Nike made a business decision not a political statement

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.

Your “racial injustice” bullshit is pure fabrication by lowlife pieces of shits.
Ghetto Blacks, the ones getting shot and or killed are ignorant, low iQ, insubordinate fools who can’t follow simple commands...That’s why they get shot. Anyone sane and not a ghetto lowlife knows this as fact.
How would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?
The majority of the younger generation has much fewer racists like you and they are trying to find ways to reduce the number of racists any further.
Major corporations fire people that openly advocate thinking like yours.
You are a sorry excuse for a human. It is very sad to see people like you.

You’re talking in circles addressed nothing in my simply screamed RACIST at the sky. Who taught you to ignore the truth and throw “racism” over the top of it? Why does the truth make you piss your pants?
You are a blatant racist. I am not a racist. Nothing I say will make sense to you.
Your rant focuses on race above all. You see the world based the color of people's skin. There is no hope for you.

Of course you are, ALL Progs are racist pieces of shit.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.
The middle aged white dudes that boycotted the Dixie Chicks are old white guys that are dying off and making less money. Most consumer companies do not care about them.

Hold on...all age groups of “white dudes” make more than all age groups of Brownies...are you confused or lying?
What else can I teach you?
you do not understand demographic analysis.
How much Nike does billionaires buy? What % of income is spent on Nike like product between the rich and the poor, between the old and the young?

Haha...”demographic analysis” feel smart when you use words you discovered on the internet?
Look bud, you’re making a complete ass of yourself in public...I showed you that PATRIOTIC Republicans have all the money across all spectrums. Nike fucked themselves...clearly they are desperate as shit.
Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.

Your “racial injustice” bullshit is pure fabrication by lowlife pieces of shits.
Ghetto Blacks, the ones getting shot and or killed are ignorant, low iQ, insubordinate fools who can’t follow simple commands...That’s why they get shot. Anyone sane and not a ghetto lowlife knows this as fact.
How would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?
The majority of the younger generation has much fewer racists like you and they are trying to find ways to reduce the number of racists any further.
Major corporations fire people that openly advocate thinking like yours.
You are a sorry excuse for a human. It is very sad to see people like you.

You’re talking in circles addressed nothing in my simply screamed RACIST at the sky. Who taught you to ignore the truth and throw “racism” over the top of it? Why does the truth make you piss your pants?
You are a blatant racist. I am not a racist. Nothing I say will make sense to you.
Your rant focuses on race above all. You see the world based the color of people's skin. There is no hope for you.

Let’s recap for the ignorant minds.
You implied the protests were justified....TIMING and all. You also implied that “young people” support the protests.

I asked you “how would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?”

You got scared, screamed RACIST and pissed yourself.
Now grab you nuts and answer the question.
That is your interpretation and ultimate actions. There are many like you, but substantially more that do not think like you and will continue to look positively about Nike. They are not anti-American or anti-police. They think differently.

people can think whatever they want, and that will never change the fact Nike obviously doesn't want the money I was giving to them, if out of the hundreds of millions of Americans they could find a decent story to support their brand, they chose Colin Keapernick. That isn't a statement about what I think happened, or may happen in the future, it's going to happen for sure.

When I buy Athletic gear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being Anti-American or Anti-Police, and that's the mistake Nike made. It's why they are going to be losing money (no matter how insignificant anyone wants to say it is).

If you want to suggest that Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers, and would be more interested in chasing a demographic instead of providing the customer with a better product, I'm not going to argue with that ignorance.

I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using
That is your interpretation and ultimate actions. There are many like you, but substantially more that do not think like you and will continue to look positively about Nike. They are not anti-American or anti-police. They think differently.

people can think whatever they want, and that will never change the fact Nike obviously doesn't want the money I was giving to them, if out of the hundreds of millions of Americans they could find a decent story to support their brand, they chose Colin Keapernick. That isn't a statement about what I think happened, or may happen in the future, it's going to happen for sure.

