Nikki Haley - Joe Manchin third party run in 2024 could be the answer

Said like a true MAGA minion. How many wars has Haley and Manchin got us in and what new wars have they advocated.

Trump has put us in a civil war. He continues fan the flames of division because he know it is to his advantage.
Trump put us in a civil war? Thank you for noticing.
Oh snap, you are still butthurt about her taking down the slavery flag?

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Her family has not been in America very long and certainly not as far back as the slave era and the War Between the States

So her understanding of southern culture is even more limited than yours, if thats possible

Nikki Haley - Joe Manchin third party run in 2024 could be the answer.
Possibly having to decide between Trump and Biden is a choice most Americans do not want.
Haley - Manchin pedigree is proven in that the extreme left do not like Joe Manchin and the extreme right do not like Haley.
We need to not give the extremes, on both the left and the right, over stated power because of their loud voice.

Haley - Manchin ticket could be a compromise for those on the left, right and in the middle. They could bring the country together and quit having the extreemes divide us.
I could get behind that. I hadn't thought about that but if Haley loses the primary, which she will, this is a great option.
Nikki Haley - Joe Manchin third party run in 2024 could be the answer.
Possibly having to decide between Trump and Biden is a choice most Americans do not want.
Haley - Manchin pedigree is proven in that the extreme left do not like Joe Manchin and the extreme right do not like Haley.
We need to not give the extremes, on both the left and the right, over stated power because of their loud voice.

Haley - Manchin ticket could be a compromise for those on the left, right and in the middle. They could bring the country together and quit having the extreemes divide us.
Please do it. It will ensure the re-election for the third time of the great Trump.
Listen...this is win/win for us.

Trump wins either way. But in this scenario you get to blame Manchin Dinos for the loss and we get to show the Republican Rinos are weak and no longer control the Republican Party.

Doesn't get much better than that.

What you guys need to work on is your bench in the off season. There isn't much there there. Newsom is about the best you've got in the bullpen.

Who else is there? Harris? Buttegig? AOC? Maybe AOC has a shot in the future. But I think she has her current sights set on Schumer's Senate seat.

You notice she is keeping her anti-Israel rhetoric tempered. She needs the Jewish vote to complete her goal.
You need to make plans on what you will do if Trump loses.
I think the cult will melt down and do bad things.
Please do it. It will ensure the re-election for the third time of the great Trump.
What are you going to do when your cult leader loses?
Like he put us in a dictatorship last time. Anything to divert from the Biden disaster.
Trump tried to negate the seperation of powers while President. He has spent the last 3 years degrading all of the US institutions that put checks on Presidential power. He knows he has many stupid people who buy his lies and will support his power grab if elected in 2024.
Trump tried to negate the seperation of powers while President. He has spent the last 3 years degrading all of the US institutions that put checks on Presidential power. He knows he has many stupid people who buy his lies and will support his power grab if elected in 2024.
In the last three years democrats have destroyed our institutions made an imperial presidency of criminals, drug addicts and perverts. I really can't blame you for your fears of dictatorship. It took a dictator to restore sanity to France after their revolution. To get rid of Weimar (who we most resemble) the exhausted German people grasped onto Hitler as if he was a lifeline. Trump is not a dictator. You think he is because you have some understanding of the people begging "Make it stop. Please make it stop." Are the people ready to propel a dictator to power as you fear? Possibly, or close to it. Trump in just not that person.
It's uncanny how much bullshit comes out of these leftards. They're like a bullshit factory, one shovelful of shit after another.

In the last three years democrats have destroyed our institutions made an imperial presidency of criminals, drug addicts and perverts. I really can't blame you for your fears of dictatorship. It took a dictator to restore sanity to France after their revolution. To get rid of Weimar (who we most resemble) the exhausted German people grasped onto Hitler as if he was a lifeline. Trump is not a dictator. You think he is because you have some understanding of the people begging "Make it stop. Please make it stop." Are the people ready to propel a dictator to power as you fear? Possibly, or close to it. Trump in just not that person.
You are really deep into the Trump cult. Get help.
Do democrats really not know what they have done? Did they forget? The first president to have a cocaine delivery at the white house. The first administration to have naked tranny boobs bouncing on the white house lawn. The first administration to have employed a gay, cross dressing thief. The first to have a democrat staffer use a senate hearing room as a movie set for gay porn. The first first lady to host a contingent of bearded drag queens. The first president to bite a child. The first president to lob a wet fart at the queen consort of England, shit his pants during an audience with the Pope AND brag to reporters that he just had his ass wiped.

At this point it should be mentioned that Pervy Joey gave a speech saying "decency is on the ballot ".

You have the NERVE to call cult. Seriously, that's a lot of chutzpah after what sickness your bunch has put us through for 3 years. I didn't even get to the serious piss on the nation approval of Chinese spy balloons, the crushed border, the Afghanistan disaster, the tacit agreement for Muslim attacks on our bases and ships. The blind eye to Houthi piracy.

A cult is better than what you have given us.

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