Nikki Hayley Betrays Trump -- Is Her 2024 Presidential Run Over?

Splitting from Trump is the smartest thing any Republican could do. The guy is a cancer, he's illiterate, and the bloated nut job will be out of the spotlight in a matter of weeks.

Do you think that Republicans who tell the tens of millions of little Trumpsters to go to perdition will have an easy time vanquishing Sleepy Joe and his allies during the next election?
What is this repeated “Go to perdition” nonsense, Polishprince ?

Sane conservative leaders who urge previous Trump voters to break with the impeached loser are telling them not to let him drag them down to hell !
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.

It is time to move on. The Confederate flag is ancient history. It should be removed as it has been corrupted by racists like you. You people are not real Americans.Trump is not the current President. He lost. You are un-American and un-patriotic.

Haley however is playing both sides of the street. She can't have it both ways.
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Did you actually say “current President?” If you would turn off the fake news Faux News, and get some real, factual news, you would know that in 2020 Trump got his ass handed to him by President Biden by a landslide of epic proportions. God, you trumpanzees are a dumb bunch of cultists! Bigley!!!
Astrostar awww comrade, that tired old fake story has run its course. Anyone with a brain the size of a pea knows all the fake leftyvirus mailin cheating you Dims did. Pinochijoe couldn't get his kinfolk to come to a rally.
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....
I won't vote for her because she openly bad mouthed the Trump agenda
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....
I won't vote for her because she openly bad mouthed the Trump agenda
I take it you must be responding to the wrong post....

Because my comment was clearly....

"Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?"

No answers yet.......but I'll check back in
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....
I won't vote for her because she openly bad mouthed the Trump agenda
I take it you must be responding to the wrong post....

Because my comment was clearly....

"Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?"

No answers yet.......but I'll check back in
I responded to your THREAD TITLE

Nikki Hayley Betrays Trump -- Is Her 2024 Presidential Run Over?​


"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
How is an article from February a current event?
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....
May I remind you that your god, trump, lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency? Now you want to give him another chance in 2024?
Last edited:
That is what you say now that he isn't president anymore, but you Trump Humpers were so far up his ass you needed a flash light to see. Trump still dominates the Republican party why do you think Republican senators are spineless and cowardly.

I was never a Trump Humoer. My support of him during the 2016 election was mainly an attempt to wake up the rest of the party (especially the elites) and make them realize that they would not (and still will not) win anything by trying to be better Moderates/Liberals than the Democrats.

That’s what cost the Republicans in 2008 & 2012... running Centrist to Leftist leaning Establishment candidates that we Traditional Ideological Conservatives could not support. Doing the same thing (prior to Trump getting involved) is what almost cost the Republicans the Presidency in 2016 as well.

The entire Republican Party needs to wake up. It will not be able to survive or prosper as a Centrist/Liberal party. It CAN prosper as a Dar-Right party. They need to decide who they are, and do it soon, if they want to have any chance in 2022 or 2024.
Who was the "traditionally conservative" candidate who would have won in 2008 and 2012?

I keep seeing the GOP nominate people claiming these people are traditional conservatives only to claim they weren't really conservatives after they lose....
I won't vote for her because she openly bad mouthed the Trump agenda
That is called cult worship.
Nickie who? I think I heard something about somebody with a name that sounded something like that once....

Al long, long time ago.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Tell her to go back where she came from!
JimH52 that's right, and you better get working on the next leftyvirus you can cook up to get more fake ballots out there or the new Reich is kaput.

"Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley issued stunning remarks breaking with former President Trump, telling Politico in an interview published Friday that she believes he “let us down -- we need to acknowledge he let us down,” Haley, who served in her ambassador role under Trump, said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again. “When I tell you I’m angry, it’s an understatement,” Haley told Politico. “I am so disappointed in the fact that [despite] the loyalty and friendship he had with Mike Pence, that he would do that to him. Like, I’m disgusted by it -- and it wasn’t just his words," she added at the time. "His actions since Election Day will be judged harshly by history."

WTF Nikki?? First you betray the real Americans of South Carolina by siding with the libs and uppity ungrateful blacks by removing the Confederate flag -- and now you betray Trump; the man who is this country's current president by doing this?? This is why you can't trust those non-white foreigners, isn't that right Nikki?

Or should I call you by your real name; Nimrata...aren't you like a secret Muslim or Sikh?? which is basically the same thing anyway...and didn't your pops teach at some historically black college? You had a chance to be one of the good darkies Nikki, but you just ruined it and your chances of running for president in 2024....but maybe you can run 2028; if we need you for identity politics purposes.
Tell her to go back where she came from!
Bow to trump....trump humper

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