Nigel Farage Thinks Civil War is Possibly Coming to America

How may time do I have to prove you an idiot by linking to the article saying Justin was 5 years old when his mother met Castro.

This is today's Republican. He celebrates his idiocy and stupidity on a daily basis, and he's unteachable. It's truly sad for your nation, that someone so irredeemably moronic, is able to vote. And you wonder why the rest of the world considers the USA the "shithole nation of the first world".

Exposing the level of mental disability of today's member of the Republican Cult is like shooting weasels in a barrel.
Not that you feel strongly! :eek:

But it really is incredible, isn’t it?

I’d say their bark is worse than their bite, but even their barking is just an endless stream of perpetually outraged white noise at this point.
Disrupt their internet.

Instant defeat.

No point in fighting if there's no virtue signalling internet clout to be had.
Their internet?

So the internet decides who gets TikTok & texts based on political affiliation?

Even if y’all weren’t geriatric pussy farts posing no real threat, you still need to know that once you burn it down, it’s burned down.

It worries me that (at least) half the country is THIS stupid...
Democrats are secure that the same fraud that gave them 2020 will give them 2024.
And they’re right.

The real fraud is disenfranchisement, and that occurred in the summer of 2020, funneling leftist voters in swing states away from the polls a few months later, and left-leaning voters to Biden.
Let me get this straight. Not me, this. A nation of couch potato professional snackers, is going to divide into teams, and go at it?

I can't even fathom the quantity of stupidity required to imagining that happening.
Just the supply line needed for the Depends required is unimaginably complex, and they can’t even understand the difference between a Democrat and a communist.
If an Independent or Swing Voter has a choice between...

1. somebody whose family appears to be corrupted and compromised, but whose chief is holding the place together...


2. somebody who has summoned, incited and aimed an insurrectionist mob against Congress in a failed attempt to hold onto power...

...most Independents and Swing Voters will choose (1).... literally, the Lesser of Two Evils.

The morning of November 6, 2024 will prove me to be prophetic on that question, assuming you run Trump again in 2024.
Trump will get the nomination, and will not be significantly impeded by court dates.

He will very likely lose, but not due to any cynical fantasies about demonstrations referred to as insurrection.
The Far Left & Left will have vast armies of Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Chinese Military Age Males / Islamists/ eMe / MS13 / ANTIFA/ Black Bloc / CPUSA / BLM / SEIU ... Street Rabble Shock Troops ready to bring it
^ A huge part of why Trump will lose.

People don’t want to identify or be associated with the dangerously delusional conservative mindset.
Trump will get the nomination, and will not be significantly impeded by court dates.
Yes. Trump could very well get the nomination. The MAGA-Cult-Wing of the GOP is stupid enough to make it happen.
He will very likely lose, but not due to any cynical fantasies about demonstrations referred to as insurrection.
He will very likely lose because he summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist mob to assault Congress on January 6, 2021.
^ A huge part of why Trump will lose.

People don’t want to identify or be associated with the dangerously delusional conservative mindset.
I see

You think fake moderates prefer the crazy democrats?

Could be
Have you asked them? Their CiC is a Democrat.
But that’s not the point.

They take an oath, and that oath is not based on partisan politics.

But this civil war stuff is just delusional spewing.

I actually thought it MIGHT happen under certain circumstances, but now I see it won’t.

Trump will run against the Democrat candidate, and he’ll lose.

Then he’ll be abandoned and forgotten.
We'll never know.

(1) you'll never convict Sleepy Old Uncle Joe in the Senate, given the demographics

(2) Trump will never again set foot in the White House
Pretty much.

The Democrats will take the House back, and keep the White House.

The Senate then becomes irrelevant, because the Democrat House won’t refer a Democrat to the Senate for an impeachment vote.
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I see

You think fake moderates prefer the crazy democrats?

Could be
National elections often come down to a handful of swing states, and will in 2024.

The Democrats hold a significant advantage on numerous levels in these states.

In addition, Trump’s hardcore supporters are a serious turnoff to most folks, and with reproductive rights in play, no Republican can win.

Unless MObama switches parties and runs.


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