NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is…

We live in a culture where even if the smallest minority finds something offensive, then those concerns need to be addressed and heard. The Liberals defined that. Liberals preach diversity and rights. Here's a case where doing anything outside of standing silent during the National Anthem is offensive to a large number of Americans. Further, free speech does not equate to a mandate to be heard. Keep up the kneeling, sitting, stretching, etc. during the National Anthem. It's your right but many find it offensive. Yes, Liberals, you too can be offensive.

You live in an urban culture but not I and everyone is exactly where they want to be. : )
Here is another consequence. Players who are up for a new contract 2018 are fucked. Owners are going to show declining ratings, declining ad revenues, declining merchandise, declining ticket sales, etc. and use as leverage not to pay the players what they want. It will still be a hefty sum compared to people in the real world but otherwise "less".
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House

Fake news and if true I will trade in my new Ford pickup truck for a new GMC pickup. Budweiser has boycotted the NFL!

It's true .
You should of seen the players faces when they found out, Mrs. Ford was taking over .

Ford pickups are made in Dearborn, Michigan which is a suburb of Detroit. Henry Ford is rolling in his grave. My gun computer was made by Ford Motor Company and now they lose military contracts. The Univac on my avatar is a missile computer made by Remington Rand.

edit: What does Bill Gates have to say?

And Ford polluted the hell out of that river ..
Ford River Rouge Complex - Wikipedia
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House

Fake news and if true I will trade in my new Ford pickup truck for a new GMC pickup. Budweiser has boycotted the NFL!

It's true .
You should of seen the players faces when they found out, Mrs. Ford was taking over .

Ford pickups are made in Dearborn, Michigan which is a suburb of Detroit. Henry Ford is rolling in his grave. My gun computer was made by Ford Motor Company and now they lose military contracts. The Univac on my avatar is a missile computer made by Remington Rand.

edit: What does Bill Gates have to say?

And Ford polluted the hell out of that river ..
Ford River Rouge Complex - Wikipedia

Here's the clean up ford had to do on the River Rouge .
A settlement reached for part of River Rouge cleanup
Here's a news flash, Ford owns the Detroit Lions .

his mother owns the Lions.

Correct .. Shes the widow ( wife ) .. Like I said ...

Ford does not own the Lions. She does.

Stop with the fake news, you have no ideal what your talking about .
No Pun Intended ...

If I own a company that makes widgets and own stock in a company that makes airplanes, does the widget company own the airline?

If I own stock in Ford, does that mean I own stock in the Lions? No!

The fact remains that Ford Motor Company does not own the Lions. You are simply wrong.
Likely Ford had the choice off supporting the traitors or being shut down by a Worker's Commune strike. But why build stuff when people will refuse to buy it? I mean, how many fewer sales does it take before there are layoffs? Or will Ford just build vehicles and park them somewhere?

The big 3 doesn't sell cars anymore . They lease them and when the lease is up, they sell them over seas .

It's called the " Free Trade Agreement " ...

That is the most ignorant statement I have seen in quite a while.

I guess I didn't buy my cars from a Ford dealer.
“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Not sure why so many conservatives have a tough time understanding this.

No one is saying they don't have a right to express their views.

If they CHOOSE to do it by disrespecting the flag, we have a right to tell them how we feel about that.

ANd to do something about it.

This conversation is bordering on becoming a sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" and you are playing both parts.

Only because of you .
William Clay Ford, Auto Family Scion and Detroit Lions Owner, Dies at 88

He doesn't own Ford, you simpleton! He doesn't own the Lions any more. He's dead.

His widow owns the Lions now.

Mrs. Ford did it. I will never watch a NFL game again until they get their minds right. The NFL lost half of their client base and there will be financial repercussions.
Guess repugs will all stop driving their Ford pickups now.

Just won't buy a new one. But...I wasn't going to buy a new one anyway. I have one that will be 30 years old in two years and one that will be 40 years old in two years. If I run across a decent 1969...I'll buy it too. Electronic ignition, coil packs, and computers? Pshaw. Give me points and condenser, mechanical distributer and fuel pump, manually adjustable timing and valves, push button AM radio and wing windows. If it ain't got that...I'm not interested.

I'm really starting to feel left out...I don't watch NFL football, drink budweiser or buy new cars...what's left worth boycotting. :(

Well, I did stop watching all broadcast tv...but that was after their news departments lost their minds on
November 9th, 2016.

This conversation is bordering on becoming a sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" and you are playing both parts.

Only because of you .
William Clay Ford, Auto Family Scion and Detroit Lions Owner, Dies at 88

He doesn't own Ford, you simpleton! He doesn't own the Lions any more. He's dead.

His widow owns the Lions now.

Mrs. Ford did it. I will never watch a NFL game again until they get their minds right. The NFL lost half of their client base and there will be financial repercussions.

I didn't watch the loins, but my wife did .
She told me fox sports didn't show the national anthem on TV .....
NFL players on practically every team exhibited some kind of protesting and lack of respect for our military men and ladies, joining against President Trump and our country.

These NFL tycoons seem to be very satisfied with themselves for their shameful conduct.

We are even stunned by some who are supporting this idiotic protest.

Ford Motors expressed that they are supporting the boycott of the national anthem.

Ford is a noteworthy sponsor of the National Football League.

Ford Motor Co., an important sponsor of the National Football League, openly supported all players who are protesting and are criticizing President Trump’s behavior.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share,”

Ford expressed in a statement.

“That’s part of what makes America great.”

Source: NFL’s Major Sponsor Ford Supports National Anthem Protest, Says That Trump’s Behavior Is… - US Politics House

Lack of respect for the military? How come? The flag and the anthem aren't the military, that's complete and utter bullshit.

Yes, it is.
Kneeling is not a form of disrespect for our flag.

And, it is covered by our First Amendment.

This conversation is bordering on becoming a sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" and you are playing both parts.

Only because of you .
William Clay Ford, Auto Family Scion and Detroit Lions Owner, Dies at 88

He doesn't own Ford, you simpleton! He doesn't own the Lions any more. He's dead.

His widow owns the Lions now.

Mrs. Ford did it. I will never watch a NFL game again until they get their minds right. The NFL lost half of their client base and there will be financial repercussions.

I didn't watch the loins, but my wife did .
She told me fox sports didn't show the national anthem on TV .....

Who's loins was your wife watching?
This conversation is bordering on becoming a sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" and you are playing both parts.

Only because of you .
William Clay Ford, Auto Family Scion and Detroit Lions Owner, Dies at 88

He doesn't own Ford, you simpleton! He doesn't own the Lions any more. He's dead.

His widow owns the Lions now.

Mrs. Ford did it. I will never watch a NFL game again until they get their minds right. The NFL lost half of their client base and there will be financial repercussions.

I didn't watch the loins, but my wife did .
She told me fox sports didn't show the national anthem on TV .....

Who's loins was your wife watching?
is it wrong to ask women on Craigslist to help me not be the jealous type, so I won't mind having them over when all of my guy friends are around watching football?

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