Nike made a business decision not a political statement

That is how some people choose to view it. Mostly how middle aged white dudes see it, though I am a middle aged white dude and a veteran and I do not feel disrespected in the least. Are they any worse than the Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors?
If you don't feel disrespected by these morons kneeling during the national anthem and flag display, then you don't have your head screwed on straight.

I spent 20 years defending the rights of American citizens to do that very sort of thing. I do not agree with their position, buy how can I be offended by them exercising the very rights I spent my time defending.

I was more offended by Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors, they were just lazy fucks
This is what Nike’s new spokesman wears:
I spent 20 years defending the rights of American citizens to do that very sort of thing. I do not agree with their position, buy how can I be offended by them exercising the very rights I spent my time defending.

I was more offended by Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors, they were just lazy fucks

It like when someone gives you thanks for your service, and how many times you can really reply, "Thanks for giving me something worth serving".
I spent 20 years defending the rights of American citizens to do that very sort of thing. I do not agree with their position, buy how can I be offended by them exercising the very rights I spent my time defending.

I was more offended by Marines that used to sprint to get in a building to avoid standing at attention for morning or evening colors, they were just lazy fucks

It like when someone gives you thanks for your service, and how many times you can really reply, "Thanks for giving me something worth serving".

The kneeling is such a minor little thing, who even paid attention during the anthem before the games until this was blown up so big. Hell, from what I read Kap did it like 2 or 3 times before anyone even noticed.
The kneeling is such a minor little thing, who even paid attention during the anthem before the games until this was blown up so big. Hell, from what I read Kap did it like 2 or 3 times before anyone even noticed.

People "coat-tailing" veterans over the kneeling thing, that's their business. I still don't mind pointing out that most people who haven't served, don't really understand what our service means/meant to us.
Question,Nike sells world wide ? if that's true then Nike is not total dependent on future American teens or unhappy Republicans for there future success. any one know about there over sea's sales?

Yes, but we are The worlds largest consumer, so I don’t know why anybody would take the chance at pissing us off.

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Question,Nike sells world wide ? if that's true then Nike is not total dependent on future American teens or unhappy Republicans for there future success. any one know about there over sea's sales?

Yes, but we are The worlds largest consumer, so I don’t know why anybody would take the chance at pissing us off.

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Because there are not that many middle aged white dudes and only a percent of them are POed.
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.

What's with this middle-aged white dude shit? You don't think that some blacks--especially those who served our military are offended by this? What about our black police officers?

People may have not bought Niki shoes, but not because of their political stance. They may have tried them in the future, however Niki ruined that possibility.
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.

What's with this middle-aged white dude shit? You don't think that some blacks--especially those who served our military are offended by this? What about our black police officers?

People may have not bought Niki shoes, but not because of their political stance. They may have tried them in the future, however Niki ruined that possibility.

I think 95% of the people with an issue over this are middle aged white guys. Out of all the videos of people burning Nike shit, almost all were middle aged white guys.
I think 95% of the people with an issue over this are middle aged white guys. Out of all the videos of people burning Nike shit, almost all were middle aged white guys.

That may or may not make a difference. Sure middle aged white dudes might not have much sway over white drug dealers slinging crack to pay for their sneakers, but they do seem to control a good deal of money when it comes to junior getting some new shoes. Add the fact that they are boosters for the local school football teams, and add the fact their money is part of what makes the world go around. Nike may not notice a middle aged white dude not buying another pair of sneakers (the same style he has been buying for the last 30 years), but they might pay more attention when a high school in Northern Texas drops a $150k account for gear this football season because they pissed the wrong middle aged white dude off.

At least they were smart enough to wait until after acquisitions for this football season were ordered, and they can pray it is all water under the bridge by the start of track or basketball season. Screwing with a middle aged white man doesn't always work out that well, because chances are he actually cares, has influence and resources people need, and he isn't necessarily stupid when it comes to getting what he wants.
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Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.
Question,Nike sells world wide ? if that's true then Nike is not total dependent on future American teens or unhappy Republicans for there future success. any one know about there over sea's sales?
yeah cause all of the other countries have soooo much money. can't make this up.
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.

What's with this middle-aged white dude shit? You don't think that some blacks--especially those who served our military are offended by this? What about our black police officers?

People may have not bought Niki shoes, but not because of their political stance. They may have tried them in the future, however Niki ruined that possibility.

