NHL sets up a “No White Men Allowed” Job Fair

A sixty-year-old incel that has never been married is telling someone else that he has a “failed and useless life”.
No, what's useless is your bizarre obsession with my sex life.
Is this true?
Not quite. Bob seems to think an "incel" is someone who is unmarried.
I'm not married.
I'm also not celibate, as my girlfriend can attest.

Bob is just upset because I exposed him to some unpleasant truths about Mormonism his cult leaders never told him.

So now he follows me around, screaming about me all day, which is kind of... weird. Getting up at 3 AM his time to post profanity laced posts... While I enjoy living in his head, I don't think it's healthy for him.

I don’t know anything about Joe other than he’s miserable and hates the USA, conservatives, and white people
Then you know less than you think.

I'm a pretty happy person, I am a veteran who loves his country, and I'm about as white as you get.

As for hating conservatives, there are no more conservatives, just Trump cultists.

You all stopped being "conservatives" when you rationalized Trump throwing every principle your side had under the bus.

I do hate the damage you people have done. If you had told me in 2016 that we'd lose 65 million jobs and a million lives, and there would be riots across the country, I'd have laughed at you.

Now it's our reality.
No, what's useless is your bizarre obsession with my sex life.

Not quite. Bob seems to think an "incel" is someone who is unmarried.
I'm not married.
I'm also not celibate, as my girlfriend can attest.

Bob is just upset because I exposed him to some unpleasant truths about Mormonism his cult leaders never told him.

So now he follows me around, screaming about me all day, which is kind of... weird. Getting up at 3 AM his time to post profanity laced posts... While I enjoy living in his head, I don't think it's healthy for him.

Then you know less than you think.

I'm a pretty happy person, I am a veteran who loves his country, and I'm about as white as you get.

As for hating conservatives, there are no more conservatives, just Trump cultists.

You all stopped being "conservatives" when you rationalized Trump throwing every principle your side had under the bus.

I do hate the damage you people have done. If you had told me in 2016 that we'd lose 65 million jobs and a million lives, and there would be riots across the country, I'd have laughed at you.

Now it's our reality.
Well, I hope the best for you. There’s much cynicism and broad brush assumptions/judgements in your posts, along with anger and demonizing entire groups of people based on anecdotes, in your posting.. you should get happier in your posting.

But, in the end, this is just a discussion board, and I’d rather you be happy and doing fine as you say you are… no need to hope someone is some type of “trash” or a “loser”.
I promise you, most of the people in the back offices of the NBA are whiter than you are.
What are you trying to say beyond whites are more qualified for those back office jobs just as blacks are better on the court.
No, what's useless is your bizarre obsession with my sex life.

Not quite. Bob seems to think an "incel" is someone who is unmarried.
I'm not married.
I'm also not celibate, as my girlfriend can attest.

Bob is just upset because I exposed him to some unpleasant truths about Mormonism his cult leaders never told him.

So now he follows me around, screaming about me all day, which is kind of... weird. Getting up at 3 AM his time to post profanity laced posts... While I enjoy living in his head, I don't think it's healthy for him.

Then you know less than you think.

I'm a pretty happy person, I am a veteran who loves his country, and I'm about as white as you get.

As for hating conservatives, there are no more conservatives, just Trump cultists.

You all stopped being "conservatives" when you rationalized Trump throwing every principle your side had under the bus.

I do hate the damage you people have done. If you had told me in 2016 that we'd lose 65 million jobs and a million lives, and there would be riots across the country, I'd have laughed at you.

Now it's our reality.
The inconvenient truth is that the Democratic Party has usurped its stated goals of for the working man. It is not anymore. It has special interests within the working class and a growing displeasure of retirees as they have been used and are now costing the system. Resources that can be used for other agendas.
I supported the baker because Christians were under attack by homosexuals

And I know who my enemies are

I oppose the NHL because reverse discrimination is no better than ordinary discrimination

Thanks for confirming what I just said about you!
There’s much cynicism and broad brush assumptions/judgements in your posts, along with anger and demonizing entire groups of people based on anecdotes, in your posting.. you should get happier in your posting.

Here’s directly from the information of the event:

“If you are looking for your opportunity to meet with recruiters from the NHL League Office and at least 10 of our NHL teams, we welcome you to register. Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

Yep. A major sports league aggressively seeking “No regular white men allowed!”. It Says something about our society and culture that these types of people are so comfortable in stating their prejudice, and even seem to wear it as a badge of virtue.

Thankfully Florida and DeSantis seem to intend on hammering this discrimination. Just when you think we make progress… and then leftists return once again to racism and discrimination.
Lol, sounds like fake news to me hilarious. More fodder for idiots.
Well, I hope the best for you. There’s much cynicism and broad brush assumptions/judgements in your posts, along with anger and demonizing entire groups of people based on anecdotes, in your posting.. you should get happier in your posting.

