No better way to energize the DEM voters than to block Obama's nominations...

Ask any number of wounded veterans of the Iraqi war if the bastards who laid the bombs and mines, those who shot rocket propelled grenades at them, if they were America's enemies.
The Iraqis were defending their homeland against foreign invaders just like we would....
When - not if - the first flaming liberal is - rightfully and righteously - rejected, count on Obama to send up another one just like the first one, but probably worse.

That who Obama is. The scorpion riding on the back of the frog across the river.

Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?

Only if you support blatant discrimination against whites, as in the New Haven Firefighter case.

YOu might know it as "Disparate Impact Theory".

McConnell came right out and said he believes Conservatives have a right to a majority on the court to justify blocking a sitting President from filling the seat

Goopers we salute you.....75 years of US Social progress and you fought against it every step of the way
Ask any number of wounded veterans of the Iraqi war if the bastards who laid the bombs and mines, those who shot rocket propelled grenades at them, if they were America's enemies.
The Iraqis were defending their homeland against foreign invaders just like we would....
They say the rebels in Iraq still fight for Saddam
but that's bullshit i'll show you why its totally wrong
'cause if another country invaded the hood tonight
it'd be warfare through Harlem and Washington heights
i wouldn't be fighting for bush or white Americas dream
id be fighting for my people, survival and self-esteem
i wouldn't fight for racist churches in the south my nigga
id be fighting to keep the occupation out my nigga
you ever clocked someone who talk shit or look at you wrong
imagine if they shot at you and was rapin your moms

Read more:Immortal Technique - Bush Knocked Down The Towers Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Yeah yeah yeah... blah blah blah. If you don;t give Obama everything he wants you an asshole.

So much for checks and balances I guess.
When - not if - the first flaming liberal is - rightfully and righteously - rejected, count on Obama to send up another one just like the first one, but probably worse.

That who Obama is. The scorpion riding on the back of the frog across the river.

Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?

Only if you support blatant discrimination against whites, as in the New Haven Firefighter case.

YOu might know it as "Disparate Impact Theory".

McConnell came right out and said he believes Conservatives have a right to a majority on the court to justify blocking a sitting President from filling the seat

the Republicans tried to get rid of McConnell, which would be a good thing. Remember it was you folks on the left that accused those trying to right the wrong of McConnell of derisiveness. Which was true but you folks used it in a negative context. I understand Democrats follow orders better and don't understand inner party disagreement.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.

There has never been activist before, in either party,? really? I never realize that. Seems to me I remember a very successful contract with America not so many years ago. You and me bitch about what they are doing in WH, we do it everyday. Yet when people want to hold their officials accountable you seem to have a problem with them doing so? If an elected official is NOT representing what the people want, what do you suppose they should be threatened with?

The whole political spectrum has swung left. What is considered a moderate today was a flaming liberal not too long ago. What you are proposing is that the right swing even more left then they already have. The country is going into the dumpster and it isn't because the right has won any recent victories. The left wing has won almost everything but the right still gets the blame. BS.

We want them to vote against bad democrat initiatives. We wanted them to vote no for Obamacare. It is not like Congress has not passed laws. They are passing them at about the same rate as any other congress. It is just that some of the things that the democrats want to do is so radical we want them to vote against them in a block. That said, I can't think of any initiative that the democrats wanted they didn't get. Maybe not lock stock and barrel but they got almost everything they wanted.
I described the "what", you're explaining the "why".

If you're right that the whole political spectrum has swung left, and I agree, some self-inspection might be helpful. The usual memes - the press, lying Democrats - notwithstanding, conservatives might want to consider what failures in messaging they can address on their own.

We are importing a million Third World voters a year.

This is not about messaging.

You're right. It's about the bedrock conservative principles being outdated due to their shortsightedness, their dyed-in-the-wool hate aspect, and frankly their "our way is better because we say so" nonsense. The messengers such as yourself and the other morons on this and other message boards do not help the matter. Case in point, the post I'm responding to; pulled right out of thin air, zero citations, and totally hateful.

There is nothing "hateful" about pointing out that Third World Immigrants find the Democratic policies more to their liking.
Just calling people "third world immigrants" is hateful enough. Thanks for upholding the GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive tradition of hating all who are different.

Slamming down every attempt at a serious discussion by calling people vile names, that "divides" people.
And to dumb it down to make sure you don't play dumb,
I'm talking about you and yours.

