NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is…

There goes the neighborhood...

If I were protesting the NFL and its sponsors this might be a problem as I already have a lifetime ban on GM for being bailed out with my tax dollars while my business suffered as well during the crash.

GM is again building world-class vehicles instead of putting over a million Americans on welfare and probably dragging Ford under with them. Obama did ONE thing right in 8 years and that was saving the American auto industry.
not what he did. he sold chrysler and ford did it on their own.

Idiotic....Ford hadn't gotten themselves into the mess GM had and was still solvent and able to borrow. GM wasn't. And he had nothing to do with Chrysler being sold to Fiat which kept them in business. I'm a native Detroiter so don't step to me with that bullshit.
I think it's good not to ignore to see what is living in some parts of our culture.
If it isn't clear, and if it matters, you ask for clarification.

Or you do what he did, what you defended, and lie.

At least that's what most adults would do.

This Board is priceless for that. Yesterday some dude was trying to convince me that streakers and fights in NFL stands were televised by networks. Instead of saying, yeah that's the policy (which it is) he posted some bing videos insisting they were network feeds (they were clearly iphone videos posted to bing). Hilarious. I will freely admit when I am mistaken. For example, my posting on this site generally civil posts seeking civility in return. Mistaken.
Yeah. I've essentially given up trying to have normal conversations with wingers on either end here. Everyone is so busy rattling off bumper sticker dogma and personally attacking those who disagree -- not to mention flat out lying -- that it's pointless.

It's much easier having these conversations in real life. This place is more valuable to me for observation.
that's why i've got so many on ignore. just not worth seeing their shit to realize they're fundamentally 3 years old for life.
I had a few on ignore for a while, but then I realized how helpful they are, and took them off.

I make a point, and at least one of them jumps right in to illustrate it for me. They're so blinded they don't even realize it.

It's a great place to test and confirm theories.
how many times do you need to see stupid before you realize that's all they got?

yes the extremes are "out there". i guess to a point i understand why people will try to banter with them or even talk intelligently. i've given up. when i see a huge stick of stupid up their ass, i move on. just not even any fun to kick it anymore.
Every big (or sane) company is more afraid of being called racist than of conservative boycotts.

Conservatives aren't very good at boycotts. But, libtards are very good at punishing companies for "racism", such as lawsuits alleging discrimination, harassment of companies and their suppliers, as well as simply boycotting of products.
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House
Guess repugs will all stop driving their Ford pickups now.
If they made a good car in RUSSIA, lefty for sure would support it and buy it.
And support Putin / Trump? Why would we do that?
Only you have suggested something as dopey as this.

Then what the fuck do they want?

Blacks are going to commit crimes,resist and get shot in the process.
That will never change unless they stop committing crimes and resisting arrest.

So this is really all bullshit and no amount of protesting is going to solve the problem.

That's what your types said about lunch counters, schools and interracial and gay marriages. Always wrong.

What the Fuck does that have to do with blacks committing crimes and resisting arrest?

Shooting unarmed men has nothing to do with their record.

Shooting a resisting suspect does.

That's right, keep pushing the fallacious arguments. You're only proving my point that your outrage has nothing to do with the flag.
Let’s reset the timeline history. The big three automakers appeared before congress in November of 2008, requesting $50 billion to avoid bankruptcy.

Congress put the automakers in the hotseat and refused their initial request, sending the automakers back home to refine their plans. Congress was willing to loan the companies money as long as it was tied to the development of energy efficient vehicles. GM, Ford, and Chrysler wanted another 25 billion from the TARP fund, largely to support the auto unions and jobs within the companies.

In December of 2008, the automakers came back to congress requesting $35 billion, of which congress agreed to $23.4 billion in bailout money using TARP funds.

What The Automakers Got

The breakdown of the Automotive Industry Finance Program had loans to provide operating cash to GM and Chrysler, as well as money available for the car buyers through GMAC. General Motors was awarded a $13.4 billion loan with $6 billion set aside for GMAC. Chrysler was given a $4 billion loan. These amounts were determined to be the best alternatives for the companies by congress.

