Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

Microsoft has the only usable product? DURR

They have the only product you can use than anyone else wuold have, that's kind of the point.

What are 4 countries that sucked worse after their revolutions?

What are four countries that had rich people who had no idea what they did wrong until five seconds before they were brutally fucking murdered.... How soon before the USA joins that list.

Hey, great job disproving the notion that leftists are violently unhinged!

No, Ioseph, you will NOT be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo after the Revolution. You will work in dimly-lit and unsafe People's Glorious Tractor Factory #17 until you're no longer useful, then you will be buried in a mass grave. If you're lucky, you'll already be dead when the bulldozers push the dirt over you.

Hey, Buddy, the 1950's called. they want their unhinged propaganda back.
How much of what other people have earned is your "fair share"?

Good question. My previous job, I achieved close to a million dollars in cost reductions... Didn't personally see a penny of it. Most people don't realize the wealth they create for others... and that's the problem.

Looks like the rich are already paying their fair share -- and other peoples', too.

Actually, give the misery the One Percenters cause, we should take everything they have and THEN harvest them for transplant organs. Then maybe they'd be paying their fair share.

Good question. My previous job, I achieved close to a million dollars in cost reductions... Didn't personally see a penny of it.

Sounds like you need a job where your contributions are more directly tied to your compensation.

Most people don't realize the wealth they create for others...

Some do, some don't.
Microsoft has the only usable product? DURR

They have the only product you can use than anyone else wuold have, that's kind of the point.

What are 4 countries that sucked worse after their revolutions?

What are four countries that had rich people who had no idea what they did wrong until five seconds before they were brutally fucking murdered.... How soon before the USA joins that list.

Hey, great job disproving the notion that leftists are violently unhinged!

No, Ioseph, you will NOT be given a corner office and a seat on the Politburo after the Revolution. You will work in dimly-lit and unsafe People's Glorious Tractor Factory #17 until you're no longer useful, then you will be buried in a mass grave. If you're lucky, you'll already be dead when the bulldozers push the dirt over you.

Hey, Buddy, the 1950's called. they want their unhinged propaganda back.

They have the only product you can use than anyone else wuold have, that's kind of the point.

You said there were other choices, you just don't choose them

What are four countries that had rich people who had no idea what they did wrong until five seconds before they were brutally fucking murdered...

How much better are the Cuban and Venezuelan people doing now that all the rich people are dead?

Hey, Buddy, the 1950's called. they want their unhinged propaganda back.

That's not the 50s, that's Venezuela. I guess their glorious revolution can't even supply food and toilet paper.
Maybe they need to raise tax rates?
Its funny, democrats create sanctuary cities to aid and abet crime. And do so without bothering to let us plebes vote on it. Democrats do that.. And they are pissed off at Trump for investigating corruption, they suddenly are outraged? Yawn.
Professional race car driving is a shit sandwich for anyone who lacks the skills for it or doesn’t take the necessary steps to become proficient and successful at it.

The beauty of capitalism is that it works the same way nature does: survival of the fittest.

Actually, I kind of aspire to be better than the animals.

We are animals. Even if we aren’t, humans operate within the same system whether we want to or not.

If we were really like nature, we'd drag the rich out of their homes and eat their fat asses.

Nope, not how nature works.

The rich got rich because they were too strong, too smart and too clever to allow themselves to get eaten in the first place. Understand?

One more time...

France 1787
Russia 1917
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

I'm sure all the rich in those countries thought they were the best and the fittest, until people finally got fed up with their shit.

Are you suggesting we break out the guillotines gallows and guns and start slaughtering the rich?

As for business owners screwing people over, there has always been business owners who screw people over. But more importantly, most don’t.

Hasn't been my experience.

It’s been my experience.

Taking out things that happened to me, since Mormon Bob will claim that I angered Shabuga, the Mormon God of success or something, this is the shit I've seen over the years.

  • I saw a lady fired when the boss found out she was gay. Never mind she worked for the company for 14 years and recently got a promotion.
  • I've seen multiple women fired after they got pregnant.
  • One company I worked at, they lied to us for a year about not closing down our branch, so we wouldn't all look for other opportunities, and then they did it anyway.
  • I've seen long term employees let go while people who were friends of the Manager were kept.
  • I've seen a lady fired so that the boss could make a job for one of his drinking buddies. (The guy was useless so it ended up increasing my workload.)
  • I've seen companies use undocumented labor for scrub work through "day labor" agencies. They knew what they were hiring. When they were told they couldn't do that anymore, the white meth heads that were brought in to replace them were even scarier.

None of these things had a "Good business Reason". Except maybe hiring the illegals. It was just people with money and power abusing people without money and power.

I’ve seen a guy demonize a seventeen year old kid, who was minding his own business, for being white, Catholic, pro-life and affluent. I’ve seen this same guy defend and justify threats of violence against said kid. This same guy did these things based on lies, assumptions, misconceptions and false information.

Considering this and other things you’ve said, your moral posturing when it comes to rich people is but a fart in the wind and means diddly shit.

