Nick sandman looks happy I guess 200 million will do that haha

he real determining factor as to the nature of these facilities is not what they're called but rather, what they do there.

We know exactly what they do there. The forcibly incarcerate human beings in inhumane situations because of their race..

Every one of those people entered the country voluntarily.

which you are just fine with.

If I thought that's what was happening, I would not be fine with it. But alas, unlike you and so many liberal hysterics, I don't let skin color cloud my objectivity. While I say that logic, reason, common sense and the law are color blind and thus that "little brown people" are beholden to the same laws as anyone else, you would use their skin color as a weapon against those you disagree with.

You do not honor these people and you do them no favors using their ethnicity as a moral prop or weapon against your political opponents. They deserve more consideration than that.

First of all, processing does not take ten minutes. You can't determine if a person has a criminal record or what their intentions are in that amount of time. Second, allowing reporters in will accomplish nothing but to make the processing take even longer.

Sure we can.

Yeah, if you don't give a shit about allowing gangbangers and sex traffickers into the country.

View attachment 306828
We can reasonably determine this person isn't a criminal. See. that was fucking easy.

It was, wasn't it? Now, about that scarred dude with all the MS-13 tats, well, that's a different story, isn't it?

Letting reporters in would prevent people like you stop denying they are concentration camps.

Why would I care if a reporter is going to go into hysterics making fallacious Nazi/Hitler/concentration camp analogies when I've already got you for that?
If I thought that's what was happening, I would not be fine with it. But alas, unlike you and so many liberal hysterics, I don't let skin color cloud my objectivity. While I say that logic, reason, common sense and the law are color blind and thus that "little brown people" are beholden to the same laws as anyone else, you would use their skin color as a weapon against those you disagree with.

White people would never be incarcerated under those conditions. We don't even treat convicted criminals like that.

Yeah, if you don't give a shit about allowing gangbangers and sex traffickers into the country.

Legalize prostitution. That takes care of the imaginary "sex traffickers". Every time they bust a Happy Ending Massage Parlor in my area, they have to sheepishly admit all the women there chose to work there. Then they just set up shop somewhere else.

Same thing with Drugs. We just legalized pot in my state... guess what, no more pot trafficking.
Yeah, they gave him $25.00 in go away money... but his face is still punchable...
I see you still want to commit assault and battery against a minor.

You are filth, pure filth.
No, pure filth would be telling a woman that she wants to rip a baby out from her uterus and watch it slowly die on a countertop.
Isn’t that like what just about every Republican says?
If I thought that's what was happening, I would not be fine with it. But alas, unlike you and so many liberal hysterics, I don't let skin color cloud my objectivity. While I say that logic, reason, common sense and the law are color blind and thus that "little brown people" are beholden to the same laws as anyone else, you would use their skin color as a weapon against those you disagree with.

White people would never be incarcerated under those conditions. We don't even treat convicted criminals like that.

Yeah, if you don't give a shit about allowing gangbangers and sex traffickers into the country.

Legalize prostitution. That takes care of the imaginary "sex traffickers". Every time they bust a Happy Ending Massage Parlor in my area, they have to sheepishly admit all the women there chose to work there. Then they just set up shop somewhere else.

Same thing with Drugs. We just legalized pot in my state... guess what, no more pot trafficking.

White people would never be incarcerated under those conditions.

Illegally cross the border into Mexico, or Iran, see how they treat you.
If I thought that's what was happening, I would not be fine with it. But alas, unlike you and so many liberal hysterics, I don't let skin color cloud my objectivity. While I say that logic, reason, common sense and the law are color blind and thus that "little brown people" are beholden to the same laws as anyone else, you would use their skin color as a weapon against those you disagree with.

White people would never be incarcerated under those conditions.

If they came here illegally in the same manner, yes, they would.

We don't even treat convicted criminals like that.

Oh please. Melodrama much?

Yeah, if you don't give a shit about allowing gangbangers and sex traffickers into the country.

Legalize prostitution. That takes care of the imaginary "sex traffickers".

Every time they bust a Happy Ending Massage Parlor in my area, they have to sheepishly admit all the women there chose to work there. Then they just set up shop somewhere else.

Same thing with Drugs. We just legalized pot in my state... guess what, no more pot trafficking.

Is this supposed to make me forget that some of your pet little brown victims are kidnapping and forcing women into prostitution and sex slavery?
No, pure filth would be telling a woman that she wants to rip a baby out from her uterus and watch it slowly die on a countertop.
Isn’t that like what just about every Republican says?

Pure filth would be the one who defends the “right” to rip an innocent baby out of his mother's uterus. You really cannot get much lower than defending the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. And every defender of abortion is at that low.

