Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

The Black Israeli Israelite group began insulting and using profanity at kids waiting for their ride and the kids chanting was in response to them. The Guy with a drum walked right up to him, and beat the drum in his space.. you don't have a point here. The Indian was not dressed in him military uniform to represent his service. Sandman had no way to know Philips was there to represent his military service to the country did he?

Well, they could have tried "not provoking a group of minorities by wearing MAGA Hats". But I'm guessing their swastika Armbands and Klan hoods were at the cleaners.

Sure you would like to punch Sandman in the face cause a MAGA hat on a white boys head triggers your hate and stupidity, but you know, those kids were just visiting Washington and bought the hats as souvieners, they were not asking for grown adults to act like jackasses that day, but thats what they did.

Well, let's be honest why they were there. They were their because their misogynistic church which has been sued thousands of times for child molestation used them as props for an event to protest a woman's constitutional right to control her own body. That's why they were there. And being thugs and hooligans, they picked a fight with the first group of minorities they encountered.

6 sentences.

All wrong.

And anyone that is "provoked" by a young man wearing a MAGA hat needs some serious therapy. And a wicked slap to the face like they used to hysterics in the old days.
"They made me do it" because they wore red ball caps. That's the rationale of a third grader.
Really sharp stuff there.

They wore Racist baseball caps and taunted people of color. You need to look up the concept of "Fighting Words"

They were there because they have the right to be there and an interest in the issue. Fuck off if you can't stand some people doing what they want.

Okay, but if you go out and pick a fight with someone, don't whine when you find yourself getting confronted, which is what the Whiny Little Entitled Catholic Bastards did.

$6000 a year, and they couldn't learn good manners.

What fight was that? You are just so filled with vile hate you can't help lying every other word. Get help.

Going up to a group of people of color and chanting "Build the Wall"... Um, yeah, they were picking a fight.

They wore Racist baseball caps and taunted people of color. You need to look up the concept of "Fighting Words"

Going up to a group of people of color and chanting "Build the Wall"... Um, yeah, they were picking a fight.

There is no credible report that Mr. Sandmann or any of his companions did any such things. That's all just a product of your own degenerate, hate-fueled imagination.
The Black Israeli Israelite group began insulting and using profanity at kids waiting for their ride and the kids chanting was in response to them. The Guy with a drum walked right up to him, and beat the drum in his space.. you don't have a point here. The Indian was not dressed in him military uniform to represent his service. Sandman had no way to know Philips was there to represent his military service to the country did he?

Well, they could have tried "not provoking a group of minorities by wearing MAGA Hats". But I'm guessing their swastika Armbands and Klan hoods were at the cleaners.

Sure you would like to punch Sandman in the face cause a MAGA hat on a white boys head triggers your hate and stupidity, but you know, those kids were just visiting Washington and bought the hats as souvieners, they were not asking for grown adults to act like jackasses that day, but thats what they did.

Well, let's be honest why they were there. They were their because their misogynistic church which has been sued thousands of times for child molestation used them as props for an event to protest a woman's constitutional right to control her own body. That's why they were there. And being thugs and hooligans, they picked a fight with the first group of minorities they encountered.

6 sentences.

All wrong.

And anyone that is "provoked" by a young man wearing a MAGA hat needs some serious therapy. And a wicked slap to the face like they used to hysterics in the old days.

JOE B doesn't even see that his assumption that any black person is going to be provoked by a white kid wearing a hat, shows that he considers black people to be intellectually inferior... that in itself is a form of racism. I find it a bit ironic. And of course I don't agree with him. The Israelite group were just a bunch of nut jobs to begin with and hardly representative of Normal U.S. citizens
JOE B doesn't even see that his assumption that any black person is going to be provoked by a white kid wearing a hat, shows that he considers black people to be intellectually inferior... that in itself is a form of racism. I find it a bit ironic. And of course I don't agree with him. The Israelite group were just a bunch of nut jobs to begin with and hardly representative of Normal U.S. citizens

So, is this guy a racist, or was it a racist who beat him up for wearing a MAGA hat?

I see you still want to commit assault and battery against a minor.

You are filth, pure filth.

He's a punk... who disrespected a veteran...

