No Black women allowed. Becky only

Dream on pal.
The only reason any black girls are attractive is because of some European features, same with black men.
True Africans are for the most part butt-ugly.
The only reason anyone is giving you a second look at all is due to the European blood in your line.
I wasnt dreaming. White women are the least attractive of all women. They do give up the booty much easier though which is a plus in their favor. Black women on the other hand are the best looking women on the planet in all of their forms. Even light skinned Black women look 20x better than white women because of their Africanized features. Everything looks better as long as there is some recent Black blood in them. I dont understand what you mean by european features? You wouldnt hae those features were it not for Black people in the first place so they are not european features they are either neanderthal features or African features.

Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black guys touch Black women all the time. Thats why 80% of married couples in the Black community both partners are Black. Thats also why you guys whine about Black people having children out of wedlock. Since I love Black women more than any other women please quote where I ever said I cant stomach being around them. Hell I'm married to a Black queen right now you cave chimp.

Blacks need more marriages, herpes is rampant in black women. You guys need to consider less multiple partners and more marriages.
I wasnt dreaming. White women are the least attractive of all women. They do give up the booty much easier though which is a plus in their favor. Black women on the other hand are the best looking women on the planet in all of their forms. Even light skinned Black women look 20x better than white women because of their Africanized features. Everything looks better as long as there is some recent Black blood in them. I dont understand what you mean by european features? You wouldnt hae those features were it not for Black people in the first place so they are not european features they are either neanderthal features or African features.

Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black guys touch Black women all the time. Thats why 80% of married couples in the Black community both partners are Black. Thats also why you guys whine about Black people having children out of wedlock. Since I love Black women more than any other women please quote where I ever said I cant stomach being around them. Hell I'm married to a Black queen right now you cave chimp.

Blacks need more marriages, herpes is rampant in black women. You guys need to consider less multiple partners and more marriages.
That may or may not be a true deflection but it has nothing to do with what i told you to do. Please show proof most Black men cant stand Black women and then show me where I ever claimed I didnt like Black women. BTW enjoying white women giving me a BJ is not proof I dont love Black women.
BTW enjoying white women giving me a BJ
Asslips is a ladies man and i believe all of his stories about having sex with white women. Hes just got that "it" factor that the ladies are looking for.

No. Their traits are recessive so they cant be more attractive genetically. Pale eyes. White easy to burn skin. Flat booties. Thin razor like lips. Nothing attractive about that. This one he had the baby by is lucky the baby is half Black. That always makes everything better.

Dream on pal.
The only reason any black girls are attractive is because of some European features, same with black men.
True Africans are for the most part butt-ugly.
The only reason anyone is giving you a second look at all is due to the European blood in your line.
I wasnt dreaming. White women are the least attractive of all women. They do give up the booty much easier though which is a plus in their favor. Black women on the other hand are the best looking women on the planet in all of their forms. Even light skinned Black women look 20x better than white women because of their Africanized features. Everything looks better as long as there is some recent Black blood in them. I dont understand what you mean by european features? You wouldnt hae those features were it not for Black people in the first place so they are not european features they are either neanderthal features or African features.

Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black woman here....listen, lets not start this black women are ugly, white women rock and that's why nigga's don't want us......but here's two important points to make......1)...if our men, excluding the good one's were so damn good and worthy, our standing in this country would be at a much higher level of importance than it is now, so in essence, white women ain't getting no damned prize unless Mandigo got some serious coins and potential, which very few do...most end up with bottom no loss there...but the more important issue here, white men....why would these women in droves leave these financially potential money makers for a nigga on a bike with his pants hangin?
Dream on pal.
The only reason any black girls are attractive is because of some European features, same with black men.
True Africans are for the most part butt-ugly.
The only reason anyone is giving you a second look at all is due to the European blood in your line.
I wasnt dreaming. White women are the least attractive of all women. They do give up the booty much easier though which is a plus in their favor. Black women on the other hand are the best looking women on the planet in all of their forms. Even light skinned Black women look 20x better than white women because of their Africanized features. Everything looks better as long as there is some recent Black blood in them. I dont understand what you mean by european features? You wouldnt hae those features were it not for Black people in the first place so they are not european features they are either neanderthal features or African features.

Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black woman here....listen, lets not start this black women are ugly, white women rock and that's why nigga's don't want us......but here's two important points to make......1)...if our men, excluding the good one's were so damn good and worthy, our standing in this country would be at a much higher level of importance than it is now, so in essence, white women ain't getting no damned prize unless Mandigo got some serious coins and potential, which very few do...most end up with bottom no loss there...but the more important issue here, white men....why would these women in droves leave these financially potential money makers for a nigga on a bike with his pants hangin?
Our standing in this country will never change so dont let what white people dictate to you make you think it would be different. The white man has to keep Blacks in low standing because it causes them to have an inferiority complex when Black men overcome the odds against them and still achieve. Hell, look at how upset they are over Obama. You make a good point which is the real root of this issue. If white women are flocking to Black men without any standing what do you think that tells these white boys? To stem the tide they have to put out as many half truths, lies, and call the white girls names in order to make themselves feel better. Most Black men have their pick of whatever woman they want. By far they love Black women though. Just imagine the fear it generates in these white boys when a Black man has some coin and power? These white girls are already throwing themselves at Black guys now.
BTW enjoying white women giving me a BJ
Asslips is a ladies man and i believe all of his stories about having sex with white women. Hes just got that "it" factor that the ladies are looking for.

Lets take a guess of who found this thing attractive and it rhymes with Bite.....LOLOLOLView attachment 79526
Thats Beetlejuice from Howard Sterns "Wack Pack" and i dont recall any white woman ever claiming he was attractive.
I wasnt dreaming. White women are the least attractive of all women. They do give up the booty much easier though which is a plus in their favor. Black women on the other hand are the best looking women on the planet in all of their forms. Even light skinned Black women look 20x better than white women because of their Africanized features. Everything looks better as long as there is some recent Black blood in them. I dont understand what you mean by european features? You wouldnt hae those features were it not for Black people in the first place so they are not european features they are either neanderthal features or African features.

Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black woman here....listen, lets not start this black women are ugly, white women rock and that's why nigga's don't want us......but here's two important points to make......1)...if our men, excluding the good one's were so damn good and worthy, our standing in this country would be at a much higher level of importance than it is now, so in essence, white women ain't getting no damned prize unless Mandigo got some serious coins and potential, which very few do...most end up with bottom no loss there...but the more important issue here, white men....why would these women in droves leave these financially potential money makers for a nigga on a bike with his pants hangin?
Our standing in this country will never change so dont let what white people dictate to you make you think it would be different. The white man has to keep Blacks in low standing because it causes them to have an inferiority complex when Black men overcome the odds against them and still achieve. Hell, look at how upset they are over Obama. You make a good point which is the real root of this issue. If white women are flocking to Black men without any standing what do you think that tells these white boys? To stem the tide they have to put out as many half truths, lies, and call the white girls names in order to make themselves feel better. Most Black men have their pick of whatever woman they want. By far they love Black women though. Just imagine the fear it generates in these white boys when a Black man has some coin and power? These white girls are already throwing themselves at Black guys now.
I so agree with your comments...but what we must be careful about is elevating white skin as a prize, a privilege so to speak, when brothers take them on as mates. When we do this, we devalue ourselves and place a much higher value on a race, that is truly unworthy in this day and age. I have never in my life, been so proud to be a black person, than I am now. I have seen my first black president elected and never have been so proud to have lived to experience the brilliance of what black can do, but I have also gained without provocation a disdain and utter pity for whites....never in a million years did I suspect these people to be so damned clueless and stupid....these fucks are perhaps the dumbest creatures ever created by our Lord and Savior, these pink mf's, man, can't believe how fucked up these people are in the head, I almost pity the race....
BTW enjoying white women giving me a BJ
Asslips is a ladies man and i believe all of his stories about having sex with white women. Hes just got that "it" factor that the ladies are looking for.

Lets take a guess of who found this thing attractive and it rhymes with Bite.....LOLOLOLView attachment 79526
Thats Beetlejuice from Howard Sterns "Wack Pack" and i dont recall any white woman ever claiming he was attractive.
Uh, the nigga married one, end of story!! LOLOLOLO
They should leave Kyrie alone. He is young and hasn't learned yet that quantity is not the same as quality. Beckys throw themselves at Black men so he was just making it easy for all the Black guys on his boat to get laid. Also the dude was raised in Australia and the white women there are very into Black guys.

No, the black dudes know the white chicks are so much hotter than black chicks.
Can't blame them. :beer:
Nope. I'm a Black dude. Its well known white girls are the easiest lay on the planet. Kyrie wanted his boys to have a good time so he made sure there were plenty of white chicks.

Yep, white girls much more attractive, that's what these dudes want, pretty girls.
If you mean by pretty that they give excellent BJ's. Everyone knows white girls give the best BJ's. Its like its something genetic.

It's genetic that they're more attractive.
No, its 200 plus years of advertising Becky that made them more attractive.
:beer:No, the black dudes know the white chicks are so much hotter than black chicks.
Can't blame them. :beer:
Nope. I'm a Black dude. Its well known white girls are the easiest lay on the planet. Kyrie wanted his boys to have a good time so he made sure there were plenty of white chicks.

Yep, white girls much more attractive, that's what these dudes want, pretty girls.
If you mean by pretty that they give excellent BJ's. Everyone knows white girls give the best BJ's. Its like its something genetic.

