Nigel Farage Thinks Civil War is Possibly Coming to America

IDK, maybe. There seems to be confusion about whether or not Trump will be able to run, constitutionally speaking, depending on what the verdict will be.

Even if they are, you really feel it’s appropriate to compare Donald Trump to Jesus Christ? Really?
More like comparing him to Ronaldus Magnus ( Reagan )
I contend if we vote the Democrats out we solve most major problems in our nation today.
I agree. But you will not reach that goal in 2024 if you run Trump again. January 6, 2021 rendered him un-electable.
it will take a fighter to win.
That might be Trump or it might be some other individual. I doubt if such a fighter will come from within the Republican Party. He will have to be an outsider like Trump. DeSantis might be the exception if he stops tripping up so much. DeSantis is a damn good Governor but may not be ready to run for the Oval Office. Most Republicans lack the cojones to stand up to Democrat and liberal press bullying. They are wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. They may pretend to be the good guys in white hats but the Republican Party has more than its fair share of corrupt politicians who love the D.C. Swamp as much as the Democrats.
There is truth in all of that.

There is another truth that Republicans need to calculate.

Things are not bad enough to move most Independents and Swing Voters and even some Dems to vote against Biden.

And you no longer have the numbers to win a presidential election without the help of large numbers of Indies and Swings.

And if you run Trump again those Indies and Swings will avoid the Republican ticket like the plague, due to January 6, 2021.

It's down to pure mathematics... simple arithmetic... you need the Indies and Swings... with Trump you will not get them.

Democrats want to rip up our Constitution and use it as toilet paper. Democrats who are above the rule of law and never pay a price for their egregious malfeasance.
Not really... people who live in glass January Sixth's should not throw stones... the most grotesque example in modern times.
I will vote for the Republican Party candidate unless there is a truly viable third party candidate. If it is Trump, I will vote for him.
Yes. It is a given that you will vote for Trump. And you will wake-up on the morning of November 6, 2024 and weep again.

And thereby condemn the Republic to another four years of the idiot Democrats and their death-by-a-thousand-cuts.
Let me get this straight. Not me, this. A nation of couch potato professional snackers, is going to divide into teams, and go at it?

I can't even fathom the quantity of stupidity required to imagining that happening.
Like Joe Biden? 😂
If an Independent or Swing Voter has a choice between...

1. somebody whose family appears to be corrupted and compromised, but whose chief is holding the place together...


2. somebody who has summoned, incited and aimed an insurrectionist mob against Congress in a failed attempt to hold onto power...

...most Independents and Swing Voters will choose (1).... literally, the Lesser of Two Evils.

The morning of November 6, 2024 will prove me to be prophetic on that question, assuming you run Trump again in 2024.
Let me get this straight. Not me, this. A nation of couch potato professional snackers, is going to divide into teams, and go at it?

I can't even fathom the quantity of stupidity required to imagining that happening.
You have identified the wrong teams.
Let me get this straight. Not me, this. A nation of couch potato professional snackers, is going to divide into teams, and go at it?

I can't even fathom the quantity of stupidity required to imagining that happening.
The Far Left & Left will have vast armies of Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Chinese Military Age Males / Islamists/ eMe / MS13 / ANTIFA/ Black Bloc / CPUSA / BLM / SEIU ... Street Rabble Shock Troops ready to bring it
The Far Left & Left will have vast armies of Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Chinese Military Age Males / Islamists/ eMe / MS13 / ANTIFA/ Black Bloc / CPUSA / BLM / SEIU ... Street Rabble Shock Troops ready to bring it
You left out the US military.
The Far Left & Left will have vast armies of Illegals / Visa Overstayers / Chinese Military Age Males / Islamists/ eMe / MS13 / ANTIFA/ Black Bloc / CPUSA / BLM / SEIU ... Street Rabble Shock Troops ready to bring it

Pro tip: It’s a rhetorical question

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