That was proven unequivocally false. But leave it to leftist dumb shit to run with a rage-bait headline and not research a goddamn thing for yourself. You people are such sheep.
"They made me do it" because they wore red ball caps. That's the rationale of a third grader.
Really sharp stuff there.

They wore Racist baseball caps and taunted people of color. You need to look up the concept of "Fighting Words"

They were there because they have the right to be there and an interest in the issue. Fuck off if you can't stand some people doing what they want.

Okay, but if you go out and pick a fight with someone, don't whine when you find yourself getting confronted, which is what the Whiny Little Entitled Catholic Bastards did.

$6000 a year, and they couldn't learn good manners.

What fight was that? You are just so filled with vile hate you can't help lying every other word. Get help.

Going up to a group of people of color and chanting "Build the Wall"... Um, yeah, they were picking a fight.
You lie a lot.

And the problem with people swinging their fists because of words is...they sometimes lose the fight.

antifa punched.jpg
He was minding his own business, if that punk did that to me. He would've won a trip to the hospital.

Minding his own business would be staying home, not going to Washington to harass people of color after trying to demand a woman not have control over her own body.

He smiled calmly as a racist crackhead was trying to intimidate him.

You mean he smirked rudely at a man who served his country.

Hey, is Nick going to sign up for the military? Heck no, that's for poor people.
/----/ "Minding his own business would be staying home,"
Yeah, you Progs want everyone who disagrees with you to be silent.
"You mean he smirked rudely"
He smirked? Facial expressions are now considered assault?
View attachment 302603

Hey... you ain't seen MY smirk.

The government made me register my smirks as a deadly weapon.
View attachment 302423 Nick Sandmann posts photos of his return to March for Life

My nicca! Lol
Misplaced that decimal point 3 or 4 spaces.

They gave him $200.00 to shut up and go away.

I don't believe that's true. Even lefty leany Snopes calls it "unproven", not false. They reached a settlement and for all we know, they may have a non-disclosure agreement. But you know it wasn't any 200 bucks as well as I do.

CNN must get great pleasure in kicking their own asses, they do it time after time.

Now... I don't think that young man did a thing wrong. He was with a group of his peers/classmates and had every right to be where he was. However... I also don't believe Sandmann when he said he wasn't smirking, but smiling to show he meant no harm... Lol! Good one, kid!

I don't understand all this viperous attitude towards a kid not commiting a crime, not starting the shitfest, not being aggressive... just a regular ole teen. Yet the left was and is actively trying to ruin this kid.

Pretty shitty crap y'all are throwing out there.
View attachment 302423 Nick Sandmann posts photos of his return to March for Life

My nicca! Lol
Misplaced that decimal point 3 or 4 spaces.

They gave him $200.00 to shut up and go away.

I don't believe that's true. Even lefty leany Snopes calls it "unproven", not false. They reached a settlement and for all we know, they may have a non-disclosure agreement. But you know it wasn't any 200 bucks as well as I do.

CNN must get great pleasure in kicking their own asses, they do it time after time.

Now... I don't think that young man did a thing wrong. He was with a group of his peers/classmates and had every right to be where he was. However... I also don't believe Sandmann when he said he wasn't smirking, but smiling to show he meant no harm... Lol! Good one, kid!

I don't understand all this viperous attitude towards a kid not commiting a crime, not starting the shitfest, not being aggressive... just a regular ole teen. Yet the left was and is actively trying to ruin this kid.

Pretty shitty crap y'all are throwing out there.
They do have a nondisclosure agreement. Neither you nor I know what the settlement was. There is every bit as much chance I'm right as you.
You disrespect your dad's honorable service by being a Commie bitch.

Not at all. My Dad wouldn't recognize what the GOP has become today, anti-Union, anti-worker.

He disrespected the drunk, AWOL refrigerator repairman? That's awful!!!

Again, Nathan served, unlike most of you.

Yes, bravely repairing those appliances.....when he wasn't AWOL.
Very impressive.
If he banged his stupid drum in my face, I wouldn't smile at his gap-toothed ugly puss.

Or even getting that close, invading my space. I hate that shit.

That fellow would have made a muffled drum sound with each step
Well, let's be honest why they were there. They were their because their misogynistic church which has been sued thousands of times for child molestation used them as props for an event to protest a woman's constitutional right to control her own body. That's why they were there. And being thugs and hooligans, they picked a fight with the first group of minorities they encountered.