It's genetic that they're more attractive.
No. Their traits are recessive so they cant be more attractive genetically. Pale eyes. White easy to burn skin. Flat booties. Thin razor like lips. Nothing attractive about that. This one he had the baby by is lucky the baby is half Black. That always makes everything better.
Track down any white woman pass 40....nobody and I mean nobody ages faster than Becky, nobody. Nobody thins quicker than Tom or ages clearly white skin comes with some issues. Thank God for Botox and Rogain and viagra, eh?
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black woman here....listen, lets not start this black women are ugly, white women rock and that's why nigga's don't want us......but here's two important points to make......1)...if our men, excluding the good one's were so damn good and worthy, our standing in this country would be at a much higher level of importance than it is now, so in essence, white women ain't getting no damned prize unless Mandigo got some serious coins and potential, which very few do...most end up with bottom no loss there...but the more important issue here, white men....why would these women in droves leave these financially potential money makers for a nigga on a bike with his pants hangin?
Our standing in this country will never change so dont let what white people dictate to you make you think it would be different. The white man has to keep Blacks in low standing because it causes them to have an inferiority complex when Black men overcome the odds against them and still achieve. Hell, look at how upset they are over Obama. You make a good point which is the real root of this issue. If white women are flocking to Black men without any standing what do you think that tells these white boys? To stem the tide they have to put out as many half truths, lies, and call the white girls names in order to make themselves feel better. Most Black men have their pick of whatever woman they want. By far they love Black women though. Just imagine the fear it generates in these white boys when a Black man has some coin and power? These white girls are already throwing themselves at Black guys now.
I so agree with your comments...but what we must be careful about is elevating white skin as a prize, a privilege so to speak, when brothers take them on as mates. When we do this, we devalue ourselves and place a much higher value on a race, that is truly unworthy in this day and age. I have never in my life, been so proud to be a black person, than I am now. I have seen my first black president elected and never have been so proud to have lived to experience the brilliance of what black can do, but I have also gained without provocation a disdain and utter pity for whites....never in a million years did I suspect these people to be so damned clueless and stupid....these fucks are perhaps the dumbest creatures ever created by our Lord and Savior, these pink mf's, man, can't believe how fucked up these people are in the head, I almost pity the race....
Here is the thing. The white elite has long known the value of giving concessions in order to maintain control. You have civil rights for example. You give the Blacks permission to spend their money at white establishments and you have a situation ripe for grabbing even more control. Both Black and poor whites like SJ and Goofyboy for example are thrust into competition for jobs and social standing. The wealthy whites can exploit that dynamic. Blacks start forgetting where they came from and what got them here. They feel like the finally arrived.They start saying stupid shit like color doesnt matter and the next thing you know all those commercials advertising white women as more desirable start taking effect. Poor whites get bitter and start voting with their emotions instead of their brains. Now Black people are starting to wake up seeing what the real deal is with whites. Now you got high profile athletes like Lebron and D-Wade that are unapologetically Black and have Black women as wives.
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Nope. I have a couple of hommies I know that played in the NBA and they are doing great long after they stopped playing. Mitch Richmond for example is doing good and worth more than just a couple of million. These white boys want you to look down on them because they dont want them to be an example for Black men other than playing ball. For every Latrell Sprewell you have about 6 Gary Paytons and Antonio Davises.

