Nikki Haley Calls on Biden to Answer for Raid on Mar-a-Lago

The president should have had nothing to do with the actions by the DOJ and should not have even known about them prior to it happening.

I imagine it all went something like this.

Mr President, you can't take those records with you, they are classified.

Trump: No one is going to tell me what to do.

White House to FBI: There are classified documents that Trump took with him to Florida.

FBI to Trump: Those documents need returned.

Trump: If you want them, you will have to come get them.

FBI to Justice Dept: Go get them.
Damn, it's hard to fathom what the dems have just done to themselves. I did not think even they were that fuckin' stupid.

Oh well, get ready to feel what your TDS has earned you cause we are going in with no lube.

LOL!!! Where was all this, when there were calls to lock Hillary up? The right would have been putting medals on those same stormtroopers.
I'm shocked you bring that up. Hillary installed a private server in her bathroom to keep classified information on, but the FBI chose to cover for her instead of investigating that obvious crime.

If this raid is about trying to "get Trump" on mishandling classified information, that would be incredibly hypocritical.
I'm shocked you bring that up. Hillary installed a private server in her bathroom to keep classified information on, but the FBI chose to cover for her instead of investigating that obvious crime.

If this raid is about trying to "get Trump" on mishandling classified information, that would be incredibly hypocritical.

I agree 100%.
how long will you idiots hold on to this trump is innocent theory? how long will you be dubbed by the con man?
Because its an unconstitutional thing to do regardless of skin color but you decided to pull the very over used race card? Perhaps I was wrong about you...thinking you better than that. How will you feel when they do it to U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Michael E. Langley if he doesn't tow the Biden Line later on? Will Langley become a dog faced pony soldier and will you be ok with it? Oh. Wait. Maybe you will say it would be ok since Langley might be an Uncle Tom?

Really, Super. Use that noggin of yours. I know you can. Or can/will you?
What makes it unconstitutional?

Nikki Haley Calls on Biden to Answer

for Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Nikki Haley, former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, called on President Joe Biden to “answer for his agencies” after the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.
“The American people must always trust their government. The DOJ and FBI don’t have the luxury of saying ‘no comment.’ If they won’t comment, then Biden owes it to the American people to answer for his agencies. If Biden doesn’t act, then Congress needs to handle this,” she tweeted.

Now it's up to the Republicans to pick up the cudgel and act in unison against this travesty of Justice.created by the Progressive Maoist Democrats led by Joe Biden and his criminal family that has a lot to answer for this purely political move.

Its not really that difficult to figure out, Brandon wants to seal up the 2024 election quickly.

If he can convince the Trumpster to get out and stay out of politics, there isn't any other Republican with a chance of a snowball-in-you-know-where of winning.

If Trump is intimidated, so will a lot of other Trump affiliated politicians, and that will clear the deck sufficiently to get JEB! or Mitt or Kasich the nomination to lose quietly and bigly in 2024.
Perhaps, if it were only the FBI‘s decision. However, the Trump apologists ignore the fact that a federal judge had to sign off on the warrant, indicating that there had to be substantial evidence.
I understand that but let remember the GOP will not do this and the left can not complain, but they will.
Its not really that difficult to figure out, Brandon wants to seal up the 2024 election quickly.

If he can convince the Trumpster to get out and stay out of politics, there isn't any other Republican with a chance of a snowball-in-you-know-where of winning.

If Trump is intimidated, so will a lot of other Trump affiliated politicians, and that will clear the deck sufficiently to get JEB! or Mitt or Kasich the nomination to lose quietly and bigly in 2024.
there isn't any other Republican with a chance of a snowball-in-you-know-where of winning.

At this point, nearly ANY republican can beat Biden,

Nikki Haley Calls on Biden to Answer

for Raid on Mar-a-Lago

Nikki Haley, former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, called on President Joe Biden to “answer for his agencies” after the FBI raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence.
“The American people must always trust their government. The DOJ and FBI don’t have the luxury of saying ‘no comment.’ If they won’t comment, then Biden owes it to the American people to answer for his agencies. If Biden doesn’t act, then Congress needs to handle this,” she tweeted.

Now it's up to the Republicans to pick up the cudgel and act in unison against this travesty of Justice.created by the Progressive Maoist Democrats led by Joe Biden and his criminal family that has a lot to answer for this purely political move.

Tell Nikki to stand by
The FBI will release its findings soon enough

Why do Republicans automatically claim the raid was groundless when they know nothing about it?

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