NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is…

No Mac. You have a tendency to equate both sides of an argument and suggest they simply work it out or otherwise not make a fuss over it. The poster clarified what one of the sides were and you overreacted.

Mac doesn't equate both sides of an argument.

He points out the similarities between you hive-mind leftists and your right wing counterparts when it comes to your ultra-conformity and lack of original thought.

Good grief, just look at this thread, with all the political hacks indulging in finger pointing. None of you stupid fucks are asking the right questions, only indulging in your de rigueur "the right supports this, the left supports that" nonsense.

Good grief. That is equating them.

Supporting a protest of police brutality is neither hyper partisan nor a tactic and it's certainly not conformity. It's simply support. Equating that support with the BS outrage over a man silently kneeling by labelling them as flip sides of the same coin is both tone deaf and disingenuous.

My god, take a position. You accomplish nothing by simply standing in the middle and criticizing.

The arguments may be stupid but the movements behind them affect real change.
Nope he used the power of the presidency to harm an American business and further divide America. He has neglected to perform his duty to our Constitution.
I respect your right to voice your opinion, no matter how wrong it is.

President Trump voiced his opinion, just as Barak Obama, while admittingly declaring he knew ZERO about the case, declared to the media in front of the whole world how the Police were obviously to blame for arresting his professor friend. Did Obama INTENTIONALLY use the power of the Presidency to harm the police'? Hell, no...even though he did by escalating mis-trust and hatred for the police al lover America.

Conservatives have not been INSTIGATING division.

Conservatives were not the ones to:
- Riot, loot, destroy property, commit arson, commit terrorism, beat and bloody political opponent supporters because they did not share their political views and agendas...

- Call for military coups, call for assassinations, and attempt to carry out those assassinations

- Attack this nation's history and use monuments to divide this nation and incite violence

- Use violence across the US to successfully strip Americans of their rights of Free Speech and to Assemble

You have the right to your opinion, but unfortunately for you the evidence debunks / renders moot / proves wrong that opinion. But please, continue repeating it for your own amusement / denial....
Explain how kneeling silently is disrespectful to our flag.

Nice try at being clever. Americans STAND to show respect for our flag and country. NOT STANDING does NOT show respect for our flag, and KNEELING is a show of DISRESPECT. Do you understand basic logic (i.e., syllogisms)?
If these idiots put any thought into this at all they would realize that they should be honoring both the flag and the anthem because each represents their free speech rights...rights that allow them to stand on their soap boxes and preach.
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

What I don't "understand", how protesting against the flag or the anthem makes any sense at all when they are the very symbols of the RIGHTS we have to protest publicly and our right to free speech!

And what I REALLY don't understand is this entire narrative that's being pushed that racist police kill innocent black men without penalty in this country! I'm sorry but that's a load of always has been a load of crap and will continue to be a load of crap!
Let's say that an old lady brings you into her home from you being off of the streets. She let you do anything you please in her home. But someone else came in and live with y'all. You and that person did not get along and started getting in arguments. And the newly visitor goes into the old woman's room. And take a dump on her pillows just to get you upset. Does the newly visitor had the right to do that since she has given them the freedom to do anything in her home?


I don't have the faintest idea what you're getting at here, Alethia.

My point was that the players are protesting against the very thing that allows them the free speech to protest in the first place! That American flag doesn't stand for stands for freedom.

If you've got a problem with policing in this country then protest outside of police stations. Disrespect THEM...not the flag!
It doesn't say a thing about disrespect, dope.

So you are claiming that 58% of Americans opposing players taking a knee during the National Anthem has nothing to do with a belief that it is disrespectful?

Bwuhahaha...desperate Dems make up some of the DUMBEST shit while trying to claim they are right about things they are totally WRONG on.

Just admit it - you claimed I lied, and I responded by kicking your ass, proving you were WRONG.

You've only proven your need to continually misrepresent information to make a point.
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House
Guess repugs will all stop driving their Ford pickups now.
If they made a good car in RUSSIA, lefty for sure would support it and buy it.
Explain how kneeling silently is disrespectful to our flag.

Nice try at being clever. Americans STAND to show respect for our flag and country. NOT STANDING does NOT show respect for our flag, and KNEELING is a show of DISRESPECT. Do you understand basic logic (i.e., syllogisms)?

