NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

The players are protesting to prove they have a right to protest. Not sure what else it would be about.

But they DON'T have a right to protest. It is a violation of NFL conduct rules that Goodell should have enforced 2 years ago. If they want to protest social injustices, TAKE IT OUT ON THE STREET OUTSIDE THE GAME and quit disrespecting or blaming our Flag. There is no room for politics in the game; people go there to get AWAY from that crap!
Trump needs to get off this NFL crusade. This country has far bigger issues.

that is WHY i have lost respect for him and am no longer a supporter.just like all presidents,he is only concerned about trival things instead of the real corruption going on in washington where the criminals run the whole country
I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
Yep, in a world where black folks are constantly being told they should be afraid of police and police are constantly being told they should be afraid of black folks it is.

The inevitable result of constantly selling the masses on the idea that the exception is the rule is that the masses eventually buy it. :dunno:

Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.
The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.
Trump needs to get off this NFL crusade. This country has far bigger issues.

that is WHY i have lost respect for him and am no longer a supporter.just like all presidents,he is only concerned about trival things instead of the real corruption going on in washington where the criminals run the whole country

he was only speaking for the people who know what they are doing is total disrespect for our Country and our Military. He speaks what we as true American freedom lovers think and feel as well.

He stand with US.
now - why do i feel it's changing? because under obama you could not speak out against people doing this. you were railroaded, the social justice warriors went out in force and came after you and flooded your pages with their hate. but when advertisers get into this, it simply tells you where the money. that is going to drive so much of this.

now - in the aftermath of the weekend, we have:

Von Miller Ads Being Pulled After Anthem Protest
will von miller still believe in the change he can effect by kneeling down after it costs him actual money? an NFL player has a limited lifespan and opportunity to pull in the big $$$. von miller is one of the best in the NFL to be sure but he just got taken down a peg. again, under obama no way would these ads be pulled.

NFL’s Sponsors Tiptoe Around Trump’s Latest Twitter Fight

before the advertisers would speak out loud and proud about the kneeling and support for minorities. now? ads being pulled, companies taking the "middle ground" to see what develops before it does in fact cost them $$$ to go one way or another. this in itself is a change.

the NFL is now losing sponsors.
NFL broadcasts lose Viagra, Cialis as major advertisers

some were losing their ad revenue last year - so it had already began:
This NFL Player Lost 2 Endorsement Deals for National Anthem Protests

to be clear - i DO NOT think trump should have said a damn thing. i hated it when obama had to weigh his nappy ass into every social situation so i hate it also when trump does it. *this* is where the divide comes from as we see our "leaders" argue, fight and divide and demand THEIR way - we reflect that.

the NFL has a serious change to make. the question is - how much power do SJW's still have today? that "power" is shrinking but rest assured these people spending millions on advertising will be conducting a no holds barred surveys w/o any care of predetermination. they just do not want to waste money or turn a bigger fan base away.

i think by now we know who the bigger base is. just not as vocal until you get them good and pissed off and politicizing the NFL has done it.

they should lose all sponsors i can drink coke over pepsi i can eat hardies instead of McDonalds

it is all quite simple really
But they are sponsors too.

then i can stop them too ya ninny
Trump needs to get off this NFL crusade. This country has far bigger issues.

that is WHY i have lost respect for him and am no longer a supporter.just like all presidents,he is only concerned about trival things instead of the real corruption going on in washington where the criminals run the whole country

he was only speaking for the people who know what they are doing is total disrespect for our Country and our Military. He speaks what we as true American freedom lovers think and feel as well.

He stand with US.

Do you have Twitter? Trump is all over the NFL. It's time to move on.
now - why do i feel it's changing? because under obama you could not speak out against people doing this. you were railroaded, the social justice warriors went out in force and came after you and flooded your pages with their hate. but when advertisers get into this, it simply tells you where the money. that is going to drive so much of this.

now - in the aftermath of the weekend, we have:

Von Miller Ads Being Pulled After Anthem Protest
will von miller still believe in the change he can effect by kneeling down after it costs him actual money? an NFL player has a limited lifespan and opportunity to pull in the big $$$. von miller is one of the best in the NFL to be sure but he just got taken down a peg. again, under obama no way would these ads be pulled.