Does that mean that Ford did not get any money from the governement? Hardly. Congress decided that the best alternative for Ford was to get funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy and overhaul their factories to bring out more fuel-efficient technology. The Obama administration’s plans of having a million electric cars on the road by 2015 were being funneled through Ford and two other companies (Nissan and Tesla), and Ford fans had the audacity to call GM “Government Motors.”

Let’s reset the timeline history. The big three automakers appeared before congress in November of 2008, requesting $50 billion to avoid bankruptcy.

Congress put the automakers in the hotseat and refused their initial request, sending the automakers back home to refine their plans. Congress was willing to loan the companies money as long as it was tied to the development of energy efficient vehicles. GM, Ford, and Chrysler wanted another 25 billion from the TARP fund, largely to support the auto unions and jobs within the companies.

In December of 2008, the automakers came back to congress requesting $35 billion, of which congress agreed to $23.4 billion in bailout money using TARP funds.

What The Automakers Got

The breakdown of the Automotive Industry Finance Program had loans to provide operating cash to GM and Chrysler, as well as money available for the car buyers through GMAC. General Motors was awarded a $13.4 billion loan with $6 billion set aside for GMAC. Chrysler was given a $4 billion loan. These amounts were determined to be the best alternatives for the companies by congress.

Does that mean that Ford did not get any money from the governement? Hardly. Congress decided that the best alternative for Ford was to get funds from the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), which is a government program for auto, student, and other consumer loans. These were very low-cost government loans to the tune of $5.9 billion that helped Ford tip-toe past bankruptcy and overhaul their factories to bring out more fuel-efficient technology. The Obama administration’s plans of having a million electric cars on the road by 2015 were being funneled through Ford and two other companies (Nissan and Tesla), and Ford fans had the audacity to call GM “Government Motors.”

Ford sucked the shit out of the Government too ...
before President Trump jumped in to this with his two cents, wasn't there only 1 or two players out of the whole NFL that had kneeled during the Anthem? I was not following the controversy before Trump's entrance, so I really do not know????
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

The issue isn't them expressing their opinions. No one is stopping them from doing it, (so far). The issue is people are sick of politics being shoved into every single little corner of their lives. The issue is these guy's viewpoints are being blasted by every media outlet out there, and they did nothing to earn this extra attention besides being really good at throwing a football, catching a football, running with a football, tacking a guy or a blocking a guy. It is the sense of an undeserved platform that probably pisses people off.

You can thank your president for that.
Putin?? :D

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“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

The issue isn't them expressing their opinions. No one is stopping them from doing it, (so far). The issue is people are sick of politics being shoved into every single little corner of their lives. The issue is these guy's viewpoints are being blasted by every media outlet out there, and they did nothing to earn this extra attention besides being really good at throwing a football, catching a football, running with a football, tacking a guy or a blocking a guy. It is the sense of an undeserved platform that probably pisses people off.

You can thank your president for that.
Putin?? :D

Yes but he prefers to be addressed as papa.
And what do you/they think they're accomplishing exactly?
The same thing that ensured rights for lgbt folks and enabled the removal of the last vestiges of the confederacy and Jim Crow.
I would think you would understand this by now. You guys are always the last to get it.

What do ya wanna bet BLM and kneeling players accomplishes absolutely nothing.

If you think cops are going to stop enforcing laws and letting criminals go free because they're black you're a complete dolt.

If you think cops are going to stop enforcing laws and letting criminals go free because they're black you're a complete dolt.

Only you have suggested something as dopey as this.

Then what the fuck do they want?

Blacks are going to commit crimes,resist and get shot in the process.
That will never change unless they stop committing crimes and resisting arrest.

So this is really all bullshit and no amount of protesting is going to solve the problem.

You hit upon the answer as to what the protest is all about.

