Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

I see you still want to commit assault and battery against a minor.

You are filth, pure filth.

He's a punk... who disrespected a veteran... definitely punchable.

Yup. Jobie is a wuss. The second he tried to punch that kid he would find out that Sandmann is faster and would slap the shit out of little jobie.

Again, the kid is kind of a misogynist, and those guys are never 'tough".
He smiled calmly as a racist crackhead was trying to intimidate him.

You are still a piece of filth, though.

JoeB getting trounced again. LMAO. Why would you want to punch a kid?
I see you still want to commit assault and battery against a minor.

You are filth, pure filth.

He's a punk... who disrespected a veteran... definitely punchable.

Yup. Jobie is a wuss. The second he tried to punch that kid he would find out that Sandmann is faster and would slap the shit out of little jobie.

Again, the kid is kind of a misogynist, and those guys are never 'tough".
He smiled calmly as a racist crackhead was trying to intimidate him.

You are still a piece of filth, though.

JoeB getting trounced again. LMAO. Why would you want to punch a kid?

Because an adult would slaughter little jobie the wuss.
We are not “most countries”

America was built by people fleeing “most countries” for a better life

Um, yeah. About that. Well, ruling out the folks who were brought over in chains and are still waiting for that better life, most of those people lived in slums and tenaments which were worse than what they left... until those silly progressives actually thought they should have workers rights and shit.

Then the rich realized they could get stupid people like you upset about gays and guns and abortions, and would happily give them up.
We are not “most countries”

America was built by people fleeing “most countries” for a better life

Um, yeah. About that. Well, ruling out the folks who were brought over in chains and are still waiting for that better life, most of those people lived in slums and tenaments which were worse than what they left... until those silly progressives actually thought they should have workers rights and shit.

Then the rich realized they could get stupid people like you upset about gays and guns and abortions, and would happily give them up.
Most immigrants were better off than in the old country they came from

and if not their descendants are
At the ballot box... the problem is, you guys haven't won a fair national election since 1988, when Bush Sr. told you all that Willie Horton was going to get you!

One thing that is truly amazing about your state of being so disconnected from reality is that you actually believe that mentioning Willie Horton is helpful to any point you would try to make.

It was actually AlGore, running against Michael Dukakis in the 1988 primary, who first brought up Mr. Horton as a political issue, and it was one that ought to have been devastating to Mr. Dukakis; as it demonstrated an extraordinary degree of bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part. Of course the Bush/Quayle campaign used it as well. There's no reason why it shouldn't have.

Mr. Horton was a convicted first-degree murderer, sentenced to life in prison without any chance at parole, for a particularly brutal murder committed during the course of a robbery. The judge who sentenced him explicitly expressed the intent and desire that Mr. Horton should never again be allowed to go free. Massachusetts had a program, that allowed certain prisoners to be released for short furloughs. As originally enacted, this program specifically excluded those convicted of first degree murder, but a court ruling struck down that exclusion. Massachusetts' legislature quickly passed a bill to reinstate that exclusion, by Mr. Dukakis, as governor, vetoed that bill, arguing it would “…cut the heart out of efforts at inmate rehabilitation.” It's difficult to imagine what point he saw to rehabilitating a prisoner that was meant to never go free again.

Anyway, it was under that program that Mr Horton was released on a furlough, supposedly over a weekend. Instead, he went to Maryland, where he committed a spree of serious crimes, including a robbery, a violent assault, and a couple of rapes. He was arrested there, tried, convicted,and sentenced to two life sentences plus 85 years. The judge who imposed that sentencing refused to allow him to be returned to Massachusetts, stating that “I'm not prepared to take the chance that Mr. Horton might again be furloughed or otherwise released. This man should never draw a breath of free air again.”

Your point seems to be that the Bush campaign somehow was cheating,when it brought up the Willie Horton issue. I don't see how. It's a case that clearly demonstrates extraordinarily bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part, and demonstrates his unfitness to hold public office. I wonder if you think that AlGore was also cheating, when he brought it up during the primaries.
So, with you pussies being afraid of guns, how are you going to have your Revolution?

Hint: You're not.

At the ballot box... the problem is, you guys haven't won a fair national election since 1988, when Bush Sr. told you all that Willie Horton was going to get you!
Remember, kids, it's only a fair election when the Democrat wins.

