Nixon said "When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal. Was he right?

When a president does it, that means that it is not illegal.

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 90.0%

  • Total voters
I haven't said anything about the legality of killing Osama or the Iranian general, because I just don't know enough to make that determination. I know they both deserved it, but people with more credibility than Trump have questioned whether this was the best time to take out the general, and whether it did us more harm than good. Trump has a vast store of knowledge available to him. It's a shame he is too stupid to take advantage of that instead of listening to Fox and Friends to decide what he will do next.

Oh, so you want to whine about the illegal stuff that Trump does and use Nixon as an example but don't I dare introduce Obama as an example on why Trump does illegal stuff and believe he can get away with it...

Got it, and you will wait for the official DNC talking points and declare those things being facts and when shown another opinion you will declare it is not the truth...

Fact is every leader of every nation will do something illegal in the eyes of it opposition but the question is it truly illegal or is the individual just doing what others have done before...

Individuals like you love to worship at the altar of FDR and hold him up as one of the greatest Presidents ever but when you reflect back on the man you realize he was a sexist, racist and pure evil dictator that caused the House, Senate and States to change the Constitution to make sure no one after Truman could run more than two terms.

I am sure you will look back on FDR record and excuse his illegal acts against Japanese-Americans by saying it was during a time when we did not know better but how convenient, right because had it been a Republican you would slam him like I slam Nixon for his bombing of Cambodia and causing the mass genocide there...

So as you lecture me about how I should not introduce Obama then maybe you should not ask asinine questions that you want to only make about Trump illegal actions.

As you try to say Trump actions are illegal and worthy for Impeachment just remember Bill Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his Impeachment vote and Obama used drones on nations we never declared war with and yet you excuse their illegal actions while you whine about Trump withholding aid from the Ukraine!

So again it is no on what a President does is not legal if it is legal but does the punishment that those like you want fit the crime and that is a no!

He should have been censured!

I am truly impressed. You seem to know more about what I think than I do. For example, I didn't know I love to worship at the altar of FDR. I didn't even know there was an altar of FDR. Why don't you just make a list of all the things you think I like and do so I can compare that list to what I really like and do? If you get stumped on some of the details, you should check with Alex Jones or Hannity. Seems like that is where you got all the other shit that you think about what I support.

Well Bulldawg the fact is it was you that got upset about me using Obama actions in Pakistan that caused you to whine like a little girl and may I ask why you mentioned Hillary Clinton in your first response to me when I did not mention her?

You believed I was thinking of her, so now you whine when I do the thinking for you but you will claim you never added to my thoughts, right Bully?

Why is it you sat silently when Obama illegally order the killing of Osama in Pakistan?

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama ordered the invasion of that country to kill Osama?

No and now you will claim this has nothing to do with your question but it does...

See you believe the illegal acts of a Democrat President should not be shown and we should focus on the sole illegal acts of Trump while you invoke Nixon to prove your case, well I am here to remind you that you had no issues with illegal acts of a President when it was Obama and in fact you get a little upset when shown you sat silently...

I guess being a partisan hypocrite is your nature Bully but do not deny you will excuse every illegal act of a Democrat President while condemning the illegal actions of Trump...

Tell me Bully how many Americans have died from Trump illegal withholding of aid to Ukraine versus Obama illegal attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

I'm not sure what you are talking about. If you have evidence Obama did something wrong in Pakistan, then I urge you to present it. I've heard a few conspiracy theories with that idea, but nothing a sane person would believe. I am sure I haven't defended any of Obama's actions in Pakistan from this thread. Why don't you take a minute and decide what you want to talk about, instead of just spouting a list of your most memorable talking points. A single subject is a much better conversation to have.

Fuck off with that bullshit!

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama order the attack on Osama compound in Pakistan?

If not was the invasion of the compound then legal?

If not under our laws then what gave Obama the authority to use military action in a country we were not at war with?

Also if discovered the action was indeed illegal does the action become legal because Obams was President?

My bet is you will scream it matter not because this is about Trump illegal actions that you hate while you invoke Nixon words!

So again, does the illegal actions of a President matter to you only when the President is Republican?

Notice I never stated what Trump did is right or legal but pointed out you sat quietly when Obama did illegal actions with drone strikes and ordering Seal teams to enter countries we were not at war with!

I assume killing Osama was legal because there would have been much more outrage if it wasn't legal. The right was never bashful about making wild accusations against him, and if there was a real legality problem, I would have expected more than just a few nutbags whining about it. I'm not an expert on international law, so without more credible evidence I can't offer an opinion. If you have evidence beyond what the regular nutbags have spouted about that, I would like to see it.