NFL’s Sponsors Tiptoe Around Trump’s Latest Twitter Fight

before the advertisers would speak out loud and proud about the kneeling and support for minorities. now? ads being pulled, companies taking the "middle ground" to see what develops before it does in fact cost them $$$ to go one way or another. this in itself is a change.

the NFL is now losing sponsors.
NFL broadcasts lose Viagra, Cialis as major advertisers

some were losing their ad revenue last year - so it had already began:
This NFL Player Lost 2 Endorsement Deals for National Anthem Protests

to be clear - i DO NOT think trump should have said a damn thing. i hated it when obama had to weigh his nappy ass into every social situation so i hate it also when trump does it. *this* is where the divide comes from as we see our "leaders" argue, fight and divide and demand THEIR way - we reflect that.

the NFL has a serious change to make. the question is - how much power do SJW's still have today? that "power" is shrinking but rest assured these people spending millions on advertising will be conducting a no holds barred surveys w/o any care of predetermination. they just do not want to waste money or turn a bigger fan base away.

i think by now we know who the bigger base is. just not as vocal until you get them good and pissed off and politicizing the NFL has done it.

they should lose all sponsors i can drink coke over pepsi i can eat hardies instead of McDonalds

it is all quite simple really
But they are sponsors too.

then i can stop them too ya ninny

When AmBev took over Budwieser against the Busch family wishes, didn't this thread lose meaning? (-:
Art Rooney II: Our players’ intent was to avoid making a political statement

So now the Steeler high ups are trying to weasel out of this whole fiasco by saying that they did not take the field so as not to take a political stance? Really? Is that why one of their players defied their decision by taking the field?

What a load of crap! What am I missing here?

The Steelers have taken sides with the leftist moon bats. Sorry Steeler conservatives, you know what you must now do. Do your duty no matter how painful it may be.

Enough is enough.
I suppose a world where black folks don't fear the police is too big of an ask.
Yep, in a world where black folks are constantly being told they should be afraid of police and police are constantly being told they should be afraid of black folks it is.

The inevitable result of constantly selling the masses on the idea that the exception is the rule is that the masses eventually buy it. :dunno:

Or constantly experiencing it personally.

Thanks for providing a bit of evidence that supports my point, characterizing the exception as if it were the rule. The only things that happen "constantly" are police officers responding to reported incidents, the vast majority of which are handled in a professional manner and African Americans "constantly" conducting themselves in a law abiding manner without infringement upon the life, liberty and property of others.

If you're interested in solving the problem, treat the exceptions on a case by case basis and draw conclusions about each based on the unvarnished evidence from a holistic standpoint while disregarding what the propaganda pumpers carefully cherry pick, filter and mangle pursuant to serving their own agendas.

It's more the rule than you care to know or believe.
The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

What the Justice Department’s decades-long pursuit of abusive police departments has actually achieved
There are over 12 million arrests conducted by the more than 17,000 Police Departments in the U.S. every year , how many of them result in fatalities or even significant injury to African Americans? How many are cited in your "reports"?

You're attempting to pick cherries in yet another sales pitch for the exception being the rule, sorry but I'm not a buyer of that product at any price.

The reports show the disproportionality.
Your unwillingness to see it in no way diminishes the problem.

It's not just about police shootings. It's all police interaction.
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
Here is what I'm not going to do, I'm not going to continue to be lectured by a bunch of liars that just took away my health care that I can no longer afford to try and convince me that the entire nation is racist after Obama has been elected for two terms

Got it?

Now that the Steeler nation has chosen sides with Nancy Pelosi and company, perhaps they can now apply for a tax exempt status like the DNC tool NAACP.

During half time maybe they can perform free abortions for the fans.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?

I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


This was during the national anthem? Which fake news site told you that?

This move Beckham pulled is bush-league but it was after a touchdown not during the anthem.

I know facts don't matter, but at least pretend to care about getting your info correct.
Here's an NFL player pretending to piss like a dog during the national anthem. Now who are you going to side with Trump who's defending America or this asshole?


I heard that there is an NFL rule book somewhere that states players must stand at attention during the national anthem.

I reckon that the commissioner is like Obama in this regard. He simply ignores the rules and laws that he does not like.
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
They are more liberal because they are educated. Prepare for watching them kneel too. At this rate you will hate everyone on TV ...follow Donnie he will make you love lonely and grumpy.
Look at all the snowflakes crying about some people protesting peacefully.

Cry some more, why don't ya?
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway
They are more liberal because they are educated. Prepare for watching them kneel too. At this rate you will hate everyone on TV ...follow Donnie he will make you love lonely and grumpy.

Dims don't need conservatives in government, whey would they be needed in sports?

It's not like it is our country anymore.

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