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Just as druggies use booze as a leverage for pot, other druggies will use pot as leverage for even worse drugs

One does not need to lead to the next. There is basically no difference between pot and booze. There is a world of difference between booze and heroin.

I bet you are one of those people that think letting two men or two women get married will lead to the state recognizing people being married to their farm animals
Don't worry. Not his fault. Poor guy. Doesn't know any better.

I knew this would happen. Another Cleveland Brown who snapped unable to live with the fact that a hapless team like the Pittsburgh Steelers kept THEM out of the Playoffs!
If so then avoid mirrors

let me try some of your "logic"

What do you think of this one....

If we let people have semi-automatic weapons we will have to let them have nuclear bombs as well.
People who get some success attract human parasites who want to get into upper-class circles and celebrities to make money selling drugs sex and other criminal activity. So the story someone slipped him something may have truth to it.
One does not need to lead to the next. There is basically no difference between pot and booze. There is a world of difference between booze and heroin.

I bet you are one of those people that think letting two men or two women get married will lead to the state recognizing people being married to their farm animals
There are many police who say different on drugs. Decriminalizing pot I agree with. Legalizing it not so much.
There are many police who say different on drugs. Decriminalizing pot I agree with. Legalizing it not so much.
REcriminalize it.
Drug acceptance gives us shit like this incident as well as tent cities on public property and drug smoke going into the lungs of innocents and feces and needles, etc.
There are lots of reasons why this shit was illegal to begin with. Advocates are just trying to qualify their own habit.
I knew this would happen. Another Cleveland Brown who snapped unable to live with the fact that a hapless team like the Pittsburgh Steelers kept THEM out of the Playoffs!
I would not call the Steelers hapless. They are one of the best ran franchises in professional sports. I hate them but respect the hell out of them.
let me try some of your "logic"

What do you think of this one....

If we let people have semi-automatic weapons we will have to let them have nuclear bombs as well.
Thats common lib logic that I dont subscribe to

or at least where American gun owners ate concerned

but it does apply to the corrosion that is modern liberal culture

the left is actively tearing down every vestige of common sense and decency that made America great

the looting of stores and now trains in california is an example of that
I would not call the Steelers hapless.
Ex-Steelers call them hapless. Any team with no passing offense, no running defense, poor special teams and a defense that couldn't stop a toddler running nor defend the pass which hired an unproven college coordinator to take over an offense that passes behind the line of scrimmage on 3rd and long and goes whole hog on a Running Back as their number 1 draft choice yet invests nothing in the rest of the o-line depending on 5 rookies yet keeps an over-the-hill QB another year whose last decent year passed him by at least 5 years ago, whose team somehow stumbles by pure blind stupid luck into being the 14th best team out of 14 in the Playoffs only to get creamed in their first game I call hapless, too.

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