Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

Guy, most of us get screwed by the One Percent, and they don't care about us at all. But don't worry, they'll notice when Bernie wins the nomination. Like Pure fucking panic.

I don't support Bernie. I don't think he has good ideas. But I totally understand HOW WE GOT HERE.

You clearly don't.
Oh, sure I do. He's promising idiot children "free" stuff. He has no clue how to pay for it, other than the simplistic and ignorant "tax the rich!!" -- which wouldn't even pay for a full year of current spending.

His supporters eat it up, because they're simplistic and ignorant too.

And how we got here is by the left controlling education for 50 years, creating simplistic and ignorant people.

Rational people don't want the economy destroyed. Rational people don't support Bernie.
That’s the very nature of capitalism. Starting and running a business is inherently risky. Only half of new businesses survive the first five years and it has always been like this.

Awesome, not my point at all. My point was that for 60% of the population, Capitalism is a shit sandwich. I'm personally a little terrified Bernie is doing as well as he is, but I can completely understand why people support him. You work hard all your life only to get screwed by business owners?

Professional race car driving is a shit sandwich for anyone who lacks the skills for it or doesn’t take the necessary steps to become proficient and successful at it.

The beauty of capitalism is that it works the same way nature does: survival of the fittest.

As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

Debt that they knew they would incur before they went in.

They were also promised that when they completed college, the Middle Class and the ability to pay it back awaited. Instead they get wonderful jobs at Starbucks working for tips, and you wonder why they vote for Bernie.

Don’t blame the system for not working the way it never did. The system is not at fault for parents and society snowjobbing young people into believing something that is not true.

Bernie isn't the candidate we need, but he might be the one we deserve.

So we should be punished with socialism because parents and society are ignorant of the real world?

Call it whatever you want but it definitely leans more towards socialism than what conservatives envision. When you hear things like “redistribution of wealth” and morons like AOC saying that billionaires became rich by taking, there’s not much room there for interpretation.

NO, there isn't. Billionaires did become rich by taking, that's the fucking point. The One Percent has 43% of the wealth, they DID NOT DO 43% of the labor to produce it.

Right, because they paid people to do the labor.

If you don’t have a rich person or someone at the top to pay people to do the labor, how are they going to get paid for the labor?

Just how the fuck do you expect an economic system to work by punishing people who succeed at it?

For the record, Y

See, more Shithouse lawyering.

He can't help himself.

Yup, trying to bait me just like I said. Did you seriously think I would sit still and say nothing when I know you were the one responsible for those tangents?

Stay on the subject, buddy.

You’re in a discussion about the Sandmann lawsuit bitching about capitalism and rich people and you’re telling me to stay on topic. That’s rich.

Not only are you the one who brought up Michael Brown in the other discussion, you brought him in this discussion (post #64, page 7).

Do you understand why these young kids are supporting Bernie? My guess is after I've explained it to you, you still don't.

What young person is not going to support a candidate who promises them free college? Even if the student debt problem was only half as bad as it is, they’re still going to support no student debt over reduced student debt.

I have no illusions as to why young people support Sanders. I just don’t think it’s realistic.
My point was that for 60% of the population, Capitalism is a shit sandwich. … You work hard all your life only to get screwed by business owners?
As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

JoeB131's story, that he tells over and over again in assorted bits and pieces, scattered across many conversations, is of him being screwed over by just about everyone. Here, he complains that business owners screwed him. (And makes up that 60% claim ex nihilo to suggest that his claimed experience is that of a majority.) Elsewhere, he complains about how Catholics have screwed him, or Mormons have screwed him, or conservatives or Christians or just about any other group for which he happens at the time to be expressing his extreme hatred.

You're left with two choices, as to what to believe about JoeB131. One is that there is something about him, that just causes everyone he deals with to be irrationally driven to screw him over. The other is that he's just a serious failure, due to his own shortcomings, and combined with that has a massive persecution complex that causes him to blame every other possible group for his own failures.

I think it is clear, his bullshit “60%” claim here notwithstanding, that his experience is not that of any but a small minority of those similarly defective to himself.
My point was that for 60% of the population, Capitalism is a shit sandwich. … You work hard all your life only to get screwed by business owners?
As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

JoeB131's story, that he tells over and over again in assorted bits and pieces, scattered across many conversations, is of him being screwed over by just about everyone. Here, he complains that business owners screwed him. (And makes up that 60% claim ex nihilo to suggest that his claimed experience is that of a majority.) Elsewhere, he complains about how Catholics have screwed him, or Mormons have screwed him, or conservatives or Christians or just about any other group for which he happens at the time to be expressing his extreme hatred.

