Nikki Haley: Trump Accusers 'Should Be Heard'

I heard that interview, and I got the impression she meant the women who accused Trump were heard and the complaints "dealt with." The women currently bringing forth allegations against others are the ones who should be listened to.
Note that Haley doesn't get into any moral language or sermons; she just says "listen." She doesn't say "believe" or "fire" or anything else. Just listen.

I think she's okay.

There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.
That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves
I don't agree with that. There is never going to be "hard evidence of wrongdoing" for the majority of sexual harassment cases, which is why they are so easy to dismiss. You evaluate the veracity of the individuals involved and make a judgment. When there are multiple allegations of the same types of behavior from different women over a period of time, it strengthens the case that they are telling the truth.
Now, based on what Trump bragged about on the Access Hollywood tape, why would you believe him over all those women?

There was enough proof for Franken and Conyers to ditch before investigations could start. There was enough proof for Weinstein to get canned and go through fake rehabilitation.

The fact the Trump accusations never went stage 1 means there are probably hard issues with them, timing, common location, witnesses otherwise, etc.

And when it comes to bragging and bravado, THAT'S WHAT SOME GUYS DO. Every guy has a friend who's tales of his "conquests" 90% outweigh his actual results.

And it isn't just with sex, guys exaggerate to each other on freaking everything. We have a saying "True or NAME" for a friend who's stories have 5% truth and 95% embellishment.
Plenty of tired excuses; I've heard them all. Everyone knows Trump is a groper and if he were a dem in the Senate, he'd be sitting home looking through the Classifieds right now.
There there. :itsok:
Screw you, and get your dirty paw off my head.

Your man is a sleaze and you don't care, so what does that say about you?
Crooks said Trump forcibly kissed her multiple times during an interaction near an elevator bank in Trump Tower in 2005 while working for a third-party company.

“He held onto my hand, and he kept kissing me," she said. Afterward, she ran into her boss' office and said she called her sister.

That's the same time period Trump married Melania and was bragging about grabbing pussies.

Plenty of tired excuses; I've heard them all. Everyone knows Trump is a groper and if he were a dem in the Senate, he'd be sitting home looking through the Classifieds right now.

Facts not in evidence. He's only joked about groping, there is no hard evidence of anything actually happening.

The Dems are only playing the virtue game because it benefits them politically, just like they swept it under the rug for decades for multiple guys because it benefitted them politically.

So you're calling Rump a liar. Yeah I just noted that.
"Liar" must be less offensive than "groper".

Braggart, liar, whatever.

Again, you only care because you don't like him politically. Meanwhile you suicked the "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" dick and swallowed it like a good little trooper.

Oh did I now.

------------------- Link?

emilynghiem -- check this out. Marty's digging hisself a hole. :eusa_dance:

Not quite sure how a bad health care bill compares with "you can do anything you want, grab 'em by the p***y". Why don't you essplain that before you dig too deep.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

Interesting choice of verb in the thread title --- "crucify". Interesting because that was the Roman empire's penalty for treason against the State.

As for Rump --- this is the same asscrack that went on and on and on about birferism, then dropped it without comment when it was no longer useful. That's what he was babbling about here ----


As well as the same asscrack that started whining about "O'bama tapped my wires", none of which he ever substantiated. Just as he never substantiated "three million illegals voted", "thousands dancing on rooftops" or the fricking Central Park Five. So consider the source.

Looks to me like I'm simply making the same point you did --- that Rump is a serial liar.

.But thanks, that reminds me I should go back to that sig image.
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Facts not in evidence. He's only joked about groping, there is no hard evidence of anything actually happening.

The Dems are only playing the virtue game because it benefits them politically, just like they swept it under the rug for decades for multiple guys because it benefitted them politically.

So you're calling Rump a liar. Yeah I just noted that.
"Liar" must be less offensive than "groper".

Braggart, liar, whatever.

Again, you only care because you don't like him politically. Meanwhile you suicked the "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" dick and swallowed it like a good little trooper.

Oh did I now.

------------------- Link?

emilynghiem -- check this out. Marty's digging hisself a hole. :eusa_dance:

Not quite sure how a bad health care bill compares with "you can do anything you want, grab 'em by the p***y". Why don't you essplain that before you dig too deep.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.
There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.
That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves
I don't agree with that. There is never going to be "hard evidence of wrongdoing" for the majority of sexual harassment cases, which is why they are so easy to dismiss. You evaluate the veracity of the individuals involved and make a judgment. When there are multiple allegations of the same types of behavior from different women over a period of time, it strengthens the case that they are telling the truth.
Now, based on what Trump bragged about on the Access Hollywood tape, why would you believe him over all those women?

There was enough proof for Franken and Conyers to ditch before investigations could start. There was enough proof for Weinstein to get canned and go through fake rehabilitation.

