Nigel Farage Thinks Civil War is Possibly Coming to America

Leftists feel emboldened with the persecution of President Trump.

Leftists see themselves as morally superior and therefore justified in trashing the rights of second class "anti-American" conservatives

It seems liberals believe the end justifies the means.

It is my hope we avoid this wonderful nation splitting apart by voting to remove the Democratic Party from power before they succeed in turning us into a Marxist socialist workers‘ paradise. A paradise without freedom of speech and religion and no right to bear arms. A paradise with Big Brother watching everything you do, say or write. Step over the line and off you go to a reeducation camp.

Hopefully we can return this nation from its current status as a banana republic under Joe Biden to what is was before the Clintons, a constitutional republic with one rule of law for all including high level Democrats and their family members. (A prime example is the Biden Crime Family and Hunter Biden.)

I definitely do not want to live in a nation of Democrats, for Democrats and by Democrats.
It seems liberals believe the end justifies the means.
Given the embarrassing bull$hit excuses that MAGA types make for the January 6, 2021 assault upon Congress, cannot the same be said of the Right - to include a great many Conservatives who lack the honesty or the courage to admit that was wrong?
It is my hope we avoid this wonderful nation splitting apart by voting to remove the Democratic Party from power before they succeed in turning us into a Marxist socialist workers‘ paradise.
Indeed. Vote them out. You do that by fielding candidates who will attract legions of Independents and Swing Voters.

That will not happen on November 5, 2024 if the republican Party is (collectively) stupid enough to run Trump again.

...Hopefully we can return this nation from its current status as a banana republic under Joe Biden to what is was before the Clintons, a constitutional republic with one rule of law for all including high level Democrats and their family members. (A prime example is the Biden Crime Family and Hunter Biden.)
Indeed. Vote them out. But we are not (yet) a banana republic. We are presently prosecuting an ignorant, arrogant, lying, dishonorable, selfish, egotistic, sociopathic, traitorous man-baby of a leader who ALSO tried to turn our beloved Republic into an autocracy merely in order to hold onto personal political power. The sooner you come to grips with the truth of that the sooner you can begin moving to vote the goddamned idiot Democrats out of power. Fail to do that and you lose in November 2024.
They "prosecuted" Jesus of Nazareth too.


Yup. Trump, Jesus, Hitler, Stalin — they were all prosecuted in courts of their own time.

They all had cults. Poor Jesus. After the preacher from Galilee died on the cross, it still took 300 years before Christianity triumphed in Rome … and when it did it started right away forbidding and prosecuting non-Christian religions throughout the empire. We live in much more modern times!

Trump’s cult has risen quickly thanks in large part to his demagogy and media savvy. It will, if we just calm down and come to our senses, fall almost as fast as it has grown. With a little luck (always a factor) Trump will go down in history as just a fluke, a terribly divisive U.S. President who arose at a difficult time in our history.

The “Trump Party” has already encouraged sedition and rioting and undemocratic attempts to make more permanent its “earthly rule.”

In the unlikely case that Trump should get his “Second Coming,” I imagine some of his angry jihadi supporters actually dream he will introduce their version of an “earthly MAGA paradise” — where “demoncrats,” “Liberal Satanists” and RINOs will all run away, convert or magically disappear.

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Given the embarrassing bull$hit excuses that MAGA types make for the January 6, 2021 assault upon Congress, cannot the same be said of the Right - to include a great many Conservatives who lack the honesty or the courage to admit that was wrong?

Indeed. Vote them out. You do that by fielding candidates who will attract legions of Independents and Swing Voters.

That will not happen on November 5, 2024 if the republican Party is (collectively) stupid enough to run Trump again.

Indeed. Vote them out. But we are not (yet) a banana republic. We are presently prosecuting an ignorant, arrogant, lying, dishonorable, selfish, egotistic, sociopathic, traitorous man-baby of a leader who ALSO tried to turn our beloved Republic into an autocracy merely in order to hold onto personal political power. The sooner you come to grips with the truth of that the sooner you can begin moving to vote the goddamned idiot Democrats out of power. Fail to do that and you lose in November 2024.
I contend if we vote the Democrats out we solve most major problems in our nation today.

it will take a fighter to win. That might be Trump or it might be some other individual. I doubt if such a fighter will come from within the Republican Party. He will have to be an outsider like Trump. DeSantis might be the exception if he stops tripping up so much. DeSantis is a damn good Governor but may not be ready to run for the Oval Office. Most Republicans lack the cojones to stand up to Democrat and liberal press bullying. They are wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. They may pretend to be the good guys in white hats but the Republican Party has more than its fair share of corrupt politicians who love the D.C. Swamp as much as the Democrats.

Democrats want to rip up our Constitution and use it as toilet paper. Democrats who are above the rule of law and never pay a price for their egregious malfeasance.

I will vote for the Republican Party candidate unless there is a truly viable third party candidate. If it is Trump, I will vote for him.
been hearing this for about a decade

I’ll believe it when I see it

I’ve seen the so called “revolutionaries”, and based on their average age and fitness level I’m confident I’ve nothing to worry about
Delusional whites who have behaved like feral animals for 247 years can't seem to face that they are getting back what they have dished out.
Feral Animals ( Creating The Industrial Age ) ( Modern Medicine ) ( Theater) ( Defeated American Slavery )(Music) ( Art ) ( The Scientific Age) ( Electronics ) ( Air travel ) ( Put our boys on the Moon to play Golf & drive Dune buggies )( defeated Imperialism , Nazism , Communism ...)
I did not think that current political climate notwithstanding, there would be no civil war.

Nope. That's exactly where we're headed. It will start when citizens think they can take the streets back from the criminals and gangs. The riots were just a sniff.
Feral Animals ( Creating The Industrial Age ) ( Modern Medicine ) ( Theater) ( Defeated American Slavery )(Music) ( Art ) ( The Scientific Age) ( Electronics ) ( Air travel ) ( Put our boys on the Moon to play Golf & drive Dune buggies )( defeated Imperialism , Nazism , Communism ...)

been hearing this for about a decade

I’ll believe it when I see it

I’ve seen the so called “revolutionaries”, and based on their average age and fitness level I’m confident I’ve nothing to worry about
Most Vietnam vets are growing old in the saddle however we are always fighting wars somewhere and we have trained plenty Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers. A good number of people in our nation have actual combat experience.

I believe the next civil war will involve guerrilla warfare. The U.S. military will be chasing ghosts in the night. It’s hard to say who will win. Hopefully we can avoid the nation attempting to split apart.

Most Vietnam vets are growing old in the saddle however we are always fighting wars somewhere and we have trained plenty Green Berets, Navy Seals and Army Rangers. A good number of people in our nation have actual combat experience.

I believe the next civil war will involve guerrilla warfare. The U.S. military will be chasing ghosts in the night. It’s hard to say who will win. Hopefully we can avoid the nation attempting to split apart.

It's doubtful that the military will be involved. If the criminals fight the military cannot intervene.

Lawlessness is feeling its power.
Is the government looking to prevent Trump from running or not?
IDK, maybe. There seems to be confusion about whether or not Trump will be able to run, constitutionally speaking, depending on what the verdict will be.

Even if they are, you really feel it’s appropriate to compare Donald Trump to Jesus Christ? Really?

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