Nike made a business decision not a political statement

That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.

Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.
The middle aged white dudes that boycotted the Dixie Chicks are old white guys that are dying off and making less money. Most consumer companies do not care about them.
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.

What's with this middle-aged white dude shit? You don't think that some blacks--especially those who served our military are offended by this? What about our black police officers?

People may have not bought Niki shoes, but not because of their political stance. They may have tried them in the future, however Niki ruined that possibility.

I think 95% of the people with an issue over this are middle aged white guys. Out of all the videos of people burning Nike shit, almost all were middle aged white guys.
Nike got the idea from the data mining Facebook, Twitter and Google sell to advertisers, that`s how they make their money....and whoever was the idiot in Nike`s advertising department thought that the number of tweets about Kaepernick is an indicator how popular he is...not realizing how bogus that popularity is . Which is in effect what the politically biased management of these social platforms had to admit after they got caught shadow banning everything they don`t agree with and promoting whatever suits their left leaning agenda.
Nike has good reasons for concern about their competitors closing the gap and was suckered by relying on the slanted statistical data they got from these social platforms. As if the freaks who each retweeted and clicked the "like" and "share" buttons for Kaepernick hundreds of times would also buy hundreds of pairs of Nike runners each. Had it been a contracted advertising agency who came up with that Keapernick idea and caused the stock to drop as soon as the ad came out they would have been axed as soon as the New York stock exchanged closed on that day. Nike exploits cheap Asian labor and operates in countries that make a mockery of human rights and thought they will get away with using a phony civil rights activist like Kaepernick to fake an image they can not and don`t intend to back up with actions.
Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

I mentioned "among others". If your point is that middle aged white men don't make a difference, you'll probably fall victim to all the crap you didn't think of. I mean I get your point about radio stations as well, but you might of missed the fact that I am not surprised a corporation based in Beaverton, Oregon came up with the stupid idea of using Colin Keapernick to promote their shoes/athletic gear.
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I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.
So if NIKE gets a little more than half its profits from America, and loyal Trump people are not going to buy there products, but more liberals who have boycotted because of where they make shoes, come back to support the new Nike message & regular liberals by product to support the message. and then Canada & Mexico buy more because they don't like Trump, also Germany France pick up there sales a little, who knows Maybe Nike is smarter than all most everyone on this board
Population replacement is what the democrats are doing. People aren't dying fast enough. Time for some polar bear hunting.

Except that its the young that democrats depend on that are dying of opiod overdoses. More than those dying of old age. It's freedom baby.
Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.

And that could easily be them buying their own stock back to keep it from collapsing entirely. We'll see how it goes.
So if NIKE gets a little more than half its profits from America, and loyal Trump people are not going to buy there products, but more liberals who have boycotted because of where they make shoes, come back to support the new Nike message & regular liberals by product to support the message. and then Canada & Mexico buy more because they don't like Trump, also Germany France pick up there sales a little, who knows Maybe Nike is smarter than all most everyone on this board

We will know when the Q4 results are made public, won't we?
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?
The stock market does not like Trump's tariffs. Trump says it will help us in the long run.
Nike is saying the same about the ad.
Are you saying Nike should pull the ad and Trump should pull the tariffs?
Short term will give some indication of the results but Nike is betting on the long run. They have received an estimated 43 million dollars of free advertising in news coverage in the past 24 hours.
But with those whizz bang NIKE analytics and the new generation that is all open minded and shit, the stock is can't miss, amiright?

According to what Elmer has said, he should liquidate all other positions and go long on Nike.
You do not listen very well. I said Nike was chasing dollars not making a political statement. So are thousands of other companies. I never said Nike is the best.
Like most Trumpsters you have 2+2 and get 5
You said and I quote "This is a long term strategy for NIKE." So what else am I supposed to conclude?
They are targeting a young demographic that will continue to have increased disposable income and be a potential customer for a long time.

The demographic that most likely be negatively affected by the ad, tend to be older with declining income.
millennial snowflakes? pahlease.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.
The middle aged white dudes that boycotted the Dixie Chicks are old white guys that are dying off and making less money. Most consumer companies do not care about them.

