Nike made a business decision not a political statement

Do you guys have a hard time keeping track of all the things you're boycotting?

Seems like there's a lot of them.

Star Wars
Award Shows
I don't have to intentionally boycott as most of those enumerated don't interest me anyway.

Tell that to the many people burning NFL jerseys and their Nike shoes.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers
Yeah, he was the only third rate retired sports figure in America.
Nike settled on a failure as its spokesman. In ten years Kap will still be an unemployed wannabe and no one will remember him. 15 year olds today will not have Kap Nike loyalty when they are 25. 15 year olds have the attention span of a gnat. When they are 25 they will have gone through a dozen shiny objects.
yea, anyone looking short term at this is being stupid. the dip happens, it recovers, and just because people are burning shoes today doesn't mean the market will feel that effect in the coming months. i think it was a stupid ploy on their part but it's going to take months to decide, not hours.

the IGS (instant gratification society) can't stand the inbetween. :)

Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
Do you guys have a hard time keeping track of all the things you're boycotting?

Seems like there's a lot of them.

CNN - boycott? no. laugh at? by the hour.
Facebook - not a fan but until something better comes along, it's simply a tool
Budweiser - don't drink anymore
Nike - meh, if the shoe fits...
NFL - i see players kneel, i watch something else til next game.
Target - don't shop there but mostly cause they suck
Keurig - speaking of suck
Starbucks - coffee sucks
Amazon - why would i boycott amazon jack ryan is an amazing series and they bring me my shit several times a week. i ordered a bucket the other day just to get a delivery and have something to open.
Nordstrom - why the hell am i mad at them?
Kellogg - mmmmm - pop tarts.
Star Wars - FINALLY - something i'm not going to watch any more of.
Education - for it.
Award Shows - never cared
Twitter - never use it, don't care.

i got mad at the world once and shook my fist in the air and protested about the inhumanity of it all. do you know what changed?


i got mad one day and looked in the mirror to decide what i could do about the world around me and how i could be a better part of it. do you know what changed?


I believe you're supposed to be mad at Amazon because Bezos has been critical of Trump and because he says he wants to raise funds to help Dreamers go to college. You're supposed to be mad at Nordstrom because they stopped selling Ivanka's stuff there.

I imagine that it must be hard to keep track of all the companies that conservatives are boycotting and why they are boycotting them, so I hope that helped.
not really cause i'm conservative and none of these save star wars are on my list. but if we want to get cute and stereotype - do we really need to talk about all the asinine things the left boycotts?
Yesterday on Mike and Mike they were talking about this and Nike said that this is geared towards the 15-17 year old demographic. So, it will not take months, it will take years to decide. As for their stock I am willing to bet it is back up to where it was before the end of the week. I was kind of hoping it would drop a little more and I was going to buy some, but it does not seem to be the case.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.

He also can’t answer the basic questions on why this is a good strategy, not saying that it is or isn’t, I don’t understand it and no one can explain it.
Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.

He also can’t answer the basic questions on why this is a good strategy, not saying that it is or isn’t, I don’t understand it and no one can explain it.
Nike, NFL, and Levis Strauss Political Business Strategy – The Much Bigger Geopolitical and Trade Pi

this was a much more comprehensive take and it would seem by gators standards, NEITHER of us were thinking more than 20 minutes ahead. while i may not agree with the direction they are taking, it does explain the gamble in better terms.
15-17 year old usually need their 35+ year old parents help in buying $100+ shoes. if this is their ploy then they should fire the ad agency. if in-house, hire one.

but yea, buy in a panic cause the panic never lasts and it recovers almost every time. when the news is over then look to see if you sell and make money or keep the gamble going.

Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.

People keep pointing to one day's stock performance as proof this was a bad idea, as long as they do that I will continue to assume it means they can't see past 20 minutes.

If that is ok with you of course!
Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.

He also can’t answer the basic questions on why this is a good strategy, not saying that it is or isn’t, I don’t understand it and no one can explain it.

Too early to tell if it is a good strategy or not. Having a teenage son i can tell you he and all of his friends see it very different than the folks on this forum. Assuming they are fairly normal teens, it could then be a good strategy.

Whether it is or not cannot be known for years, not days nor months.
Now you are doing the same thing as the rest, looking 20 minutes down the road.

10 years from now those 15-17 year olds will be 25-27 with their own source of income. This is not about today or next month, this is about the future.

I get the looking toward the future, but do 15-17 year olds even care about a QB who is at the end of their career? Derek Carr, Baker Mayfield, and younger up and comers be more of the target for the 15-17 year olds? Do young Nike shoe buyers care about Kaepernick’s cause? In 10 years do we ever hear of Kaepernick again? If what you are saying is true, it makes little sense, if you are wanting to go after the 22-30 market, that would make sense as they can identify and can get behind the politics of Kaepernick and hang on to Nike for years to come. I quit buying Nike’s in my mid to late 30’s, that is the demographic they need to keep. Just my opinion.

It isn't 15-17 year olds who are investing in the stock market, however. Nor is it the 15-17 year olds who are coughing up most of the significant amount of cash to pay for Nike products. So if enough patriotic parents are offended by disrespect for the flag and the country and/or 'believing' in what should be condemned or should be expressed in more appropriate ways, then the products those kids think they 'must have' may not be much of a factor because those kids will be steered to another product.

once again, it seems nobody can think past the next 20 minutes. One down day for the stocks and it is the end of the world as we know it for Nike. Hell, I know it is early but right now Nike is out preforming the market so far for the day.
just because someone sees things going in a different direction doesn't mean they can't see past 20 minutes. you keep taking your opinion as some guideline of what *will* happen and anyone who doesn't agree with you simply can't think for themselves.

People keep pointing to one day's stock performance as proof this was a bad idea, as long as they do that I will continue to assume it means they can't see past 20 minutes.

If that is ok with you of course!
i never did that, you still said the same of me cause i disagreed with the outcome.

as long as you do that, and it's ok with you, i'll point out where what you say isn't what is happening.
Surely the left will respond with outrage over this supposed social justice warrior making millions of dollars off of an evil American corporation that profits from child and slave labor of people of color from overseas.

Kap is a disgusting capitalist profiting off the explotiation of the poor!!

Power to the people! Kap is the 1%!!!
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers
Yeah, he was such a financial success for the NFL, they decided to get in on all that money Kap brings in.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers
They made BOTH. Anytime you work with somebody who is very political, you are making a political statement. This would be true even if the ad Nike ran wasn't of political content. It was, and that makes it twice as political.

Should be interesting to see how it plays out. In any case to work with Kapernick, make him look heroic, and then try to claim it's non-political, is beyond :lame2:. :rolleyes:

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