NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches—3 in 4 break food regulations

I could same for your american friends to say what fuck do you know about our national health service.

also what fucking rude and disrespetful **** you . fuck you and fuck you again for being so rude. Your the fucking retard and not me

go outside if i were you and learn to be a nicer person instead of abusing someone over the internet

go outside . it must be nice day in america. enjoy it. weather always good where you live surley.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an angry chap I would say!
Retardochavs are the angriest people in all of the not very United Kingdom.
Angrier that the people of bradderstan.

More like your the angry psycho troll going out repeating same lies at me. You need anger managerment mate.

Yoo ar beings too muches of the retardochav.
Yoo am trolls are and much is that.
In returns I no have words in colostomy bags or other.
See your clotheshanger mongolment you Mong.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an angry chap I would say!
Retardochavs are the angriest people in all of the not very United Kingdom.
Angrier that the people of bradderstan.

More like your the angry psycho troll going out repeating same lies at me. You need anger managerment mate.

Yoo ar beings too muches of the retardochav.
Yoo am trolls are and much is that.
In returns I no have words in colostomy bags or other.
See your clotheshanger mongolment you Mong.

He are giant concern troll what has lots of concerns for everything but no answer to fixing of much concerns.
Ah . . the wonders of socialized medicine. How could anyone object to this Utopia?

NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches | Mail Online

Hundreds of hospital kitchens across the country are dirty, have cockroach and mice infestations or are stocking out-of-date food, a MailOnline investigation has revealed.

Inspectors found that three-quarters of kitchens are flouting basic food hygiene rules while nearly a third were not properly cleaned.

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …

An analysis of 769 environmental health inspection reports revealed that 581 hospitals across Britain are breaking the rules. …​

Has nothing at all to do with socialised medicine.
Trolls are always pick out my spellings.
YOUR rong for I am dyslexia.
Hence I not do checks of grandma on posting like dyslexics would.
Ah . . the wonders of socialized medicine. How could anyone object to this Utopia?

NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches | Mail Online

Hundreds of hospital kitchens across the country are dirty, have cockroach and mice infestations or are stocking out-of-date food, a MailOnline investigation has revealed.

Inspectors found that three-quarters of kitchens are flouting basic food hygiene rules while nearly a third were not properly cleaned.

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …

An analysis of 769 environmental health inspection reports revealed that 581 hospitals across Britain are breaking the rules. …​

Has nothing at all to do with socialised medicine.

Exceptingsvthat the roaches cock needs loving.
Hence hospital kitchens give cure in NHS.
But you care not spiders or mice only COCKroach !
Which mad for.
Ah . . the wonders of socialized medicine. How could anyone object to this Utopia?

NHS hospital kitchens overrun by mice and cockroaches | Mail Online

Hundreds of hospital kitchens across the country are dirty, have cockroach and mice infestations or are stocking out-of-date food, a MailOnline investigation has revealed.

Inspectors found that three-quarters of kitchens are flouting basic food hygiene rules while nearly a third were not properly cleaned.

Six NHS hospitals had mice, two had rats, five had cockroaches and another hospital had an unspecified problem with “pests”. …

An analysis of 769 environmental health inspection reports revealed that 581 hospitals across Britain are breaking the rules. …​

Has nothing at all to do with socialised medicine.

Exceptingsvthat the roaches cock needs loving.
Hence hospital kitchens give cure in NHS.
But you care not spiders or mice only COCKroach !
Which mad for.

I yam thinkin NHS horsepistols no give people car no more and take only car of mices an kackroachees.

Then they show big, giat konsern in rite place. :thup:
I have to assume you are drunk. I have no idea what you are on about.

You troll me for COCKroach in barking, spider not matter like mice in NHS for affordable Care Bears a Hubba Hubba Hubba ?
Mock how I am riting not kind.
I have to assume you are drunk. I have no idea what you are on about.

You troll me for COCKroach in barking, spider not matter like mice in NHS for affordable Care Bears a Hubba Hubba Hubba ?
Mock how I am riting not kind.

She big troll for anione who not thinking upside-down people r bestest of all the peoples.

Not like loving COCKroach is true.
Like criminal live upside downs but no me and only that.
More like your the angry psycho troll going out repeating same lies at me. You need anger managerment mate.

