Nigel Farage Thinks Civil War is Possibly Coming to America

Poor don't even realize that it is people like you that are the extremists. Your side appointed a man dressed up like a woman to hold a high position in government. This is NOT the average American's idea of normal, despite what you have been told.

No, you're the extremists. What this person dresses like has nothing to do with their knowledge. Normal Americans don't obsess about transgendered people. Normal people don't concern themselves with 0.6 percent of the population.
Delusional whites who have behaved like feral animals for 247 years can't seem to face that they are getting back what they have dished out.

Enjoy your 5G, Turbocharger, 13nm seminconductors, $200 tablets etc. all designed, manufactured, marketed & packaged shipped out of Africa. Sarc/
Oh no.

You asked the question....AGAIN!

How will I ever deal?

The Right is pointing out the obvious: That the Left is making Trump a political martyr.

It's a turn of phrase.

The fact that you can't comprehend the obvious is both mind blowingly stupid, and utterly unsurprising.

That said, I wouldn't put it past the Establishment coming after him in such a fashion.

They've proven they're willing to do anything to serve their craven quest to be rid of him once and for all.

Only a fool would rule it out.

Say, you for example.
Tell that to lil'tucker who went on and on about if the orange sexual abuser was in danger of being assassinated......laying the groundwork? Is he worth more to the GOP dead than alive?
That's not what you would be facing. How about you go on up to the likes of Shaq and mouth off.

You don't know your constituency. It is made up mostly of baristas and ultra-elites who don't know what end of a gun to hold. It doesn't matter though, it is not likely to come to any of this, but just saying, you are underestimating the advantage that people with guns who know how to use them have. Your masters are well aware though, thus why they want so badly to remove guns from the hands of those that have them. Too much resistance.
You don't know your constituency. It is made up mostly of baristas and ultra-elites who don't know what end of a gun to hold. It doesn't matter though, it is not likely to come to any of this, but just saying, you are underestimating the advantage that people with guns who know how to use them have. Your masters are well aware though, thus why they want so badly to remove guns from the hands of those that have them. Too much resistance.
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No, you're the extremists. What this person dresses like has nothing to do with their knowledge. Normal Americans don't obsess about transgendered people. Normal people don't concern themselves with 0.6 percent of the population.

It isn't just about the way a person dresses, although it does make us look like morons on the world stage. It is more about appointing a person with a clear delusion(dysphoria) in such a powerful position in the health field. Sorry, but the average American would be ashamed, but unfortunately, the average American doesn't even know that such things are going on with this administration thanks to the MSM.

It is hilarious that you think our military would stand up for crazy Democrats. Biden is certainly working on indoctrinating them to do so, but I don't think they are there yet. Regardless, it is a numbers game anyway. Far too many people with guns for the military to be able to handle. Don't fear, Democrats are working that angle too and would love to limit gun rights.
Are you people ever going to grow a pair and start this civil war of yours?

it will have to start smaller. Like a vaccine refusal by 280million (kids too). No work on Fridays? Critical workers begin to stay home on Mondays? Then for weeks? Organized thru internet, AM radio & word of mouth. Truckers refuse deliveries to ATL PHI DET MIL for Election Fraud Violations. This will help identify the enemy….those who vaccinate or venture out. Something like above Step 1.
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No, you're the extremists. What this person dresses like has nothing to do with their knowledge. Normal Americans don't obsess about transgendered people. Normal people don't concern themselves with 0.6 percent of the population.
Exactly. The job has nothing to do with physical attributes or sexual orientation
The day a punk like you gets in my face, is the day you get slapped to the ground.

I won't hit you with a closed fist, you're no threat.

I slapped a punk one night right in the middle of The Ritz dance floor, because that's what the situation called for.
You're a Canuck, and the son of Fidel Castro is the leader of your country.

You know it's just a matter of time before some old Cuban kills him, right?

If you don't, it is.

How may time do I have to prove you an idiot by linking to the article saying Justin was 5 years old when his mother met Castro.

This is today's Republican. He celebrates his idiocy and stupidity on a daily basis, and he's unteachable. It's truly sad for your nation, that someone so irredeemably moronic, is able to vote. And you wonder why the rest of the world considers the USA the "shithole nation of the first world".

Exposing the level of mental disability of today's member of the Republican Cult is like shooting weasels in a barrel.

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