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No better way to energize the DEM voters than to block Obama's nominations...

They are going for the outsider Trump specifically because the congress does nothing. They're looking for a shake up to get things moving.
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?

It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.

Make Republicans in an election year, actually vote and justify their vote to the American public

That's the rub for repubs in congress. If they attempt to obstruct it hurts quite a few of the almost half of repub senators up for re-election. If they go along it could hurt the house members. Crazy dynamic they have going on. They should do their job and vote up or down. Anything less would be unprecidented and dishonorable.
If a party doesn't have enough votes in Congress to get what it wants, that means it has failed to attract/convince enough voters to vote for their party. And/or, it can also win the White House.

That party can either admit that or it can take its toys and go home. The GOP made its choice, and that's fine, but if they are perceived as obstructionists by the public, and if that damages their brand, they need to look in the mirror.

So I think they should vote and act as they please, and we'll see how the chips fall. I'm lousy at predicting politics.

Even if that minority party is in the minority, they still have a responsibility to represent the interests of their constituents.

And if the best way to do that is to obstruct policies that are harmful to those interests than that is what they should do.

If the media lies to the people about what is going on, such as claiming that it is motivated by racism, and the people never hear anything else,

there is nothing to be done about that.

How many times have you failed to get your message across to someone on this very site?
That's all perfectly fine. My point continues to be that there may be a cost to be paid for that at the polls.

Again, I'm lousy at predicting this stuff.
There is nothing dumber than McConnell coming out and saying Republicans will block the nomination until Obama is no longer President

Almost as dumb as his declaration to make Obama a one term president

Makes clear the motives of every future Republican action

There is nothing dumb about it at all.

OK ...what did McConnell gain by showing his cards so early?

A sloppy kiss from that pooch he screwed.
What is going to happen when we find out Scalia was murdered?
We already know he was murdered!

Blocking nominations to the Supreme Court isn't going to matter to the majority of democrat voters. They are barely aware that there is a supreme court. HRC is done. She's been done for awhile only the die hard Hillary fans haven't understood that.

Just a friendly warning, but remarks like that have put people on the list to receive " the chip"
Holy crap, this does open up a can of worms.

It would be fascinating to know how many of Trump's supporters are the same people who have been so adamant against working with Democrats.

Trump is running on being a deal-maker. That means give & take, compromise. Isn't that the antithesis of what these people say they want?

It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.

Make Republicans in an election year, actually vote and justify their vote to the American public

That's the rub for repubs in congress. If they attempt to obstruct it hurts quite a few of the almost half of repub senators up for re-election. If they go along it could hurt the house members. Crazy dynamic they have going on. They should do their job and vote up or down. Anything less would be unprecidented and dishonorable.
Yeah, could not have out worked any better for the democrats that scalia died in this election year.

Uhhhhhh huh.
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Rock and a hard place for Republicans. They have to deal with a reputation of being obstructionists, which they brought on themselves. To the electorate, this just looks like more of the same..
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you have think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
I made a point, and it looks like you're not disagreeing with it or denying it. Good.

We all sit on fences. Some are way off to the left of the playground, some are off to the right of the playground. Those folks have a great view of their little part of the playground, but their view of the whole thing is pretty lousy. I wouldn't bother consulting with them if I needed a good, accurate view of the whole playground.

I like where mine is, just fine.
You don't think our elected representatives ought to obstruct policies they deem as bad for america? Or are we all just suppose to expect them to take anything some fucking democrat American hating sack of socialist shit's word for it and simply sign on the dotted line?

Pass all of their fucked up policies in order to not offend the minorities that they prop up as pawns for political gain?

I still cannot tell what you expect.

You have a deeply cynical and jaded worldview.
It will be wonderful to see Dems turning out in droves to install HRC because the GOP is obstructing Obama's nominations....

I haven't said it for a while but eventually the GOP will run out of either toes or bullets. It seems as though they have found another foot's worth of toes to aim at.

Lord knows Dems need something to energize them.
It is odd and hard to read the minds of republican voters this cycle. It is without a doubt though a very aniestablishment sentiment. If the Senate repubs go full obstruction on this nomination, it's hard to see how that helps them.

If they don't and they confirm a raving liberal then I don't see how that helps them either. What they should do is stick to being Republicans, that works. It worked for Reagan it can work again. But by what I see with this Republican leadership I don't expect them acting like Reagan anytime soon.

They don't have to confirm anyone. They have two choices, sit on their hands and do nothing......full obstruction that makes them look like children or hold hearings and vote up or down on the nominee......The right, mature thing to do. If they don't like the nominee, then simply vote no.

Make Republicans in an election year, actually vote and justify their vote to the American public

That's the rub for repubs in congress. If they attempt to obstruct it hurts quite a few of the almost half of repub senators up for re-election. If they go along it could hurt the house members. Crazy dynamic they have going on. They should do their job and vote up or down. Anything less would be unprecidented and dishonorable.
Yeah, could not have worked any better for the democrats that scalia died in this election year.