I think 95% of the people with an issue over this are middle aged white guys. Out of all the videos of people burning Nike shit, almost all were middle aged white guys.

That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?
This from the guy that just posted 14 lines of bullshit.

Again, even Nike ADMITTED that their own research shows that the MAJORITY of Americans do not agree with Kaepernick on this SCAM.
-- Yes, SCAM: FACT: He claims he is being black listed yet Elway said he offered him a multi-million dollar contract during the time Kaepernick was saying no one would sign him, (Way to go, Nike - your 'Face of Nike' is a proven LIAR!)

Again, having the evil terrorist ex-President of Iran siding with Kaepernick is NOT going to help sales. FACT: yes, Adminejad did come out to support Kaepernick.

All the parents who are turning off the NFL because of the kneelers aren't going to buy Nike shoes.

So once again you accuse others of lying when it is YOU proven to be false, and once again you add nothing to the legitimate / honest to the conversation...


All of the parents turning off the NFL were not going to buy Nike shoes before this happened, so Nike has lost nothing there. Nike just signed an 8 year contract with the NFL, they can ride out a few pissed off middle aged white guys. Even the stock drooping only lasted about 3 hours.

You vastly over estimate the number of people like you.

What's with this middle-aged white dude shit? You don't think that some blacks--especially those who served our military are offended by this? What about our black police officers?

People may have not bought Niki shoes, but not because of their political stance. They may have tried them in the future, however Niki ruined that possibility.

I think 95% of the people with an issue over this are middle aged white guys. Out of all the videos of people burning Nike shit, almost all were middle aged white guys.

That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.
Nike made a business decision not a political statement in running their recent add with Colin Kaepernick.
They are chasing the dollars.
They realize the vast majority of people who will stop buying their products because of the add is outweighed by the increases they will receive by those who do not feel strongly about or support Kaepernick.

This is a statement about who will be the strongest demographic with the most disposable income in the future pro-Trumpers or anti-Trumpers

What did the stock market think of the business decision cupcake?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour. Then it leveled off and their futures are up right now.

Too many people like you cannot see past the next 20 minutes, Nike is thinking 20 years down the road. This campaign according to Nike is aimed at the 15-17 year old demographic. They are building their customer base for the future, and are willing to take a small hit with the middle aged white guys in the process.

How did it finish the day darling?

Reading issues?

A 3% drop, most of which took place in the first hour.

So, when their stock is back above where it was yesterday by the end of the week, does that mean you will then think this was a good move since you are basing this on stock price?

It will take a few weeks before we know. However investors will be watching much closer now. When they see sales drop off (which they likely will) that's when they start dumping their shares. After all, investors don't care about politics, they care about the performance of the company.

The annual shareholder meeting for Nike is in 2 weeks. Since the last meeting Nike stock has gone up more than 50%. I think the shareholders are doing ok.
That's what you are going to go on? Really? A couple of videos of white people burning Niki products?

That and the only people I know personally that are upset by all this are middle aged white men.

Ask the Dixie Chicks about what happens when you piss middle aged white dudes off (among others). Even Natalie Maines will tell you she is pretty sure "we" have not learned anything from what happened, and doesn't recognize she keeps getting in trouble because it's her that hasn't learned yet.
Ok. We will see.

The results of this will be obvious in the 4th quarter results. October to December Sales.

It will be empirical and conclusive. We will know around February 1st.

This will likely not affect the 3rd quarter very much.

Let’s compare results to Q4 forecasts.

I will go on record as saying this will negatively affect their revenues.
Short term will give some indication of the results but Nike is betting on the long run. They have received an estimated 43 million dollars of free advertising in news coverage in the past 24 hours.
But with those whizz bang NIKE analytics and the new generation that is all open minded and shit, the stock is can't miss, amiright?

According to what Elmer has said, he should liquidate all other positions and go long on Nike.
You do not listen very well. I said Nike was chasing dollars not making a political statement. So are thousands of other companies. I never said Nike is the best.
Like most Trumpsters you have 2+2 and get 5
You said and I quote "This is a long term strategy for NIKE." So what else am I supposed to conclude?
They are targeting a young demographic that will continue to have increased disposable income and be a potential customer for a long time.

The demographic that most likely be negatively affected by the ad, tend to be older with declining income.

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