What young person is not going to support a candidate who promises them free college? Even if the student debt problem was only half as bad as it is, they’re still going to support no student debt over reduced student debt.

I have no illusions as to why young people support Sanders. I just don’t think it’s realistic.

Sure it is. Make the rich parasites pay their fair share.

Fair share means fair share. What you want is to punish the rich.

We could easily scrub the 1.5 Trillion in debt simply by repealing the Trump Tax Giveaways to the rich. Now, there are a lot of arguments about why we shouldn't. It doesn't address the underlying problem of why college is so expensive to start with, or why people need college degrees for doing even entry level purchasing jobs.

Or, we could get undocumented immigrants to pay their fair share just like the rich.
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You said there were other choices, you just don't choose them

There are other choices, but they don't work for my needs.

Let's take MS Word. Now, yeah, there's still Googles' version and Wordperfect is out there doing a thing. But if I want to send a document, I have to send it in Word because that's what everyone else has. This is the power MS gained through the ruthless pursuit of a monopoly. It's why most computers have Windows as an operating system. Not that there weren't others out there, but MS aggressive manipulation of the market.

That's funny, coming from a stupid Commie like you.

Oh, wait, lemme guess -- it wasn't REAL Communism, was it?

Wouldn't know. Real Communism and Real Capitalism only exist in textbooks. Real systems with real people are something quite different...

You wouldn't want to live under real capitalism any more than real communism.
Nope, not how nature works.

The rich got rich because they were too strong, too smart and too clever to allow themselves to get eaten in the first place. Understand?

Yup. Social Darwinism. I love it. Your pussy ass wouldn't last five minutes in a place were people were able to kill you with impunity and take your shit.

Are you suggesting we break out the guillotines gallows and guns and start slaughtering the rich?

I'm saying our Rich are as clueless as the rich French in 1787, and will probably end up the same way. Or as Lenin said, "The Capitalist will sell us the rope we hang him with."

I’ve seen a guy demonize a seventeen year old kid, who was minding his own business,

Really, buddy. I'm not talking about Sandman. I'm sure he's your man-crush or something, but I really don't want to go there.

I am talking about REAL LIFE work experiences that had awful effects on people's lives. Not, "boo-hoo mommy, everyone saw my smirking face on TV!"

Considering this and other things you’ve said, your moral posturing when it comes to rich people is but a fart in the wind and means diddly shit.

Translation- I can't really refute that rich people do awful things to the working class, but you are so used to taking it up the ass from them, you justify it.

Fair share means fair share. What you want is to punish the rich.

Again, I'd be all for harvesting the fuckers for transplant organs... but making them pay their fair share in taxes seems... fair.

Or, we could get undocumented immigrants to pay their fair share just like the rich.

Tell how not racist you are... that shit never gets old.
Nope, not how nature works.

The rich got rich because they were too strong, too smart and too clever to allow themselves to get eaten in the first place. Understand?

Yup. Social Darwinism. I love it. Your pussy ass wouldn't last five minutes in a place were people were able to kill you with impunity and take your shit.

Are you suggesting we break out the guillotines gallows and guns and start slaughtering the rich?

I'm saying our Rich are as clueless as the rich French in 1787, and will probably end up the same way. Or as Lenin said, "The Capitalist will sell us the rope we hang him with."

I’ve seen a guy demonize a seventeen year old kid, who was minding his own business,

Really, buddy. I'm not talking about Sandman. I'm sure he's your man-crush or something, but I really don't want to go there.

I am talking about REAL LIFE work experiences that had awful effects on people's lives. Not, "boo-hoo mommy, everyone saw my smirking face on TV!"

Considering this and other things you’ve said, your moral posturing when it comes to rich people is but a fart in the wind and means diddly shit.

Translation- I can't really refute that rich people do awful things to the working class, but you are so used to taking it up the ass from them, you justify it.

Fair share means fair share. What you want is to punish the rich.

Again, I'd be all for harvesting the fuckers for transplant organs... but making them pay their fair share in taxes seems... fair.

Or, we could get undocumented immigrants to pay their fair share just like the rich.

Tell how not racist you are... that shit never gets old.
Your gonna hang rich people?
Nope, not how nature works.

The rich got rich because they were too strong, too smart and too clever to allow themselves to get eaten in the first place. Understand?

Yup. Social Darwinism. I love it. Your pussy ass wouldn't last five minutes in a place were people were able to kill you with impunity and take your shit.

Says the guy who constantly complains about people “taking his shit”.

I’m not letting anyone get one over on me as long as I have the means to prevent it or do something about it. The difference between you and me is that I don’t think prima facie that every successful or rich person is going to try.

Are you suggesting we break out the guillotines gallows and guns and start slaughtering the rich?

I'm saying our Rich are as clueless as the rich French in 1787, and will probably end up the same way.

And if I know you, you’ll be right there cheering as their heads plop into the basket.

Or as Lenin said, "The Capitalist will sell us the rope we hang him with."

Um, yeah. You’re quoting someone that was largely responsible for creating what eventually became a failed state.

What he should have said was: “The communist will manufacture the rope he hangs himself with”.

