No better way to energize the DEM voters than to block Obama's nominations...

Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves.

To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same.

Also the same reason for the rise of Trump. Voters say they want things to get done.

I keep hearing "get things done." WHAT do the voters want DONE? I am thinking most voters don't get passed Mrs. Bosnia Clinton being a woman. For crying out loud she is now barking like a dog and they still support her.
Everything I've read points to that. Don't think you read anything.
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving. McConnell's plan to blow off a nominee would almost certainly backfire in that regard.

Again, "congress does nothing." That is perception, I looked up the stats for this congress and they by the stats they have done just as much as any other congress. Since the take over of Congress Obama has vetoed 7 pieces of legislation, so who is really doing nothing? I am actually more concerned with what they are doing then them doing nothing. For the most part doing nothing is better then doing things like passing Obamacare or confirming a liberal to the court.

Take it up with the Trump supporters who will make him your nominee.

I am not a registered Republican.
There is no hurry, Barry is damaged goods no point in letting him a guy already out the door influence the court.

The Black Presidents only get 3/ 5 th of the term of White Presidents ....?
Everything is about race with you progressives, glad it isn't with us minority's. Lol
Barry is just a fuck up, simple as that.
...and a world class firearm salesman
Of course, you are right. No politician, especially a President would ever consider sober common sense as an alternative.
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Loss of American lives about 4,000.

Loss of American lives in LBJ's Viet Nam adventure about 57,000.

Some things are not comparable in terms of dollars.
It was Constitutionally established that Black Presidents get 3/5 th of the terms of white was a compromise between that and lynching Obama outright

Of course, you are right. No politician, especially a President would ever consider sober common sense as an alternative.
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Loss of American lives about 4,000.

Loss of American lives in LBJ's Viet Nam adventure about 57,000.

Some things are not comparable in terms of dollars.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving.
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?

It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.
Of course, you are right. No politician, especially a President would ever consider sober common sense as an alternative.
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan

Loss of American lives about 4,000.

Loss of American lives in LBJ's Viet Nam adventure about 57,000.

Some things are not comparable in terms of dollars.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

When you start crying about the casualties of the enemy - innocent or otherwise - think about the casualties of WWII by American and European Allied forces and don't forget to mention the victims of the most honored and treasured pal of your icon, FDR, and his Uncle Joe Stalin.
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving.
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?

It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.

EXACTLY. Don't listen the press, don't listen to the left wing whiners, do what is right. But I am not sure with the leadership they have today I am not sure they won't just make it political, as has Obama already, and McConnell.
When you start crying about the casualties of the enemy - innocent or otherwise - think about the casualties of WWII by American and European Allied forces and don't forget to mention the victims of the most honored and treasured pal of your icon, FDR, and his Uncle Joe Stalin.

The Iraqis are not my enemy and you are a Pavlov dog who slobbers when "The Government" says to".........
It could go the same way if Obama doesn't nominate some flaming left wing liberal.

But Obama WILL nominate a flaming left wing liberal. Just watch!

He might send up a sacrificial lamb to allow Republicans to get a rejection to satisfy their base. Once Republicans reject his first pick...they will have a tough time rejecting a moderate

When - not if - the first flaming liberal is - rightfully and righteously - rejected, count on Obama to send up another one just like the first one, but probably worse.

That who Obama is. The scorpion riding on the back of the frog across the river.

Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?
But Obama WILL nominate a flaming left wing liberal. Just watch!

He might send up a sacrificial lamb to allow Republicans to get a rejection to satisfy their base. Once Republicans reject his first pick...they will have a tough time rejecting a moderate

When - not if - the first flaming liberal is - rightfully and righteously - rejected, count on Obama to send up another one just like the first one, but probably worse.

That who Obama is. The scorpion riding on the back of the frog across the river.

Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?

Only if you support blatant discrimination against whites, as in the New Haven Firefighter case.

YOu might know it as "Disparate Impact Theory".
Also the same reason for the rise of Trump. Voters say they want things to get done.

I keep hearing "get things done." WHAT do the voters want DONE? I am thinking most voters don't get passed Mrs. Bosnia Clinton being a woman. For crying out loud she is now barking like a dog and they still support her.
Everything I've read points to that. Don't think you read anything.
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving. McConnell's plan to blow off a nominee would almost certainly backfire in that regard.

Again, "congress does nothing." That is perception, I looked up the stats for this congress and they by the stats they have done just as much as any other congress. Since the take over of Congress Obama has vetoed 7 pieces of legislation, so who is really doing nothing? I am actually more concerned with what they are doing then them doing nothing. For the most part doing nothing is better then doing things like passing Obamacare or confirming a liberal to the court.

Take it up with the Trump supporters who will make him your nominee.

I am not a registered Republican.

I am
Ask any number of wounded veterans of the Iraqi war if the bastards who laid the bombs and mines, those who shot rocket propelled grenades at them, if they were America's enemies.

The fact that you consider the bastards who wounded and killed and want to keep on wounding and killing your fellow Americans not your enemies clearly defines you as an Obama Democrat.

When you start crying about the casualties of the enemy - innocent or otherwise - think about the casualties of WWII by American and European Allied forces and don't forget to mention the victims of the most honored and treasured pal of your icon, FDR, and his Uncle Joe Stalin.

The Iraqis are not my enemy and you are a Pavlov dog who slobbers when "The Government" says to".........
They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving.
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?

It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.

Make Republicans in an election year, actually vote and justify their vote to the American public
He might send up a sacrificial lamb to allow Republicans to get a rejection to satisfy their base. Once Republicans reject his first pick...they will have a tough time rejecting a moderate

When - not if - the first flaming liberal is - rightfully and righteously - rejected, count on Obama to send up another one just like the first one, but probably worse.

That who Obama is. The scorpion riding on the back of the frog across the river.

Republicans will do better with an Obama nominee than one from Hillary of Sanders
Do they want to take the chance?

If Republicans were smart (and we know they aren't) they would send Obama a short list of candidates they would be willing to support. It is their best shot

Either one will flip the COurt to "Anti-american".

No one that Obama will support, won't.

Conservatives have held a majority on the Supreme Court for 40 years.

Isn't it time for a Liberal Court? Do Cons really think they have a god given right to control the court?

Only if you support blatant discrimination against whites, as in the New Haven Firefighter case.

YOu might know it as "Disparate Impact Theory".

McConnell came right out and said he believes Conservatives have a right to a majority on the court to justify blocking a sitting President from filling the seat

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