No illegal action becomes legal just because a president does it.

A drone strike on an enemy of the US is not the same as using congressional approved money to blackmail an ally to trash a personal political opponent. It's already determined that withholding the money was illegal, but to do it for his own personal gain is even worse.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?
/——-/ President Trump isn’t doing things that are illegal. Your strawman argument is ridiculous.

GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
Oh, so you want to whine about the illegal stuff that Trump does and use Nixon as an example but don't I dare introduce Obama as an example on why Trump does illegal stuff and believe he can get away with it...

Got it, and you will wait for the official DNC talking points and declare those things being facts and when shown another opinion you will declare it is not the truth...

Fact is every leader of every nation will do something illegal in the eyes of it opposition but the question is it truly illegal or is the individual just doing what others have done before...

Individuals like you love to worship at the altar of FDR and hold him up as one of the greatest Presidents ever but when you reflect back on the man you realize he was a sexist, racist and pure evil dictator that caused the House, Senate and States to change the Constitution to make sure no one after Truman could run more than two terms.

I am sure you will look back on FDR record and excuse his illegal acts against Japanese-Americans by saying it was during a time when we did not know better but how convenient, right because had it been a Republican you would slam him like I slam Nixon for his bombing of Cambodia and causing the mass genocide there...

So as you lecture me about how I should not introduce Obama then maybe you should not ask asinine questions that you want to only make about Trump illegal actions.

As you try to say Trump actions are illegal and worthy for Impeachment just remember Bill Clinton bombed Iraq on the eve of his Impeachment vote and Obama used drones on nations we never declared war with and yet you excuse their illegal actions while you whine about Trump withholding aid from the Ukraine!

So again it is no on what a President does is not legal if it is legal but does the punishment that those like you want fit the crime and that is a no!

He should have been censured!

I am truly impressed. You seem to know more about what I think than I do. For example, I didn't know I love to worship at the altar of FDR. I didn't even know there was an altar of FDR. Why don't you just make a list of all the things you think I like and do so I can compare that list to what I really like and do? If you get stumped on some of the details, you should check with Alex Jones or Hannity. Seems like that is where you got all the other shit that you think about what I support.

Well Bulldawg the fact is it was you that got upset about me using Obama actions in Pakistan that caused you to whine like a little girl and may I ask why you mentioned Hillary Clinton in your first response to me when I did not mention her?

You believed I was thinking of her, so now you whine when I do the thinking for you but you will claim you never added to my thoughts, right Bully?

Why is it you sat silently when Obama illegally order the killing of Osama in Pakistan?

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama ordered the invasion of that country to kill Osama?

No and now you will claim this has nothing to do with your question but it does...

See you believe the illegal acts of a Democrat President should not be shown and we should focus on the sole illegal acts of Trump while you invoke Nixon to prove your case, well I am here to remind you that you had no issues with illegal acts of a President when it was Obama and in fact you get a little upset when shown you sat silently...

I guess being a partisan hypocrite is your nature Bully but do not deny you will excuse every illegal act of a Democrat President while condemning the illegal actions of Trump...

Tell me Bully how many Americans have died from Trump illegal withholding of aid to Ukraine versus Obama illegal attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

I'm not sure what you are talking about. If you have evidence Obama did something wrong in Pakistan, then I urge you to present it. I've heard a few conspiracy theories with that idea, but nothing a sane person would believe. I am sure I haven't defended any of Obama's actions in Pakistan from this thread. Why don't you take a minute and decide what you want to talk about, instead of just spouting a list of your most memorable talking points. A single subject is a much better conversation to have.

Fuck off with that bullshit!

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama order the attack on Osama compound in Pakistan?

If not was the invasion of the compound then legal?

If not under our laws then what gave Obama the authority to use military action in a country we were not at war with?

Also if discovered the action was indeed illegal does the action become legal because Obams was President?

My bet is you will scream it matter not because this is about Trump illegal actions that you hate while you invoke Nixon words!

So again, does the illegal actions of a President matter to you only when the President is Republican?

Notice I never stated what Trump did is right or legal but pointed out you sat quietly when Obama did illegal actions with drone strikes and ordering Seal teams to enter countries we were not at war with!

I assume killing Osama was legal because there would have been much more outrage if it wasn't legal. The right was never bashful about making wild accusations against him, and if there was a real legality problem, I would have expected more than just a few nutbags whining about it. I'm not an expert on international law, so without more credible evidence I can't offer an opinion. If you have evidence beyond what the regular nutbags have spouted about that, I would like to see it.