When I buy Athletic gear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being Anti-American or Anti-Police, and that's the mistake Nike made. It's why they are going to be losing money (no matter how insignificant anyone wants to say it is).

If you want to suggest that Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers, and would be more interested in chasing a demographic instead of providing the customer with a better product, I'm not going to argue with that ignorance.

I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.
The majority of the younger generation has much fewer racists like you and they are trying to find ways to reduce the number of racists any further.
Major corporations fire people that openly advocate thinking like yours.
You are a sorry excuse for a human. It is very sad to see people like you.

You’re talking in circles addressed nothing in my simply screamed RACIST at the sky. Who taught you to ignore the truth and throw “racism” over the top of it? Why does the truth make you piss your pants?
You are a blatant racist. I am not a racist. Nothing I say will make sense to you.
Your rant focuses on race above all. You see the world based the color of people's skin. There is no hope for you.

Let’s recap for the ignorant minds.
You implied the protests were justified....TIMING and all. You also implied that “young people” support the protests.

I asked you “how would these same “young people” you speak of act if good Americans held an annual protest against welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day?”

You got scared, screamed RACIST and pissed yourself.
Now grab you nuts and answer the question.

The young people I know would laugh at both of you for thinking any of that shit matters to anyone that doesn't live in the hood and hasn't been fed less than productive bullshit since birth. They are not racists for the most part, but that should never be mistaken as meaning they support all the racial crap people are peddling nowadays. They have learned how to work together and accomplish goals that aren't tethered to the previous century.
people can think whatever they want, and that will never change the fact Nike obviously doesn't want the money I was giving to them, if out of the hundreds of millions of Americans they could find a decent story to support their brand, they chose Colin Keapernick. That isn't a statement about what I think happened, or may happen in the future, it's going to happen for sure.

When I buy Athletic gear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being Anti-American or Anti-Police, and that's the mistake Nike made. It's why they are going to be losing money (no matter how insignificant anyone wants to say it is).

If you want to suggest that Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers, and would be more interested in chasing a demographic instead of providing the customer with a better product, I'm not going to argue with that ignorance.

I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.
Doc you giving out invitations and not inviting me ?? BTW I drink the good scotch
people can think whatever they want, and that will never change the fact Nike obviously doesn't want the money I was giving to them, if out of the hundreds of millions of Americans they could find a decent story to support their brand, they chose Colin Keapernick. That isn't a statement about what I think happened, or may happen in the future, it's going to happen for sure.

When I buy Athletic gear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being Anti-American or Anti-Police, and that's the mistake Nike made. It's why they are going to be losing money (no matter how insignificant anyone wants to say it is).

If you want to suggest that Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers, and would be more interested in chasing a demographic instead of providing the customer with a better product, I'm not going to argue with that ignorance.

I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.
I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.
I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

This guy wanted me to give out my home address and then wanted me to drive 500 miles to "meet" him.

Little did I know at the time what he had in mind for me.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

This guy wanted me to give out my home address and then wanted me to drive 500 miles to "meet" him.

Little did I know at the time what he had in mind for me.
Can't trust the best of them
I have envisioned Doc as not wearing shoes and lives in a single wide

It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

This guy wanted me to give out my home address and then wanted me to drive 500 miles to "meet" him.

Little did I know at the time what he had in mind for me.

Naaa kid, I'll come to you. All you are doing is showing that you are an internet tough guy. (shrugs) Unlike you I'm not afraid.
It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

This guy wanted me to give out my home address and then wanted me to drive 500 miles to "meet" him.

Little did I know at the time what he had in mind for me.
Can't trust the best of them

I feel happy for him now that he has come out of the closet. It has to be refreshing for him
It's ok, I've always envisioned you as a fag who takes it in the ass.

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

Sent from my iPhone using

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.

I don't like you because you're a fraud. You act all tough and shit until you're called on it.
I own you.

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