And let's be honest what you are talking about, when you say, “…a woman's constitutional right to control her own body.”

You're talking about murdering innocent children, in cold blood. And as great deal of your hatred against Mr. Sandmann is because he dared to stand up for the right of these innocent children not to be murdered.

And that's not the only act of violence that you've explicitly expressed a desire to have happen. You've already, in this thread, called for Mr. Sandmann to be violently assaulted, and for him to be poisoned.

You truly are an evil, twisted, hateful, subhuman piece of shit.

If you had a fucking brain, you would know that group of kids were chanting " It's not rape if you enjoy it"

Sandmsn & his group were smart alec kids who used the March for Life as a tool to go on a road trip.

Don;t paint them as choirboys who actually give a shit about abortion.

Your asshole lies don't change the facts.
You mean like the drunk injun refrigerator mechanic did when he went AWOL???

Yeah, that sounds like a great way to run the military, doesn't it???

When Phillips was in, they drafted him against his will to fight for a country that genocided his ancestors and forced him to live on a reservation... Yeah, that's a way to run the military... forced servitude.

I'm all for it. But here's my solution. We draft EVERYONE'S KIDS. Then we take the kids of the rich and politicians (you know, the ones who normally get out on fake medical excuses like Bone Spurs) and put them in a very elite Airborne Unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Peace in our time.
And Phillips apparently "fought bravely" (when he wasn't drunk or AWOL), right???
View attachment 302628 View attachment 302627
Difference between Nathan Philips & Donald Trump?

Philips enlisted & Trump hid under the bed.

I bet that piece of shit didn't even enlist.

More likely he was goggle-eyed, slobbering stupid drunk and inadvertently slithered into a recruit office so he could take a piss in a plant of desk drawer or something.

Drunks are fun in low doses.
View attachment 302423 Nick Sandmann posts photos of his return to March for Life

My nicca! Lol
Just heightens what a smart ass brat the kid is.
I understand why Trumpettes love this brat.

Freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, I understand why whiney twats like you hate that.
I acknowledge that the snot nosed brat has a right to assembly & free speech & it is my right to identify him as a piece of shit, smart assed kid. so Fuck off.


You mad bro?
You mean like the drunk injun refrigerator mechanic did when he went AWOL???

Yeah, that sounds like a great way to run the military, doesn't it???

When Phillips was in, they drafted him against his will to fight for a country that genocided his ancestors and forced him to live on a reservation... Yeah, that's a way to run the military... forced servitude.

I'm all for it. But here's my solution. We draft EVERYONE'S KIDS. Then we take the kids of the rich and politicians (you know, the ones who normally get out on fake medical excuses like Bone Spurs) and put them in a very elite Airborne Unit that will be the first deployed to a war zone.

Peace in our time.
And Phillips apparently "fought bravely" (when he wasn't drunk or AWOL), right???
View attachment 302628 View attachment 302627
Difference between Nathan Philips & Donald Trump?

Philips enlisted & Trump hid under the bed.
Trump is serving for free.. thank god
He takes a salary. He just gives it away you stupid fuck.

It still costs the government $400k a year.

You people are dumber than shit

He gives it away, so he doesn't take it.

Fuck off yourself you retarded fungus brained tree sloth.
He was minding his own business, if that punk did that to me. He would've won a trip to the hospital.

Minding his own business would be staying home, not going to Washington to harass people of color after trying to demand a woman not have control over her own body.

He smiled calmly as a racist crackhead was trying to intimidate him.

You mean he smirked rudely at a man who served his country.

Hey, is Nick going to sign up for the military? Heck no, that's for poor people.
You want him to be complacent and not impede your socialist crap.... got it!

If you think the kid went to DC for some reason other than to check out the girls, you are dumber than shit.
So you switch to another form of a story when you get your ass spanked? Lol

:) And at the end of the day, that's both not a bad thing, but none of that doofy graboids business.
So you honor his service by embracing Communism?


Yawn, guy... He wasn't fighting "Communism" in World War II. He was fighting Fascism.

You know, the kind of fascism you guys embrace when you suck Trump's dick.

How can they do that when it's always in your behind?

Talk about butthurt.

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