No illegal action becomes legal just because a president does it.

A drone strike on an enemy of the US is not the same as using congressional approved money to blackmail an ally to trash a personal political opponent. It's already determined that withholding the money was illegal, but to do it for his own personal gain is even worse.

So doing a drone strike and entering a country we are not at war with is just a nut bag way of thinking and you sir are an asshole and did you know the U.N. was investigating Obama drone usage seeing if it broke international law, so is the U.N. now nut bags?


No, you can not have it both ways and claim one President illegal actions are not illegal but then whine when another one does something illegal!

So nut bag understand that!
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?

Why are you always such a friggin imbecile? Trump broke no law, he did nothing wrong, and pieces of shit like you just keep pushing a fake narrative. Your kind of stupid shit is pissing people off bad, and thats why Trump is going to win in a fucking landslide, and then I am going to laugh in your stupid face

Clearly the answer should be no but apparently the president can do anything he wants if he happens to lead a party that wants to serve a king.

And you're another dumb fuck, spewing out your school yard crap. Grow the fuck up.
I am truly impressed. You seem to know more about what I think than I do. For example, I didn't know I love to worship at the altar of FDR. I didn't even know there was an altar of FDR. Why don't you just make a list of all the things you think I like and do so I can compare that list to what I really like and do? If you get stumped on some of the details, you should check with Alex Jones or Hannity. Seems like that is where you got all the other shit that you think about what I support.

Well Bulldawg the fact is it was you that got upset about me using Obama actions in Pakistan that caused you to whine like a little girl and may I ask why you mentioned Hillary Clinton in your first response to me when I did not mention her?

You believed I was thinking of her, so now you whine when I do the thinking for you but you will claim you never added to my thoughts, right Bully?

Why is it you sat silently when Obama illegally order the killing of Osama in Pakistan?

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama ordered the invasion of that country to kill Osama?

No and now you will claim this has nothing to do with your question but it does...

See you believe the illegal acts of a Democrat President should not be shown and we should focus on the sole illegal acts of Trump while you invoke Nixon to prove your case, well I am here to remind you that you had no issues with illegal acts of a President when it was Obama and in fact you get a little upset when shown you sat silently...

I guess being a partisan hypocrite is your nature Bully but do not deny you will excuse every illegal act of a Democrat President while condemning the illegal actions of Trump...

Tell me Bully how many Americans have died from Trump illegal withholding of aid to Ukraine versus Obama illegal attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

I'm not sure what you are talking about. If you have evidence Obama did something wrong in Pakistan, then I urge you to present it. I've heard a few conspiracy theories with that idea, but nothing a sane person would believe. I am sure I haven't defended any of Obama's actions in Pakistan from this thread. Why don't you take a minute and decide what you want to talk about, instead of just spouting a list of your most memorable talking points. A single subject is a much better conversation to have.

Fuck off with that bullshit!

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama order the attack on Osama compound in Pakistan?

If not was the invasion of the compound then legal?

If not under our laws then what gave Obama the authority to use military action in a country we were not at war with?

Also if discovered the action was indeed illegal does the action become legal because Obams was President?

My bet is you will scream it matter not because this is about Trump illegal actions that you hate while you invoke Nixon words!

So again, does the illegal actions of a President matter to you only when the President is Republican?

Notice I never stated what Trump did is right or legal but pointed out you sat quietly when Obama did illegal actions with drone strikes and ordering Seal teams to enter countries we were not at war with!

I assume killing Osama was legal because there would have been much more outrage if it wasn't legal. The right was never bashful about making wild accusations against him, and if there was a real legality problem, I would have expected more than just a few nutbags whining about it. I'm not an expert on international law, so without more credible evidence I can't offer an opinion. If you have evidence beyond what the regular nutbags have spouted about that, I would like to see it.

No illegal action becomes legal just because a president does it.

A drone strike on an enemy of the US is not the same as using congressional approved money to blackmail an ally to trash a personal political opponent. It's already determined that withholding the money was illegal, but to do it for his own personal gain is even worse.

So doing a drone strike and entering a country we are not at war with is just a nut bag way of thinking and you sir are an asshole and did you know the U.N. was investigating Obama drone usage seeing if it broke international law, so is the U.N. now nut bags?


No, you can not have it both ways and claim one President illegal actions are not illegal but then whine when another one does something illegal!

So nut bag understand that!

I did not know about the UN investigating that incident. How long have they been investigating? Have they come to a determination yet? It's been a looooong time. Seems they would have some answers by now.

Trump's actions have been determined to be illegal. Seems like the jury is still out on Obama's actions.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?