Those protesting aren't content with being given an unfair advantage over Asians, Jews and other ethnicities when it comes to employment and educational opportunities. Now, they are wanting to be able to commit crimes without any repercussions.

They are?
What a stupid thing to say.
Detroit was called the "arsenal for democracy" during WW2 for a reason. The car plants quickly turned from producing cars and trucks to producing tanks and half-tracks. If we'd lost that manufacturing capability by letting Detroit go broke, we'd have been in jeopardy of losing our ability to defend the nation. I'm a conservative, but also a combat Vet and a Detroiter who actually spent a summer on the assembly line and I would tell you what's happening in Detroit lately is nothing short of an economic miracle. And the newly retooled and refurbished car plants have played a huge roll in that.
Then what the fuck do they want?

Blacks are going to commit crimes,resist and get shot in the process.
That will never change unless they stop committing crimes and resisting arrest.

So this is really all bullshit and no amount of protesting is going to solve the problem.

That's what your types said about lunch counters, schools and interracial and gay marriages. Always wrong.

What the Fuck does that have to do with blacks committing crimes and resisting arrest?

Shooting unarmed men has nothing to do with their record.

Shooting a resisting suspect does.

That's right, keep pushing the fallacious arguments. You're only proving my point that your outrage has nothing to do with the flag.

You haven't proven anything other than your ability to try and use a straw man to deflect from reality.
Detroit was called the "arsenal for democracy" during WW2 for a reason. The car plants quickly turned from producing cars and trucks to producing tanks and half-tracks. If we'd lost that manufacturing capability by letting Detroit go broke, we'd have been in jeopardy of losing our ability to defend the nation. I'm a conservative, but also a combat Vet and a Detroiter who actually spent a summer on the assembly line and I would tell you what's happening in Detroit lately is nothing short of an economic miracle. And the newly retooled and refurbished car plants have played a huge roll in that.

I live in Michigan as week speak .
There's a reason this state went " Red " and the car companies had something to do with that .

Big 3 Retirees, took a bad hit after Obama-care ...........
There goes the neighborhood...

If I were protesting the NFL and its sponsors this might be a problem as I already have a lifetime ban on GM for being bailed out with my tax dollars while my business suffered as well during the crash.

GM is again building world-class vehicles instead of putting over a million Americans on welfare and probably dragging Ford under with them. Obama did ONE thing right in 8 years and that was saving the American auto industry.
not what he did. he sold chrysler and ford did it on their own.

Idiotic....Ford hadn't gotten themselves into the mess GM had and was still solvent and able to borrow. GM wasn't. And he had nothing to do with Chrysler being sold to Fiat which kept them in business. I'm a native Detroiter so don't step to me with that bullshit.
and my tax accountant came from doing taxes for chrysler for much of her adult life. she hated the "forced" nature of the sale and was there to carry out the book.

bitch at her, not me.
There's better things to do than watched your enemies plays ball. And Ford doesn't makes bikes at all.

Clay Higgins has found new time in his Sunday schedule to ride his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. It's whenever the National Football League tees it up. U.S. Congressman Higgins: The NFL has abandoned America


and my tax accountant came from doing taxes for chrysler for much of her adult life. she hated the "forced" nature of the sale and was there to carry out the book.

bitch at her, not me.

I'm not "bitching" at anybody....what you posted was bullshit.

DaimlerChrysler had reportedly approached other carmakers and investment groups to sell Chrysler in early 2007. General Motors was reported to be a suitor,[15] but on 3 August 2007, DaimlerChrysler completed the sale of Chrysler Group to Cerberus Capital Management. The original agreement stated that Cerberus would take an 80.1 percent stake in the new company, Chrysler Holding LLC. DaimlerChrysler changed its name to Daimler AG and retained the remaining 19.9% stake in the separated Chrysler.[16]

The terms saw Daimler pay Cerberus US$650 million to take Chrysler and associated liabilities off its hands. Of the US$7.4 billion purchase price, Cerberus Capital Management was to invest US$5 billion in Chrysler Holdings and US$1.05 billion in Chrysler's financial unit. The de-merged Daimler AG received US$1.35 billion directly from Cerberus but directly invested US$2 billion in Chrysler itself.