Hold on...all age groups of “white dudes” make more than all age groups of Brownies...are you confused or lying?
What else can I teach you?
The middle aged white dudes that boycotted the Dixie Chicks are old white guys that are dying off and making less money. Most consumer companies do not care about them.

And it still hasn't helped the Dixie Chicks out any. You can keep saying people don't make a difference, when all I am saying is that the only way any of it makes a difference is people. If Nike wants to sell me politics with their athletic gear, they can accept the fact they aren't going to get my money anymore. The funny thing is that I couldn't care less about Colin Keapernick or the NFL (made that decision last year), but I still bought gear from Nike until they decided it was a good idea to take that road.

There are a million other more productive avenues they could have chosen as far as representation, but that's not what they chose, and they will suffer from the decision, even if it is just my money they decided they don't want. Maybe I can get the folks at Under Armor and Adidas to send Nike a thank you card for sending them more business.
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Population replacement is what the democrats are doing. People aren't dying fast enough. Time for some polar bear hunting.

Except that its the young that democrats depend on that are dying of opiod overdoses. More than those dying of old age. It's freedom baby.
A majority of the young dying of opioid overdoses are children of Trump supporters. We see the children of underemployed and undereducated whites from middle America being hit the hardest from the sad epidemic.
The middle aged white dudes that boycotted the Dixie Chicks are old white guys that are dying off and making less money. Most consumer companies do not care about them.

And it still hasn't helped the Dixie Chicks out any. You can keep saying people don't make a difference, when all I am saying is that the only way any of it makes a difference is people. If Nike wants to sell me politics with their athletic gear, they can accept the fact they aren't going to get my money anymore. The funny thing is that I couldn't care less about Colin Keapernick or the NFL (made that decision last year), but I still bought gear from Nike until they decided it was a good idea to take that road.

There are a million other more productive avenues they could have chosen as far as representation, but that's not what they chose, and they will suffer from the decision, even if it is just my money they decided they don't want.
That is your interpretation and ultimate actions. There are many like you, but substantially more that do not think like you and will continue to look positively about Nike. They are not anti-American or anti-police. They think differently.
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.

Your “racial injustice” bullshit is pure fabrication by lowlife pieces of shits.
Ghetto Blacks, the ones getting shot and or killed are ignorant, low iQ, insubordinate fools who can’t follow simple commands...That’s why they get shot. Anyone sane and not a ghetto lowlife knows this as fact.
How would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?
Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

I mentioned "among others". If your point is that middle aged white men don't make a difference, you'll probably fall victim to all the crap you didn't think of. I mean I get your point about radio stations as well, but you might of missed the fact that I am not surprised a corporation based in Beaverton, Oregon came up with the stupid idea of using Colin Keapernick to promote their shoes/athletic gear.
Middle Aged old white men have an impact on our economy but the impact is declining. Other demographic groups impact are increasing.
Nike is going after the demographic they see as having the most buying power for the future.
Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

I mentioned "among others". If your point is that middle aged white men don't make a difference, you'll probably fall victim to all the crap you didn't think of. I mean I get your point about radio stations as well, but you might of missed the fact that I am not surprised a corporation based in Beaverton, Oregon came up with the stupid idea of using Colin Keapernick to promote their shoes/athletic gear.
Middle Aged old white men have an impact on our economy but the impact is declining. Other demographic groups impact are increasing.
Nike is going after the demographic they see as having the most buying power for the future.

You needle is skipping.

We got what you are saying, you are just wrong.

Nike doesn't need to ALIENATE one Demographic for another.


Ask the NFL.


How do you not drown when its raining?
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.

Your “racial injustice” bullshit is pure fabrication by lowlife pieces of shits.
Ghetto Blacks, the ones getting shot and or killed are ignorant, low iQ, insubordinate fools who can’t follow simple commands...That’s why they get shot. Anyone sane and not a ghetto lowlife knows this as fact.
How would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?
The majority of the younger generation has much fewer racists like you and they are trying to find ways to reduce the number of racists any further.
Major corporations fire people that openly advocate thinking like yours.
You are a sorry excuse for a human. It is very sad to see people like you.

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