Why are you always such a friggin imbecile? Trump broke no law, he did nothing wrong, and pieces of shit like you just keep pushing a fake narrative. Your kind of stupid shit is pissing people off bad, and thats why Trump is going to win in a fucking landslide, and then I am going to laugh in your stupid face

Clearly the answer should be no but apparently the president can do anything he wants if he happens to lead a party that wants to serve a king.

And you're another dumb fuck, spewing out your school yard crap. Grow the fuck up.

You can't make your bullshit true by repeating it so many times, even if you wish you could.
Well Bulldawg the fact is it was you that got upset about me using Obama actions in Pakistan that caused you to whine like a little girl and may I ask why you mentioned Hillary Clinton in your first response to me when I did not mention her?

You believed I was thinking of her, so now you whine when I do the thinking for you but you will claim you never added to my thoughts, right Bully?

Why is it you sat silently when Obama illegally order the killing of Osama in Pakistan?

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama ordered the invasion of that country to kill Osama?

No and now you will claim this has nothing to do with your question but it does...

See you believe the illegal acts of a Democrat President should not be shown and we should focus on the sole illegal acts of Trump while you invoke Nixon to prove your case, well I am here to remind you that you had no issues with illegal acts of a President when it was Obama and in fact you get a little upset when shown you sat silently...

I guess being a partisan hypocrite is your nature Bully but do not deny you will excuse every illegal act of a Democrat President while condemning the illegal actions of Trump...

Tell me Bully how many Americans have died from Trump illegal withholding of aid to Ukraine versus Obama illegal attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan?

I'm not sure what you are talking about. If you have evidence Obama did something wrong in Pakistan, then I urge you to present it. I've heard a few conspiracy theories with that idea, but nothing a sane person would believe. I am sure I haven't defended any of Obama's actions in Pakistan from this thread. Why don't you take a minute and decide what you want to talk about, instead of just spouting a list of your most memorable talking points. A single subject is a much better conversation to have.

Fuck off with that bullshit!

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama order the attack on Osama compound in Pakistan?

If not was the invasion of the compound then legal?

If not under our laws then what gave Obama the authority to use military action in a country we were not at war with?

Also if discovered the action was indeed illegal does the action become legal because Obams was President?

My bet is you will scream it matter not because this is about Trump illegal actions that you hate while you invoke Nixon words!

So again, does the illegal actions of a President matter to you only when the President is Republican?

Notice I never stated what Trump did is right or legal but pointed out you sat quietly when Obama did illegal actions with drone strikes and ordering Seal teams to enter countries we were not at war with!

I assume killing Osama was legal because there would have been much more outrage if it wasn't legal. The right was never bashful about making wild accusations against him, and if there was a real legality problem, I would have expected more than just a few nutbags whining about it. I'm not an expert on international law, so without more credible evidence I can't offer an opinion. If you have evidence beyond what the regular nutbags have spouted about that, I would like to see it.

No illegal action becomes legal just because a president does it.

A drone strike on an enemy of the US is not the same as using congressional approved money to blackmail an ally to trash a personal political opponent. It's already determined that withholding the money was illegal, but to do it for his own personal gain is even worse.

So doing a drone strike and entering a country we are not at war with is just a nut bag way of thinking and you sir are an asshole and did you know the U.N. was investigating Obama drone usage seeing if it broke international law, so is the U.N. now nut bags?


No, you can not have it both ways and claim one President illegal actions are not illegal but then whine when another one does something illegal!

So nut bag understand that!

I did not know about the UN investigating that incident. How long have they been investigating? Have they come to a determination yet? It's been a looooong time. Seems they would have some answers by now.

Trump's actions have been determined to be illegal. Seems like the jury is still out on Obama's actions.

How long did it take for Nixon on his stunt in Cambodia?

The fact is no Jury has found Trump guilty of anything as President and until then he has done nothing illegal according to the Senate...

Sorry but reality...

So let remember when a President like Nixon, Bush and Obama break international laws and go beyond their power of their office you had no issue with it but with Trump damn it man the GAO said it was illegal and Nancy agree so he broke the law but yet the Senate disagree...

Well they do not agree with the punishment is what that is about truly...

Maybe you and the left should learn you first should exhaust the courts to make sure what Trump is doing is illegal before going forward with impeachment but alas it is another election year so who cares about that when you want the Senate, am I right?
Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now

No they won't. This unlimited power only applies to Republican presidents when their party has control of the Senate.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?
/——-/ President Trump isn’t doing things that are illegal. Your strawman argument is ridiculous.