You're left with two choices, as to what to believe about JoeB131. One is that there is something about him, that just causes everyone he deals with to be irrationally driven to screw him over. The other is that he's just a serious failure, due to his own shortcomings, and combined with that has a massive persecution complex that causes him to blame every other possible group for his own failures.

I think it is clear, his bullshit “60%” claim here notwithstanding, that his experience is not that of any but a small minority of those similarly defective to himself.

I think it all boils down to an inability to accept the fact that the world is not fair. And punishing people for using their gifts and talents and hard work to succeed is never going to fix that.
The people with underwater basket weaving degrees didn't come to you for placement.

Why wouldn't they? They still need jobs.

What does he sell that you can't get from a non-Microsoft supplier?

A product that I can use. For instance, in my business, I heavily use MS Word. Now there are other Word Processing and Spreadsheet programs out there, but MS Office is pretty much the standard in most business and homes.
JoeB131's story, that he tells over and over again in assorted bits and pieces, scattered across many conversations, is of him being screwed over by just about everyone. Here, he complains that business owners screwed him. (And makes up that 60% claim ex nihilo to suggest that his claimed experience is that of a majority.) Elsewhere, he complains about how Catholics have screwed him, or Mormons have screwed him, or conservatives or Christians or just about any other group for which he happens at the time to be expressing his extreme hatred.

Or that I am simply criticizing these groups for their stupidity, but you never come up with a counter argument, do you.

So let's take Catholics. I was raised Catholic. Had serious doubts about the bullshit stories they were peddling, or how they weren't following their own rules. (The Bible says, "No Graven Images", but man, Churches are full of them). But the end came when my Mom got cancer and died, and Sister Mary Butch* showed up at her wake and said, "God had a good reason for this". The Old Dyke was lucky I didn't punch her the fuck out.

(*- I collectively refer to all the nuns that taught me growing up as "Sister Mary Butch", because they were all frustrated Lesbians who hated kids. The best thing about the gay rights movement is that women stopped joining that fucked up lifestyle.)

Now that said, did the Catholics "Screw me over"? Nope. Did they subject me to a lot of bullshit that I had to sort out? Yup. I'm better off for it. If I had grown up in a more mainstream denomination with less crazy, I might have never questioned the bullshit.

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

You're left with two choices, as to what to believe about JoeB131. One is that there is something about him, that just causes everyone he deals with to be irrationally driven to screw him over. The other is that he's just a serious failure, due to his own shortcomings, and combined with that has a massive persecution complex that causes him to blame every other possible group for his own failures.

Um, no. First, I'm very successful in my field. Despite running into some creepy ass Mormons early in my military career, I still rose through the ranks and was honorably discharged as a Staff Sergeant. Despite being screwed over by an employer after I busted up my knee, leaving me with thousands in medical debt, I still managed to get other jobs, paid down my debt, and launched my own business.

The reality is, if you live long enough, people will fuck with you. I'd say 90% of my encounters with people are positive. You always find that one person who will take advantage. I look at these as obstacles to overcome, but frankly, a lot of these obstacles are unnecessary.

I think it all boils down to an inability to accept the fact that the world is not fair. And punishing people for using their gifts and talents and hard work to succeed is never going to fix that.

Again, it's not a matter of gifts of talents, it's a matter of the wealthy abusing the system.

We had it right for a while. The rich pay their fair share and workers belonged to unions to make sure they weren't being exploited.

As I've stated, I'm horrified that Bernie is doing as well as he is, but I'm not surprised. The rich have abused us so long that he is starting to make sense to people.
Oh, sure I do. He's promising idiot children "free" stuff. He has no clue how to pay for it, other than the simplistic and ignorant "tax the rich!!" -- which wouldn't even pay for a full year of current spending.

His supporters eat it up, because they're simplistic and ignorant too.

The rich have 43% of the wealth. Making them pay their fair share would pay for things just fine.

Let's take health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, and millions still don't have coverage. The "Socialist" countries in Europe spend about 8-11% of their GDP on health care, they cover a lot more, their people live longer and less of their babies die in infancy.

We could also stop pissing away 6% of our GDP on a bloated Military Industrial Complex. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 8 of those are our allies.


So the idea that "The money isn't there" is just laughable.
Professional race car driving is a shit sandwich for anyone who lacks the skills for it or doesn’t take the necessary steps to become proficient and successful at it.

The beauty of capitalism is that it works the same way nature does: survival of the fittest.

Actually, I kind of aspire to be better than the animals. If we were really like nature, we'd drag the rich out of their homes and eat their fat asses.

One more time...

France 1787
Russia 1917
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

I'm sure all the rich in those countries thought they were the best and the fittest, until people finally got fed up with their shit.