But, in the end, this is just a discussion board, and I’d rather you be happy and doing fine as you say you are… no need to hope someone is some type of “trash” or a “loser”.

Uh, if the cynicism is there, it's because I see shit like this.

It really takes NOTHING away from you that the NHL wants to hire more women and people of color. But you get on here like this is some outrage, working on the assumption that the only qualified people are white men. And the GOP has been playing on this white male resentment nonsense since Tricky Dick.

The America I grew up in was pretty good. The rich paid their fair share, the country did great things, we were finally fixing our racial problems, women were finally reaching their potential, and we had a robust middle class.

And the right wing has played on racial, religious and sexual fears to get dumb white people to vote against their own economic interest. Trump made a mess of everything, and you can't stop thanking him for it.. because he "owned the libs", and that poor guy with the glasses yelling was your big accomplishment in life.

I am a white, cis-gendered, straight male...
Minorities are not my enemy.
LGBTQ+ are not my enemy.
Every shitty thing that has been done to me in my life has been done by a fellow white, cis-gendered, straight male.

But instead of addressing the real problems, you and you ilk keep going for the "distracting" thing.
No, what's useless is your bizarre obsession with my sex life.

Not quite. Bob seems to think an "incel" is someone who is unmarried.
I'm not married.
I'm also not celibate, as my girlfriend can attest.

Bob is just upset because I exposed him to some unpleasant truths about Mormonism his cult leaders never told him.

So now he follows me around, screaming about me all day, which is kind of... weird. Getting up at 3 AM his time to post profanity laced posts... While I enjoy living in his head, I don't think it's healthy for him.

Then you know less than you think.

I'm a pretty happy person, I am a veteran who loves his country, and I'm about as white as you get.

As for hating conservatives, there are no more conservatives, just Trump cultists.

You all stopped being "conservatives" when you rationalized Trump throwing every principle your side had under the bus.

I do hate the damage you people have done. If you had told me in 2016 that we'd lose 65 million jobs and a million lives, and there would be riots across the country, I'd have laughed at you.

Now it's our reality.
Trumps unemployment rate in 2019 was the lowest the country had seen since 1969 (3.5%). From there it went up due to Covid. Place the blame for Covid with the Chinese where it belongs.
Here’s directly from the information of the event:

“If you are looking for your opportunity to meet with recruiters from the NHL League Office and at least 10 of our NHL teams, we welcome you to register. Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend.

Yep. A major sports league aggressively seeking “No regular white men allowed!”. It Says something about our society and culture that these types of people are so comfortable in stating their prejudice, and even seem to wear it as a badge of virtue.

Thankfully Florida and DeSantis seem to intend on hammering this discrimination. Just when you think we make progress… and then leftists return once again to racism and discrimination.

Blatant discrimination
What are you trying to say beyond whites are more qualified for those back office jobs just as blacks are better on the court.

Nope, nothing of the sort. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
NHL is going to get sued and lose for illegal discriminatory hiring practices. Looking forward to it.
Trumps unemployment rate in 2019 was the lowest the country had seen since 1969 (3.5%). From there it went up due to Covid. Place the blame for Covid with the Chinese where it belongs.

The Chinese weren't the ones who dropped the ball on Covid... that was your boy Trump.

TRump (or Biden, for that matter) have very little to do with the unemployment rate hitting 3.5%. That's because we have an overall labor shortage caused by the retirement of baby boomers.
Nope, nothing of the sort. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.
First, I don't think you know any big words. Second, I believe in survival of the fittest and you are not happy if that happens to be a white person. Like all liberals' you favor trophy's, just for showing up. If you are not qualified for the position, get qualified.
First, I don't think you know any big words. Second, I believe in survival of the fittest and you are not happy if that happens to be a white person. Like all liberals' you favor trophy's, just for showing up. If you are not qualified for the position, get qualified.

Oh, please.. most of you are born on third base and thought you hit a triple.
I can't tell you how many white idiots I've worked with because they have a relative or bed partner who runs the company.
Being white is the ultimate trophy for showing up.
Oh, please.. most of you are born on third base and thought you hit a triple.
I can't tell you how many white idiots I've worked with because they have a relative or bed partner who runs the company.
Being white is the ultimate trophy for showing up.
You keep telling yourself that. At some point it gets to insulting.
Oh, please.. most of you are born on third base and thought you hit a triple.
I can't tell you how many white idiots I've worked with because they have a relative or bed partner who runs the company.
Being white is the ultimate trophy for showing up.
Sounds to me like you can't hold a job, which is the bane of most failing liberal bicheads.

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