NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches—3 in 4 break food regulations

I still have mucho conserning for NHS horsepistol that break food regulations of mices and kockaroaches. :mad:

Terrible, just terrible.

That is of course the NHS it is terrible.

Did you know that NHS stands for No Hope Service?

The troll has no concern for that.

What a chavvy chavvy Chav chops!!

I am always having idea it meant Never Healing Symptoms. :dunno:
Decker, the concern troll is not responding !!!

Perhaps he has taken a trip to Norway.

Visiting the burial place of Edvard Greig.
See we will and be watching you go bye-bye when new big conserning be oveur.

Nope i am not going anywhere however much you want to me tosser

Again troll go away and get a life. You need to still wipe shit away from your mouth

This poor chap is a very angry little retard.

What a pathetic troll.

He should stop posting his garbled angry posts and study the correct use of the English language.

Probably try some reality orientation, help him realise when he is being mocked.

A sense of humor wouldn't hurt either!

Perhaps he ran out of lambert and butlers, t'would explain his anger!![/QUO

Your the troll and the bully. Your the stupid fucking idiot ****
Decker, the concern troll is not responding !!!

Perhaps he has taken a trip to Norway.

Visiting the burial place of Edvard Greig.

I think paul the dumb troll does not understand about word stop being a ****. Now fuck off idiot. You really are dumb fuck from the planet idiot
Trolls are always pick out my spellings.
YOUR rong for I am dyslexia.
Hence I not do checks of grandma on posting like dyslexics would.

If you dyslexic like myself then that fine. I have no issue with that. But don,t attack my grandma when you do the same yourself mate.

My grandma died!!
I never attacked yours, why would you make such a terrible allegation!!
I never met your Grandma!!

I said my grammer idiot.

Anyway get a life motherfucker
There much new conserning I am has for increase of potty mouth by short time visiting Concern Troll with name of decker.

I will make time more to consern about this.
There much new conserning I am has for increase of potty mouth by short time visiting Concern Troll with name of decker.

I will make time more to consern about this.

You really are a stupid sad piece of shit troll. You speak like a four year old troll who has nothing better then shit himself.

go away and watch your best kids programme.
farther into toilet goes decker mouth. much consern i having for this, and pray rules not being broken are they.

foul troll mouth gives me deep consern.
farther into toilet goes decker mouth. much consern i having for this, and pray rules not being broken are they.

foul troll mouth gives me deep consern.

I think troll its you who has broken the rules with your constant trolling of me repeating same thing again and again and again.

Your trolling mate and you know it. You love it and fair play . If that how you get your kicks then good luck to you.
noticing am i that decker troll has not dyslexia problem when angrying and potty mouthing.

is only part of concern troll acting.
Decker, the concern troll is not responding !!!

Perhaps he has taken a trip to Norway.

Visiting the burial place of Edvard Greig.

I think paul the dumb troll does not understand about word stop being a ****. Now fuck off idiot. You really are dumb fuck from the planet idiot

It's a lovely part of the world.
You have Griegs house, in a wooded area, then a rock face rises , behind the house, a blue/gray rock into which an alcove was carved for the body.
Beautiful place Troldhaugen.
It translates from Scandinavian as "The place of the troll".

The job center frequented by Decker is known as the place of the Chav.
noticing am i that decker troll has not dyslexia problem when angrying and potty mouthing.

is only part of concern troll acting.

You see right through his act!!
Chats are terrible performers.
Unless they are girl chavs, the female Chav makes a great porn actor.
Here's where he was laid to rest.
Greig has to be one of my y most respected composers.
I can't do this anymore.
It's just cruel!!
Decker is not dyslexic mind.
Dipspastic probably.
And a Chav!!
He is a government artist !!

Draws the dole.....

I see i am dealing with a crazy idiot here. I tried to be the adult but your too stupid or too crazy to deal with.

You need help mate . You really do. Take your meds and calm down

Go sign on lad, it's double giro for the first 50 dossers in the door!!

Cheer up !! Go cash your income support!!

Excuse me, do we have a kookburger-to-English translator here?

Dude, what the FUCK are you smoking?!?!
Ah . . the wonders of socialized medicine. How could anyone object to this Utopia?

NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches | Mail Online

Hundreds of hospital kitchens across the country are dirty, have cockroach and mice infestations or are stocking out-of-date food, a MailOnline investigation has revealed.

Inspectors found that three-quarters of kitchens are flouting basic food hygiene rules while nearly a third were not properly cleaned.

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …

An analysis of 769 environmental health inspection reports revealed that 581 hospitals across Britain are breaking the rules. …​

So 14 out of 581 hospitals have a probelm with pests?

Have you seen some of the hospitals in poorer neighborhoods of this country?
Stay on point. The purpose of this thread is to point out the failure of socialized taxpayer funded medical treatment.
There simply is not enough money to tax to pay for this shitty system. Hence the NICE death panels.
Ah . . the wonders of socialized medicine. How could anyone object to this Utopia?

NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches | Mail Online

Hundreds of hospital kitchens across the country are dirty, have cockroach and mice infestations or are stocking out-of-date food, a MailOnline investigation has revealed.

Inspectors found that three-quarters of kitchens are flouting basic food hygiene rules while nearly a third were not properly cleaned.

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …

An analysis of 769 environmental health inspection reports revealed that 581 hospitals across Britain are breaking the rules. …​

Even though our nhs not perfect don,t read quotes from daily mail crap. It paper full of bile and hate that goes out to hate all things in our country. nasty newspaper that even had someone said popstar accidental death was maybe linked to his gay lifestyle. Again paul dacre and his team are not a paper to get quotes from on nhs.

nhs not perfect but it full of hardworking talented people that do their best to saves lives. I saulte them.
Offer examples of stories printed by the Mail that are not true.
Are you denying the facts as presented or are you simply okay with rats and cockroaches in the food
He's agreeing with the facts presented:

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …


ONE is too many.
Look, just because the count is 14 means nothing. Those are the ones that got caught.

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