Since Chrysler's 2009 bankruptcy filing in the United States, Chrysler has been controlled by Italian automaker Fiat and is, (as of 2016), still working to integrate Chrysler's products into the Fiat portfolio, such as Lancia and Chrysler's namesake brand, and Fiat's namesake brand with Dodge. Interestingly, despite the fact it had been nearly a decade since the Daimler/Chrysler split, the fourth-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee shares a platform with the Mercedes-Benz M-Class.[17] This also includes the Chrysler LX platform vehicles which initially used Mercedes-Benz components since its 2005 introduction.

Daimler AG - Wikipedia
and my tax accountant came from doing taxes for chrysler for much of her adult life. she hated the "forced" nature of the sale and was there to carry out the book.

bitch at her, not me.

I'm not "bitching" at anybody....what you posted was bullshit.

DaimlerChrysler had reportedly approached other carmakers and investment groups to sell Chrysler in early 2007. General Motors was reported to be a suitor,[15] but on 3 August 2007, DaimlerChrysler completed the sale of Chrysler Group to Cerberus Capital Management. The original agreement stated that Cerberus would take an 80.1 percent stake in the new company, Chrysler Holding LLC. DaimlerChrysler changed its name to Daimler AG and retained the remaining 19.9% stake in the separated Chrysler.[16]

The terms saw Daimler pay Cerberus US$650 million to take Chrysler and associated liabilities off its hands. Of the US$7.4 billion purchase price, Cerberus Capital Management was to invest US$5 billion in Chrysler Holdings and US$1.05 billion in Chrysler's financial unit. The de-merged Daimler AG received US$1.35 billion directly from Cerberus but directly invested US$2 billion in Chrysler itself.

Since Chrysler's 2009 bankruptcy filing in the United States, Chrysler has been controlled by Italian automaker Fiat and is, (as of 2016), still working to integrate Chrysler's products into the Fiat portfolio, such as Lancia and Chrysler's namesake brand, and Fiat's namesake brand with Dodge. Interestingly, despite the fact it had been nearly a decade since the Daimler/Chrysler split, the fourth-generation Jeep Grand Cherokee shares a platform with the Mercedes-Benz M-Class.[17] This also includes the Chrysler LX platform vehicles which initially used Mercedes-Benz components since its 2005 introduction.

Daimler AG - Wikipedia
then fine. their accountant was wrong. wiki is right.

you win i'm moving on.
If these idiots put any thought into this at all they would realize that they should be honoring both the flag and the anthem because each represents their free speech rights...rights that allow them to stand on their soap boxes and preach.
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

What I don't "understand", how protesting against the flag or the anthem makes any sense at all when they are the very symbols of the RIGHTS we have to protest publicly and our right to free speech!

And what I REALLY don't understand is this entire narrative that's being pushed that racist police kill innocent black men without penalty in this country! I'm sorry but that's a load of always has been a load of crap and will continue to be a load of crap!
Let's say that an old lady brings you into her home from you being off of the streets. She let you do anything you please in her home. But someone else came in and live with y'all. You and that person did not get along and started getting in arguments. And the newly visitor goes into the old woman's room. And take a dump on her pillows just to get you upset. Does the newly visitor had the right to do that since she has given them the freedom to do anything in her home?


I don't have the faintest idea what you're getting at here, Alethia.

My point was that the players are protesting against the very thing that allows them the free speech to protest in the first place! That American flag doesn't stand for stands for freedom.

If you've got a problem with policing in this country then protest outside of police stations. Disrespect THEM...not the flag!
Because all Blacks are naturally born thieves, doesn't ,means that all Whites are the same. And the flag represents all. Do the NFL players use to have fans that are Whites?

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