NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
They are more liberal because they are educated. Prepare for watching them kneel too. At this rate you will hate everyone on TV ...follow Donnie he will make you love lonely and grumpy.
I don't follow anyone per se, but don't bite the hand that feeds you and if you have something to say, say it
This will soon cause dissention within the locker room between the fantasy offendeds and those rooted in reality. When teammates start getting into it THEN the owner will make changes
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


How lovely.
it was however after a TD but does show the general mentality of those who are "protesting"
CNN wants to make sure it's Trump's fault when will they leave him alone?
The whole world is watching this channel that is against Trump it is doing your President a lot of harm and at the same time to your country
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
The anthem is not a political statement, it is a patriotic statement. So is the flag. `Maybe this will help you see what is lacking in our well paid, over indulged, ball players:
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Big Ben, their QB, has now come out and said the team should have been out on the field.


'they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance?'

BTW, doing NOTHING, especially making the choice to stay in the locker room, IS taking a stance...
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
They are more liberal because they are educated. Prepare for watching them kneel too. At this rate you will hate everyone on TV ...follow Donnie he will make you love lonely and grumpy.
not if they wish to play in the nfl. funny how it ties them together.
Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.
The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.

The reports show the disproportionality.
Your unwillingness to see it in no way diminishes the problem.
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

Yes, the DOJ is lying and they should list 12 million arrests so you can count them. :cuckoo:
Why don't you do that and report your findings?
The DOJ statistics do show disproportionality, and imo discrimination in society. However, the stats do not show some evil intent on cops as a whole. But, I'm sure you already know that. My post is more to nightfox.
Big Ben, their QB, has now come out and said the team should have been out on the field.


'they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance?'

BTW, doing NOTHING, especially making the choice to stay in the locker room, IS taking a stance...
He should have kept his mouth shut. They hid in the tunnel like little girls and now he is trying to weasel out of it. Sounds like his story about a girl and a rest room.
Just for the record...... the thread is about the big picture, not individual issues....

That's why I said this NFL stuff is "just another symptom".

Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Huh? Trump is president. Repugs hold majorities in House and Senate. The USSC is majority repug. Talk radio is mostly Reich wing. Education system depends on where you are. If you don't like the protests, change the channel or do like I do and tune in after the game begins. Then you will avoid the unpleasantness without the need to rush to your nearest right wing empathy tent.
And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality.

Good thing nobody is doing that. Why are you pretending they are? Go on, specifically describe how the flag is being disrespected. Lay out to us, in detail, exactly what every human must do to "respect the flag", and explain why that's the case.

Your masters are furious with Trump and the Trumpflakes now. The media was trying to bury the issue of racist police brutality, because it's one of the tools conservatism uses to hold power, and the national media is very, very conservative. Everything was quieting down, then Trump pushed it front and center again.

Again, that's why we thank Trump and you for your help here.

You are off the rail nuts! I have only one master and so seem to not know who that is. The media is also not burying the issue, they seem to have embraced the issue.

Your idea that the media is all conservative is bunk! Prove that they are.

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