The fact the Trump accusations never went stage 1 means there are probably hard issues with them, timing, common location, witnesses otherwise, etc.

And when it comes to bragging and bravado, THAT'S WHAT SOME GUYS DO. Every guy has a friend who's tales of his "conquests" 90% outweigh his actual results.

And it isn't just with sex, guys exaggerate to each other on freaking everything. We have a saying "True or NAME" for a friend who's stories have 5% truth and 95% embellishment.
Plenty of tired excuses; I've heard them all. Everyone knows Trump is a groper and if he were a dem in the Senate, he'd be sitting home looking through the Classifieds right now.
There there. :itsok:
Screw you, and get your dirty paw off my head.

Your man is a sleaze and you don't care, so what does that say about you?
Says the sycophant who supported the predator in the WH between '92 and 2000.
This is not a sensible argument to begin with, so whatever they say is almost as stoopid as what the Orange Groper says about it. Of course he is a groper, grabber, peeper. He admitted it on a hot mike and well over a dozen women came forward to say, yeah, it's true--he did it to me. The great Republican propaganda machine ran over the women and the path is now cleared to support a guy like Moore, too.
It makes me kinda sick, Pogo.

Yep, excellent way to lay out the facts and it makes me sick too. The RNC and congressional Republicans are complicit in this enabling. But thankfully, many viruses create their own antibodies. One can only hope that will be the case with Trump, Moore and the party as a whole.

Crooks said Trump forcibly kissed her multiple times during an interaction near an elevator bank in Trump Tower in 2005 while working for a third-party company.

“He held onto my hand, and he kept kissing me," she said. Afterward, she ran into her boss' office and said she called her sister.

That's the same time period Trump married Melania and was bragging about grabbing pussies.

Also the same time period when he was inventing fictitious spokesmen "John Miller" and "John Baron" (not real creative) to feed gossip rags about his tiny-fingered manly manhood. Then he admitted it in court, then he denied it after admitting it. Reality just has no meaning with this asshole.
This is not a sensible argument to begin with, so whatever they say is almost as stoopid as what the Orange Groper says about it. Of course he is a groper, grabber, peeper. He admitted it on a hot mike and well over a dozen women came forward to say, yeah, it's true--he did it to me. The great Republican propaganda machine ran over the women and the path is now cleared to support a guy like Moore, too.
It makes me kinda sick, Pogo.

Yep, excellent way to lay out the facts and it makes me sick too. The RNC and congressional Republicans are complicit in this enabling. But thankfully, many viruses create their own antibodies. One can only hope that will be the case with Trump, Moore and the party as a whole.

It certainly seems to be the case with Conyers, Franken, Lauer, Rose, Weinstein, etc.
So you're calling Rump a liar. Yeah I just noted that.
"Liar" must be less offensive than "groper".

Braggart, liar, whatever.

Again, you only care because you don't like him politically. Meanwhile you suicked the "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" dick and swallowed it like a good little trooper.

Oh did I now.

------------------- Link?

emilynghiem -- check this out. Marty's digging hisself a hole. :eusa_dance:

Not quite sure how a bad health care bill compares with "you can do anything you want, grab 'em by the p***y". Why don't you essplain that before you dig too deep.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:
Braggart, liar, whatever.

Again, you only care because you don't like him politically. Meanwhile you suicked the "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" dick and swallowed it like a good little trooper.

Oh did I now.

------------------- Link?

emilynghiem -- check this out. Marty's digging hisself a hole. :eusa_dance:

Not quite sure how a bad health care bill compares with "you can do anything you want, grab 'em by the p***y". Why don't you essplain that before you dig too deep.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:

You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.
Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

Deflection Alert - Yes, Obama told us something that turned out in the end not to be true.

Trump averages 5.5 whoppers a day that he knows full well aren't true or has convinced himself actually are.

Analysis | President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days

I'm sure the press did a similar analysis when Obama was in office....

And it's nice how they lump together "false" and "misleading" to pump up the numbers.

Finally, linking a source blocked by a paywall without quoting the main parts is poor form. Try again.
Oh did I now.

------------------- Link?

emilynghiem -- check this out. Marty's digging hisself a hole. :eusa_dance:

Not quite sure how a bad health care bill compares with "you can do anything you want, grab 'em by the p***y". Why don't you essplain that before you dig too deep.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:

You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.

Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.

Here you are using a bit of Tu quo Que when the issue was brought up...

Trump crucifies Obama for lying us into obamacare.

There's not a god damned thing in that post about O'bamacare.

The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:

You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.

Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.


I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.
This is not a sensible argument to begin with, so whatever they say is almost as stoopid as what the Orange Groper says about it. Of course he is a groper, grabber, peeper. He admitted it on a hot mike and well over a dozen women came forward to say, yeah, it's true--he did it to me. The great Republican propaganda machine ran over the women and the path is now cleared to support a guy like Moore, too.
It makes me kinda sick, Pogo.

