Nigga Please

Oct 21, 2012
I no longer follow basketball and so have no idea who this sports announcer is, but apparently he forgot he was at work and not hanging with his peeps and homeboys when he uttered "nigga please" on one of his recent broadcasts. Now, there is nothing shocking about this on face value. We all know blacks throw the word around casually when referring to themselves and other blacks. But what's worth noting is his reaction when being called out on it. Rather than admitting he made a mistake and offering a genuine apology to anyone who may have been offended (though I can't imagine who that would be), he remained adamant he never said that and that millions of viewers misheard and "misconstrued." Really?

Anyone listening to the clip can clearly hear what he says. But that's part of the problem with blacks. Even in the face of reality, they pretend it doesn't exist, that they have done nothing wrong and that everyone else must be mistaken and at fault. How can they ever get their act together when they can't even admit the truth that's so glaring for everyone else to see?

[ame=""]Black Man Thinks Everyone is Hard of Hearing[/ame]
Just realized the above clip omits his ridiculous explanation. The following is a clear display of what's taking place within the black community. They seem to be trapped in a perpetual state of denial. Blacks often commit crimes, witnessed by others and even sometimes verified by other blacks involved, and yet their family, friends and "social leaders" can't believe it happened. The police must be lying. Everyone must be lying. So-and-so would never do such a thing.

Sorry for the additional post, but this is a phenomenon that not only boggles my mind but speaks to a much larger symptom. Man-up. Woman-up. Hold yourself and your people accountable.

[ame=""]It Did Not, Did Not, Did Not Happen[/ame]
I can't understand why a word that has such a hateful meaning toward blacks is so loved by them.
Oh and i do understand they say Nigga!...and they will explain that's it different and it's their word and if they want to use it everything should be fine.

I still don't get it.

Either it's a bad word or it's not!
I can't understand why a word that has such a hateful meaning toward blacks is so loved by them.
Oh and i do understand they say Nigga!...and they will explain that's it different and it's their word and if they want to use it everything should be fine.

I still don't get it.

Either it's a bad word or it's not!

Actually, I do understand part of it. The word was originally used by whites to disparage blacks, to make them feel a sense of inferiority and humiliation. Somewhere over the years (for reasons, like you, I still don't understand) they embraced the term as one of endearment to use among themselves. Whites of course still use it as the ultimate racial insult, and it apparently still carries the same sting as it once did. So it is that blacks are supposedly fine in using the word but whites can't. And I get that. As silly as their embracing of the term is, there's an obvious difference in the use of the word. ****** is an insult, nigga just a common noun like bro, dude, guy.

I don't know if you're familiar with the Boondocks, but the creator of the show, a young black guy named Aaron McGruder, wrote an episode about the use of the word. It's some pretty funny shit, as is everything McGruder did with the show. But what's particularly funny is that all his episodes are based on real events that have taken place in American society, most of which are quite current. The episode below was a parody of an incident that took place (I think in Florida) in which a white teacher was reprimanded for calling a black kid a nigga. And even funnier is that the kid (in real life) claimed he never uses that word, which everyone knows is a pure lie. Young blacks use it all the time.

What I respect about McGruder is that, as a satirist, he's actually pointing out all the ridiculous things taking place in today's black culture, doing his part in hopefully opening their eyes to the abyss in which they've sunk. But I don't think the average black sees it. They only see the comedic and entertainment aspects without grasping the deeper message McGruder is making. But what do you expect? Blacks hate looking into the mirror.

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Nigga is used like friend.. we should just make official and call each other my nigga and just take the power from the word and get it over with...
Nigga is used like friend.. we should just make official and call each other my nigga and just take the power from the word and get it over with...

The only way that will ever happen is when/if blacks ever decide to grow up and remember what we were all taught as kids. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

The power of the word doesn't reside with white people. Blacks give the word power in their overreaction to it.
[ame=]Nigga Please - YouTube[/ame]
Ah, yes. George and Weezie. Sherman Hemsley, who died over a month ago, is still lying in a funeral home unburied as his family squabbles over his "estate," a whole whopping $50,000.

The following is a very good documentary, though quite sad. It's apparent the lead subject was once a decent-looking woman but lost her way and never made it back. A few months after filming, she died of a drug overdose. I'm posting it mainly because of what she says at 12:50, the natural-sounding cadence and inflection of her words suggesting how she spent her time and the dark road she traveled all the way to her grave.

You men watch over your daughters, granddaughters, nieces and cousins. There are plenty of traps out there awaiting.

RIP, baby girl.

[ame=""]Nigga Please[/ame]
I can't understand why a word that has such a hateful meaning toward blacks is so loved by them. I still don't get it.

Either it's a bad word or it's not!

It's really not that complicated.
It cracks me up when white people get upset because they are told they cannot use a word. It's funny as all bell.
My friends and I call each other ******* al the time, it's fun!

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