GAO finds Trump administration broke law by withholding Ukraine aid
View attachment 303897
/——/ Who cares what the GAO thinks?
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?
It depends.

When Obama funded terrorism with a plane load of cash, it was apparently legal. It's illegal for you to do the same.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?
Why don't you give an example?
Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now

No they won't. This unlimited power only applies to Republican presidents when their party has control of the Senate.
Does your fake outrage extend to illegal spying on Presidential campaigns?
Sure...except that hasn't happened...yet. Now that Trump knows the witless Republicans have his back no matter what, that will likely change.
donny would have all the docs & all the exoneration testimony splashed all over including endless tweets. he isn't allowing docs to be released or testimony to be given because he's guilty as fuck.
There was no quid pro quo. Trump will be fully exonerated next week.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?

Why are you always such a friggin imbecile? Trump broke no law, he did nothing wrong, and pieces of shit like you just keep pushing a fake narrative. Your kind of stupid shit is pissing people off bad, and thats why Trump is going to win in a fucking landslide, and then I am going to laugh in your stupid face

Clearly the answer should be no but apparently the president can do anything he wants if he happens to lead a party that wants to serve a king.

And you're another dumb fuck, spewing out your school yard crap. Grow the fuck up.

You can't make your bullshit true by repeating it so many times, even if you wish you could.

it's just doing the same thing that donny does... a tactic straight outa goebbel's playbook.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. If you have evidence Obama did something wrong in Pakistan, then I urge you to present it. I've heard a few conspiracy theories with that idea, but nothing a sane person would believe. I am sure I haven't defended any of Obama's actions in Pakistan from this thread. Why don't you take a minute and decide what you want to talk about, instead of just spouting a list of your most memorable talking points. A single subject is a much better conversation to have.

Fuck off with that bullshit!

Were we at war with Pakistan when Obama order the attack on Osama compound in Pakistan?

If not was the invasion of the compound then legal?

If not under our laws then what gave Obama the authority to use military action in a country we were not at war with?

Also if discovered the action was indeed illegal does the action become legal because Obams was President?

My bet is you will scream it matter not because this is about Trump illegal actions that you hate while you invoke Nixon words!

So again, does the illegal actions of a President matter to you only when the President is Republican?

Notice I never stated what Trump did is right or legal but pointed out you sat quietly when Obama did illegal actions with drone strikes and ordering Seal teams to enter countries we were not at war with!

I assume killing Osama was legal because there would have been much more outrage if it wasn't legal. The right was never bashful about making wild accusations against him, and if there was a real legality problem, I would have expected more than just a few nutbags whining about it. I'm not an expert on international law, so without more credible evidence I can't offer an opinion. If you have evidence beyond what the regular nutbags have spouted about that, I would like to see it.

No illegal action becomes legal just because a president does it.

A drone strike on an enemy of the US is not the same as using congressional approved money to blackmail an ally to trash a personal political opponent. It's already determined that withholding the money was illegal, but to do it for his own personal gain is even worse.

So doing a drone strike and entering a country we are not at war with is just a nut bag way of thinking and you sir are an asshole and did you know the U.N. was investigating Obama drone usage seeing if it broke international law, so is the U.N. now nut bags?


No, you can not have it both ways and claim one President illegal actions are not illegal but then whine when another one does something illegal!

So nut bag understand that!

I did not know about the UN investigating that incident. How long have they been investigating? Have they come to a determination yet? It's been a looooong time. Seems they would have some answers by now.

Trump's actions have been determined to be illegal. Seems like the jury is still out on Obama's actions.

How long did it take for Nixon on his stunt in Cambodia?

The fact is no Jury has found Trump guilty of anything as President and until then he has done nothing illegal according to the Senate...

Sorry but reality...

So let remember when a President like Nixon, Bush and Obama break international laws and go beyond their power of their office you had no issue with it but with Trump damn it man the GAO said it was illegal and Nancy agree so he broke the law but yet the Senate disagree...

Well they do not agree with the punishment is what that is about truly...

Maybe you and the left should learn you first should exhaust the courts to make sure what Trump is doing is illegal before going forward with impeachment but alas it is another election year so who cares about that when you want the Senate, am I right?

The key words in your remark are "according to the senate". Nobody, including the most ardent Trump supporters thinks that was an honest evaluation of that orange fool's actions.
We are defining the president's powers right now. Future presidents of both parties will be able to do what ever Trump is allowed to do right now, and will be restrained no more than he is tight now. Do you think a president should be free to do anything he wants? Why?
It depends.

When Obama funded terrorism with a plane load of cash, it was apparently legal. It's illegal for you to do the same.

What a dumb remark.

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