Way to put up a brave front. You know its true so thats why all you can do is post silliness. if African women were so unattractive why were white men raping them against their will during slavery? Why are 98% of Black hookers clientele white men? Give it a rest white boy. You know the deal and so does everyone else. :laugh:
and if black women were so much more attractive why would black guys not even touch them? how come it takes mostly black guys on crack to make it past the stink?
Hard for you to argue against the pure animalistic look and odor of the typical black woman when you yourself claim that you cant even stomach being around them.
Black woman here....listen, lets not start this black women are ugly, white women rock and that's why nigga's don't want us......but here's two important points to make......1)...if our men, excluding the good one's were so damn good and worthy, our standing in this country would be at a much higher level of importance than it is now, so in essence, white women ain't getting no damned prize unless Mandigo got some serious coins and potential, which very few do...most end up with bottom no loss there...but the more important issue here, white men....why would these women in droves leave these financially potential money makers for a nigga on a bike with his pants hangin?
Our standing in this country will never change so dont let what white people dictate to you make you think it would be different. The white man has to keep Blacks in low standing because it causes them to have an inferiority complex when Black men overcome the odds against them and still achieve. Hell, look at how upset they are over Obama. You make a good point which is the real root of this issue. If white women are flocking to Black men without any standing what do you think that tells these white boys? To stem the tide they have to put out as many half truths, lies, and call the white girls names in order to make themselves feel better. Most Black men have their pick of whatever woman they want. By far they love Black women though. Just imagine the fear it generates in these white boys when a Black man has some coin and power? These white girls are already throwing themselves at Black guys now.
I so agree with your comments...but what we must be careful about is elevating white skin as a prize, a privilege so to speak, when brothers take them on as mates. When we do this, we devalue ourselves and place a much higher value on a race, that is truly unworthy in this day and age. I have never in my life, been so proud to be a black person, than I am now. I have seen my first black president elected and never have been so proud to have lived to experience the brilliance of what black can do, but I have also gained without provocation a disdain and utter pity for whites....never in a million years did I suspect these people to be so damned clueless and stupid....these fucks are perhaps the dumbest creatures ever created by our Lord and Savior, these pink mf's, man, can't believe how fucked up these people are in the head, I almost pity the race....
Here is the thing. The white elite has long known the value of giving concessions in order to maintain control. You have civil rights for example. You give the Blacks permission to spend their money at white establishments and you have a situation ripe for grabbing even more control. Both Black and poor whites like SJ and Goofyboy for example are thrust into competition for jobs and social standing. The wealthy whites can exploit that dynamic. Blacks start forgetting where they came from and what got them here. They feel like the finally arrived.They start saying stupid shit like color doesnt matter and the next thing you know all those commercials advertising white women as more desirable start taking effect. Poor whites get bitter and start voting with their emotions instead of their brains. Now Black people are starting to wake up seeing what the real deal is with whites. Now you got high profile athletes like Lebron and D-Wade that are unapologetically Black and have Black women as wives.
Friend, the elite in our society don't see color, they see levels and your either on their level or you not....regardless of color. But here's the REALITY.....ww are perhaps some of the most insecure creatures ever created....and bm provide not only worship and protection, they also feed white ego's and ww love that shit. I have seen fine brothers with ww that could seriously be a circus attraction...two people in love feeding each's insecurities and needs.
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Nope. I have a couple of hommies I know that played in the NBA and they are doing great long after they stopped playing. Mitch Richmond for example is doing good and worth more than just a couple of million. These white boys want you to look down on them because they dont want them to be an example for Black men other than playing ball. For every Latrell Sprewell you have about 6 Gary Paytons and Antonio Davises.

Ace I love and respect you dearly,lil bro....., but when you quote numbers, it kinda is so not cool....we are 30 million strong in this country and you quote 2 or 5 nigga's who don't go there, ie ww????? The vast majority of these former NBA nigga's end up broke, owing everybody and few give back to communities, you know this.
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Nope. I have a couple of hommies I know that played in the NBA and they are doing great long after they stopped playing. Mitch Richmond for example is doing good and worth more than just a couple of million. These white boys want you to look down on them because they dont want them to be an example for Black men other than playing ball. For every Latrell Sprewell you have about 6 Gary Paytons and Antonio Davises.

Ace I love and respect you dearly,lil bro....., but when you quote numbers, it kinda is so not cool....we are 30 million strong in this country and you quote 2 or 5 nigga's who don't go there, ie ww????? The vast majority of these former NBA nigga's end up broke, owing everybody and few give back to communities, you know this.
I can only go off what I know from personal experience. I tend not to take what white people say as the gospel. They want us fighting among ourselves over silly shit like what Black guy is with what ww. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that the vast majority of Black men will run through a brick wall to be with a sister that has her act together. Same thing with the NBA players. I know quite a few. Some of them have have gone broke but broke is relative to what they were making. I dont know any personally that are on the street and everyone I know is involved with the Black community in some shape or form.
Maybe the OP is right. He got this chick pregnant and got a court ordered paternity test to make sure he had the right to be in the childs life.


All these NBA niggas, all of em, all have the same story and all end up hangin on some street corner with the hommies they dropped along the way, after their short careers end.
Nope. I have a couple of hommies I know that played in the NBA and they are doing great long after they stopped playing. Mitch Richmond for example is doing good and worth more than just a couple of million. These white boys want you to look down on them because they dont want them to be an example for Black men other than playing ball. For every Latrell Sprewell you have about 6 Gary Paytons and Antonio Davises.

Ace I love and respect you dearly,lil bro....., but when you quote numbers, it kinda is so not cool....we are 30 million strong in this country and you quote 2 or 5 nigga's who don't go there, ie ww????? The vast majority of these former NBA nigga's end up broke, owing everybody and few give back to communities, you know this.
I can only go off what I know from personal experience. I tend not to take what white people say as the gospel. They want us fighting among ourselves over silly shit like what Black guy is with what ww. Meanwhile they ignore the fact that the vast majority of Black men will run through a brick wall to be with a sister that has her act together. Same thing with the NBA players. I know quite a few. Some of them have have gone broke but broke is relative to what they were making. I dont know any personally that are on the street and everyone I know is involved with the Black community in some shape or form.
Lets just agree to disagree.....but never will we be at you, I adore our people and will fight tooth and nail to stay solid. Have a great work week!!

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