I’ve seen a guy demonize a seventeen year old kid, who was minding his own business,

Really, buddy. I'm not talking about Sandman. I'm sure he's your man-crush or something, but I really don't want to go there.

Isn’t that what this thread is about? You tell me to stay on topic while telling me you don’t want to stay on topic.

I didn’t bring that up to discuss it anyway. I’m just pointing out the gaping holes in your morality.
Your breast-beating righteous indignation at rich people rings hollow when juxtaposed with your willful ignorance of the facts and your malicious slandering of a minor who did nothing more than smile.

I am talking about REAL LIFE work experiences that had awful effects on people's lives. Not, "boo-hoo mommy, everyone saw my smirking face on TV!"

You’re the one boo hooing here.

Considering this and other things you’ve said, your moral posturing when it comes to rich people is but a fart in the wind and means diddly shit.

Translation- I can't really refute that rich people do awful things to the working class, but you are so used to taking it up the ass from them, you justify it.

Translation - I had some bad experiences with rich people so that means they’re all bad.

I know as well as anyone that some rich people do awful things. I’m just not so short sighted as to think all of them do.

Fair share means fair share. What you want is to punish the rich.

Again, I'd be all for harvesting the fuckers for transplant organs... but making them pay their fair share in taxes seems... fair.

Yeah, that would be fair.


Or, we could get undocumented immigrants to pay their fair share just like the rich.

Tell how not racist you are... that shit never gets old.

Why do you have a problem with the idea of undocumented immigrants paying taxes?
You said there were other choices, you just don't choose them

There are other choices, but they don't work for my needs.

Let's take MS Word. Now, yeah, there's still Googles' version and Wordperfect is out there doing a thing. But if I want to send a document, I have to send it in Word because that's what everyone else has. This is the power MS gained through the ruthless pursuit of a monopoly. It's why most computers have Windows as an operating system. Not that there weren't others out there, but MS aggressive manipulation of the market.

That's funny, coming from a stupid Commie like you.

Oh, wait, lemme guess -- it wasn't REAL Communism, was it?

Wouldn't know. Real Communism and Real Capitalism only exist in textbooks. Real systems with real people are something quite different...

You wouldn't want to live under real capitalism any more than real communism.

There are other choices, but they don't work for my needs.

So much for force or monopoly.

But if I want to send a document, I have to send it in Word because that's what everyone else has. This is the power MS gained through the ruthless pursuit of a monopoly.

the exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something.

I’m not letting anyone get one over on me as long as I have the means to prevent it or do something about it. The difference between you and me is that I don’t think prima facie that every successful or rich person is going to try.

The whole system is set up to allow them to do that. Some poor lady gets 5 years for lying about her address to get her daughter out of a public school where people are shooting each other, some rich bitch in Hollywood gets 11 Days at Club Fed for spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to get her slacker kids into Stanford.

And if I know you, you’ll be right there cheering as their heads plop into the basket.

Absolutely. I'll probably even chuckle evilly while it happens.

Um, yeah. You’re quoting someone that was largely responsible for creating what eventually became a failed state.

The USSR failed because it was an Empire, not because of any economic system. But off topic.

Your breast-beating righteous indignation at rich people rings hollow when juxtaposed with your willful ignorance of the facts and your malicious slandering of a minor who did nothing more than smile.

Again, we know Smirky is your man-crush, but off topic. He was a little Cathoic Douchebag and everyone saw it.

Translation - I had some bad experiences with rich people so that means they’re all bad.

I know as well as anyone that some rich people do awful things. I’m just not so short sighted as to think all of them do.

When someone fucks me over, I USUALLY don't give them a second chance.

Why do you have a problem with the idea of undocumented immigrants paying taxes?

1) They do. They are paying taxes on their income, they are paying taxes on the goods and services they buy.
2) Again, your racism is hilarious, you are a perfect tool for the One Percent. They get you mad at someone who is worse off than you are.
So much for force or monopoly.

But that's exactly what they did. The only reason I create office documents is so other people can read or use them. Therefor the MONOPOLY Microsoft has been allowed to create is an unfair business practice.
Your gonna hang rich people?

At some point, they'll end up hanging themselves, unless they get ahead of the massive wealth disparity thing.
What if they don’t and hide money what are you going to do?

Yup. They keep their money in their Scrooge McDuck Vault...

Your gonna hang rich people?

At some point, they'll end up hanging themselves, unless they get ahead of the massive wealth disparity thing.
What if they don’t and hide money what are you going to do?

Yup. They keep their money in their Scrooge McDuck Vault...

View attachment 305836
You need money for all your social programs! And the damn republicans have their money in off shore accounts! They are living lovely! Flaunting money in your face! What do you do??
So much for force or monopoly.

But that's exactly what they did. The only reason I create office documents is so other people can read or use them. Therefor the MONOPOLY Microsoft has been allowed to create is an unfair business practice.

But that's exactly what they did.


the exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something.

The fact that they have the largest market share or the most convenient program does not make them a monopoly. You admitted there were alternatives you could use, the fact that you don't doesn't make them a monopoly.

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