It's a simple question. There was no disrespect. They in no way disrupted or interupted the anthem.They made no grievance against the country, the flag, the military or it's veterans.
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House

They support the players' right to protest. The protest last weekend was against Trump and I support it 100%. I will personally kneel when I see the flag and the Anthem.

So you think by disrespecting our flag is somehow getting even at Trump because he loves our flag.
I think you could find a better way because this ain't working, it's only showing how much you respect your country, oh and if you don't respect our country, then get the F out!

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Here's a news flash, Ford owns the Detroit Lions .

I was wondering how many pages of this nonsense I would have to read before somebody pointed out the Ford family owns the Lions. It should also be noted that Ford vehicles perform much better than the Lions who last won a championship in 1957.

p.s. The NFL goes out of it's way to screw the Lions...anybody who saw the end of the their game against the Falcons can attest to this.
There goes the neighborhood...

If I were protesting the NFL and its sponsors this might be a problem as I already have a lifetime ban on GM for being bailed out with my tax dollars while my business suffered as well during the crash.

GM is again building world-class vehicles instead of putting over a million Americans on welfare and probably dragging Ford under with them. Obama did ONE thing right in 8 years and that was saving the American auto industry.
This phony narrative is designed so sow discord among Americans. Wise up America. Trump plays for Russia. Get rid of him. Impeach and removal is the only option.
Yes, snowflakes will provide the evidence of Russian Collusion they have promised for a year any day now.

Yup, you got Trump. The President stood up for America by criticizing players who were disrespecting the National Anthem because the Russians demanded he do so.


Nope he used the power of the presidency to harm an American business and further divide America. He has neglected to perform his duty to our Constitution.
and obama did it with things like:

1) the cops acted stupidly
2) inviting clock boy to the whitehouse
3) that could be my son
4) telling the public the police are to blame every time a black person is shot
5) selling off chrysler to fiat
6) handing out loans like candy to automakers and getting mad ford said "no"

were you against those also?
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

Not sure why an Asian guy would support BLM, myself.

It's like a Jewish fellow supporting the Aryan Nation.

When did I say I supported BLM?
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.
because their protest has nothing to do with the anthem. Zip. it is meaningless at this point. you don't seem to understand. Also, they have paying customers who don't like it. you know the actual owners.

The don't watch the games anymore. Problem solved
What do ya wanna bet BLM and kneeling players accomplishes absolutely nothing.

If you think cops are going to stop enforcing laws and letting criminals go free because they're black you're a complete dolt.

If you think cops are going to stop enforcing laws and letting criminals go free because they're black you're a complete dolt.

Only you have suggested something as dopey as this.

Then what the fuck do they want?

Blacks are going to commit crimes,resist and get shot in the process.
That will never change unless they stop committing crimes and resisting arrest.

So this is really all bullshit and no amount of protesting is going to solve the problem.

That's what your types said about lunch counters, schools and interracial and gay marriages. Always wrong.

What the Fuck does that have to do with blacks committing crimes and resisting arrest?

Shooting unarmed men has nothing to do with their record.

Shooting a resisting suspect does.
There goes the neighborhood...

If I were protesting the NFL and its sponsors this might be a problem as I already have a lifetime ban on GM for being bailed out with my tax dollars while my business suffered as well during the crash.

GM is again building world-class vehicles instead of putting over a million Americans on welfare and probably dragging Ford under with them. Obama did ONE thing right in 8 years and that was saving the American auto industry.
not what he did. he sold chrysler and ford did it on their own.

Gov’t Motors: Obama fudges math on auto bailout, $10.5 billion loss for taxpayers
- It's Official: Taxpayers Lost $16.6 Billion On The Auto Bailout
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.
because their protest has nothing to do with the anthem. Zip. it is meaningless at this point. you don't seem to understand. Also, they have paying customers who don't like it. you know the actual owners.

The don't watch the games anymore. Problem solved
I don't. and many many more won't either and if they don't change we'll see them tank. can't wait.

You've heard of don't bite the hand that feeds you slogan right? D'OH!
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House

good for Ford.:up::clap:

I was a supporter of Trump myself till now.
Ford in failure mode too I see. Pay attention folks. In Trump's words, you're going to see the winners and losers over this. Failure is assured when you do the wrong things.

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