Uhhhhhh huh.

Not my words and if you inferred that then you're reading too much into it. It was just an observation.
They were definitely not obstructionist enough, but the left wing sold the lie and a whole lot of folks repeat it.
Look at the behavior of the GOP over the last eight years:
  • Activists shoving absolutist "pledges" in the face of their candidates, threatening to "primary" anyone who didn't sign them
  • Attacking any Republican who showed any moderation as a RINO
  • Loudly declaring any hint of cooperation with Democrats as unacceptable
  • Screaming "socialism" and/or "communism" at any number of existing government programs, wanting to shut down any number of departments
  • Voting as a bloc against virtually any Democrat initiative
The public sees this. They don't see the Democrats doing this. It's not difficult to characterize that behavior as obstructionist.
Then again every one of those bullet points are accurate. Does that count for anything?

What I cannot tell about people like you, who insist riding the fence is a good thing, is if you have think having a one party system is a good thing.

Republicrat or demican? No opposition party to obvious socialist policies? Big government rule? The democrats obvious victimology strategy where they use all minorities as pawns for political gain and nothing else?

You feel that kind of patronizing is good for America?

I really cannot tell. Btw, those fucking rinos do not do shit in the way of blocking socialist policies. You do not think that is true? Just cannot tell what your position is other than telling us they are all corrupt.
I made a point, and it looks like you're not disagreeing with it or denying it. Good.

We all sit on fences. Some are way off to the left of the playground, some are off to the right of the playground. Those folks have a great view of their little part of the playground, but their view of the whole thing is pretty lousy. I wouldn't bother consulting with them if I needed a good, accurate view of the whole playground.

I like where mine is, just fine.
You don't think our elected representatives ought to obstruct policies they deem as bad for america? Or are we all just suppose to expect them to take anything some fucking democrat American hating sack of socialist shit's word for it and simply sign on the dotted line?

Pass all of their fucked up policies in order to not offend the minorities that they prop up as pawns for political gain?

I still cannot tell what you expect.

You have a deeply cynical and jaded worldview.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it. "
George Bernard Shaw
I expect my side to use every legal means at their disposal to prevent an Obama nomination from ever taking their seat.
They damn better fight this to the bitter end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me guess; You're pro big business, the rich/wealthy and against working middle class?
It's already off the charts. Everytime it starts to die down, the NRA goes into it's gungrabber routine and it picks right up again. Maybe, and only those that keep feeding the fires, should we confiscate their firearms. Can you imagine SW or Colt not being allowed to manufacture guns due to this? As much as I am a colt fan, I might like to see this for about a week. The NRA is NOT a non profit anymore and hasn't been for decades.

That's the NRA job as a marketing concern for gun manufacturers.
I sell firearms and ammo at my store... Barry has been a great salesman.

That would be the NRA. Give credit where it belongs.

Actually, he hasn't done a thing for your sales. The Fruitcakes who profit from your sales the most (NRA, Colt, SW and more) keep fanning the flames. I don't see a thing wrong with owning all those weapons. Just don't go into the "Revulution" mode. Cooler heads own a damned site more weapons and bigger weapons that the "Part Time" American Revolutionary.

As long as you're responsible.

Turn the speakers up! 18+

This isn't Sotomayer replacing Souter, or Kagan replacing Stevens, this is Scalia we are talking about. This would be a makeover of the court, a sea change, and we Conservatives cannot afford to sit back and allow a fucking lib to replace him without the fight of our lives.
This is Obama's huge opportunity to go out with a poke in the eye like we've never been poked before.
If we (Conservatives) lose this one, we could be rendered powerless for years to come as far as the SCOTUS is concerned.

Rendering conservatives powerless is a GOOD thing for the middle class.
Scolia had a tendancy not to rule on party lines. He was the lone Rep dissenter on two landmarks; Rescinding Term Limits on Congress and overturning state laws that required SuperPacs to openly publish their largest donors. He was a Constitutionalist, not a fake one like the others. He's going to be hard to replace.

What's wrong with having Super PACS publish their their donors?
I guess you need whatever you can get to energize people into voting for Hillary or Bernie
It will be wonderful to see Dems turning out in droves to install HRC because the GOP is obstructing Obama's nominations....

I haven't said it for a while but eventually the GOP will run out of either toes or bullets. It seems as though they have found another foot's worth of toes to aim at.

The more likely scenario is after the DNC screws Sanders over, million of his supporters will just sit this one out. Most of the low information regressives have no clue what the supreme court does, much less the difference it makes who sits on it.
It will be wonderful to see Dems turning out in droves to install HRC because the GOP is obstructing Obama's nominations....

I haven't said it for a while but eventually the GOP will run out of either toes or bullets. It seems as though they have found another foot's worth of toes to aim at.

The more likely scenario is after the DNC screws Sanders over, million of his supporters will just sit this one out. Most of the low information regressives have no clue what the supreme court does, much less the difference it makes who sits on it.
Nah, they will vote for Trump.

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