Yoo ar beings too muches of the retardochav.
Yoo am trolls are and much is that.
In returns I no have words in colostomy bags or other.
See your clotheshanger mongolment you Mong.

He are giant concern troll what has lots of concerns for everything but no answer to fixing of much concerns.

I am not a concern troll you stupid idiot. Debate me instead of trying to throw lies at me. I dare you to do it .

Are you denying the facts as presented or are you simply okay with rats and cockroaches in the food as long as they are ‘full of hardworking talented people.’ Really, no one cares how you feel about NHS. This is about the problem as presented in the OP and if it relates to a government control issue.

I don,t believe what i read in the daily mail as they have known history of not always being right.

Secondly i live in the uk unlike you and have found most people in nhs have treated people i know with care and respect. We have a affordable health system in our country and thank fuck for that. Its not perfect but at least people can afford it.

As the olympic opening ceremony showed most of our brits our proud of the national health service whatever attacks come from the daily mail.

Its not perfect and people do have to wait to long. But I am proud people can get affordable health care in our country

Be proud then. I’ll be proud that you have to come here when that system fails them.

Look, the price is another animal and something that socialization DOES NOT SOLVE. That is the core problem. All that does is spread the cost and hide it. In the end, you pay the same but the one thing that moves progress, reduces price and defeats waste (competition) is completely removed in that system. It is asinine in the extreme. You want to know what has driven prices here through the roof? Government and insurance. For some asinine reason, the people here seem to think that MORE government and insurance is the answer to problems created by the same. It is asinine.

We had the best care. ALL of our problems can be related to access and preventative measures (the one thing that a free market does not push) but we did virtually nothing to solve that. It is disheartening as Americans are going to pat themselves on the back for solving that particular problem as it gets worse and worse.

look if your happy with your system then fair play to you. I don,t agree that many of our people go to america to pay for more expensive healthcare. We get it for free in the uk . if any point people want to go private in england they can do so. Good thing is we give people both options in nhs. But look if your healthcare system is fine in us then good luck to you. But doubt many brits head over their to america for your healthcare when we got our own.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an angry chap I would say!
Retardochavs are the angriest people in all of the not very United Kingdom.
Angrier that the people of bradderstan.

More like your the angry psycho troll going out repeating same lies at me. You need anger managerment mate.

Yoo ar beings too muches of the retardochav.
Yoo am trolls are and much is that.
In returns I no have words in colostomy bags or other.
See your clotheshanger mongolment you Mong.

I have no idea what the hell you just said. Their was so little english in your answer it was unreal.

Irony of you having a go at my grammer is unreal. Anyway move on mate.
Firstly its not shit.
As channel four 24 hours in a and e showed it has some of the best nurses in world saving people lives daily.
Yes we have to pay little through ni but that nothing compared to what americans have to pay for their healthcare
Olympics was a good reflection on hard working people who i have found whenever i been in their to be friendly and helpful and try their best to help people.
Its not shit. Its not perfect but at least its affordable and have talented people working in it

America don,t be afraid of it. You are not even getting the free healthcare we get only bit of it. But I think its great system that allows people to affford operations like my mum friend had after nasty accident. Whether in other countries she be having to pay for it out of his own pocket which could leave her broke.

Listen retardochav, you have clearly never visited the USA.
Your semi literate skills with the English language would render you incapable of filling in the I94 visa waiver form.
So what could you possibly know about anything in the USA?

Be a good Chav, go cash your giro and leave your betters to their adult conversations.


Ta ta for now Chav chops!
Cash your giro , don't forget your lamberts, or do you prefer roll ups?

Are you stoned?

Thank you for that post. The guy is a bit out their to say the least. disagree with what i say to him so launches sprew of abuse which makes no sense.

Sadly its the world of the internet having to deal with people like that
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ an angry chap I would say!
Retardochavs are the angriest people in all of the not very United Kingdom.
Angrier that the people of bradderstan.

More like your the angry psycho troll going out repeating same lies at me. You need anger managerment mate.

No...he needs involuntary confinement in a secure nut farm!

agree . I understand he disagrees with me but he behaves like a nutter on here.

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