Niche Marketeer, Rasmussen Tracking, Is Back To Obama Plus One


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Specialty market research is likely already starting to come back with the increase of sales, the litany of jobs reports--showing every month an improvement--and the publishing of results from Rasmussen polling.

They were also around in 2008, and so most recently: It all looks mostly pro-Obama.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

A "niche" market, for example would be the already prosperous at JPL, in California, accepting federal funds for their mostly bloated payrolls: To land a high-tech motor scooter on the planet of Mars. Anyone notices that like unto Reagan, and like unto Bush I, Term I, and like unto Bush II, Terms I and II: That "shovel-ready" jobs are not at all funded in that project. This is a special "niche" of the market. Other jobs not in project are housing construction jobs, and highway-making jobs, and sewer-making jobs, and Keystone Cops kind of jobs. Pro Wrestling jobs are not at all funded in the project.

Anyone sees that Pro Wrestling jobs do not require federal funding. Educated Jobs, however, require: A, really, really, really, giant Boatload of federal funding! Like the federal defense funding budget, mass market jobs are not at all funded. Body Armor, even, never ever gets funded. Mainly pilot-free, flying rockets get funded. Kind of like the Third Reich, V-1 Rockets--The U. S. Defense Department does that kind of funding.

No else can even afford to pay the mortagages.

And so it takes a "niche" market: To decimate a village(?)! Apparently that will be called, "Romney-Hood," appealing to a narrow, niche market, kind of base. Taking what Deficit there is, and spreading it around the already prosperous: Becomes the Romeny, Traditional GOP Brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Savvy Investors of Many nations: Now on Right Track, again!)
Soon--in a more Genesis-like time frame--anyone will know where the Stimulus money really went. After bailing out the local and state bureauracies--rife with the teachers, not even having doctorates--Then There is Federal Biz Opps!

In that source, people with no clue about, "shovel-ready" infra-structure jobs: Fill out forms, and get lots of money. Then "jobs" happen. Mostly nowhere famous is the one to roof the crappers in a meadow at Mammoth Lakes, in California! Someone in the Pacific Northwest actually got the real contract, nowhere near the project location!

For millions, that is even better than jobs online!

For millions, that turns out now to be better than state and local, bureaucracy and teacher employment!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now find staffing Taking Reservations! Hmmmm(?)!)
If I was in incumbent president with a +1 at this point I'd be worried, plenty worried.
Since the conventions have yet to be openly discussed, even before the discussions begin, then the LV skew of polling is less of any interest to incumbent or challengers, inclusive. The interest of anyone is in the general population, not the one that is skewed.

Anyone reliant on a military adventure, for an economic stimulus, is in the similar bind. The military is too high-tech, and engages very little further economic activity. The Likely voter is already committed to at least the concept of turning out: Possibly to catch a glimpse of Sarah Palin, trying to scope Shirtless Valdimir Putin, shirtless and riding bareback. No one cares if Palin is at her front porch or not!

That is a shrinking population of the electorate. It is a tiny little part of the marketplace, and just as easily is no longer predictive of an outcome--of more than a shrinking sector of the electorate. The idea is to get Palin into the field, and maybe streak a pro sports playoff game, or something!

More and more the civilization has become niche-market bound. There is nothing wrong with a niche market.

Reliance on it, however, would easily be said to be more and more risky. See for Example, the Stimulus Funding--to state and local bureaucrats, and federal contractors!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations Now finding--Many seats in undisclosed locations, for the rich!)
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Sample was D+13.

I don't believe they even care that so many of us realize what they are doing when they poll with a sample like that.

The only point of the poll is to get the screaming headline. Doesn't matter if the polls are bogus.
Sample was D+13.

I don't believe they even care that so many of us realize what they are doing when they poll with a sample like that.

The only point of the poll is to get the screaming headline. Doesn't matter if the polls are bogus.

The palace guards of the Obama media will do anything to keep Obama on top of the RCP average. Pew recently conducted a poll that was D+19....and 23% of the polled were not even registered!!


Romney’s Personal Image Remains Negative - Page 2 | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
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The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts--Dumping Substance and Other Treasure, into the Sea--may have fallen off one another of the yachts, completely!

The Republicans show-cased their base, in their last election campaign flyers. They really needed Sarah Palin then, streaking a pro sports playoff game, or something! That was the year of the Tea-Berserkers--unsure if they were doing the U.S. Pre-Revolution, or an Alice-In-Wonderland Event.

So now the tiny niche-market that took it all over--and raised havoc for Boehner and Cantor alike--is not at all what the major general election will be about.

It won't even be about personalities: Since so far the one of them, from Massachusetts, doesn't seem to have one. It will be a general conditions kine of test of what is happing now! That, Now will be then(?), and will engage even less likely voters.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Now Come To Lands of Many Nations: Seeking Focus--on numbers seven, and even eleven!)
These polls are heavily skewed democrat and O is only up by a percentage point or two. Pretty telling.
These polls are heavily skewed democrat and O is only up by a percentage point or two. Pretty telling.

That's what the McCain fans said in 2008. That's why McCain is president...

I don't recall that. O had a 14 point lead in October. He won by 7 percent.

The realclear average of final polls had Obama by 7.6 points and he won by 7.3. The poll averages are accurate for the time they are taken.

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