overrule him on other things.

No, conservatives are not welcome in government nor are they welcome at Steeler stadium.

Go screw yourselves conservatives.

At the end of the day, a single payer socialized health care system awaits you in 2020.
There there... :itsok:

There's still NASCAR and hockey.

Can't wait till you Progs legalize drugs, then people are sure never to wake up.
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
That's laughable. Colleges are infested with the bullshit you claim to be protesting about the NFL.
Remember just a year or two ago when Mizzou football players refused to play until the President was fired. They took the BLM football & ran with it.

FUCK college sports.
Again -- we need to condense down today's NFL threads. Discussion ends up substantially the same and it's just BARELY political anyways.. Five threads merged. All from today. The separate discussions will sort themselves out in a couple hours. Be patient..
If you read the 1st Amendment, it only mentions Congress righting laws. Since they have not limited their speech by law, why can't their employer limit their speech?

You libs just don't get it.

As libs often say when conservatives complain about free speech issues, you have freedom of speech, but you do not have freedom from consequences of that speech.
I believe in freedom of expression for all. The more the merrier. Let's hear it and discuss it.

You and the Regressive Left don't.

I think most people here aren't objection to the freedom to express oneself , but rather WHEN they are doing it. People who pay to watch a game shouldn't be subjected to this - they are like a captive audience and it isn't what they paid to see. The players that do this are abusing their position and their audience, imho.

A "captive audience"? Really? You mean to tell me that 30 seconds to a minute of someone kneeling during the anthem is going to have an effect on the game or how people feel about it?

I don't watch the games to see the protests, I watch them to see the players play football. Besides, during the opening festivities, I'm either watching something else or raiding the 'fridge for some game snacks.

The same argument is used by those who oppose public prayers.

I don't oppose public prayer. There are quite a few places where it occurs, and I am fine with that. However...............public schools should not require students to observe a prayer time during school, because not everyone who goes to public school is the same religion, or even religious at all.
I believe there was a head coach at a high school fired for taking a knee at midfield everyday. the hypocrites are proud of themselves today. when is n't free speech free speech. LOL

Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy fired for praying after games loses appeal

"SEATTLE — A Washington state high school football coach took advantage of his position when he prayed on the field after games, and he’s not entitled to immediately get his job back, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.

The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. District Court of Appeals unanimously held that Bremerton High coach Joe Kennedy’s prayers did not constitute protected free speech because he was acting as a public employee, not a private citizen, when he conducted them."
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Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


That's a player inappropriately celebrating (read: trolling) a touchdown DURING A GAME, has nothing to do with a national anthem. He got fined for it.

Interesting that you have to completely make shit up to try to validate your bullshit position. Fucking liar.

Tillman says you are wrong, Tillman said it was a Trump protest.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.


Why are you perpetuating a lie? Again.

What lie is that? Is the picture photo shopped?

The liberals had a category 10 meltdown over that photo. Media outlets are reporting that Tillman himself said it was a Trump protest which has them foaming at the mouth.
Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.
The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.

The reports show the disproportionality.
Your unwillingness to see it in no way diminishes the problem.
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

Yes, the DOJ is lying and they should list 12 million arrests so you can count them. :cuckoo:
Why don't you do that and report your findings?
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

.. and I never even implied the "DOJ is lying", that's a complete fabrication on your part, what I'm asking is how many abusive cases did the sources you cited report? after all if your exception is the rule assertion is accurate it should be a statistically significant percentage of the whole, right?

Why don't you do that and report your findings?
LOL, You want me to attempt to prove your argument for you? Apparently you've figured out that your "exception is the rule" argument is patently ridiculous and that attempting to support it on the basis of reason and evidence is an impossible task either that or you're most intellectually lazy person on the Internet.
I believe in freedom of expression for all. The more the merrier. Let's hear it and discuss it.

You and the Regressive Left don't.

I think most people here aren't objection to the freedom to express oneself , but rather WHEN they are doing it. People who pay to watch a game shouldn't be subjected to this - they are like a captive audience and it isn't what they paid to see. The players that do this are abusing their position and their audience, imho.

A "captive audience"? Really? You mean to tell me that 30 seconds to a minute of someone kneeling during the anthem is going to have an effect on the game or how people feel about it?

I don't watch the games to see the protests, I watch them to see the players play football. Besides, during the opening festivities, I'm either watching something else or raiding the 'fridge for some game snacks.

The same argument is used by those who oppose public prayers.

I don't oppose public prayer. There are quite a few places where it occurs, and I am fine with that. However...............public schools should not require students to observe a prayer time during school, because not everyone who goes to public school is the same religion, or even religious at all.
I believe there was a head coach at a high school fired for taking a knee at midfield everyday. the hypocrites are proud of themselves today. when is n't free speech free speech. LOL

Bremerton High School football coach Joe Kennedy fired for praying after games loses appeal

"SEATTLE — A Washington state high school football coach took advantage of his position when he prayed on the field after games, and he’s not entitled to immediately get his job back, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.

The three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. District Court of Appeals unanimously held that Bremerton High coach Joe Kennedy’s prayers did not constitute protected free speech because he was acting as a public employee, not a private citizen, when he conducted them."
the precedence has been set right here.
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.

The reports show the disproportionality.
Your unwillingness to see it in no way diminishes the problem.
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

Yes, the DOJ is lying and they should list 12 million arrests so you can count them. :cuckoo:
Why don't you do that and report your findings?
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

.. and I never even implied the "DOJ is lying", that's a complete fabrication on your part, what I'm asking is how many abusive cases did the sources you cited report? after all if your exception is the rule assertion is accurate it should be a statistically significant percentage of the whole, right?

Why don't you do that and report your findings?
LOL, You want me to attempt to prove your argument for you? Apparently you've figured out that your "exception is the rule" argument is patently ridiculous and that attempting to support it on the basis of reason and evidence is an impossible task either that or you're most intellectually lazy person on the Internet.

The links I provided are clear on the matter.
There is also links to the DOJ report in pdf form. Stop playing the obtuse asshole and read them.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

From the link:

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