Yep, excellent way to lay out the facts and it makes me sick too. The RNC and congressional Republicans are complicit in this enabling. But thankfully, many viruses create their own antibodies. One can only hope that will be the case with Trump, Moore and the party as a whole.

Around here it's hard to discuss anything without it becoming political, but to me it's not about the Republican party alone. It's a sea change about how men are allowed to treat women in a professional capacity. THAT is what I hope will happen.
Nikki Haley Says Women Who Accuse Trump of Misconduct ‘Should Be Heard’

Well, she will be short lived in this regime... Maybe she missed the "denial" order...?
I heard that interview, and I got the impression she meant the women who accused Trump were heard and the complaints "dealt with." The women currently bringing forth allegations against others are the ones who should be listened to.
Note that Haley doesn't get into any moral language or sermons; she just says "listen." She doesn't say "believe" or "fire" or anything else. Just listen.

I think she's okay.

There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.
That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves
I don't agree with that. There is never going to be "hard evidence of wrongdoing" for the majority of sexual harassment cases, which is why they are so easy to dismiss. You evaluate the veracity of the individuals involved and make a judgment. When there are multiple allegations of the same types of behavior from different women over a period of time, it strengthens the case that they are telling the truth.
Now, based on what Trump bragged about on the Access Hollywood tape, why would you believe him over all those women?

There was enough proof for Franken and Conyers to ditch before investigations could start. There was enough proof for Weinstein to get canned and go through fake rehabilitation.

The fact the Trump accusations never went stage 1 means there are probably hard issues with them, timing, common location, witnesses otherwise, etc.

And when it comes to bragging and bravado, THAT'S WHAT SOME GUYS DO. Every guy has a friend who's tales of his "conquests" 90% outweigh his actual results.

And it isn't just with sex, guys exaggerate to each other on freaking everything. We have a saying "True or NAME" for a friend who's stories have 5% truth and 95% embellishment.
Plenty of tired excuses; I've heard them all. Everyone knows Trump is a groper and if he were a dem in the Senate, he'd be sitting home looking through the Classifieds right now.
Trump joked that Bernie Sanders will run against him ‘in a wheelchair’ in 2020

The Republican Party does not care that they have a sexual predator in the oval office. They are so happy, they now want to elect another one in the Senate.
Nikki Haley Says Women Who Accuse Trump of Misconduct ‘Should Be Heard’

Well, she will be short lived in this regime... Maybe she missed the "denial" order...?
I heard that interview, and I got the impression she meant the women who accused Trump were heard and the complaints "dealt with." The women currently bringing forth allegations against others are the ones who should be listened to.
Note that Haley doesn't get into any moral language or sermons; she just says "listen." She doesn't say "believe" or "fire" or anything else. Just listen.

I think she's okay.

There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.

He should be investigated, just like a Congressman. He is not KING.... yet.
He's the most investigated man in history. Still, nothing. :lol:
Oh get over yourself. He is not the most investigated in history, anymore than he has broken historical records with the electoral college votes or anything else he says is greater, bigger or more important than anything else in history. The guy is a snake oil salesman.

Enjoy saying "Still, nothing" while you can. Of course there's nothing yet; the investigation has been going on for a number of months but it is not concluded and so of course we don't have any findings yet. I have a feeling that may change.

We gave a couple indictments and a couple guilty pleas. And that is just the beginning.
Nikki Haley Says Women Who Accuse Trump of Misconduct ‘Should Be Heard’

Well, she will be short lived in this regime... Maybe she missed the "denial" order...?
I heard that interview, and I got the impression she meant the women who accused Trump were heard and the complaints "dealt with." The women currently bringing forth allegations against others are the ones who should be listened to.
Note that Haley doesn't get into any moral language or sermons; she just says "listen." She doesn't say "believe" or "fire" or anything else. Just listen.

I think she's okay.

There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.
That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves
I don't agree with that. There is never going to be "hard evidence of wrongdoing" for the majority of sexual harassment cases, which is why they are so easy to dismiss. You evaluate the veracity of the individuals involved and make a judgment. When there are multiple allegations of the same types of behavior from different women over a period of time, it strengthens the case that they are telling the truth.
Now, based on what Trump bragged about on the Access Hollywood tape, why would you believe him over all those women?

It's kinda interesting they're not willing to characterize Rump as a serial predator yet they ARE willing to characterize him as a liar. Innit?
This is not a sensible argument to begin with, so whatever they say is almost as stoopid as what the Orange Groper says about it. Of course he is a groper, grabber, peeper. He admitted it on a hot mike and well over a dozen women came forward to say, yeah, it's true--he did it to me. The great Republican propaganda machine ran over the women and the path is now cleared to support a guy like Moore, too.
It makes me kinda sick, Pogo.

The GOP has No Morals anymore.

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