Or so Commie retards believe.

America's not interested in your little Revolution. Go play now, kid.
At the ballot box... the problem is, you guys haven't won a fair national election since 1988, when Bush Sr. told you all that Willie Horton was going to get you!

One thing that is truly amazing about your state of being so disconnected from reality is that you actually believe that mentioning Willie Horton is helpful to any point you would try to make.

It was actually AlGore, running against Michael Dukakis in the 1988 primary, who first brought up Mr. Horton as a political issue, and it was one that ought to have been devastating to Mr. Dukakis; as it demonstrated an extraordinary degree of bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part. Of course the Bush/Quayle campaign used it as well. There's no reason why it shouldn't have.

Mr. Horton was a convicted first-degree murderer, sentenced to life in prison without any chance at parole, for a particularly brutal murder committed during the course of a robbery. The judge who sentenced him explicitly expressed the intent and desire that Mr. Horton should never again be allowed to go free. Massachusetts had a program, that allowed certain prisoners to be released for short furloughs. As originally enacted, this program specifically excluded those convicted of first degree murder, but a court ruling struck down that exclusion. Massachusetts' legislature quickly passed a bill to reinstate that exclusion, by Mr. Dukakis, as governor, vetoed that bill, arguing it would “…cut the heart out of efforts at inmate rehabilitation.” It's difficult to imagine what point he saw to rehabilitating a prisoner that was meant to never go free again.

Anyway, it was under that program that Mr Horton was released on a furlough, supposedly over a weekend. Instead, he went to Maryland, where he committed a spree of serious crimes, including a robbery, a violent assault, and a couple of rapes. He was arrested there, tried, convicted,and sentenced to two life sentences plus 85 years. The judge who imposed that sentencing refused to allow him to be returned to Massachusetts, stating that “I'm not prepared to take the chance that Mr. Horton might again be furloughed or otherwise released. This man should never draw a breath of free air again.”

Your point seems to be that the Bush campaign somehow was cheating,when it brought up the Willie Horton issue. I don't see how. It's a case that clearly demonstrates extraordinarily bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part, and demonstrates his unfitness to hold public office. I wonder if you think that AlGore was also cheating, when he brought it up during the primaries.
Iosef doesn't think at all.
One thing that is truly amazing about your state of being so disconnected from reality is that you actually believe that mentioning Willie Horton is helpful to any point you would try to make.

It was actually AlGore, running against Michael Dukakis in the 1988 primary, who first brought up Mr. Horton as a political issue, and it was one that ought to have been devastating to Mr. Dukakis; as it demonstrated an extraordinary degree of bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part. Of course the Bush/Quayle campaign used it as well. There's no reason why it shouldn't have.

Lie #1- the Gore engaged in the kind of race baiting Bush did. Gore merely mentioned the furlough program. He did not put the picture of the scary black man. That said, it was dishonest of Gore to do it, and what is the Right Wing Brain Disease that an immoral action suddenly becomes "moral" if a Democrat did something similar once.

"Holy shit, Trump's opening concentration camps on the Southern Border!!!"
"Um, Obama held some people in a camp for a week once!"

Mr. Horton was a convicted first-degree murderer, sentenced to life in prison without any chance at parole, for a particularly brutal murder committed during the course of a robbery. The judge who sentenced him explicitly expressed the intent and desire that Mr. Horton should never again be allowed to go free. Massachusetts had a program, that allowed certain prisoners to be released for short furloughs. As originally enacted, this program specifically excluded those convicted of first degree murder, but a court ruling struck down that exclusion. Massachusetts' legislature quickly passed a bill to reinstate that exclusion, by Mr. Dukakis, as governor, vetoed that bill, arguing it would “…cut the heart out of efforts at inmate rehabilitation.” It's difficult to imagine what point he saw to rehabilitating a prisoner that was meant to never go free again.

He vetoed it because it would eliminate all the furloughs, not just the ones for murderers. The purpose of the program was to slowly re-integrate convicted felons back into society so they didn't re-offend. It was a Republican who came up with the program, and it was a republican judge who struck down the rule excluding murderers.

Your point seems to be that the Bush campaign somehow was cheating,when it brought up the Willie Horton issue. I don't see how. It's a case that clearly demonstrates extraordinarily bad judgement on Mr. Dukakis' part, and demonstrates his unfitness to hold public office. I wonder if you think that AlGore was also cheating, when he brought it up during the primaries.