As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

Hasn't been my experience. Taking out things that happened to me, since Mormon Bob will claim that I angered Shabuga, the Mormon God of success or something, this is the shit I've seen over the years.

  • I saw a lady fired when the boss found out she was gay. Never mind she worked for the company for 14 years and recently got a promotion.
  • I've seen multiple women fired after they got pregnant.
  • One company I worked at, they lied to us for a year about not closing down our branch, so we wouldn't all look for other opportunities, and then they did it anyway.
  • I've seen long term employees let go while people who were friends of the Manager were kept.
  • I've seen a lady fired so that the boss could make a job for one of his drinking buddies. (The guy was useless so it ended up increasing my workload.)
  • I've seen companies use undocumented labor for scrub work through "day labor" agencies. They knew what they were hiring. When they were told they couldn't do that anymore, the white meth heads that were brought in to replace them were even scarier.

None of these things had a "Good business Reason". Except maybe hiring the illegals. It was just people with money and power abusing people without money and power.

The two best companies I worked for were a British Company and a Japanese company, but they still engaged in a lot of the same shit. American companies, still the worst.

What young person is not going to support a candidate who promises them free college? Even if the student debt problem was only half as bad as it is, they’re still going to support no student debt over reduced student debt.

I have no illusions as to why young people support Sanders. I just don’t think it’s realistic.

Sure it is. Make the rich parasites pay their fair share. We could easily scrub the 1.5 Trillion in debt simply by repealing the Trump Tax Giveaways to the rich. Now, there are a lot of arguments about why we shouldn't. It doesn't address the underlying problem of why college is so expensive to start with, or why people need college degrees for doing even entry level purchasing jobs.
The people with underwater basket weaving degrees didn't come to you for placement.

Why wouldn't they? They still need jobs.

What does he sell that you can't get from a non-Microsoft supplier?

A product that I can use. For instance, in my business, I heavily use MS Word. Now there are other Word Processing and Spreadsheet programs out there, but MS Office is pretty much the standard in most business and homes.
There are open source applications that open and save to MS Word's file format.

But ten you couldn't impotently bitch about Bill Gates, could you?

So, you're stupid -- and it's Bill Gate's fault.
Oh, sure I do. He's promising idiot children "free" stuff. He has no clue how to pay for it, other than the simplistic and ignorant "tax the rich!!" -- which wouldn't even pay for a full year of current spending.

His supporters eat it up, because they're simplistic and ignorant too.

The rich have 43% of the wealth. Making them pay their fair share would pay for things just fine.

Let's take health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, and millions still don't have coverage. The "Socialist" countries in Europe spend about 8-11% of their GDP on health care, they cover a lot more, their people live longer and less of their babies die in infancy.

We could also stop pissing away 6% of our GDP on a bloated Military Industrial Complex. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 8 of those are our allies.


So the idea that "The money isn't there" is just laughable.
How much of what other people have earned is your "fair share"?

But the income tax is remarkably progressive. Once again citing the Tax Policy Center (a joint project of two left-of-center think tanks: the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute), Americans in the top 20 percent paid an estimated 87 percent of income taxes for 2018. This was up from 84 percent in 2017, which means that the “Trump tax cuts” actually made the tax code more progressive.
Looks like the rich are already paying their fair share -- and other peoples', too.

The problem is leftist simply can't understand numbers. Same article:

The New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo recently argued for “abolishing” billionaires outright. Presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Beto O’Rourke say we should make the rich less rich because income inequality is bad. Candidate Bernie Sanders and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (and many others) think that everything from Medicare for All to the Green New Deal can be financed largely — or entirely — by pillaging the bank accounts of the rich.

This is populist insanity masquerading as public finance. According to the Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl, doubling the top tax brackets (from 35 and 37 percent to 70 and 74 percent) “would close just one-fifth of the long-term Social Security and Medicare shortfall. Even seizing all annual income earned over $500,000 would not come close.”

You could literally confiscate 100 percent of the wealth of the entire 1 percent and not come close to paying for Sanders’s version of Medicare for All (price tag: $32 trillion).
And we're supposed to trust you morons with running the entire country? I don't think so.
How much of what other people have earned is your "fair share"?

Good question. My previous job, I achieved close to a million dollars in cost reductions... Didn't personally see a penny of it. Most people don't realize the wealth they create for others... and that's the problem.

Looks like the rich are already paying their fair share -- and other peoples', too.

Actually, give the misery the One Percenters cause, we should take everything they have and THEN harvest them for transplant organs. Then maybe they'd be paying their fair share.
The people with underwater basket weaving degrees didn't come to you for placement.

Why wouldn't they? They still need jobs.

What does he sell that you can't get from a non-Microsoft supplier?