So whenever I wish to have a "serious" discussion about the GOP, I should refer to whom they court as redneck inbreds before the "serious" discussion takes place?
Yeah yeah yeah... blah blah blah. If you don;t give Obama everything he wants you an asshole.

So much for checks and balances I guess.

Of course that was never said.

I said have hearings. I said it is wrong to simply ignore the President's nomination.

Those are the facts, now back to your fantasy.
There has never been activist before, in either party,? really? I never realize that. Seems to me I remember a very successful contract with America not so many years ago. You and me bitch about what they are doing in WH, we do it everyday. Yet when people want to hold their officials accountable you seem to have a problem with them doing so? If an elected official is NOT representing what the people want, what do you suppose they should be threatened with?

The whole political spectrum has swung left. What is considered a moderate today was a flaming liberal not too long ago. What you are proposing is that the right swing even more left then they already have. The country is going into the dumpster and it isn't because the right has won any recent victories. The left wing has won almost everything but the right still gets the blame. BS.

We want them to vote against bad democrat initiatives. We wanted them to vote no for Obamacare. It is not like Congress has not passed laws. They are passing them at about the same rate as any other congress. It is just that some of the things that the democrats want to do is so radical we want them to vote against them in a block. That said, I can't think of any initiative that the democrats wanted they didn't get. Maybe not lock stock and barrel but they got almost everything they wanted.
I described the "what", you're explaining the "why".

If you're right that the whole political spectrum has swung left, and I agree, some self-inspection might be helpful. The usual memes - the press, lying Democrats - notwithstanding, conservatives might want to consider what failures in messaging they can address on their own.

We are importing a million Third World voters a year.

This is not about messaging.

You're right. It's about the bedrock conservative principles being outdated due to their shortsightedness, their dyed-in-the-wool hate aspect, and frankly their "our way is better because we say so" nonsense. The messengers such as yourself and the other morons on this and other message boards do not help the matter. Case in point, the post I'm responding to; pulled right out of thin air, zero citations, and totally hateful.

There is nothing "hateful" about pointing out that Third World Immigrants find the Democratic policies more to their liking.
Just calling people "third world immigrants" is hateful enough. Thanks for upholding the GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive tradition of hating all who are different.

Slamming down every attempt at a serious discussion by calling people vile names, that "divides" people.
And to dumb it down to make sure you don't play dumb,
I'm talking about you and yours.

So whenever I wish to have a "serious" discussion about the GOP, I should refer to whom they court as redneck inbreds before the "serious" discussion takes place?

So you are saying that they are not immigrants and they are not coming from a third world country? Really? Is that what you are saying?
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving.
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?
I described the "what", you're explaining the "why".

If you're right that the whole political spectrum has swung left, and I agree, some self-inspection might be helpful. The usual memes - the press, lying Democrats - notwithstanding, conservatives might want to consider what failures in messaging they can address on their own.

We are importing a million Third World voters a year.

This is not about messaging.

You're right. It's about the bedrock conservative principles being outdated due to their shortsightedness, their dyed-in-the-wool hate aspect, and frankly their "our way is better because we say so" nonsense. The messengers such as yourself and the other morons on this and other message boards do not help the matter. Case in point, the post I'm responding to; pulled right out of thin air, zero citations, and totally hateful.

There is nothing "hateful" about pointing out that Third World Immigrants find the Democratic policies more to their liking.
Just calling people "third world immigrants" is hateful enough. Thanks for upholding the GOP/Conserve-Hate-Ive tradition of hating all who are different.

Slamming down every attempt at a serious discussion by calling people vile names, that "divides" people.
And to dumb it down to make sure you don't play dumb,
I'm talking about you and yours.

So whenever I wish to have a "serious" discussion about the GOP, I should refer to whom they court as redneck inbreds before the "serious" discussion takes place?

So you are saying that they are not immigrants and they are not coming from a third world country? Really? Is that what you are saying?

First of all, I do not know who "they" are. Some doofus said that we are "importing 1,000,000" Third World Voters a year. Which is amazing seeing as how many Americans are not even registered to vote, seeing as how it's exactly one million, and seeing as how they all seem to come from 3rd world nations.

Second of all, there is no metric that measures whom a new citizen will vote for. If the GOP's policies are so silly that a disinterested 3rd party who comes in with no leniency (from previous family voting history) looks at what the GOP supports and what the Dems support and goes for the's strictly the fault of the GOP.