No, guy, my point was that Bush played on racism to get stupid people like you to wet your Magic Underwear and vote for more of the same Republican Bullshit.

There was no "Willie Horton" issue. Dukakis didn't create the policy that let him out and eventually fixed it.
Remember, kids, it's only a fair election when the Democrat wins.

Or so Commie retards believe.

America's not interested in your little Revolution. Go play now, kid.

No, it's a fair election when we listen to the voice of the people (Unlike 2000 and 2016) and don't let the government terrorize us into compliance (2004).

It's a fair election when you don't disenfranchise people of color because they are poor.

Point is, if we had an election tomorrow, one person, one vote, no voter suppression. YOU GUYS WOULD LOSE even with this supposedly "good" economy.
Remember, kids, it's only a fair election when the Democrat wins.

Or so Commie retards believe.

America's not interested in your little Revolution. Go play now, kid.

No, it's a fair election when we listen to the voice of the people (Unlike 2000 and 2016) and don't let the government terrorize us into compliance (2004).

It's a fair election when you don't disenfranchise people of color because they are poor.

Point is, if we had an election tomorrow, one person, one vote, no voter suppression. YOU GUYS WOULD LOSE even with this supposedly "good" economy.
You guys would lose if only citizens voted.

But you oppose any form of proof of citizenship for voting.
Can you explain to me why you think people of color are incapable of attaining an ID? Are people of color aware of your low assessment of their intelligence, faculties and abilities?

Why should they have to get an ID? You realize it costs money to get an ID, and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor, you can't get a new one every time you move.
Can you explain to me why you think people of color are incapable of attaining an ID? Are people of color aware of your low assessment of their intelligence, faculties and abilities?

Why should they have to get an ID? You realize it costs money to get an ID, and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor, you can't get a new one every time you move.

Why should they have to get an ID?

Why not?

You realize it costs money to get an ID

Some states have free options. For the others, you should have a fundraiser.

and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor

Chances are you aren't voting. At least not yourself. Doesn't mean your vote isn't happening.
Why should they have to get an ID?

Why not?

You realize it costs money to get an ID

Some states have free options. For the others, you should have a fundraiser.

and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor

Chances are you aren't voting. At least not yourself. Doesn't mean your vote isn't happening.

Again, if you wanted to establish a free national ID for every citizen and non-citizen, and use that as a basis to vote, that's fine. Let's have at it.

The states using voter suppression aren't trying to prevent voter fraud, they are trying to prevent minority participation.
Why should they have to get an ID?

Why not?

You realize it costs money to get an ID

Some states have free options. For the others, you should have a fundraiser.

and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor

Chances are you aren't voting. At least not yourself. Doesn't mean your vote isn't happening.

Again, if you wanted to establish a free national ID for every citizen and non-citizen, and use that as a basis to vote, that's fine. Let's have at it.

The states using voter suppression aren't trying to prevent voter fraud, they are trying to prevent minority participation.

they are trying to prevent minority participation.

Only the illegal minorities, dead minorities and fraudulent minorities.
Why should they have to get an ID?

Why not?

You realize it costs money to get an ID

Some states have free options. For the others, you should have a fundraiser.

and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor

Chances are you aren't voting. At least not yourself. Doesn't mean your vote isn't happening.

Again, if you wanted to establish a free national ID for every citizen and non-citizen, and use that as a basis to vote, that's fine. Let's have at it.

The states using voter suppression aren't trying to prevent voter fraud, they are trying to prevent minority participation.

they are trying to prevent minority participation.

Only the illegal minorities, dead minorities and fraudulent minorities.
And that's why Democrats oppose any plan to secure our elections.
Can you explain to me why you think people of color are incapable of attaining an ID? Are people of color aware of your low assessment of their intelligence, faculties and abilities?

Why should they have to get an ID?

Because everybody else does. I have to show my driver’s license every time I vote.

You realize it costs money to get an ID,

And? According to a couple of law and government websites I’ve looked at on the matter, the average cost of a photo ID is $10 to $15. The maximum is $20 to $25 and only a handful of states charge this much.

and if you are transient or change addresses often because you are poor, you can't get a new one every time you move.

Why would a poor person change addresses any more than anyone else?

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