Nike made a business decision not a political statement

The kids know why the players are kneeling, they talk about it at school and even here at my house. Maybe you do not have much experience with teens, but they really could not care less what their parents feel about something, in fact most will be just the oppose just to be independent.
Great - easily manipulated kids who have no experience, no sense of patriotism after being indoctrinated in govt public schools (Barak Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm...) and who have been bathed daily in a downpour of liberal crap from the Left's mouth pieces like CNN...

These kids know what the 'kneeling' is all about? Not that long ago you could ask 10 NFL players what it was all about and get at least 6 different answers... :p

Those kids don't pay for the electricity, the cable, or satellite to watch the NFL on TV. Hell, a lot of them don't even watch the game - they know about Kaepernick because he is a Leftist Social Warrior the face of 'Nike'.

Those kids aren't buying the Jerseys, tickets to the game, etc....

Those kids are not the ones who buy those expensive Nike shoes.

The backlash against Nike has already started....

Adults who are sick of their awards shows, talk shows, and their NFL being hijacked by Libtards and their politics...

Military Members

1st Responders

and the majority of Americans, as even Nike admitted, who do not agree with Kaepernick or the kneeling......
Of course. He is the best player in the game but would you agree just as many dislike him? Tom Brady's jersey is a high seller too, he gets booed everywhere.

I think most of the hate has moved on. People hated him for the decision, but that is old news.

The hate is also because he consistently wins. But his HBO show is stupid.

He has an HBO show?

Oh yes and it is super left leaning. You'd love it.

Why would I love it if you do not and are you left of me?

That makes no sense at all.

I am not left leaning? You are. Right?
The kids know why the players are kneeling, they talk about it at school and even here at my house. Maybe you do not have much experience with teens, but they really could not care less what their parents feel about something, in fact most will be just the oppose just to be independent.
Great - easily manipulated kids who have no experience, no sense of patriotism after being indoctrinated in govt public schools (Barak Hussein Obama, mmm mmm mmm...) and who have been bathed daily in a downpour of liberal crap from the Left's mouth pieces like CNN...

These kids know what the 'kneeling' is all about? Not that long ago you could ask 10 NFL players what it was all about and get at least 6 different answers... :p

Those kids don't pay for the electricity, the cable, or satellite to watch the NFL on TV. Hell, a lot of them don't even watch the game - they know about Kaepernick because he is a Leftist Social Warrior the face of 'Nike'.

Those kids aren't buying the Jerseys, tickets to the game, etc....

Those kids are not the ones who buy those expensive Nike shoes.

The backlash against Nike has already started....

Adults who are sick of their awards shows, talk shows, and their NFL being hijacked by Libtards and their politics...

Military Members

1st Responders

and the majority of Americans, as even Nike admitted, who do not agree with Kaepernick or the kneeling......

So you really do know nothing about teens!

I think you vastly over estimate the number of pissed off middle aged white men there are and the impact they will have on Nike.

For the record, my son grew up on Marine Corps bases, he has a far greater sense of patriotism than this faux-patriotism you sling about.
I think most of the hate has moved on. People hated him for the decision, but that is old news.

The hate is also because he consistently wins. But his HBO show is stupid.

He has an HBO show?

Oh yes and it is super left leaning. You'd love it.

Why would I love it if you do not and are you left of me?

That makes no sense at all.

I am not left leaning? You are. Right?

You tell me...

I am a pro-2nd amendment, gun onwer

I am pro-life.

I favor smaller government and vote for those that share that view.

I support more personal freedoms and vote for those that share that view.

I opposed and still do ObamaCare

I opposed the PATRIOT Act and the FISA court and all that are attached to it

I believe that any and all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional and the protected classes violate the equal protection clause.

I oppose seat belt laws, helmet laws, and smoking bans in privately owned businesses.

I have called for the troops to be pulled out of Europe and stationed on the southern border to defend this country for a change.

I think marijuana should be legal and there is nothing in the construction that gives the Fed Govt the right to say otherwise.

And I am a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant.
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...

This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.
Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys.

Smart business move - pi$$ on the franchise you just signed a deal with, poking them in the eye by making the festering sore on their ass -- an unemployed ex-employee who has started a craze that has caused them millions, someone who is responsible for a law suit against the owners claiming he is being black listed - which has been proven that he is NOT -- as the new face of Nike shoes and, sort of, one of the faces of the NFL who cut the deal with Nike...

Most of those kids do not see the kneeling as hate for the police or the country, that is the view of the middle aged white man, not the 17 year old kids.
What else could it be seen as ? :dunno:
disrespect of our military, cops and flag? :dunno:

That is how some people choose to view it. Mostly how middle aged white dudes see it, though I am a middle aged white dude and a veteran and I do not feel disrespected in the least. Are they any worse than the Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors?
That is how some people choose to view it. Mostly how middle aged white dudes see it, though I am a middle aged white dude and a veteran and I do not feel disrespected in the least. Are they any worse than the Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors?
If you don't feel disrespected by these morons kneeling during the national anthem and flag display, then you don't have your head screwed on straight.
Question,Nike sells world wide ? if that's true then Nike is not total dependent on future American teens or unhappy Republicans for there future success. any one know about there over sea's sales?
Question,Nike sells world wide ? if that's true then Nike is not total dependent on future American teens or unhappy Republicans for there future success. any one know about there over sea's sales?

The hate is also because he consistently wins. But his HBO show is stupid.

He has an HBO show?

Oh yes and it is super left leaning. You'd love it.

Why would I love it if you do not and are you left of me?

That makes no sense at all.

I am not left leaning? You are. Right?

You tell me...

I am a pro-2nd amendment, gun onwer

I am pro-life.

I favor smaller government and vote for those that share that view.

I support more personal freedoms and vote for those that share that view.

I opposed and still do ObamaCare

I opposed the PATRIOT Act and the FISA court and all that are attached to it

I believe that any and all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government are unconstitutional and the protected classes violate the equal protection clause.

I oppose seat belt laws, helmet laws, and smoking bans in privately owned businesses.

I have called for the troops to be pulled out of Europe and stationed on the southern border to defend this country for a change.

I think marijuana should be legal and there is nothing in the construction that gives the Fed Govt the right to say otherwise.

And I am a retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant.

Nope. I was incorrect. My error.

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