NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. We will have a pinata of trump before each game.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


This was during the national anthem? Which fake news site told you that?

This move Beckham pulled is bush-league but it was after a touchdown not during the anthem.

I know facts don't matter, but at least pretend to care about getting your info correct.

This was an extension of the national anthem kneeling crap, come on.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


This was during the national anthem? Which fake news site told you that?

This move Beckham pulled is bush-league but it was after a touchdown not during the anthem.

I know facts don't matter, but at least pretend to care about getting your info correct.

This was an extension of the national anthem kneeling crap, come on.

LOL, says who? You? Do you even follow football?

That player is Odell Beckham and he is very talented but very immature. His celebration has nothing to do with the kneeling. He even discussed his celebration after the game and not once indicated it was in any way linked to the protests. He's a showboat and immature. He was doing it to get a rise out of the rival fans in their stadium.
Art Rooney II: Our players’ intent was to avoid making a political statement

So now the Steeler high ups are trying to weasel out of this whole fiasco by saying that they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance? Really? Is that why one of their players defied their decision by taking the field?

What a load of crap! What am I missing here?

The Steelers have taken sides with the leftist moon bats. Sorry Steeler conservatives, you know what you must now do. Do your duty no matter how painful it may be.

Enough is enough.
digging the hole deeper


fck em
What happened was that he exacerbated the situation, caused even more players to kneel, and demonstrated once again that he is the most divisive President of the last 100 years.

Here's the thing. I get it that the players took exception to what Trump said, but to protest the national anthem because you don't like trump or don't like what he said is just stupid misdirected anger.
ILMAO Steelers lost to the Bears. Who'd have saw that coming, fucking losers. Steelers once had the best franchise. Now they suck X 2.

I'm near done with the NFL anyhow. I place one bet weekly, but I don't watch any games until playoffs.
Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully.

Cry some more, why don't ya?

Are you allowed to protest at work?

Me either. I would be sent home without pay because my boss would say "people didn't come here to watch you protest they came here to eat"

People spend hundreds of dollars to go watch a football game not watch someone protest. If these players want to they can protest on their own time or better yet they have money go spend it making things better.

No it is cheaper not to spend any money and more time effective to force people after they spent their money to watch them protest.
Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully.

Cry some more, why don't ya?

Are you allowed to protest at work?

Me either. I would be sent home without pay because my boss would say "people didn't come here to watch you protest they came here to eat"

People spend hundreds of dollars to go watch a football game not watch someone protest. If these players want to they can protest on their own time or better yet they have money go spend it making things better.

No it is cheaper not to spend any money and more time effective to force people after they spent their money to watch them protest.

Do you have to stand for the national anthem at your work? Neither do I.

Other than that, great insight, really.
There is a ton of news about what the current NFL protests mean, politically speaking. For the moment, I’m leaving that out. I want to take a different angle.
Trump Goes to War with NFL: What Happened


We can assume the left will never understand what the true meaning of " INFOWAR" even means and how severely it is being used to play them. Gawd you are real suckers.

The players are protesting to prove they have a right to protest. Not sure what else it would be about.
Players have a right to protest ON THEIR OWN TIME! Show up at your job sometime and take a knee, see how long you last.
What happened was that he exacerbated the situation, caused even more players to kneel, and demonstrated once again that he is the most divisive President of the last 100 years.

Here's the thing. I get it that the players took exception to what Trump said, but to protest the national anthem because you don't like trump or don't like what he said is just stupid misdirected anger.

except they were doing it last year BEFORE he became

oh and you really really need to stop being coward and stop living in denial that a game that is near and dear to you has been tainted by the cheatriots,that they have created the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal and are just as much frauds and cheaters as lance armstrong and barry bonds coming up with flimsy excuse after excuse that they have done no worse than other pro players.:rolleyes:

you REALLY disgrace your hero jim kelly in the process by ignoring how he has called out shady brady.pathetic.:rolleyes:
There is a ton of news about what the current NFL protests mean, politically speaking. For the moment, I’m leaving that out. I want to take a different angle.
Trump Goes to War with NFL: What Happened


We can assume the left will never understand what the true meaning of " INFOWAR" even means and how severely it is being used to play them. Gawd you are real suckers.

The players are protesting to prove they have a right to protest. Not sure what else it would be about.
Players have a right to protest ON THEIR OWN TIME! Show up at your job sometime and take a knee, see how long you last.

except the NFL is a corrupt cartel as corrupt as our government is and needs to be aboloished so with all these patriotic players taking a stand against them,the NFL probably wont be around much longer.:up:
Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully.

Cry some more, why don't ya?
/----/ "Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully. "
Nothing peaceful about Progs.

SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man
Art Rooney II: Our players’ intent was to avoid making a political statement

So now the Steeler high ups are trying to weasel out of this whole fiasco by saying that they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance? Really? Is that why one of their players defied their decision by taking the field?

What a load of crap! What am I missing here?

The Steelers have taken sides with the leftist moon bats. Sorry Steeler conservatives, you know what you must now do. Do your duty no matter how painful it may be.

Enough is enough.

There is no "left" or "right" in basic First Amendment rights. Unless you want to count the fascism that tries to dictate personal behavior postures.

There is though, arguably, a wimpout factor in staying in the locker room to avoid the spectacle, you have a point ---- although until 8 years ago ALL teams regularly stayed in the locker room during the NA. That's a recent devolution and has much to do with the Pentagon pimping patriotism with your tax dollars.

Oh but that was OK, right?
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I remember when Tim Teebow kneeled down to pray. The media went nuts and said how divisive he was.

But I guess pretending to be a dog pooping during the national anthem is high caliber social justice.

Of all the infidels to decapitate, he escapes.

Yep, in a world where black folks are constantly being told they should be afraid of police and police are constantly being told they should be afraid of black folks it is.

The inevitable result of constantly selling the masses on the idea that the exception is the rule is that the masses eventually buy it. :dunno:

Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.
The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.

The reports show the disproportionality.
Your unwillingness to see it in no way diminishes the problem.
Once again, how many cases out of the over 12,000,000 annual arrests by the over 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. are cited?

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