Who knows how long it'll be before you see this? I see you're already temp-banned again, after only a week back from a previous temp-ban of about a week, after coming back from a temp-ban of several months,
JoeB131, fortunately, is too much of a weak, impotent, worthless, Gillettized coward to actually act on his blather. He'll hurl all manner of threats from the safe anonymity of an internet forum, but face to face with someone like Nick Sandmann, he'd slink off like a cockroach fleeing the light. Surely he knows that starting something would result in him getting his worthless ass stomped into the ground.

Again- 11 years in the Army. I have nothing to prove to a Mormon Cockroach.

If there is anything that is clear about you, it is this: You have the heart and the soul of a hardened, violent, destructive criminal, but not the guts nor the strength to act as such. You delight in fantasizing about violently assaulting a fine young man, simply because you disagree with his religion and his political opinions; but you know damned well that if you were to actually start a fight with him, he'd almost certainly beat the solid digestive waste out of you, assuming he didn't find a suitable non-violent way to defend himself against you.

I call bullshit on your lie to have ever served in the Army. You're obviously too much of a coward and a weakling to have ever done so; and of such low character that the military would likely have rejected you on that basis alone. If you had been accepted into the military, your career therein would surely have followed a similar path to that of your hero, Nathan Phillips.
If I thought that's what was happening, I would not be fine with it. But alas, unlike you and so many liberal hysterics, I don't let skin color cloud my objectivity. While I say that logic, reason, common sense and the law are color blind and thus that "little brown people" are beholden to the same laws as anyone else, you would use their skin color as a weapon against those you disagree with.

White people would never be incarcerated under those conditions. We don't even treat convicted criminals like that.

Yeah, if you don't give a shit about allowing gangbangers and sex traffickers into the country.

Legalize prostitution. That takes care of the imaginary "sex traffickers". Every time they bust a Happy Ending Massage Parlor in my area, they have to sheepishly admit all the women there chose to work there. Then they just set up shop somewhere else.

Same thing with Drugs. We just legalized pot in my state... guess what, no more pot trafficking.
So you don’t consider blacks equal?
Illegally cross the border into Mexico, or Iran, see how they treat you.

I would like to kind of thing America is more decent than Mexico or Iran.

So you don’t consider blacks equal?

Do you have some reading disability? Does the short bus come around for you every day.
I call bullshit on your lie to have ever served in the Army. You're obviously too much of a coward and a weakling to have ever done so; and of such low character that the military would likely have rejected you on that basis alone. If you had been accepted into the military, your career therein would surely have followed a similar path to that of your hero, Nathan Phillips.

So if I post a picture of myself in Uniform, you'll admit that you are full of shit, then? This is me, in 1990, about a year before I left the service.


Those kids are my nieces, ages 10 to a baby, when my sister came to visit.
Pure filth would be the one who defends the “right” to rip an innocent baby out of his mother's uterus. You really cannot get much lower than defending the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. And every defender of abortion is at that low.

So what you are saying is that 1 in four American women are "pure filth". Because that's how many women have had abortions, buddy.
Illegally cross the border into Mexico, or Iran, see how they treat you.

I would like to kind of thing America is more decent than Mexico or Iran.

So you don’t consider blacks equal?

Do you have some reading disability? Does the short bus come around for you every day.
I call bullshit on your lie to have ever served in the Army. You're obviously too much of a coward and a weakling to have ever done so; and of such low character that the military would likely have rejected you on that basis alone. If you had been accepted into the military, your career therein would surely have followed a similar path to that of your hero, Nathan Phillips.

So if I post a picture of myself in Uniform, you'll admit that you are full of shit, then? This is me, in 1990, about a year before I left the service.

View attachment 306946
Those kids are my nieces, ages 10 to a baby, when my sister came to visit.
How come I can’t get a democrat to answer that question?
How come I can’t get a democrat to answer that question?

I just did... just not the answer you wanted to hear.. Probably because of your learning disability.
No you didn’t You said black people are treated differently I asked you if they were equal to you and then you said do you have a learning disability and then you said you answer the question.. you didn’t answer the question are they EQUAL TO YOU ?
No you didn’t You said black people are treated differently I asked you if they were equal to you and then you said do you have a learning disability and then you said you answer the question.. you didn’t answer the question are they EQUAL TO YOU ?

Again, I have to ask, do you have some kind of learning disability that you can't understand what was clearly said.

Hold on, your ride is here.

No you didn’t You said black people are treated differently I asked you if they were equal to you and then you said do you have a learning disability and then you said you answer the question.. you didn’t answer the question are they EQUAL TO YOU ?

Again, I have to ask, do you have some kind of learning disability that you can't understand what was clearly said.

Hold on, your ride is here.

View attachment 306949
You never answered the question.. why won’t democrats answer it?
You never answered the question.. why won’t democrats answer it?

I did answer the question, you just didn't understand it because of your learning disability.

No one is trying to steal your helmet.


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