NHL sets up a “No White Men Allowed” Job Fair

Here’s directly from the information of the event:

“If you are looking for your opportunity to meet with recruiters from the NHL League Office and at least 10 of our NHL teams, we welcome you to register. Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

Yep. A major sports league aggressively seeking “No regular white men allowed!”. It Says something about our society and culture that these types of people are so comfortable in stating their prejudice, and even seem to wear it as a badge of virtue.

Thankfully Florida and DeSantis seem to intend on hammering this discrimination. Just when you think we make progress… and then leftists return once again to racism and discrimination.
If you left wing jokers are ok with the NHL disfranchising white people from job applications, why not go whole hog. If you're white don't apply for a teaching job, or a government job, or admission to the college of your choice, or running of a political office, ETC. In other words, if you are white, you can wait in hell, we will give you a call back when you are considered a minority but don't count on it because he hate your whiteness..
I thought the leftys were all about control. You people really need to make up your mind.

Oh, and the "live and let live" social policy is right out of the Libertarian's handbook, not a lefty one
The left clearly wants exclusive control of the levers of power

As for live and let live, our toxic lib pop culture is driving people in the direction of hedonism and its the left that controls the culture
The left clearly wants exclusive control of the levers of power

So does the right. There is not one iota of difference between them in this area.

As for live and let live, our toxic lib pop culture is driving people in the direction of hedonism and its the left that controls the culture

Or is hedonism making our pop culture "toxic" as you call it?

This has been on going as long as mankind has been alive.

Your grandparents thought your parents generation was too free of lacking morals.

Your parents thought your generation was too free of lacking morals.

You think the new generation is too free of lacking morals.

They will think the same thing of the next generation.

Tis the very nature of life
Since I was born and lived in America, I’m a Native American. Since I’m a hetero male that means I could legitimately be a pre-op transsexual lesbian.
So I can qualify for that job if I identify as a Native American pre-op transsexual lesbian.

You supported the Baker because you do not like gay people. You attack the NHL because you like white men.

Could it not be that Mac likes gay people but not their disgusting, demented sexual preferences? According to you it is unacceptable to like white people. I will take Mac over you and your ilk any day.
They are not looking for hockey players but front office people and scouts and physical therapist and the like.

Do you really think they hold a job far to the actual players?

Come on, even you are not that stupid
The league is attempting to incorporate some diversity.

I have no problem with that. Diversity leads to strength. This has been proven time and again.

What I do have a problem with is this: It should be a top-down flow. You hire enlightened general managers, office managers, and other decision makers who inherently hire with diversity in mind instead of trying to force the issue.
This has to be illegal. How do employers get away with overt hiring discrimination of protected classes?

You supported the Baker because you do not like gay people. You attack the NHL because you like white men.
I supported the baker because Christians were under attack by homosexuals

And I know who my enemies are

I oppose the NHL because reverse discrimination is no better than ordinary discrimination
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So does the right.
If so we certainly dont have it

The left has gained a very unhealthy advantage

I’m just hoping for a return to parity

But with leftwing media dominance combined with the leftwing Deep State that goal seems far away
The league is attempting to incorporate some diversity.

I have no problem with that. Diversity leads to strength. This has been proven time and again.

What I do have a problem with is this: It should be a top-down flow. You hire enlightened general managers, office managers, and other decision makers who inherently hire with diversity in mind instead of trying to force the issue.
Historically diversity leads to genocides. Which is what the left wants. You could not be more wrong.
The league is attempting to incorporate some diversity.

I have no problem with that. Diversity leads to strength. This has been proven time and again.

What I do have a problem with is this: It should be a top-down flow. You hire enlightened general managers, office managers, and other decision makers who inherently hire with diversity in mind instead of trying to force the issue.
Show us the proof of this statement----"I have no problem with that. Diversity leads to strength. This has been proven time and again". Maybe professional sports should look into this over the top statement. Do you really buy into the fantasy that a black and a white working together will produce better results that two whites or two blacks. That's just plain whacky.
Aaaannnnndddd just like that the last professional sport that i actually enjoyed and watched is over for me. Hockey really was the last sport I actually watched and they took that away from me because I refuse to do anything that benefits anything woke or anti racist. Oh well that just means I have more time to watch movies from the 80s and 90s and play video games or work around my house.

Fuck all professional sports. At this point "professional" wrestling is the only credible and morally decent sport left. Which 10 years ago would have been a punchline to a joke.

Fuck you NHL.
If so we certainly dont have it

The left has gained a very unhealthy advantage

I’m just hoping for a return to parity

But with leftwing media dominance combined with the leftwing Deep State that goal seems far away
just put on your job application that you are queer or an illegal alien....then you will get hired no problem even if yu are white as snow
The league is attempting to incorporate some diversity.

I have no problem with that.
If you have to perform racist/discriminatory job fairs to reach some utopian “diversity”.. you’re not virtuous, you’re just someone having racist job fairs.
Diversity leads to strength. This has been proven time and again.
Diversity of thought, not skin color.

I’ll tell you what, you take the “diverse” basketball team, and I’ll take the team that only has tall black men… my non-diverse team will beat your beacon of diversity strength

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