A product that I can use. For instance, in my business, I heavily use MS Word. Now there are other Word Processing and Spreadsheet programs out there, but MS Office is pretty much the standard in most business and homes.

Why wouldn't they?

They didn't think it would work? They didn't think?

They still need jobs.

You're damn right they do.
That coffee isn't going to make itself.

A product that I can use.

Microsoft has the only usable product? DURR

Now there are other Word Processing and Spreadsheet programs out there

You should buy one.

but MS Office is pretty much the standard in most business and homes.

With no force or weapon involved. Weird.
Oh, sure I do. He's promising idiot children "free" stuff. He has no clue how to pay for it, other than the simplistic and ignorant "tax the rich!!" -- which wouldn't even pay for a full year of current spending.

His supporters eat it up, because they're simplistic and ignorant too.

The rich have 43% of the wealth. Making them pay their fair share would pay for things just fine.

Let's take health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, and millions still don't have coverage. The "Socialist" countries in Europe spend about 8-11% of their GDP on health care, they cover a lot more, their people live longer and less of their babies die in infancy.

We could also stop pissing away 6% of our GDP on a bloated Military Industrial Complex. We spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 8 of those are our allies.


So the idea that "The money isn't there" is just laughable.

The rich have 43% of the wealth. Making them pay their fair share would pay for things just fine.

They already pay much, much more than the non-rich.

Let's take health care. We spend 17% of our GDP on health care, and millions still don't have coverage.

After 8 years of Obama? He was useless, wasn't he?

The "Socialist" countries in Europe spend about 8-11% of their GDP on health care, they cover a lot more

Rationing, long waiting lists, old equipment and fewer new meds certainly make things cheaper.
Professional race car driving is a shit sandwich for anyone who lacks the skills for it or doesn’t take the necessary steps to become proficient and successful at it.

The beauty of capitalism is that it works the same way nature does: survival of the fittest.

Actually, I kind of aspire to be better than the animals. If we were really like nature, we'd drag the rich out of their homes and eat their fat asses.

One more time...

France 1787
Russia 1917
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

I'm sure all the rich in those countries thought they were the best and the fittest, until people finally got fed up with their shit.

View attachment 305650

As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

Hasn't been my experience. Taking out things that happened to me, since Mormon Bob will claim that I angered Shabuga, the Mormon God of success or something, this is the shit I've seen over the years.

  • I saw a lady fired when the boss found out she was gay. Never mind she worked for the company for 14 years and recently got a promotion.
  • I've seen multiple women fired after they got pregnant.
  • One company I worked at, they lied to us for a year about not closing down our branch, so we wouldn't all look for other opportunities, and then they did it anyway.
  • I've seen long term employees let go while people who were friends of the Manager were kept.
  • I've seen a lady fired so that the boss could make a job for one of his drinking buddies. (The guy was useless so it ended up increasing my workload.)
  • I've seen companies use undocumented labor for scrub work through "day labor" agencies. They knew what they were hiring. When they were told they couldn't do that anymore, the white meth heads that were brought in to replace them were even scarier.

None of these things had a "Good business Reason". Except maybe hiring the illegals. It was just people with money and power abusing people without money and power.

The two best companies I worked for were a British Company and a Japanese company, but they still engaged in a lot of the same shit. American companies, still the worst.

What young person is not going to support a candidate who promises them free college? Even if the student debt problem was only half as bad as it is, they’re still going to support no student debt over reduced student debt.

I have no illusions as to why young people support Sanders. I just don’t think it’s realistic.

Sure it is. Make the rich parasites pay their fair share. We could easily scrub the 1.5 Trillion in debt simply by repealing the Trump Tax Giveaways to the rich. Now, there are a lot of arguments about why we shouldn't. It doesn't address the underlying problem of why college is so expensive to start with, or why people need college degrees for doing even entry level purchasing jobs.

One more time...

France 1787
Russia 1917
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

What are 4 countries that sucked worse after their revolutions?
How much of what other people have earned is your "fair share"?

Good question. My previous job, I achieved close to a million dollars in cost reductions... Didn't personally see a penny of it. Most people don't realize the wealth they create for others... and that's the problem.

Looks like the rich are already paying their fair share -- and other peoples', too.

Actually, give the misery the One Percenters cause, we should take everything they have and THEN harvest them for transplant organs. Then maybe they'd be paying their fair share.
Hey, great job disproving the notion that leftists are violently unhinged!

No, Ioseph, you will NOT be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo after the Revolution. You will work in dimly-lit and unsafe People's Glorious Tractor Factory #17 until you're no longer useful, then you will be buried in a mass grave. If you're lucky, you'll already be dead when the bulldozers push the dirt over you.

Good Gaea, Communists are stupid bastards.

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