No Black women allowed. Becky only

Fuckin Haters!!!!!!

God Bless you Kyrie....a champion and a great citizen. Celebrate what you've earned sir!!!
Kyrie didn't wanna spend his celebration listening to shit talk about white privilege and oppression and Obama.

He wants Becky and some music and fun!!!
Ace I love and respect you dearly,lil bro....., but when you quote numbers, it kinda is so not cool....we are 30 million strong in this country and you quote 2 or 5 nigga's who don't go there, ie ww????? The vast majority of these former NBA nigga's end up broke, owing everybody and few give back to communities, you know this.
I can only go off what I know from personal experience. I tend not to take what white people say as the gospel. They want us fighting among ourselves over silly shit like what Black guy is with what ww. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that the vast majority of Black men will run through a brick wall to be with a sister that has her act together. Same thing with the NBA players. I know quite a few. Some of them have have gone broke but broke is relative to what they were making. I dont know any personally that are on the street and everyone I know is involved with the Black community in some shape or form.

Definitely not the way it is where I live. Here, anytime you see a black dude, he's either by himself or with a white woman. You never, NEVER see a black man with a black woman.
You must be from some ignorant backwoods place. Makes sense when I read your posts. White girls will run through a brick wall to find the brokest Black dude and cheat on their white husbands to get some BBC. Once the Black guys realize white girls are too easy they usually straighten up and come back to the Black girls for real relationships.
If we do anything going forward Ace, again, we gotta keep it 100. I love black people, I love black men, well some of em.....but today's young bloods is out to get their whistle wet the easiest quickest way they know how...and that's via Becky. Today, its easier to get a white mop to drop her panties for a negro, than it is to see CNN mention Trumps name for hours...number one reason white people are pissed, why white rapist get 2 months in jail and why so many negro's flock to it....Never once should any woman of color feel less worthy or unattractive....its just that ww are easy...end of story
Its just more out in the open now. Its always been like that. My grandpa grew up in Mississippi and he told me that even back then white women were running after Black men. It was a well known fact that if you wanted to lose your virginity just find a local white girl. The sisters were not giving up anything but some conversation (if that) because of how strict Black mommas were back then. I have always noticed that Black women will typically make me wait.I probably passed up some good ones when I was in my 20's due to being impatient. White women typically will do you the first or second night.
Ace there's a marvelous book I read several years ago, called Southern Plantations..the author is a lady named Katherine something??? Anyways, its a compilation of letters written by northerner's on their visits to the south. Very interesting summer read....anyways, throughout the book, you'd be amazed at how many black babies were killed because snow white couldn't keep her lily white hands off of nigga's.....we're talking the 1800's. What is also interesting is that many did this to "spite" their husbands who was fuckin every negro woman in site....both the white man and the white women were nothing but whore's exploiting power over their slaves. Again, I will never ever ever feel less worthy when I know the real history behind white people as a HO!!
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Nope. I have a couple of hommies I know that played in the NBA and they are doing great long after they stopped playing. Mitch Richmond for example is doing good and worth more than just a couple of million. These white boys want you to look down on them because they dont want them to be an example for Black men other than playing ball. For every Latrell Sprewell you have about 6 Gary Paytons and Antonio Davises.

Ace I love and respect you dearly,lil bro....., but when you quote numbers, it kinda is so not cool....we are 30 million strong in this country and you quote 2 or 5 nigga's who don't go there, ie ww????? The vast majority of these former NBA nigga's end up broke, owing everybody and few give back to communities, you know this.
I can only go off what I know from personal experience. I tend not to take what white people say as the gospel. They want us fighting among ourselves over silly shit like what Black guy is with what ww. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that the vast majority of Black men will run through a brick wall to be with a sister that has her act together. Same thing with the NBA players. I know quite a few. Some of them have have gone broke but broke is relative to what they were making. I dont know any personally that are on the street and everyone I know is involved with the Black community in some shape or form.

Definitely not the way it is where I live. Here, anytime you see a black dude, he's either by himself or with a white woman. You never, NEVER see a black man with a black woman.
I agree 1000%....its so bad in the south, when you do see a black man with a black woman, you want to take a picture, its that rare. Black men clearly have sold out a lot of black women, especially in the south and I take great exception to my dear friend Ace who want to deny this. Its a trend that has no end to it and black women are being purposely excluded when they're selecting mates....I mean its just fact.
If you mean by pretty that they give excellent BJ's. Everyone knows white girls give the best BJ's. Its like its something genetic.

It's genetic that they're more attractive.
No. Their traits are recessive so they cant be more attractive genetically. Pale eyes. White easy to burn skin. Flat booties. Thin razor like lips. Nothing attractive about that. This one he had the baby by is lucky the baby is half Black. That always makes everything better.
Track down any white woman pass 40....nobody and I mean nobody ages faster than Becky, nobody. Nobody thins quicker than Tom or ages clearly white skin comes with some issues. Thank God for Botox and Rogain and viagra, eh?

She looks damn good for 40...

But wait, she's not 40. She's 60.
She looks 70.
You need new glasses.
It's genetic that they're more attractive.
No. Their traits are recessive so they cant be more attractive genetically. Pale eyes. White easy to burn skin. Flat booties. Thin razor like lips. Nothing attractive about that. This one he had the baby by is lucky the baby is half Black. That always makes everything better.
Track down any white woman pass 40....nobody and I mean nobody ages faster than Becky, nobody. Nobody thins quicker than Tom or ages clearly white skin comes with some issues. Thank God for Botox and Rogain and viagra, eh?

She looks damn good for 40...

But wait, she's not 40. She's 60.
She looks 70.
You need new glasses.
You need a new higher level of taste in women. She looks like what Micheal Jackson would have ended up looking like if he had lived another 2 decades.
I can't blame the dude, I would want the pretty around me too. :beer:


After helping lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to a history-making NBA title, 24-year-old point guard Kyrie Irving has much to celebrate. And as expected, his follow-up to the city’s championship parade was one of epic portions. Irving went all out, hosting a huge yacht party in Miami. Sounds fairly normal for a guy that signed a five-year/$94,343,126 contract with an NBA franchise, right?

Well, Irving found himself in some hot water via the social media streets when footage of the party hit the net. Black Twitter didn’t take too kindly to the fact that party was clearly lacking one thing: melanin. Word on the street is that Irving didn’t want any black women on his boat, according to a “former homie.” But there’s no concrete information to back up the allegation as of now.

Black Twitter Had Lots To Say About Kyrie Irving's Becky-Filled Championship Yacht Party
Who gives a shit
I can't blame the dude, I would want the pretty around me too. :beer:


After helping lead the Cleveland Cavaliers to a history-making NBA title, 24-year-old point guard Kyrie Irving has much to celebrate. And as expected, his follow-up to the city’s championship parade was one of epic portions. Irving went all out, hosting a huge yacht party in Miami. Sounds fairly normal for a guy that signed a five-year/$94,343,126 contract with an NBA franchise, right?

Well, Irving found himself in some hot water via the social media streets when footage of the party hit the net. Black Twitter didn’t take too kindly to the fact that party was clearly lacking one thing: melanin. Word on the street is that Irving didn’t want any black women on his boat, according to a “former homie.” But there’s no concrete information to back up the allegation as of now.

Black Twitter Had Lots To Say About Kyrie Irving's Becky-Filled Championship Yacht Party
Who gives a shit
Obviously you do. You took the time to read the OP and post a reply to it.
Erkel, I dont give a shit who fucks who...why do you?

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