NHL sets up a “No White Men Allowed” Job Fair

Feel free to find a post from me doing so.

I will be happy to wait.

And while you are looking for that, let me remind you of my often posted views on anti-discrimination laws

I believe that all anti-discrimination laws enforced against anyone but the government is actually unconstitutional in my opinion. The Constitution tells the Govt they cannot discriminate, that does not give them the right to push that on to private entities.

I also believe that protected classes violates the equal protection clause.

Oh, and my stance on the baker who would not bake a cake for a gay wedding...

I am against the legal system forcing a business to do such a thing. I 100% support the right of the baker to say "no, I will not make that cake for you" for whatever reason they want.

I will come back in a few hours and see if you have found a post from me having a fit over such things.
Good luck
From you lofty place in the Ivory Tower have you noticed that only whites are expected to conform to your ideals?
From you lofty place in the Ivory Tower have you noticed that only whites are expected to conform to your ideals?

I want everyone to confirm to my ideals. If they did the world would be a much better place.
Where's the discrimination? Sounds like they are recruiting non-whites and veterans, because they are already 85% white.

Here's the thing. Hockey is a very niche sport because minorities aren't watching it.

Here's how you get more viewers... have people who look like you up there.
It’s office jobs, not players. Try reading before you post.
Here’s the list of people who are still okay with the logic that produced the “No blacks allowed” establishments and drinking fountains.

Golfing Gator

Let’s hope one day your Jim Crow era discrimination is exiled from our society.. you guys really need to update your morals, it’s not 1957 anymore.

Did you attack the baker that said "no, I will not make a cake for the wedding?

Or the photographer that said "no I will not take pics at that wedding"?
The NHL has a predominantly white man problem. Hockey is dominated by whites and they feel guilty about it. It’s ironic given that most NHL teams share arenas with the NBA which is dominated by Blacks and that is celebrated.
They dont

Its a game your friends on the left invented and conservatives are learning to play

You are further left than I am.

And I cannot help what it is you all decide to do. That is all on you.
The NHL has a predominantly white man problem. Hockey is dominated by whites and they feel guilty about it. It’s ironic given that most NHL teams share arenas with the NBA which is dominated by Blacks and that is celebrated.
So if the NHL is bad because it’s “too white”, is the NBA bad because it’s “too black”?
Here’s the list of people who are still okay with the logic that produced the “No blacks allowed” establishments and drinking fountains.

Golfing Gator

Let’s hope one day your Jim Crow era discrimination is exiled from our society.. you guys really need to update your morals, it’s not 1957 anymore.

Wow, talk about your false equivlencies.

The NHL is 85% white. They are STILL going to hire a bunch of white people this year.

Reaching out to minorities in one event is not "drinking fountains".

Look, man, I get you are a white trash loser who looks for someone to blame for your failed and useless life... but this isn't it.
Bottom line:

Anyone in this thread attacking the NHL that defended the bakery, flower shop and photographer is nothing but a mindless hypocrite.

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