Nike made a business decision not a political statement

You have that fantasy about a lot of people on this forum...seems to say something about you and not them

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You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.

I don't like you because you're a fraud. You act all tough and shit until you're called on it.
I own you.

You run with that little boy.
We both know that you are the one who declined the invitation.

Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.

I don't like you because you're a fraud. You act all tough and shit until you're called on it.
I own you.


You're a little c*nt, we both know it.
Yes, I did decline the invitation to give you my home address. And now that you are letting your sexual fantasies about other members on here out, I am very glad that I did so.

LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.

I don't like you because you're a fraud. You act all tough and shit until you're called on it.
I own you.


You're a little c*nt, we both know it.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers
If you make business decisions without considering all implications you are an idiot who is going to lose a lot of money. This is a political statement by Nike because Kaepernick chose to make a political statement.
LOL, you're a pussy son.

So, that is why you do not like me.

It all makes sense now.

I don't like you because you're a fraud. You act all tough and shit until you're called on it.
I own you.


You're a little c*nt, we both know it.

Oh yes...feel free to show where I ever asked for your address ;)
That is your interpretation and ultimate actions. There are many like you, but substantially more that do not think like you and will continue to look positively about Nike. They are not anti-American or anti-police. They think differently.

people can think whatever they want, and that will never change the fact Nike obviously doesn't want the money I was giving to them, if out of the hundreds of millions of Americans they could find a decent story to support their brand, they chose Colin Keapernick. That isn't a statement about what I think happened, or may happen in the future, it's going to happen for sure.

When I buy Athletic gear, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being Anti-American or Anti-Police, and that's the mistake Nike made. It's why they are going to be losing money (no matter how insignificant anyone wants to say it is).

If you want to suggest that Nike doesn't give a rat's ass about their customers, and would be more interested in chasing a demographic instead of providing the customer with a better product, I'm not going to argue with that ignorance.

I've always bought Nike. I'll switch to New Balance now.

I like new balance, but I have very wide feet and was going to try another brand next purchase. I still will, but it won't be Nike.
So if NIKE gets a little more than half its profits from America, and loyal Trump people are not going to buy there products, but more liberals who have boycotted because of where they make shoes, come back to support the new Nike message & regular liberals by product to support the message. and then Canada & Mexico buy more because they don't like Trump, also Germany France pick up there sales a little, who knows Maybe Nike is smarter than all most everyone on this board

I seriously doubt that anybody who didn't plan on buying Nike will do so now because of their announcement of hiring this creep. I think the bigger effect will be with their current customers who are against this whole KaperClown thing. Boycotting is easy, just quit buying stuff from them.
I will be spending my money on other sporting apparel companies. Nike might not notice that I am no longer buying their products for myself and my kids, but I am not going to patronize a company that shits on our police and supports a guy who claims he was blackballed, yet turned down $7 million to play for the Broncos.

Fuck Cap.
Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.

“Nike understands there will be many like you but many more will act the opposite of you. That demographic is younger and richer and will be around a lot longer than you.”

“Nike understands there will be many good, patriotic folks like you but many more will act like unAmerican pieces of shits. That demographic is younger, less American, richer and will be around a lot longer than you. America isn’t American anymore.”

Elmer is making the assumption that all younger people are anti-police or anti-American. To some degree, you will probably find more younger people that feel that way than older people, but I'm sure there is an equal amount of younger people that feel the same way we do.
The majority of young people are not anti-police or anti-American. They interpret the NFL taking a knee as a statement on racial injustice trying to make America better and it is not anti-police.
The "we" you refer to is a diminishing population who do not understand the world we currently live in.
You make incorrect assumptions because you think like it is still 1960.
The world is passing you by and you are trying to hold it back because you cannot keep up.
The new world can be a better place than the world you want but it will not be without many problems. One of the problems are people like you.

Here we go again. Old white people dying off; the same formula on how the Democrats were going to take over the country. Been hearing that for the last 30 years too.

You are correct about one thing, and that is yes, there are a lot of younger people who are not anti-police which is why they too are offended. This entire kneeling thing is anti-police. Any intelligent person understands this is not about racial injustice because every shooting by a police officer is thoroughly investigated. If an officer is found to have broken the law, he or she will pay for that injustice. If they are found to be within the law in their actions, they are not charged or found not-guilty which is how most grand juries rule on these things.

The real problem is these oversized morons don't know the law, and are too stupid to look up the law. Intelligent people understand this, and yes, that included a lot of younger people.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.

Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

That's entirely different. Radio stations don't want to piss off their audience and lose listeners. That's the only reason they stopped playing Dixi Chicks. Nobody is going to boycott footlocker because they are carrying Nike. They will go to footlocker and buy another brand is all.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.

Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

That's entirely different. Radio stations don't want to piss off their audience and lose listeners. That's the only reason they stopped playing Dixi Chicks. Nobody is going to boycott footlocker because they are carrying Nike. They will go to footlocker and buy another brand is all.

I agree it is very different, but I am not the one that brought in the Dixie Chicks to the discussion.

I say this is all much ado about nothing. Everyone was touting their stock falling yesterday as some sort of evidence it was a bad idea. There was literally a 2 hour window where it fell and has since leveled off and even gained a little back today, doing slightly better than the market as a whole.

I am betting there is not even a big hit on their sales.
What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.

The annual shareholder meeting for Nike is in 2 weeks. Since the last meeting Nike stock has gone up more than 50%. I think the shareholders are doing ok.

Nike stock has been on the increase since 2010. They were doing very well which is probably why they are trying this dangerous stunt now.

But investors make money when the stock goes up, not when it's stagnant or going down. When that happens, people get rid of the stock for something more active.

I can't think of any investor that could actually think this stupidity will help their portfolio. It will either have no effect or a negative effect.
Population replacement is what the democrats are doing. People aren't dying fast enough. Time for some polar bear hunting.

Except that its the young that democrats depend on that are dying of opiod overdoses. More than those dying of old age. It's freedom baby.
A majority of the young dying of opioid overdoses are children of Trump supporters. We see the children of underemployed and undereducated whites from middle America being hit the hardest from the sad epidemic.
Uh huh.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.

Country music is almost exclusively the domain of middle aged white dudes, as such when a country star/group pissed them off there was nobody to pick up the slack, not to mention that radio stations took it upon themselves to not play them. I am betting that FootLocker and the like will not stop carrying Nike shoes.

That's entirely different. Radio stations don't want to piss off their audience and lose listeners. That's the only reason they stopped playing Dixi Chicks. Nobody is going to boycott footlocker because they are carrying Nike. They will go to footlocker and buy another brand is all.

I agree it is very different, but I am not the one that brought in the Dixie Chicks to the discussion.

I say this is all much ado about nothing. Everyone was touting their stock falling yesterday as some sort of evidence it was a bad idea. There was literally a 2 hour window where it fell and has since leveled off and even gained a little back today, doing slightly better than the market as a whole.

I am betting there is not even a big hit on their sales.

Time will tell. But I know several people in my circle that already turned off the NFL for good. It's a very personal thing for us. And for sports lovers, turning off sports is a lot harder than looking for a new brand of footwear. That's easy, especially with the internet these days.
A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.

The annual shareholder meeting for Nike is in 2 weeks. Since the last meeting Nike stock has gone up more than 50%. I think the shareholders are doing ok.

Nike stock has been on the increase since 2010. They were doing very well which is probably why they are trying this dangerous stunt now.

But investors make money when the stock goes up, not when it's stagnant or going down. When that happens, people get rid of the stock for something more active.

I can't think of any investor that could actually think this stupidity will help their portfolio. It will either have no effect or a negative effect.

The fact it had such a tiny impact on their stock shows me it was not all that dangerous. I think you are assuming there are a lot more people that think like you than there really are.
A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.

The annual shareholder meeting for Nike is in 2 weeks. Since the last meeting Nike stock has gone up more than 50%. I think the shareholders are doing ok.

Nike stock has been on the increase since 2010. They were doing very well which is probably why they are trying this dangerous stunt now.

But investors make money when the stock goes up, not when it's stagnant or going down. When that happens, people get rid of the stock for something more active.

I can't think of any investor that could actually think this stupidity will help their portfolio. It will either have no effect or a negative effect.

It's like any stock, perform or it'll be ditched. Most large firms were buying Nike yesterday but they buy in blocks of shares, they get a $1.00 price increase and make millions. They were simply doing business and don't care about Nike's or Kaeperdick's "cause". It's all about the money. If Nike under performs they will ditch it and find a mover
How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.

The annual shareholder meeting for Nike is in 2 weeks. Since the last meeting Nike stock has gone up more than 50%. I think the shareholders are doing ok.

Nike stock has been on the increase since 2010. They were doing very well which is probably why they are trying this dangerous stunt now.

But investors make money when the stock goes up, not when it's stagnant or going down. When that happens, people get rid of the stock for something more active.

I can't think of any investor that could actually think this stupidity will help their portfolio. It will either have no effect or a negative effect.

It's like any stock, perform or it'll be ditched. Most large firms were buying Nike yesterday but they buy in blocks of shares, they get a $1.00 price increase and make millions. They were simply doing business and don't care about Nike's or Kaeperdick's "cause". It's all about the money. If Nike under performs they will ditch it and find a mover

Everything is about the money, that is the fuel of our capitalistic society.

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