Thirdly...if there is a 3rd world person who becomes a citizen and is confronted by those who want you to carry around a gun for protection, confronted by those who want to make sure no publicly funded item is printed in your native language, confronted by those who think you're a 2nd class citizen because of your skin color...I can't blame them for gravitating to the other side.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.

There has never been activist before, in either party,? really? I never realize that. Seems to me I remember a very successful contract with America not so many years ago. You and me bitch about what they are doing in WH, we do it everyday. Yet when people want to hold their officials accountable you seem to have a problem with them doing so? If an elected official is NOT representing what the people want, what do you suppose they should be threatened with?

The whole political spectrum has swung left. What is considered a moderate today was a flaming liberal not too long ago. What you are proposing is that the right swing even more left then they already have. The country is going into the dumpster and it isn't because the right has won any recent victories. The left wing has won almost everything but the right still gets the blame. BS.

We want them to vote against bad democrat initiatives. We wanted them to vote no for Obamacare. It is not like Congress has not passed laws. They are passing them at about the same rate as any other congress. It is just that some of the things that the democrats want to do is so radical we want them to vote against them in a block. That said, I can't think of any initiative that the democrats wanted they didn't get. Maybe not lock stock and barrel but they got almost everything they wanted.
I described the "what", you're explaining the "why".

If you're right that the whole political spectrum has swung left, and I agree, some self-inspection might be helpful. The usual memes - the press, lying Democrats - notwithstanding, conservatives might want to consider what failures in messaging they can address on their own.

We are importing a million Third World voters a year.

This is not about messaging.

You're right. It's about the bedrock conservative principles being outdated due to their shortsightedness, their dyed-in-the-wool hate aspect, and frankly their "our way is better because we say so" nonsense. The messengers such as yourself and the other morons on this and other message boards do not help the matter. Case in point, the post I'm responding to; pulled right out of thin air, zero citations, and totally hateful.

What is with the left that they have to invoke hate into every one of their responses? Do you understand how HATEFUL you sound?

When you comment on hateful have to mention the word "hate". Sorry. Change your policies, and I'll change my rhetoric.
Lol, most Dhimmicrats cant even name the Chief Justice, let alone gives a flying shit.

No, Dhimmicrats partisans will repeat anything they get in their Dhimmicrat Talking Points, no matter if they think it is true or not.
Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?

Only if you support blatant discrimination against whites, as in the New Haven Firefighter case.

YOu might know it as "Disparate Impact Theory".

McConnell came right out and said he believes Conservatives have a right to a majority on the court to justify blocking a sitting President from filling the seat

the Republicans tried to get rid of McConnell, which would be a good thing. Remember it was you folks on the left that accused those trying to right the wrong of McConnell of derisiveness. Which was true but you folks used it in a negative context. I understand Democrats follow orders better and don't understand inner party disagreement.

McConnell will lose his Senate Majority Leader seat come January 2017. The voters will make sure of that

Should make you happy
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you have think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
I made a point, and it looks like you're not disagreeing with it or denying it. Good.

We all sit on fences. Some are way off to the left of the playground, some are off to the right of the playground. Those folks have a great view of their little part of the playground, but their view of the whole thing is pretty lousy. I wouldn't bother consulting with them if I needed a good, accurate view of the whole playground.

I like where mine is, just fine.
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you have think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
I made a point, and it looks like you're not disagreeing with it or denying it. Good.

We all sit on fences. Some are way off to the left of the playground, some are off to the right of the playground. Those folks have a great view of their little part of the playground, but their view of the whole thing is pretty lousy. I wouldn't bother consulting with them if I needed a good, accurate view of the whole playground.

I like where mine is, just fine.

"We all sit on fences."

I love autobiographical posts.

Finally got you to admit it.
Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you have think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
I made a point, and it looks like you're not disagreeing with it or denying it. Good.

We all sit on fences. Some are way off to the left of the playground, some are off to the right of the playground. Those folks have a great view of their little part of the playground, but their view of the whole thing is pretty lousy. I wouldn't bother consulting with them if I needed a good, accurate view of the whole playground.

I like where mine is, just fine.
You don't think our elected representatives ought to obstruct policies they deem as bad for america? Or are we all just suppose to expect them to take anything some fucking democrat American hating sack of socialist shit's word for it and simply sign on the dotted line?

Pass all of their fucked up policies in order to not offend the minorities that they prop up as pawns for political gain?

I still cannot tell what you expect.

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